Chapter 12


The next afternoon, Namjoon's manager burst through the door of the café, startling the other customers. He spotted Namjoon who was sitting in his regular seat in the corner of the café. He rushed up to him, trying to make up his mind whether to thank his lucky stars that he had finally found him, or curse him out for pulling this stunt in the first place. He flopped down in the chair opposite him, just staring at him as if he was trying to work out if he was real or not.


“I’m sorry, hyung.” Namjoon said after a few tense moments of silence. The older man sighed. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. I didn’t realise just how hard it was on you. All I could think about was getting your name out there. I should have realised how much of an effect it was having on you. But I promise that I’ll take more consideration over your schedule. I’ll make sure that you have more time to rest. I won't pack so much into your schedule anymore.” He promised. Namjoon nodded and thanked him, he truly was happy with his hyung’s words, but part of his heart wished to remain behind with Sam, even though deep down, he knew that it wasn’t possible.


“Hyung, could you give me just a couple more days before we go back?” he asked. He knew it was brazen of him to request anything from the older man after disappearing for so long, but he needed a few more days to say goodbye to Sam and the others. His manager nodded. “I can get us tickets for Monday. That gives you three more days, sound good?” he asked. Three days felt so short, but he knew that asking for more would just be pushing his luck. He nodded, “Thanks hyung. And sorry again.” the older man waved it off. “Water under the bridge.” He said.


They stayed in the café for a while longer. He offered Namjoon a room at the hotel he was staying at, but Namjoon refused. He didn’t tell him about his relationship with Sam, he just said that he had some people he wanted to be with in this area and the hotel was too far away. Over two hours later, his manager finally left, reminding him that he would be there early Monday morning to take him to the airport, his parting look begging him not to disappear again.


He sighed loudly as his manager disappeared into the crowd of people outside. Sam appeared by his side a minute later. “So… three days, huh?” she said, her gaze fixed on the people outside. Namjoon raised an eyebrow at her. “You understood that?” he asked. She gave him a smirk, “You forget that Jimin speaks fluent Korean.” She said pointing at the orange haired boy behind the counter who gave them a wave and a sad smile. Namjoon chuckled before turning back to face Sam. “I have until Monday morning.” He confirmed as he slipped his hand into hers, not caring who saw them.


She pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Then I guess we better make the most of the next couple of days, huh?” she said with the brightest smile she could manage.


Over the next two days, Sam and Namjoon spent every moment together. She had closed the café so that she would be free to spend his final days with him. On the Sunday, his final day, she arranged a small farewell party. Taehyung, Amber, and Jimin were sad to see the older man go. They had only known each other for a short time, but he had already become a part of their small family. They ate and drank, all of them keeping an eye on Taehyung so that he wouldn’t get drunk again. They all gave him some small gifts to remember them by. He felt tears well up in his eyes, but he forced them down, swallowing the lump in his throat as he said his farewells to the three friends that he had made.


They didn’t stay too late, knowing that Sam and Namjoon wanted some time alone before he left in the morning. She followed him to his room as he packed up his belongings. She sat on the corner of his bed, her knees pulled up to her chest as she watched him fold his clothes and put them into his backpack. “I’m going to miss you.” She blurted out as she pulled her knees closer to her chest. She had managed to keep her feelings at bay since he had told her that he would need to go back, but watching him slowly strip the room of his belongings was just too much.


He crawled onto the bed beside her, pulling her onto his lap as he held her against him, whispering sweet words into her ear as she tried to hide the tears that slipped down her cheeks. “I’m going to miss you too.” He whispered back, his voice thick with tears. He pulled her up and led her to the roof where they shared so many memories. He played a song from his phone, which she knew was one of his songs. Even though she couldn’t understand his Korean lyrics, something about the song drew her in.


They stood face to face, her hands linked with his larger, tanned hands. “Sam. Until I met you I wasn’t sure if I would be able to find someone who would accept me for just being me, and not being the idol me. It may have been chance that I walked into your café that day, or it may have been fate, I’m not quite sure. Either way, all that matters is that I was able to meet you. You brought back my inspiration. You reminded me why I started down this path in the first place. I know it’s completely selfish of me to even think this let alone say it out loud, and I know it may be too soon, but I can’t deny it any longer.” He took a deep breath. “I love you.”


She let out a chuckle, her emotions flying high at his confession. “Chance or fate, who cares? All I care about is that fact that we were able to meet. I love you too, Kim Namjoon.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her clean off the ground as she pressed her lips against his. She chuckled into their kiss as he spun them around, his strong arms holding her up with barely any effort. He pulled out the matching key chains that he had bought them  from his pocket. “So you don’t forget me.” he said as he slipped one of the charms into her hand, gently closing her fingers around it, his large, tanned hands wrapped around hers. They spent the rest of the night wrapped in each other’s embrace, neither one of them wanting the morning to come.



When Namjoon's phone rang the next morning, the two of them were already awake. Neither of them had been able to sleep much, knowing what was going to happen. He quickly shut off the alarm, wrapping his arms tightly around her. Inhaling the scent of her perfume and shampoo, trying to burn the smell into his brain. Eventually he reluctantly got up and showered before packing away the last few items that he hadn’t packed the night before. She stood in front of him as he zipped up his backpack. His manager had text him to say that he would be arriving in fifteen minutes.


She fell into his arms, hugging him fiercely like her life depended on it. “I’m going to miss you.” She said, her voice muffled by his chest. He squeezed her tighter, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll miss you more.” He took a step back and slipped off one of his rings that he wore every day. He slipped it onto her thumb, a smile making its way onto her face at the ring that fit his finger perfectly but would only fit on her thumb. “So that you don’t forget me.” He said as he lifted her hand, pressing a kiss against her thumb and the warm metal.


His phone rang, his manager’s face flashing up on the screen. She gave him one last desperate look before he pulled her to him, their lips crashing together in one last, desperate kiss. His phone rang again and they separated, their foreheads still touching as he traced her cheek with his hands. “I love you.” He said, hoping that she understood how much she meant to him. She smiled back. “I love you too.” He kissed her one last time before grabbing his phone and backpack and disappearing. She heard the sound of the door opening, his manager’s voice, and then the door closing.


Tears welled up in her eyes, quickly spilling over and running down her cheeks. She looked around the room. It looked exactly the same as it had before he had moved in. The only difference being that the room now held more memories and the smell of Namjoon's cologne. She dropped to her knees as her tears flowed faster, she wrapped her arms around her torso as she cried against his pillow. Wondering how it was possible to love someone so much after such a short time.



Namjoon barely spoke a word as they went to the airport. He hadn’t told his manager about his relationship with Sam, so he wasn’t sure for the reason for Namjoon's melancholy. He decided not to pressure the younger man, in case he suddenly changed his mind and decided not to leave. Namjoon followed his manger’s lead as he guided him through the airport, mindlessly handing over his passport and ticket when asked for it.


As he sat in the plane getting ready for take-off, all he could think about was Sam and the life he was leaving behind.


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Chapter 13: My feels <3 another great story!
Chapter 6: I haven't finished reading yet but can I just say that all the Jason's I've known in my life had been jackasses so you gave the perfect name for her ex <3 lol and Namjoon is seriously perfect boyfriend material
Chapter 9: It's hard to find good Namjoon ff, but somehow I thought about you and checked this out! It's sooo good!!! ^^
Namjoon really fits this story well! I really liked how you showed that inspiration doesn't come just because we want to. But it hits us when we are patient with ourselves! :)
Chapter 13: ......I'm crying, again. Why do I cry at every end of the story lol help me.
This is so beautiful, and relatable (although am no idol nor someone famous).
And Namjun fits the story really well <3
Ugh I really want to see the boys date freely, but it's just a hopeful thought... who are we kidding, crazy fans everywhere XD
The most we can get is blurry photos and official statement.
Chapter 13: Yay I finished this and I love it!!!! You know what I find it is s amusing to read a namjoon fics which is rare to be found. Because to put my mind and soul in imagining namjoon character being like this and that is surrealll <3
whitetulip9765 #6
Chapter 13: Ahhh that's the cutest ending... :-)
Chapter 13: Awwwww these cuties :3 glad the place wasnt set on fire when the fans found out she was the girlfriend lol.
Chapter 13: Aww, this was the perfect ending for this story! I loved it so much! ^^
I was so happy when Jin also showed up and became a part of their little group. Of course, he bakes those yummy baked goods because what else would he do? :) It was really cute when Jimin talked about the café's popularity and we could finally learn that Namjoon and Sam are still together. This last conversation was also extremely cute, I love this couple so much! *-* Bonus point for the last sentence as it's connected to the title. ^^
Thank you for this lovely story! I had such a fun time reading it! I can't wait to read your other stories, too! <3
Chapter 13: Awwhhh~ its over :'). I've been so busy recently so I disappeared but ive been reading a long every update and it has been a journey <3 still, I love how steady your story line always flows, its so perfect.

I'm so glad they stayed together :D even though its long distance, they seem to be coping perfectly with it, ahhh your character is a perfect fit for him!! I can imagine Namjoon in this very situation. (Also, jin joined the crew!!! Yas!). I see the comments getting infired for an escape, you're starting a cafe revolution xD people gonna be lining up looking for namjoon xD she is a lucky girl~
Another amazing story finished :) I cant believe how neat you keep everything, so organised and clear. Can't wait for your next one!
Chapter 13: lmaoo. this is nice, knowing where u wanna go when u just want to escape from everything in ur life. another great story, pretty.

now, i'm gonna sit and be a potato, thinking where is the best place to escape if i am namjoon. maybe a cafe is a nice start