Chapter 19

A Match Made In Hell (Daejae/Chanbaek fanfic) [HIATUS: will be back]


Baekhyuns Pov: 

A soon as I spotted that boy who so beautiful he could not be from this world in front of me, but before I caught up with him someone bumped into me causing me to fall over crashing onto the cold wet pavement, caused by the neverending rain since this morning. I quickly get up, and the boy was gone.

"Aish cant you look where you are geez ah you- wait where did he go?" I say quietly 

'Great now I lost him where could he have gone'  I think to myself  as I start walking towards the road until I felt a hand on my shoulder I quickly spin around on my heel to the same boy staring right at me so ended up stumbing backwards and my foot sliped off the edge of the pavement but before I fell onto the road, into incoming traffic the next thing I know he is laying on back on the pavement and im on top of him, so I got off him, and dusted myself off and thanked him. 

 "Th - thank you, you saved my life," I say stuttering a little 

"No problem"

"As a Thank you, I like to get you a free coffee something," I say not fully thinking what I was actually 

I would like that a lot he smiled back at me, and I could feel my face heat up, so I quickly turned around he followed slowly behind me as we headed towards the 'Universe cafe' across the street. 

 20 minutes later in the cafe ...

Chanyeol and I have been talking for quite some time now he seems to travel around often by the sounds of it Australia all the way to Spain I  wish I could do things like this, but with a family like mine, it's not possible. My thoughts get interrupted as soon Chanyeol stretches his hand, so he can hold mine as soon he intertwined our fingers together I jump up out of my seat. 

"Whats wrong? did I do something wrong?" he says slightly getting out of his seat 

"What no its okay I just need to go ah see you around I guess bye,"I say quickly standing up  I then grab my bag that was hanging on the side of the chair and almost trip over the chair leg I rushed out of the cafe leaving Chanyeol shocked and alone.  

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NovieLao #1
Chapter 1: Love the beginning :)
Amoon_99 #2
Chapter 3: nice chapter cant wait for more ubdate