High & Low Finale


Shin & Kumi's daughter meets the leader of the Hoodlum Squad. New Dangers, fights & trouble found the S.W.O.R.D and their new trouble maker boy Kira; who is actually a girl (shinxkumi's daughter). What is Kira's secret? And how deeply will she fall to reach wonderland. High & Low world unites with Gokusen. (Genre: Fight, Romance, Friendship, Action)


Author's Note:

✘ Hi! Hi all! Here I'm again. Trying to write another fan-fiction. Only this time it's a crossover. It's my first crossover, so bare with me.

✘ Now, few things you have to know. You will notice the timeline doesn't match exactly. But It was my only way to add new characters and connect those two stories. I don't own any of the gang names, the existing characters, either in High & Low or Gokusen.

✘ My main characters will be two these time. Cobra, and ShinxKumi's daughter Kira. Of course i will include most of the OC characters. Mostly from High & Low. But Gokusen also.

✘ At the end of each chapter you will find notes, about any word i have marked with "*" (star).


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