Some things never change

High & Low Finale

It was an ordinary morning at the Oedo family house. Minoru and Tetsu (Oedo's family Tetsu) were trying to wake up Kumiko as every other morning. Some things never changed. Like Kumiko's waking habits.

"Ojou, It's Minoru ...just let me breathe." poor Minoru complained as Yankumi had him under her grip tightly as she was being awoken by Minoru.

Shin was brushing his teeth, leaning against their bedroom door. He felt just lucky that he never had to wake her up. "Try to help them Tetsu." he mocked them.

"Why don't you come and help us. Shin, I never understood why would we have to wake up Ojou, after all those years?" Tetsu protested.

They were only interrupted when Kumiko's mobile rang. Vice Principal Sawatari needed to speak with her. Seemed there was another problem with her new 3D class.

" Kyoto (Vice Principal)... eh? Ohayo (Good morning)!" Yamaguchi answered as she managed to wake up.

Minoru sat down catching his breath "Thankfully, I thought I would die."

Sawatari with an angry voice asked her "Yamaguchi-sensai what's going on?"

She tilted her head confused "What do you mean?"

Sawatari sighed, all those years knowing Yamaguchi, only troubles would find him. "Why is Nagata* back at school? Didn't i tell you not to intervene?"

" Kyoto (Vice Principal) Sawatari, but Nagata is my student," Kumiko answered trying to avoid Sawatari. Shin was laughing since he knew what had happened. Nagata, a 3D student, was given the right to graduate (without attending classes). And Yankumi always managed to bring him back in class.

"Yamaguchi-sensai. We agreed with the Principal since his son was really bad news. He would never show in class. I thought i made it clear for you?" Sawatari went on yelling at her.

"I didn't agree with Kyoto (Vice Principal)! Nagata-Kun, isn't bad news. He is maybe a bit lost. But that's not a reason to keep him to graduate with everyone else." Kumiko explained proudly.

"Yamaguchi-sensai. Nagata isn't like Odagiri. He is not just bad news. He set the school on fire, he punched a teacher,... even his classmates don't like him." he shouted at her.

But she wouldn't listen. If it came to her precious students, Yankumi would always stand by their side. "Of course Nagata has nothing to do with Odagiri. Everyone has their own personality Kyoto-sensai. I know that. And Nagata-kun was lost. And are we really sure he even did it?"

"Yamaguchi-sensai you let him fool you. You let the whole 3D class full you." Sawatari went on saying.

"You are wrong Kyoto-sensai i will be there soon. And we will talk about that." Kumiko said and ended the call.

Shin (who had already washed up) walked out of the bathroom, and pause at the bedroom dresser looking what to wear. Tetsu and Minoru were already downstairs having breakfast. "He found out about Nagata?" Shin asked her.

"Yes. Maybe the Principal told him. He didn't want really his son back at school." Yankumi answered him as she was also getting ready.

"I'm sure he wouldn't. So, you are sure about Nagata?" Shin asked her. He had heard a few things about Nagata, surely he was involved in serious stuff.

"I mean I don't know if he did all he is accused. But how can I abandon my student." she yelled loudly.

"Not what I mean Kumiko. Nagata will be hard to handle. So, be careful." Shin suggested. All these years, Shin was always supporting Kumiko (like everyone in the family). He never got angry, when Kumiko spend hours helping her students. He loved that part of Yankumi. Whenever needed, he would help her. But it was not the same with Yusuke and Kira. Yankumi didn't really spend a lot of time with them. Honestly, she spent more time with her students than with her kids.

When they were young Kira and Yusuke, would be disappointed when their mother couldn't show up (if needed). Yusuke managed to overcome that filling since Yankumi was his home-teacher in high school. It made the band more. And those years were had also an effect on Yusuke. He admired his mother and wanted to follow her steps. And he did. He became a teacher like Yankumi.

On the other hand, Kira never managed to pass that quality time with her mom. Yes, Kira, loved her mother. And there was nothing more important for Kumiko than her kids. But she always thought Shin took good care of them. And like every human, Kumiko did a mistake.

"Is Kira alright? I hardly see her these days?" Kumiko asked Shin before leaving. They have met a few times. But she hardly ever noticed Kira being at home.

Shin walked over and hugged her "Kira keeps herself busy these days. Don't worry, I always keep an eye on her. Although I am not sure if she is alright?" he honestly answered.

"I don't know Shin, I think I have made many mistakes. But she was always there smiling. Thinking it was alright. I may have missed few things." she said resting against him.

"We both did. I don't want to worry you. I think we don't know exactly our daughter. Maybe even she doesn't know herself. But I think she is trying to find her way. Even with her spoiled attitude." he smiled.

"You find we did spoil her a lot? I think so too. Maybe we were too protective."

"Yes, you all were. I wasn't." Shin acted cool.

"Sawada-kun are you messing with me. You were the most protective one." Yankumi told him surely.

"When she was like 5, maybe. But I never overdid it, like you guys." he reminded her.

"Please Shin, you are keeping an eye still on her."

Shin broke the hug and ruffled his hair "I am doing that for another reason."

"Are you guys spying on me?" Kira suddenly opened the door. "Dad what you mean you keep an eye on me?"

Shin sighed and looked at Kumiko ready to attack for her comments that got him into trouble. "I am not spying on you. But It happens that I found out few things."

"I thought you would stop doing that. I am an adult. I don't want to have you or anyone else spy on me!" she said with a loud voice.

"Alright, don't get upset," Kumiko added as she tried to poke her cheeks.

But Kira pushed her back. She already was annoyed with what had happened with Cobra last night. "It's not alright. You cannot keep spying on me like that." she said again "It's really annoying."

Shin gazed her serious "Kira, could I just let you walk in and out of the Sannoh district without keeping an eye."

"Exactly, what i mean dad. You spying on me!" she yelled, turned around and closed the door behind her strongly.

"See you are still protective over her." Kumiko mocked him. But Shin was not really keeping an eye on Kira just because he was overprotective. He had spotted something new was raising underground. And that it was aiming against them and the SWORD. So Shin had more than one reason to keep an eye on his daughter.

"Kira, we aren't open yet!" Kumai notified her as she dashed into his ramen shop and sat down holding a coffee cup.

"I am Not her to eat. I just needed to sit and drink my coffee in peace," she explained and sipped her warm coffee.

Kumai smiled at her and sat next to her. He could tell that Kira wasn't alright. "Did anything happened?" he asked. If it comes to Shin's daughter it was always a priority.

"A lot. It's like everyone tries to ruin my fun days. Why can they not play along." she mumbled not making much sense.

"Kira! You know the world cannot spin around you. Who ruined your days?" Kumai wanted to know.

"Dad keeps still following me. I thought he had stopped those crazy things. My neverland is messed up. It seemed so promising. And ... umm" she paused there. She would tell him what happened with Cobra. But could she be sure Kuma wouldn't tell Shin?

Kuma smiled "If Shin is keeping an eye on you, there must be a reason. You know that." and tapped her shoulder. "Now about that neverland... where is that" he was confused.

"You cannot help with the neverland. As for Dad, whatever the reason he could just ask me."

"Sure, Shin could ask you. And you would answer him. Of course, you wouldn't. Now, Kira, you are acting too spoiled. You were like that. But lately, you broke your own limits." Kumai told her worried.

"In a way, I may be spoiled. But i am not that spoiled. Why are you all always keep saying that? "

"I know you since you were born. You may have so many other positive things. But you are the most spoiled person I had ever met. I remember one time you wanted, a design pad. You asked Yankumi to pay for it. Yankumi made it clear since you had to use your own money (from your part-time job) to buy makeup. You should wait for her to get her next payment. But you wouldn't take no for an answer. You went on asking most everyone to buy it for you. And I am sure someone bought it for you. It was like that always. You see now my point of view." Kuma recalled.

Kira spaced out thinking about that, indeed she had spent all her money back then on boy clothes. Since he was running around as a boy as she did earlier. She also could remember how strongly she asked everyone to have that design pad. She did with anything she needed. "You are telling me now. That since I am spoiled, dad should keep an eye on me."

"No, Kira. You asked why you were called spoiled." Kumai clarified "Now you shouldn't take it too hard that Shin is protective. He must have his reasons."

But Kira was not really convinced. She drunk her coffee.

She was ready to leave. She stood up and walked close to the exit. Kira waved goodbye at Kumai and threw the cup outside, remembering that there was a trash bin next to the exit. But Kuma had it removed.

The cup was thrown to high and ended up to hit against a man. He straightened, and pulled off his hat, revealing black fair hair. He wiped the back of his hand across his wet forehead where the cup hit him. With a shock, Kira saw that he was very young… The beardless cheeks and chin scarcely needed a razor. His skin was white, mottled and peeling from exposure to the sun so that he could not have seen service long under the skies. The eyes that stared back at her were a clear bright brown. He looked as though he might be about to yell.

"Tak!" he only said as he picked up the cup and threw it back at Kira.

"Hey, wait" Kira called him as she ran after him. "I didn't throw it on purpose. Why did you throw it back?"

The young man, that was dressed in a school uniform ignored her. He by-passed her ready to take off.

"I'm talking to you," Kira yelled at him and cut his path. She was already angry since yesterday. "Don't just run around throwing things to people!"

The boy gazed at her madly and grabbed her from the shoulder shifting her up. And Kira didn't wait she kicked him once and twice against his guts. He had to free her to catch his breath. But their fight didn't manage to start as they were cut off.

"Nagata! Stop what are you doing! Sorry Sorry!" Yankumi appeared from nowhere as always.

"Mom, it's okay. It's me. Is he your student?" Kira asked with a joking tone.

"Yes. This is Nagata." Kumiko ruffled his hair as he was standing up "Nagata this is my daughter Kira."

Nagata nodded and stepped back, he had enough those days. Yankumi was everywhere. What an odd teacher she was. He, as well as Kira, wanted to go on with the fight. But they both knew with Yankumi there, it wouldn't be possible. She would end up either too happy and cheer their fight. Or stop them. Either way, it wasn't helpful. "I wouldn't guess that!" he said.

"You think I am too young and pretty to have a daughter so old." Yankumi went on with her happy mood.

"What you mean that old, I am 23?" Kira backed herself up. She hated when Yankumi acted like that. Didn't she know that she wasn't that pretty and young?

"Young? Pretty? Maybe Kira, yes I can see young and pretty. You on the other hand." he laughed and runoff.

Yankumi went after him, after all, she was following him to make sure he would get to school. And Kira went to work. Being annoyed and really angry. Not a good way to start your day.

(( upcoming chapter ~ Act 15 ~ ))


Nagata is not an OC (original character), he is one of currently 3D Class main students. More details in the following chapters.

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