The leader of Sannoh Rengokai married?!

High & Low Finale

Three long hours had passed. Cobra's surgery was a success. Kira and Naomi. Yusuke and Shin. Yamato and Noboru. All were waiting inside Cobra's room. Kira was sitting on the right. Edged close to the bed. Her hand holding Cobra's hand. Her eyes were red filled with tears. She was still shivering and terrified. The rest didn't look any better.

Yusuke sat at the corner of the room. He wasn't just terrified. He was totally devastated. He didn't dare to look anyone in the eyes. He felt ashamed. 'How could he take a human life?'

A few hours passed...

Kira was still in the same position. Next to Cobra. And it was like everyone agree with it. Like it was the place she should be. All of a sudden, she felt a light yank against her hand. She lifted her head and gazed at Cobra. He was breathing a bit faster now. His pulse rose higher. His eyelashes moved. He slowly opened his eyes. Kira leaned closer, to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

"Did I scared you punk?" Cobra murmured in a weak tone. His body was filled with cuts, bruises and any sort of wounds. It felt heavy to move. And he was in such pain.

Kira nodded and started crying louder, catching everyone's attention into the room. The guys rushed over. Seeing Cobra talking and alive, made them able to breathe again. Honestly, everyone was so scared. The wound was deep.

"Never do that again!" said Yamato as he was trying to hide his tears.

Shin walked over and gave him a light tap at his shoulder. "Thank you for staying alive," he said. He most of all people had more reasons to wish Cobra not to die.

"I'm not planning to die soon!" he teased them trying to lift the heavy auras. He gave a soft sign at Shin. Cobra could tell how to worry, Shin should be. "Yamato, help me sit!

He held him up. Noboru lifted the upper part of the bed. Finally, Cobra sat up. His grip remained tight around Kira. He had so much to tell her. But there was one thing that came first. He looked at the room until he spotted Yusuke.

"Oi, Yusuke!?" Cobra called him. His voice was deep and his gaze deadly, ignoring his pain. Yusuke cleaned his tears and stood up. He stepped closer. His eyes dropped. He couldn't face Cobra. "Oi, Yusuke! What were you thinking!" Cobra voiced up.

"Nah, Cobra. He went through a lot. Don't be harsh.." Yamato tried to interfere.

Though, Naomi pulled him back. "Baka! He is trying to settle things," she whispered.

Yamato confused "By berating him?"

Naomi sighed "Sometimes you don't get Cobra at all. Wait and see."

Kira was still holding on Cobra's hand. She was still slowly getting back to reality. Seeing Cobra like that was one major blow for her. And Yusuke didn't make it any easier. She was worried about him too. She looked at her brother and her eyes floated with more tears.

Yusuke went on gazing at the ground. He didn't dare to look or answer to Cobra.

"Oi, Yusuke! Answer me!" Cobra demanded again. Felling his side hurt, as he forced his voice out.

Yusuke finally gazed at him. Though he was out of words. He couldn't think in any possible way to answer.

Cobra released Kira's hand. Next, he grabbed Yusuke tightly from his shirt. He didn't care if he was in pain. He didn't even care if his stitches would break. That was more important. "Listen, as long Yuki is alive. Never do anything that cowardly, ever again."

Yusuke glanced only once at Cobra, with broken words he admitted that he was right. "How could I injure you.."

But Cobra cut him off. "Oi! That's not what I meant. You didn't injure me. I crushed into you. It was an accident. Though never try to take someone live. You know more than anyone, how it feels to lose someone." Cobra scold him.

It took Cobra three stitches and a lot of pain to make Yusuke understand. That, running to a battle to save someone is needed. To guard your closed ones is a must. Not letting off the one who caused you pain, is also ok. But to take revenge when the other is already down. Its the weakest thing. But in the end Yusuke understood.

Yamato cracked at smile at Naomi. He could forget sometimes, that Cobra cared too much. And he made the others to misunderstand him. Yamato was one of them. He fought with Cobra, until he would get that Cobra was the one that cared mostly. Today was not any different.

Shin was more than grateful. He never read Cobra wrongly. He was a great leader, a strong one. He would give his thanks. But another day. For now, he would let him rest.

Soon, the loud voices calmed down. The doctors demanded everyone to leave. Cobra only requested that Kira should stay. Kira, waited outsides until the doctors would stitch him up once again.

Outside, everyone had left. Since Cobra was alright. They had also their wounds to take care of. And there were more things to deal with. Kira waited outside Cobra's room. She was leaning against the wall waiting. She spotted Rika and Ryusuke for afar. For all the people now, those were the last ones she wanted to meet.

"Kira how is Cobra?" Ryusuke asked her "And how are you?" He was worried about Kira. He didn't really care about Cobra that much.

"He'll be alright. Thankfully. I'm doing okay!" she said with a serious voice. There was no smile or hope in her voice.

"Yusuke is lucky. What would he do if Cobra ended up dead." Rika judged (like always).

Kira nodded "I know. But everything is alright now." She really didn't have any stamina to start any fight.

"What you mean alright. Will Cobra not sue him?" Rika asked. She was really annoyed. She liked see people in troubles. Specially if it was Kira.

"Why would he even do that. Yusuke didn't do that on purpose." Ryusuke said.

Kira nodded again "Exactly."

"Since he is alright, let's go!" Ryusuke suggested "I'll bring you home."

"It's okay. I'll stay!" Kira answered. Though her answered pissed both of them.

Ryusuke looked at her mad "Have you seen yourself. You need to clean up, bandage your wounds."

"Omg! And were are your shoes?!" Rika only made it worse.

"Guys, guys. I'm not going anywhere. I promised Cobra, that I'll stay. I'll take care of the rest later." she explained. The moment she had noticed Cobra bleeding and losing his senses. Her heart broke and she found herself falling into nothingness. She could never handle to lose someone close to her. At least not in such a way. Specially not Cobra.

They both agreed. Although they didn't like the answer they got.

"Though did really Cobra asked you to stay?" Rika asked before living. Kira nodded.

"How selfish can he be." Ryusuke mumbled. Then he and Rika left.

A few minutes later, the doctors left. Kira went into the room and sat next to Cobra. He had his eyes closed but wasn't sleeping. It looked like he was in pain, as the pain killers hadn't kicked in yet. Kira couldn't stop looking at him. She was not sure what had changed. Once she found him really annoying. Once he was the one that was messing all her fun. But rethinking all over again. It wasn't like that. She only didn't pay any attention. Whatever he did, he was protecting her in his own way.

Kira cracked a fainted smile. Back then he was so full of herself. Indeed she was a troubled punk. Now, she could see his ways. She could understand him more than anyone. But that was the only thing she could do. Because he had noticed that Cobra was right. She brought him problems. All those months that they knew each other. It wasn't Cobra that was ruin her fun. It was her ruin his peace. 'How I could be like that!'

Cobra lightly held again her hand. He didn't open his eyes. He didn't want to tell her anything. He just wanted her to be able to breathe. Indeed he had so many things to teach that punk. But first he wanted to make sure, she would be strong enough, to go through all the pain. Our painful moments never leave us. Cobra knows that. But if we have family, friends and love ones close enough. It can heal the pain a bit, and make the next day brighter.

Three hours later...

It was almost midnight. Kira felt asleep next to Cobra. She was so tired. Cobra didn't manage to sleep yet. There was something still bothering him. But he wasn't sure how to face it.

The room's door open softly. Kuroda-san, showed up. The sound of the opening door, made Cobra to open his eyes. As he noticed Kuroda-san, he tried to sit up. Hoodlum Squad's Leader needed to face him formally.

Kuroda-san signed him, to remain down. He walked and sat next to Cobra, across from Kira. He gazed at Cobra, in the same way, he was once looking at Shin. The old man was always right about people. He was right about Shin, now he was right about Cobra.

"How are you holding, Cobra!" Kuroda-san asked him. He was worried about him.

Cobra, felt a bit uneasy. He kept his grand-daughter there. He almost forgot that "his punk" was Kuroda-san's grand-daughter. "Alive." he answered "I kept Kira here."

But Kuroda-san cut him off. He didn't worry if Kira stayed with Cobra. He knew Cobra, and Kira. He didn't worry about that. "I'm not here about that. I wanted to check if you are doing better. And to thank you!"

Cobra was puzzled "Shin, thanked me earlier too. And now you. I didn't do anything."

Kuroda-san smiled. "You did more than enough. Today you saved Yusuke. And I'm sure you are behind Kira's "healing" too." he expressed. The old man was always talking to his people. He would advise them if needed. He would thank hem, if needed. And today, Cobra had earned his respect.

"It was the other way around Kuroda-san. Today's battle if you didn't show up. It would end badly." Cobra clarified.

Oedo's leader nodded "It could. But if you didn't step into Yusuke today. And if you didn't talk through him. I would have lost two grandkids."

Cobra didn't say anything more. He knew exactly what Kuroda-san meant.

The old man smiled "In one or another way, you have a connection with my grand-kids. Fate surely can play odd games."

"Indeed it can. Though, not sure with Kira it was fate. She recklessly pushed her way in. That punk.." Cobra pause. He had just caught himself call Kira "punk" in frond the 3th Oedo Leader.

But Kuroda-san laughed "Kira is our reckless punk then."

Cobra nodded, trying to hide his facial expressions. Deeply down he still was sure, he would end up dead, and it would be Kira's fault. But wait he almost did end up dead. He looked at Kira, and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"That punk is one of the most fearless, I have ever seen. I wasn't sure if there was anything in the world that could ever scare her." Cobra said honestly.

Kuroda-san smiled "Though know you think, there is.."

"I don't think. I am sure there is. And I would give anything to take it back." Cobra revealed without ever noticing.

Kuroda-san stood up and walked closer "I think you care a lot about our Kira. But you have to face your feelings too. I have seen it before. With Shin and Kumiko. Don't make the same mistakes."

The old man left, leaving Cobra with many questions. The problem was, Cobra was never afraid to give the answers. But he was terrified to ask the questions. He had never in his life thought about girls, like most of his friends did. No he didn't like men. He was sure he was into women. But it wasn't really his priority. He could date if he wanted. He had the looks and personality. There were always girls after him. The problem was, Cobra had never really dated.

He fell asleep, with the question 'Why would he even think about dates.'

The next morning...

The next morning Kira woke up first. Cobra had finally fallen asleep, after a long night of questions and pain. After making sure he was alright. She stepped out of the room. She closed the door. She was sure about one thing. She would never meet Cobra again. She had caused him a lot of pain. He almost ended up dead.

Days passed like that until Cobra was finally able to leave the hospital. His health was better than ever. The only thing bothering him was why "his punk" stopped visiting him. But he would never go look after her. He thought. His reckless punk would show up. 'After all, how can she live without her neverland.'

But Kira lost that never wanted to walk into a neverland ever again. She just wanted to be as far as possible. She talked with Ryusuke and they agreed. She asked to be transferred abroad. And if she couldn't you would just look for another job, in New York. She only had to talk about it with her family.

A Month passed...

Everything came back to normal. SWORD districts were facing the same problems as always. Evil could never disappear completely. But Now SWORD stood stronger. They had the support of the Oedo family. The Amamiya Brothers, Kohaku, and Tsukumo supported them too. Noboru had also graduated from law school. He was now a lawyer. That was extra help for SWORD. Since he would always help them in any legal case. And he always ended with a lot of work. He was standing on his feet. Dating Miho officially. That made Cobra and Yamato happy again. They were so worried about him.

The only new face was Rika. She was visiting Cobra each and every day. She was clear about her feelings. That she liked him. Of course, she was always bad-mouthing Kira. But Cobra never believed her. The only thing he believed, was the rumors that Kira was dating Ryusuke.

That made Cobra angry. No one really knew why the Sannoh Rengokai boss, was so angry these days.

On the other side of the town, at the Oedo family things went slowly back to normal. They kept their wounds and were living again. The only one that didn't make any sense anymore was Kira. She was always serious. She didn't cause any trouble. She wasn't acting sweet. And she didn't need the attention all the time.

The fact that worried everyone.

Kira had announced that in the end of the month she would fly back to New York, with Hayato, and Natsumi and the kids. Everyone would miss her. But if it could help her. They didn't mind. The only ones that didn't agree were Kumiko, Shin, and Kuroda-san. They knew she was leaving something very important behind.

It has been so long that she had walked around these parts. Kira went to visit Naomi one last time. She called Naomi and begged her to come see her. But Naomi refused. She wanted to make Kira come and visit her. 'Naomi caught her wish!' she thought as she was passing the main street. The memories made her only sad. She was trying to forget everything.

But all this time, Kira had not forgotten. Where ever she was there something remind her of Cobra. In her room, there was his white shirt. (She never returned it to him). At Shin's room, there were so many things left from the night of their "wedding". Cobra was everywhere.

She had reached Naomi's place and she had not noticed. Kira opened the door and walked inside. She hoped that she would find Naomi alone. But she wasn't that lucky. Everyone was there. Not only from Sannoh district. But all SWORD, as well as the Amamiya Brothers.

When she stepped into the room she caught everyone's attention. She was dressed perfectly as always. Her figure was extra shown since her dress was carefully worn. Her her hair was straight, longer than it used to be. She was wearing light make up, and high heels.

Most waved at her. Some set hello. But no one really overreacted. She didn't really want the attention. But she hoped they cared more about her. But they had the reasons. She took a seat at the bar. She was thereafter all to say farewell to Naomi.

"Are you sure, you want to leave?" Naomi asked. She didn't want to say hello to that bratty friend. She honestly wanted to kick her. Naomi never wanted to kick someone, so hard.

Kira nodded "I have made up my mind nothing will change that."

"So Kira comes into our lives. Brings everything upside down and then leaves." Yamato said as he also took a seat next to her.

"Indeed I made your lives like that. I never should enter The Sannoh district," she said with a low tone. Her words were honest and painful.

"Is that Ryusuke guy really so worthy. Are you following him there?" Rocky asked her.

Kira blinked confused. "Eh? I'm not following Ryu-kun!"

"I head you two are dating!" Chiharu said suddenly.

Kira felt a brick hitting her head. Her old self almost awoke. "I'm not dating Ryu-kun. Who said that?"

Murayama walked up and hugged her. He pointed at the table at the end of the diner. Cobra was sitting there with Rika. "Rika said you were dating! I'm sure you could double dated. Since Cobra and she are dating now!"

Kira felt her heart lose a beat. A tear fall on her cheek. She would never believe a lie like that. She knew Cobra would never date a girl like Rika. But why did it bothered her so much? "Did she say I am dating Ryu-kun!" Kira suddenly fired up. She tried to ignore the part that Murayama underlined, that Cobra dated Rika.

After Yusuke's wife's death. She never acted like her old self. But now there she was once again. She was annoyed. And she had rushed through everyone until she reached the table, where those two were sitting. The guys sat and watched. Like they were waiting for a show.

"Give me that pop-corn I brought earlier!" Murayama said to Oshiage, who was standing behind the counter.

Kira stood and glared at Rika. She crushed her fist against the table. She avoided eye contacted with Cobra. She wasn't sure if she could face him, without fainting. "Rika, I had enough with your lies. Since when I'm dating Ryu-kun!?" she yelled at her.

Rika surprised looked at her "Oh! You are here. I thought you were gone!"

"Well, I am not! You better stop bad mouthing me!" she uttered at her.

Cobra remained sitting. He was more than happy to see Kira again. But he didn't only saw that. There was a small sparkle of her old-self. Although, he was super happy. He decided to mess with her. "You are interrupting us!"Cobra suddenly voiced up.

"Did I?!" Kira half yelled and gazed at him. But the view made her lost her balance. She had missed him. His deadly look. His scary face. His reactions. The way he treated her. 'Wait, did I lost it.' she thought. But she could not take her eyes off him.

"Oi, Punk! Why are you still here? I told you, you are bothering us!" Cobra repeated. (Gosh! He could smile at that moment when he saw the look on her face. But he tried his best not too.)

For a moment Kira became that reckless punk again. Did she miss that? "Really, am I?" she said with a mocked tone. Then she sat next to Cobra "Then I'll remain here."

Cobra rolled his eyes. That punk was hiding for a month. And now there she was acting all up. But deep down he was more than happy to see her, being her old odd self again. He never thought he would say that. But he missed her. He missed the fearless punk from his life. He grabbed her from her arm and lifted her up. "Punk, If you keep on like that. I don't know what I will do next!" he yelled. Though a smile had already cracked on his lips.

Kira fired more up. She was totally annoyed. But mostly she was jealous. 'But wait why was she jealous.' A thought by-passed her mind. "You think I am scared of you. Come out if you dear, I'll fight you out there."

Cobra laughed, he could really no more keep the act. "I think, I may show you here," he said. Then he leaned closer to Kira, tilted his head just a bit and kissed her. It was a deep, but soft kiss.

Kira blinked confused. But she closed her eyes and responded. The rest were smiling and clapping. The only one who would bring ask dangerous questions would be Chiharu. He like Minoru could spoil the fun. "Will she now say yes?" he asked.

Cobra softly stopped the kiss. His grip remained around Kira. His eyes gazing at her "Welcome back punk!" he said softly.

Kira felt small firecrackers explode. Her stomach was filled with butterflies. And she was gazing at Cobra and smiling. She couldn't stop smiling.

"Punk, what's so funny!" Cobra asked. Though he kept holding her. Honestly, If he wasn't holding her, she would have felt moments ago.

But Kira couldn't really reply, she was only smiling like a little kid.

Naomi asked, "Then when are you leaving!"

"I'm not leaving. I'll stay," she said suddenly. Naomi was really surprised she admitted it. But what Naomi didn't know was: That the previous months Shin, Kumiko, and Kuroda-san were talking with Kira. They wanted her to understand. That bad things happen to live. They wanted her just to be herself. And try to be happy.

"And?" Cobra asked as he was expecting more of his reckless punk.

"I'll be around forever. I'll make you lose your peace. I'll break your boring days." she said with her old annoying voice.

Cobra laughed softly and hugged her tightly. "And I punk, will make you pay."

"How will you manage that. And I'm too reckless for you to handle." she mocked him.

"That you are punk. But I have you now." Cobra said. Then he reached his pocket and pulled a folder and gave it to her. "With this, I pay you back today for the madness you caused me."

Kira took the folder and opened it. Inside was a white paper. She looked into it. Her smile dropped. She read over and over again "How is this possible?"

Cobra cracked a wicked smile. "You have signed that contract, with your signature and your stamp. I wasn't drunk. I could register it."

Kira rubbed her eyes, she looked at the document. It was saying "Marriage Contract" It was signed by both. It also had two witness signature, Kuroda-san, and Sawada. But Kira couldn't believe it. How could her father and grand-father agree?

A few weeks ago...

Cobra and Kuroda-san were meeting each other. They had long talks. Kuroda-san had spotted that Cobra was in love with Kira. But Cobra wouldn't admit it. After a long talk, and some Inoki drunk love. Cobra finally admitted that he was in love with Kira.

At the same time, Natsumi had found the wedding contract. She gave it to Shin. Shin, Kuroda-san, and Cobra had a long talk about it. Cobra ended up telling them everything that had to happen between Kira and him. They concluded that both were in love. Cobra wasn't sure back then. But after what he went through. Having that punk secretly married, was worthy. He agreed, to have the wedding registered.

The problem was, that Cobra day by day found out how much in love he was with Kira. That he ended being married to her. He started liking it. There was no other woman for Cobra after all. Who would dare to stand across him, yell at him recklessly? Who would share his Inoki love with him, in the worse way possible? Who could make his days more colorful? Who would make him act like a normal human? There was no one else. Only Kira.

But Kira was about to travel back to New York. It was then when Naomi agreed to help. Of course, everyone was invited. And today's meeting was mostly a wedding party. But the guest didn't know.


Suddenly more the Oedo family showed up. Minoru, Tetsu and the rest brought food and drinks. Slowly the Itokan Diner filled up. The goodbye party turned to a wedding party. But the guests still didn't know what was going on.

Until Yamato walked up and grabbed the contract. He was curious what was it about "Wedding Cont..." he read and paused "Wait! Cobra are you married now!"

Cobra nodded and hugged his punk. He turned and said loudly "We are married now, are we?" he waited for confirmation from his "wife"

Kira nodded. "Your leader thinks he won. But people note this: Today is the day, your leader lost his power. Sannoh Rengokai's Leader married." Kira laughed loudly as ever. The wedding contract indeed was something she did not wait to face. Cobra was always serious. He would never register the wedding contract only if he was drunk. But for whatever reason, she did not mind to be married to Cobra. Especially now, that he was defeated by his own game.

The rest agreed. It sounded funny. Cobra didn't really think about that. "Hey wait, punk! How did things turn around like that."

"Cobra-san married! No, No way!" Dan laughed.

Chiharu agreed "At least we will not taking him in Group dates anymore."

Rocky tap Cobra's back "Well done, Leader! How long did you think of that plan to revenge your punk" he mocked him.

Everyone went down like that. Though Cobra didn't really care. "Oi! Whatever guys I got my punk here. You should be worried." he said and hugged her.

(( upcoming chapter ~ Act 24~ ))


Guys, it was a long ride (that I enjoyed). But, it's time to conclude this story. Though, it's not the end. Whenever I have time, I'll try to add new chapters. Include some side stories, or just to monitor how our character is doing after years. (Now don't ask me when, it may take a while, maybe I'll never manage it.) But I am sure I will do a new FanFiction, that will be the continue of High & Low Finale. Like "High & Low Finale" was the continuation of "Gokusen Finale".

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