
Around the Campfire

I hear Gabe's sasquatch footstep get louder as he girl jog's toward me. I also hea a whiny cry that I am assuming it's coming from Seung Hyun.

"Gabe I'm sorry! It was accident!"

Gabe touched the top of my head with his hand to look at the bleeding wound caused by the bat. He waves his hand in front of me.

"Ji Yong are you okay?"

Normally I would have flat out punched Gabe in the lip for even setting his grubby fingers on me, but my strength is at a bare low. My head is too much in pain for me to even consider lifting my arm let alone take a swing. I open my eyes to see him about a centimeter away from my face. I can smell his bacon breath.

"I-I think I'm okay. Thank you sir."

Gabe's eyes widened.

"Good Lord he called me sir. He's delirious."

I feel myself being lifted up off the ground. It was Kane from Team Teal. He instructed Gabe to put pressure on my head wound then rushes me to Kendra's office. I see Kendra quickly lead them to a bed. Kane sets me down on the bed she looks at my head wound. I wince.

"How long ago has this happened?"

Lady quit asking question and give me something to stop this huge pain in my head. Gabe calls Janie to ask her what to do with this issue. I hear her on speakerphone instruct him to file a incident report with Seung Hyun. I see Kendra going through file cabinets looking for my folder with my health information. Quickly scanning it, she dabs my wound with peroxide. My eyes finally open, tearing up and in a lot of pain I look at her.

"Hi there. Are you okay? Are you in pain?"

I nod slowly trying to sit up. She gives me aspirin and water. She instructs me to hold a gauze pad onto my head.

"That should help with the pain. I do not see any signs of concussion but I want you to come to me once everyday so I can keep changing the bandages."

Janie comes rushing in with Gabe behind her. She carries papers in her hands. She gives me a look of concern and rushes to me.

"Ji Yong are you okay?"

I nod. She sighs of relief and asks Kendra a question. Kendra gives me another water bottle and instructs me to lay down with an ice pack on my head. Kendra asks to pull Janie and Gabe aside for a moment.

I lay down with an ice pack on my wound. The cold felt nice against my sore head and it's starting to take away the pain. This is the main reason why I don't play sports next to my complete laziness. 

I close my eyes for a minute. I start thinking about my mom. I really miss her for a unknown reason that I cannot explain. If I had gotten hurt like this back home she would have me in the emergency room quicker than flies on poop. She has always been protective and she always looks out for my best interest. 

I wish that I was with her today, I know that she has a doctor appointment to check on the baby. I cannot wait for her to have the baby I'm excited to meet my sibling. She did say that she was going to mail a letter to me once a week with any update on her and my sissy. 

I open my eyes and jump when I saw dork looking at me. He blinks giving me a look of concern.

"Yes what's up dorky?"

He cups his hands in front of himself and sighs.

"I-I'm sorry I hit you with the bat. I really didn't mean it."

He rolls his sleeve showing his arm, he takes a deep breath his arm shaking. He looks away. I look at him confused. You really need to tan Casper.

"You can punch me. I deserve it."

For a moment I was speechless, I sat up then busted out laughing. He really is a dork. This was the first time ever in my life I've had a kid actually prepare himself for a bruising. I got to give him credit for this one. I'm starting to like this kid after all.

"Don't worry dork. I'm not going to punch you."

He gives me a confused look before letting his sleeve drop. Heck, I'd be surprised if I was in his shoes too. On the contrary what's the sense of beating him up if it really wasn't his fault.

"You didn't mean it, I'm not going to hurt you for it. Besides I think I need to start being nicer. I'm getting  kind of bored of fighting people, but honestly if Hong Ki keeps up his nonsense he's going to be a splatter."

He slowly smiled showing off his crooked teeth. I cringe a bit but I slowly let it go. I stand up.

"Now don't expect to be chums. I'm tolerating you and until further notice your nickname is still dork. Got it?"

He smiles bigger and giggles when I play punch the tip of his nose. He mimics my action. We didn't see Janie come out and hear the whole conversation. We look up to see her smiling big, she looks like she seen God walk in.

"A-Are you two friends?"

I quickly shake my head and shove him away from me.

"No... but I'll tolerate him for now. He's still a dork but an acquaintance."

Janie laughs.

"Hey I'll take it as long as you aren't being mean and pranking him! Oh my this deserves a celebration! How about today you two can do whatever you want! Just name it!"

Alright Janie.. cool it.. put the rainbow away and quit being majestic. It's not a big deal. Well since she offered I took a split second to think about what I wanted to do. Swim... Draw... Archery... Canoeing... what did I want to do? I happened to remember that they had a selection of guitars at the shop and I had money to buy one. I wanted to get one and play it for a while in the main hall. 

I think Seung Hyun had the same idea. As if there was a whiny high pitch echo we both said shopping. Just like that she gives us permission and left to get the money out of our accounts. Gabe got a golf cart out of the shed next to the nurse cabin. 

After Kendra quickly examined my head I followed Gabe and Seung  Hyun outside. We both sat in the back. Gabe drives us to the shop. We meet Janie inside and said we both had $100 to spend. We walk in and look around. 

This shop was pretty big for a camp and the selections were amazing. I quickly saw my big purchase for the day. The guitar I saw was absolutely gorgeous. Acoustic, light brown, polished, the back was black and gold. I am in love. The price sticker said $60 the matching case is $20. I quickly grabbed something secret then carry both instrument and case to the front desk to check out. 

It felt funny to see Seung Hyun carry a bag full of stuff and I have a big case and a small bag. Janie said we can go into the main hall for an hour since it was empty. We walk in and sit on the stage. Gabe says that he will come back. 

I take out my new instrument and gave it a strum. It felt so nice to hear the notes. I caught a glimpse of what Seung Hyun bought: Sketchbook, pencils, sharpener, t shirt, necklace, water bottle, two disposable cameras, solar flashlight, candy, snacks, kool aid, and a book. Seung Hyun looks at my guitar.

"That's pretty cool I didn't know you played."

I nod smiling proudly. 

"Yeah I've been playing since I was a kid. I'm like my father, a music fanatic. I want to be a singer when I get a bit older."

"No way so don't I! That's pretty cool!"

I did not know how much we had in common. I strum some notes.

"I am currently writing a song for my soon to be sister want to hear a verse that I've got so far?"

Without hesitation he nods smiling. I strum a few notes and clear my throat:

"Everything is a first so I'm clumsy and excited. Memories in the past still feel like a dream. I don't know where I am going now. I will sing this song and I will return to you. If I can see your beautiful self again. I will sing this song with you and dance for the last time. Remember this moment forever if you must. Just one last dance."


He claps. I show an embarrassed smile and take a small bow.

"That was great! You should call it Last Dance." 

I actually like that title, since I've been having issues trying to think of a title and about the rest of the song. I do, however, plan to sing it for the talent show so I had to think of something and I do hope I get the rest of the song finished by then. 

I reach in my guitar case taking out something flat wrapped in parchment paper. 

"Hey dork I got something for you."

I give it to him. He looks at it with some confusion and hesitated before opening it. It's a brand new pillowcase that glows in the dark. He smiles from ear to ear. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning. I brush the top of it with my finger. 

"Slime free."

"Thank You Ji Yong! I appreciate this!"

Gabe returns telling us that it was time to start a canoe lesson. We walk to the cabin to put the stuff that we bought away then head for the dock. 

This dork isn't so bad once you get to know him but Hong Ki is going to take some more patience that I usually don't have. I know for a fact that I am going to need a lot of strength and wisdom to accomplish it. 


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Chapter 19: This is cute. I’m really enjoying the read. Thank you.
NiNiBeee0 #2
Chapter 6: Interesting! Nice story:)
Dragontop #3
Okay love it - i love JIYONG character here - Gtop moment next please <3 it's interesting u know
Chapter 1: An interesting plot and a rebellious boy who thinks he's in control of everything. I LIKE IT let's just wait for everything to go downhill for Jiyong XD
vododoll #5
Chapter 3: Hahaha I'm in love with ji hahahah I love your story , pleaseeee update, fightiiiing
Chapter 3: Oh yeah, finally an update eheheh, it's okay that you added hongki, if you want you can also add the others FTIsland member eheh. This story seems interesting and I'm looking forward for more!
vododoll #7
Chapter 2: I love jiyong personally kkkk please update authornim :)