LITTLE ONE'S TALE: Sour and Sweet Grapes

A Billionaire's Confession
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A Billionaire’s Confessions: Little One's Tale




“I am married. Sorry.” The last sentence of the day. In fact, Yuri is tired of all the paper airplanes flying across her lane. An hour of what feels like an emotional trauma of rejecting other people’s feeling had taken a toll on Yuri’s emotional heart.


The lady seated beside her large and spacious business class bunk sulk unhappily. Perhaps, the Kwon Yuri is so loyal to her five foot four wife that she has no time to entertain the knocking of the seven deadly sins. Furthermore, her little frenemy and sister in law in front of her had retaliated with more hostility than she is. Making her bow to the rest of the airplane passengers.


“March 9th of 2014! Silver finish ring sculpted by the greatest sculptor in Italy.”


“Taeyeon please, we have like fifteen minutes left until we land. Can you at least control your voice?” Yuri reached out to Taeyeon in front of her. Unfortunate things do happen and it is, in fact, the time of the day wherein Taeyeon had to bombard her so-called new admirer with the date of her marriage with Tiffany.


“Not my fault why she had to stuff me with disgusting winks, which I loathe. It is your fault why we have to ride this stinky airplane to Beijing.” Taeyeon says, drinking her milk again.


“You call your own airline, stinky?” Yuri teases with a shove in Taeyeon’s shoulder which is apparently replied by a glare that resembles Jessica’s.


“This part of our conglomerate.” Says Taeyeon, pointing at the cabin itself.


 No one in them would argue about the fact that Taeyeon is not a fan of shared privilege. In simple terms, she wants everything private.


But Yuri had insisted for them to fly on a regular flight to clear Jessica or Tiffany’s suspicion at their plan. And noticing a jet missing in the hangar is hereby a soft calling for a jeopardized agenda. It is Captain Shin’s, Jessica’s longtime captain to be a blabbermouth with regards to that topic, and she wouldn’t risk it. Yuri wanted this to be sleek and tidy. No loose strings attached.


“Well, sorry. But please do bear in mind that Sooyoung and Yoona are back there in the economy class just because there are no more seats to accommodate them here? I know you gained happiness there.”


“Not my fault we booked on the same day as the flight. Not my fault that I didn’t argue. Not my fault that those two are swayable with the bribery of food. It is in their capacity to entertain their ninety-degree seating position. And besides, it is just an hour and thirty minutes.” Taeyeon uttered, rendering Yuri to laugh her out.



They arrived in Beijing like normal people do. Goes out of the arrival gate and wait for their small packed luggage to go out of the baggage carousel, in which in Sooyoung’s life has been in the dark until now.


“So that’s why they had to get the bags from us, this is where they put it to..” She wondered in amazement. Yoona and Yuri sharing a sisterly bond in laughing together as Sooyoung continued to be amazed by it.


“Gosh, unnie. This girl is an embarrassment.” Yoona says.


“Basic knowledge requires a functional and dated brain. Yours, by the way, is outdated and way too obliterated to be even functional.” Taeyeon muttered, grabbing her bag from the carousel and simultaneously spraying it with sanitizers.


They also booked a cheap hotel for the meantime to aid Yoona’s hunger. Yuri opened that she considers them to stay in the hotel, continuing their initial plan of being incognito. This time, Taeyeon had opposed. Collecting her bag from the floor, the old demon faced Yuri with nothing but a sinister smile.


“If you continue to be this kind of human, Yuri Kwon….I’ll tell your tale to the Lords of Beijing telling how much your brain has been damaged due to excessive humping every night that you have failed to identify the symptoms of a pregnant woman.”




“Let’s get out of here before I burn this rancid place down.” She huffed, turning away from the three of them. In spite of Taeyeon’s tantrums, Sooyoung had stood up for another round. With Yuri shrugging as she continued to eat her wonton.


“Unnie.” Yoona reaches for Yuri’s arms across the table, shaking it.


“Swallow your food first before talking to me Yoong.” Yuri spats, her sister’s mouth is full of a mixture of food and the last thing she wanted is for Yoona to spray some of it to her.


“I was just wondering. What are your plans exactly?”


“Is a candlelight dinner edible in your sense of surprise Yoong?” Yuri asks her sister seriously.


 Her plan is cliché yet she is not a fan of twists either. That is why she needs to divulge the question as fast as possible. Her excitement is eating her inside and sooner or later, she will burst. Yoona’s face contorted for a moment and just right after Sooyoung had returned from her visit in the buffet table, the younger Kwon smiled.


“You are such a lame planner unnie. What will you do? Light a candle and then ask Jessica if she is pregnant?”


Yuri hesitated for a bit, trying to measure Sooyoung’s chewing with her side glance. If Sooyoung chews fast she is listening, if not. She is immersed in the idea of food to even take heed of her surroundings. When Sooyoung appeared to be in a delirium of food compulsion, Yuri says whilst standing up in the process, “Yes.”


“Where is she going?” Sooyoung turned to look at Yuri’s receding back.


“Buying candles.”


“Yuck. This is not a christening. What is she thinking?” Sooyoung mirrored Yoona’s contorted face earlier.




Yuri hovered the steering wheel of her newly purchased incognito car. Apparently, Jessica is too paranoid about whom she meets hence the tracking device on all of her registered cars. She pondered whether she would go through the plan of candles or just go with her instinct to just blurt the question underneath the blazing moon of China like a dragon huffing for a child.


And sometimes, her conscience hammered her head with guilt. Lying is not her strong suit. Likewise, Jessica lied in the first place. Casting this little battle as a draw, Yuri got out of the car. In front of her is a tiny obscured place hidden beside a rather large bookstore and a rundown apartment. A candles store.


“Gosh Yuri.” The tanned woman almost dropped her phone in shock.


 As she turned around, her line of vision hasn’t recovered yet thus the utmost game of blurred lines. She reckoned Taeyeon would’ve caught her. Only this time she felt the warmth, the brown eyes brooding over her demeanor and the thin lips pressed into a single line. In situations like this, Taeyeon would laugh her out.


“What are you doing here?”


“Sica!” She blurted out a shriek.


“Yes, what are you doing here?” Jessica repeated her question again.


 Taking small steps towards her wife who only backed away. She bumped into the sacred wall of hindrance and she took in Jessica’s scrutinizing gaze, absorbing it until her demise. She can’t lie. Apparently, only to Jessica.


“What are you doing here?” Yuri pointed to Jessica in a hurry. The younger one hovered over her rushed question choice, her eyes darting from Jessica’s new brunette locks and her expanded waist that is hidden underneath the drapes of a loose mini dress. “You are wearing a dress?”


“Ugh, yes. Why? It’s casual. It’s breezy in here.” Jessica reluctantly replied. Her consciousness is over her outfit as she tried to wriggle on her footing. Earning a smirk from Yuri who is too far immersed in her fantasies to even notice Jessica’s palpitations.


“Honey, there is a thunderstorm coming. I’ve checked the weather.” Yuri leveled her gaze towards Jessica Jung’s evasive eyes. And in a matter of seconds, they are kissing on the sidewalk, glances from Chinese onlookers did not bother them at all. Unfortunately, though, Yuri broke free first.


But Jessica has beaten her in asking the question first, “What are you doing here?”


“I’m buying candles.” Yuri flashed an embarrassed smile.




“Ugh…They said China had the best candles..scented Chinese….traditional fire…candles….” In the world wherein everyone had to stutter when combing a lie out of their messy heads, Yuri is no exception.


Jessica giggled at the sight of her wife stammering. It is inside her head, the screaming, and the constant gushing about Yuri going after her to China because she misses her. Or so she thought. Since the little Jung apparently had no idea, her twin sister and her wife is off to a mission in cracking up open for baby blabbers.


“Did you miss me?” Jessica looped her arms around Yuri’s neck.


“Yes.” A lie and somehow the absolute truth.


“Why are you here?” Yuri asked.

“I know you loved candles. And this place apparently had the best-scented candles there is so I came here to buy before I go home.”



Yuri and Jessica’s simultaneous smirk earned them the award for the best lying couple with everyone knowing they are lying except for them who thinks they are the best at it.


Liar. But so cute.


Yuri thought.


She is lying. So cute.


Jessica had to bite her lips. Feeling her child ki

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Discography 2 is on the way. And I try hard not to make my plot cliche. But if it is. I am so sorry about that. Have a wonderful day everyone. We can all drown in Yuri and Taeyeon's finger hearts today. :)


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217 streak #1
Chapter 38: I still love this fic. The funny series I go back to when I need a laugh.
Dodoistwo #2
Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for the new season to be published author-nim
Chapter 18: OMFG...Yoona and SooYoung are gonna throw SeoBaby a birthday cruise??? Holy .
Chapter 2: exactly why SooYoung is not the leader of the group, or everything would go straight to hell LOL
674 streak #6
I just gave this my first upvote ever <3
bbonz01 #7
Chapter 39: Is the new part the trillions any other confessions authornim? hihihi done reading it and awaiting of your updates. It just happen i read again your billions to pass time.
Author when will you post the new Billionaire serie? Can’t wait for it!
vhelzzz #9
Chapter 38: well. unexpected, is this a goodbye author ssi?
Chapter 38: Yey! Can't wait for the new season xD