Theodore’s Tale: Twin Curse Ride

A Billionaire's Confession
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A Billionaire’s Confession: Theodore’s Tale


She sipped on her tea, She sipped on her milk. Both eyes on the twosome sipping on their game plan. Wonderful day is a Sunday. Days off lining up to be consumed by the wonderful weather outside accompanied by the sunlight barely making its way out of the fluffy clouds. It is a very good time to be in places like Bali and Thailand in some sort. The dusts in their respective villas over there are currently enjoying the sentiment of being alone. 




Both wives looked at each other’s eyes. Brewing another cup of tea is Jessica, purposely banging the lid of the machine. The sound however didn’t make an exact reaction from her wife in the couch, bouncing as she hit another soldier with her virtual console.

Tiffany made a face, coincidentally, Taeyeon and Yuri developed an immense liking to the world of Role Playing Games. Which by far is the only place where they could co exist without rampaging each other’s-existence with vile words. At least in that area, they start to strategize their own means of survival. Having billions underneath your wings can make your desire to struggle with life turn away. 

“How’s Theo?” Jessica softened a bit. Taking small glances at Tiffany’s now flattened out stomach. 

“Upstairs. Yunho grew fond of him. He’s there, sleeping.” She smiled at the sight of her notorious brother in law being soft in the presence of his nephew.

“Taeyeon’s been so obsessed with her son. Isn’t she?”


Tiffany’s smile grew wider. “She cancelled Seohyun’s birthday party for another week just so she could be with Theo in private. Yes she is so obsessed.”


Making a certain noise cancelling dome, Tiffany’s blabber about how her son is during day and nights intrigued Jessica that she couldn’t bare to ask a question. Eliciting another set of pearly whites from the Doctor.

“I thought you scheduled one already?”

“I did. It’s next week. After Seohyun’s birthday. Which reminds me, we need a gift.” Jessica sipped on her tea once again, snapping as she did remembered their agenda for today.


“What does she want aside from world peace?” Tiffany laughs at her statement.


Jessica however for the first time in a while thought hard about a certain gift. Valuable, simple and heart wrenching Seohyun would be compelled to be her obygn even if her expertise is not that. When Taeyeon and Yuri screamed for the nth time, the wife of the Kwon Empire stood up as she winked.

“Fany, we need to buy Seohyun a place where she could construct her own hospital or any other whatnot, for example, a prison for Sooyoung.”

“A land? We can buy her a building…” Tiffany slurred her words.

“No. We need to give her a decision.” Jessica asserted.

Tiffany mirrored the excitement. Eventually leaning her line of vision to the two player idiots, she flagged her most adorable eye smile. 

“But the Real Estate officials will only conduct a speed signing when Taeyeon or Yuri is involved in the decision. We need their signatures even though we are the wives…”


Jessica pouted. 


“Then we shall bring them to the office then. Chop chop!”


“Hold on. I need to kiss my son first.” Tiffany signaled. Pointing at Taeyeon and Yuri, in small means of vocabulary, it means to get their attention as she dashed upstairs to kiss her spoiled son.


“Okay….Honey!” She called. No answer.

“TWINNE!” Still silence.


Jessica, out of all the people is a tad more impatient than her peers. Getting what she wanted is the first priority. Attention craving royalties must know that Jessica Kwon invented that certain predicament of having tantrums of unfulfilled wants. 

And in events such as this, when your own wife had a deaf ear and your own twin sister did not even bat a lash to look at you, it is time to retaliate. Holding up the Victorian vase in her hands, or the thousand dollars vase which apparently grew a small amount of favoritism in Taeyeon’s old fashioned taste in ornaments, Jessica gripped in it tightly. 

Aiming like a role player mamba ninja. Jessica Jung hurled it towards the tv. Breaking it into millions of pieces along with Taeyeon and Yuri’s characters.


A slow cry is heard when Taeyeon hung up her head low. The console flying towards Jessica’s direction courtesy of wonder twin. Good thing dodging is somehow her best stunt.



“Oh don’t Sica me Yuri! Let’s go we have errands to do.”


“What happened here?!” Tiffany ran like a maniac in front of her television and the scattered vase pieces. Her wife bloodshot still.

“Fany! She destroyed it!” Taeyeon pointed at Jessica.

“Oh please Taeyeon, you have a son already. You deserve it.”




Several miles away from their respective homes is the Real Estate Office Of TSJ. Plans happened really fast as well as the way of getting there. With Taeyeon classically jumping off the jet in a gloomy Sunday for the staffs, at least it dawned to them that ordinary can be extraordinary when the capable specimen will bounce to the loop. 


“We are here to sign a contract for our friend’s land.” Taeyeon strutted. Clingy and bored. Summarizing it all up in one single huff Taeyeon did what she came there for.

“So we got a land. Hectares of land for Seohyun’s birthday.” The amount of sheer extravagant gift finally subsided in the hemisphere of Yuri’s brain.


Turning over to hand her grip to her wife, they boarded the chopper and then eyed Taeyeon who is now sleeping soundly. Tiffany by her side doing something in her phone.


“Do you reckon a hospital will arise from that land though?” Yuri asks nobody in particular.


“Probably. It’s up to her.” Tiffany answers.


“Tiff, that doctor…” 



Jessica seemed perplexed with what is happening with her life. Earlier this year she is not that keen on getting a smaller version of Yuri, however today she is so excited to have that appointment. A good bipolar brain, that is what she have.


“What if Yuri’s eggs aren’t really that healthy to produce an embryo outside of a uterus and what if I can’t hold it in?” She Drums in her little pessimistic thoughts entirely set off to put negativity in her upcoming pregnancy. 

Yuri looked at her, unknowingly present in such a quite state. She heaved a sigh then held Jessica’s hands to kiss it soothingly. 


“It will be alright.” Yuri smiles.




Theodore’s favorite place must be the junkyard. Even if Tiffany and Taeyeon really tried hard to keep their child away from their soon to be mental aunties that resides in it, still the two weeks old baby seems to like the ambiance of mental depression.

Calling it as a joke is an understatement. The child indeed stopped crying when the first whisp of Sooyoung’s perfume dashed its way in his infant nostrils.



Tiffany cradled Theodore in her arms. The crying child sniffing his mother’s scent as per will he just stopped crying moments ago. 

“OH MY BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY! HOW ARE YOU DOING?! COME TO MOMMY SOO!” The face of indifference is apparently just a share of Sooyoung’s emotional pool, only to Taeyeon and Tiffany in that matter. 

It is a whole heart and heart emoji when it comes to Theo, their ever beautiful spoiled boy. Taeyeon’s trait is definitely present in the boy. From the way he cries all the way to his clingy self that is undivided between his mom and Jessica only. 


“Can we stay here until his second feed? We are going to be good after that.” Tiffany asks her cousin charmingly. Chanting several incantations in her head to prevent Taeyeon from being a brat.


“Can we just buy the junkyard. You know Tiffany can literally stay here without your smell all Over.” 

There. A brat.


“Babe, come on this is Yoona’s.”


“Yes, it is Yoona’s and Sooyoung’s. Theo is welcome here. And of course the provider. But not you, ungrateful brat.” Sooyoung’s little statement made a soft twitch in Taeyeon’s lashes and Tiffany’s vocal chords to produce a laugh. 


“I’m going to my twin. Take care of my son or else.” She focused on kissing her little Boy like a good mother and her wife like a wondrous spouse. And then like a brat, glared at Sooyoung. 

“Fany…” Sooyoung Started when the glass doors closed. Cradling Theo in her arms.



“Are you going to bring Theo in Seohyun’s birthday party?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Ugh… your wife?”

Tiffany can only shrug. Of course.



The day of Seohyun’s birthday, 28th of July. An event that is so evasive it has been cancelled due to many circumstances. But good thing do come on the right time. The cruise ship is ready, humongous and fancy. 

“Look at her being so happy with her friends.” Taeyeon with a glass of rosé wine obviously mocked Seohyun in her formal White ensemble.

Shaking every hands of all the cancer patients aboard must be hard but seeing on Seohyun’s face. She did enjoyed it. And it is special to those who conducted the party. In fact she wanted a hospital indeed, and the land present just made the birthday girl’s ecstatic to the point she even hugged Taeyeon.


“A president of that club.” Sooyoung gladly added to the fire. 


“Hey! Where’s Fany?” Yuri ran to them, panting.


“I left her at home. Apparently, I am well aware of the emotional baggage of feeling bad, but I love my family.” 

“You think these cancerous patients will literally transfer their sickness to your son?” Yuri gasped at Taeyeon. Also Sooyoung who made a disgusted face.


“I am not looking down at them Yuri. Don’t lecture me. Try bringing your infant child in this place, you’ll understand.” Taeyeon seriously poked Yuri in the shoulders. Drunk or not, Taeyeon had a point. But is just the construction of her words that is hurtful.

“Can’t blame a parent.” Yoona from behind emerges. With Seohyun at tow.

“Its alright unnie. I understand. I would have done it as well.” Seohyun sai

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Discography 2 is on the way. And I try hard not to make my plot cliche. But if it is. I am so sorry about that. Have a wonderful day everyone. We can all drown in Yuri and Taeyeon's finger hearts today. :)


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217 streak #1
Chapter 38: I still love this fic. The funny series I go back to when I need a laugh.
Dodoistwo #2
Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for the new season to be published author-nim
Chapter 18: OMFG...Yoona and SooYoung are gonna throw SeoBaby a birthday cruise??? Holy .
Chapter 2: exactly why SooYoung is not the leader of the group, or everything would go straight to hell LOL
674 streak #6
I just gave this my first upvote ever <3
bbonz01 #7
Chapter 39: Is the new part the trillions any other confessions authornim? hihihi done reading it and awaiting of your updates. It just happen i read again your billions to pass time.
Author when will you post the new Billionaire serie? Can’t wait for it!
vhelzzz #9
Chapter 38: well. unexpected, is this a goodbye author ssi?
Chapter 38: Yey! Can't wait for the new season xD