2na - Batch 1

TWICE - One Shots
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Requested by: Ryuki92



"Way to go, Dad!"


Daddy Myoui shrugged his shoulders and threw up his hands in exasperation, clearly not understanding what had just happened. Sana, dressed in a fetching aqua gown, was crying on the front porch after being stood-up by Eunha for the school dance, whilst Mina was doing her best to comfort her. Mina frantically motioned with her head for her father to go inside, and he prudently took her advice, leaving the two girls alone.


"Sana... I'm so sorry."


"I felt so stupid!" Sana wailed into the seat-cushion she had buried her face in. "I was just standing there like a complete dork, waiting for her to turn up! I tried to call her, but her phone was turned off. After a while, I got the idea and realised she wasn't coming, so I went for a walk on the beach, then came over here. I didn't feel like facing my Mom after she'd gotten all excited about everything... that, and I just wanted to see you." Sana kept her face hidden against the back of the chair, but Mina could feel the older's shoulders beginning to shake with sobs as she held her.


"Did she call, or text?" Mina asked softly.


Sana shook her head.


"What a !" Mina exclaimed.


"I can't believe she did that! Only an idiot would give up an opportunity to have a date with someone as wonderful as you! She so doesn't deserve you!" Mina softly kissed the top of Sana's head, and continued to hold her, gently rubbing her arm until she calmed down somewhat. Sana finally lifted her face from the cushion, sniffing and rubbing her nose.


"After I went to all that trouble... It took me three hours to get ready... That's way longer than I've ever taken! And all for nothing! I'm such an idiot!"


Hearing the bitterness and self-recrimination in her friend's voice just about broke Mina's heart. She found herself desperately wishing she could somehow give Sana the wonderful night she'd deserved. Suddenly, inspiration struck, in the form of an idea that was surely utterly ridiculous, yet beautifully simple and completely workable at the same time.


"No! Not for nothing! I mean... not necessarily." Mina said, somewhat cryptically.


Sana gave her a confused look. "What are you talking about?"


"Can you just wait out here for a little while? Like, ten minutes?"


"I've been waiting out here for hours already." Sana said, sulkily.


"Please, just ten more minutes, then I promise you you'll have my undivided attention for the rest of the night."


Sana didn't look happy about it, but shrugged and nodded anyway. "Fine."


"Okay. Back in ten!"


Mina ran inside to find her dad just settling himself on the couch, eating cold leftover pizza out of the box that she had left laying around, after she had ordered pizza earlier in the night whilst lazing in front of the television. Her mother was already sleeping upstairs.


"Hey bud, you want a slice?" her dad asked, offering her the open pizza-box.


"Ah, no, but is it okay if I heat up last night's leftovers for me and Sana?"


"Sure it is, sweetie." Daddy Myoui replied. Mama Myoui had cooked some chicken and pasta dishes the night before, with plenty to go around and quite a bit left over.


"And Daddy... is it okay if me and Sana use the living room tonight?"


"Um... yeah, I guess. I'll just take my pizza upstairs and leave you two girls alone, then. Is Sana-chan gonna be alright?"


"I hope so..."


"She's welcome to stay the night, as long as it's okay with her parents."


"I'll ask. Thanks Daddy. Oh, and can I use some of your CDs?"


"Be my guest. Just not too loud. It is late."


"Thanks. G'night Daddy." Mina gave her dad a kiss on the cheek.


"G'night bud." said Daddy Myoui, before heading upstairs to his room, pizza box in hand.


"Okay..." Mina said to herself, then headed over to the refrigerator and got out last night's leftovers, preparing them for the microwave. While they were heating up, she got out some of the nice silverware, and quickly set the table for two. Rummaging through the cupboard where the candles were kept in case of blackouts, she found a couple of decent-sized candles and some nice candleholders to fit them in, and put them on the table as well. Next, she went over to the stereo and her dad's CD collection, and picked out one of his 'classic Japanese love song' albums. She wasn't sure whether Sana liked these type of songs, but it was the closest thing she could think of that could be considered 'mood music' for a date, so she loaded it and hit play. The microwave beeped to announce that the food was ready, and Mina put the chicken and pasta dishes on the table. Finally, she grabbed two wineglasses, and a bottle of sparkling cider from the fridge, and added them to what was on the table. "Not the real thing, but it'll have to do," she muttered to herself.


Mina lit the candles, switched out the lights, and stood back to admire her handiwork, a hastily-prepared and very spartan candlelit dinner-for-two. Wiping her hands on the legs of her trousers, she realized she was still wearing her casual jeans and hoodie. Snapping her fingers as an idea hit her, Mina dashed upstairs to her room, and straight into her closet, hurriedly pulling off her clothes as she ran. She hunted out a nice pale pink dress that she had worn recently to a red-carpet event, and that she thought would complement Sana's aqua gown. She quickly shrugged herself into it, and put on some strappy, matching shoes. By now, her allotted ten minutes was up, so leaving her hair and make-up as it was, she headed back downstairs to collect her date for the evening, one Minatozaki Sana.


Mina opened her front door a crack and peered out. Sana was still sitting quietly on the chair where Mina had left her, albeit looking somewhat sulky. The older girl looked up as Mina came outside, mildly surprised to see her friend dressed up.




"Hey Sana. Sorry I made you wait. I wasn't dressed appropriately for our date."


"Our date?" Sana asked with raised eyebrows.


"Yeah. I didn't want all that effort you put in tonight to be wasted. So... Minatozaki Sana, would you do me the honor of being my date tonight?"


Sana smiled. "That's sweet... but I don't really feel like going out at the moment."


Mina shook her head and smiled back. "I thought we'd stay in tonight. Why don't you come inside?" She reached out and took both of Sana's hands in her own. Sana allowed herself to be pulled up to her feet, and Mina led her into the house.


They stopped in the living room and Sana let out a small gasp when she saw what Mina had prepared. The room was dimly-lit, the only source of illumination was a couple of candles sitting on the table. They bathed the dining and living rooms in their soft, warm glow, sending flickering shadows along the walls and into the corners. The delicious ar

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Heyboiii #1
Chapter 13: Cute
Chapter 14: <3
themicah #3
Chapter 13: Loving this collection! Hope you can make a one shot for MiMo, too :)
Natsuki37 #4
Chapter 14: Please make jeongtzu please.. :-)
heesica10 #5
Jeongmi then sajeong!
chaeyu11 #6
denisha #7
Chapter 13: Such a sweet 2yeon ^^ i hope to see more
Chapter 14: Nice story!!
Hanlex #9
Chapter 13: Aweeee what a sweet 2yeonie~~ I love how Nayeon come back to the grocery to see Jeongyeon reasoning out buying a varietes of Milk~~ So sweet !! And pinky oppa lol xD another one pleaser
Hanlex #10
Chapter 8: JeongMi then SaJeong~~