Happy Again

Bottled Up


Jimin woke up to the sharp pain in his leg. He realized that he was already late for the dance practice as he looked at the clock. Everyone must’ve already gone to practice.  He tried to get up but his bandaged leg reminded him that he was not supposed to practice. He felt sad but then he remembered everything that occurred with Jungkook yesterday night. Remembering what had happened really helped Jimin to cool down. So even if he could not practice with them, he decided to go anyway just to support them or cheer them up.

As he entered the practice room he was surprised to find the room empty. No one was there and he felt that something was wrong. The members never ditched their practice especially when only few days were left for the concert. He decided to search for them when the door suddenly opened up revealing Namjoon followed by other members except for Jungkook. He searched for Jungkook but when the other didn’t come he gave up and looked at Namjoon with a confused expression.

The atmosphere in the room was a little bit different as no one spoke. So deciding that no one is going to tell anything until he himself asks, Jimin turned to his leader and asked, “So where were all of you? Why do you all look so nervous? Where is Jungkook? Why are all of you so silent? Can anyone tell me what is going on?”

Namjoon raised his eyebrows as the younger flooded him with questions. He grabbed Jimin and gently patted Jimin in his shoulder and then he spoke, “Calm down Jiminnie. We went to meet with manager-hyung and Bang Pd-nim.”

Jimin was surprised as his eyes widened. “And why did all of you go to meet with him?” Jimin asked as he was more confused by what Namjoon said.

But Namjoon just pulled him in the nearest corner and made him sit gently. Jimin knew that it was going to be a serious talk so without protesting he obeyed his leader and sat down as he was instructed. Then he turned his stare towards his leader again. Namjoon looked at Jimin with seriousness all over his face. Jimin looked at every other member and everyone had the same expression in their faces. This made Jimin extremely nervous. Realizing this Jin slowly came towards him and rubbed his back to soothe him.

“Tell him already. Can’t you see? You all are making him nervous. You all are acting as if it is a bad news”, Jin burst out at the members as small giggles left the member’s mouth except for Namjoon’s. Namjoon cleared his throat and again all attention was in Namjoon. Namjoon gently put Jimin’s hands in his and rubbed it gently as he spoke looking at Jimin’s eyes, “Jimin, you said you would try your best for the concert right?”

Jimin didn’t know from where did the topic came but instead of asking any questions he just nodded his head. Namjoon gaze softened with the reply and finally there was a smile on the leader’s face.

 “Listen Jimin, I don’t know how to say this but the thing about you not being able to take part in the concert right? Well… we talked to manager-hyung and Bang Pd-nim and guess what? You could take part in the concert!!!” Jin almost squealed as he said the news because he couldn’t wait for Namjoon to say since it seemed that the leader was taking too long to speak.

Everyone clapped their hands when the news broke out but Jimin was too surprised to express anything. He looked at them still confused about what Jin said. Noticing this, Suga interrupted the cheering and sat beside Jimin explaining further, “At first they were not very ready to let you perform but we didn’t give up and kept on insisting to let you perform. So seeing our insistence they let you perform though it will only be for one or two songs. But you can’t dance or jump mind you that. You can only sit on a chair and sing.”

Jimin finally understood what they meant as tears began to form in his eyes. He smiled looking at all the members and wiping his tears said, “Thank you everyone. Thank you so much… I can’t believe this. Really I don’t know how to express my gratitude to all of you. I am so happy…” His tears began to fall again and soft sobbing could be heard from him. Jimin’s sob melted all of the member’s hearts and everyone joined in a group hug with some tears in their eyes.

Suga again keeping his calm said, “Let’s not forget the one who first thought of this alright?”

Jimin looked at him confusingly as he tilted his head. Taehyung took the lead this time and said, “Jiminnie, you know our little maknae thought about all of this!! Yes I am not joking.”

“Yes everyone was shocked when he suddenly bowed his head to all of us when we came in the practice room. He said that he wanted Jimin-hyung to perform on the stage with all of us and that he was going to go and talk with manager hyung and Bang pd-nim all by himself so he told us to let him do that. Idiot as if we would go against it so we decided to go and talk along with him”, Hosoek explained Jimin the further detail.

Looking back at Jin who was listening to all of them talk spoke again, “Yes it was really shocking to see Jungkookie taking such steps and even in the office when both of them refused our request we almost gave up but Jungkookie looked determined and he didn’t budge even a second. He said how determined you were to perform and he also took the responsibility of taking care of you if anything happens. With that the mangaer-hyung and Bang Pd-nim finally agreed letting us take you for the concert.”

Jimin looked at the members in astonishment as his eyes began to fill up with tears again. He remembered the harsh words he had used against maknae. It must’ve hurt a lot. Yet the maknae did all of this for him, for Jimin who treated the younger so badly. Jimin felt guilty as he asked for Jungkook, “But where is he?”

Namjoon who had been silent all these while spoke up again, “He is currently in the office getting some lectures from our manager-hyung and Bang Pd-nim on how to take care of you. He must be coming by any moment now.”

Just when Namjoon finished saying this, the opening of door could be heard and everyone looked towards the source of noise. There he was the one who made all of this possible. Jungkook stood there nervously as all of them stared at him entering. Everyone burst out together and went towards the maknae hooting for him and praising him except for Suga as he was now getting ready for the dance practice and Jimin who couldn’t move.

The tears made its way again and Jimin hastily tried to stand up holding his crutch. He was about to lose his balance but he somehow maintained himself from falling. Seeing this Jungkook hastily ran towards Jimin to support him. But Jimin stopped him from doing that. Making sure that Jimin was alright Jungkook turned his gaze towards Jimin’s eyes only to be surprised to find it filled with tears.

“Jimin…Jimin-hyung!! Why are you crying?” Jungkook exclaimed as he went nearer to Jimin to wipe his tears. But instead of letting Jungkook to wipe his tears, Jimin let go of his crutch surprising all of the members who was looking at Jimin and Jungkook. They were about to run towards Jimin but stopped as they saw Jimin landing on Jungkook’s shoulder safely.

Jungkook’s heart skipped a bit as he was scared by Jimin’s sudden act of letting go of his crutch. He was terrified as he thought Jimin was about to fall. He hugged the older tightly who was in his arms now.  “Idiot-hyung! What were you thinking when you pulled that stunt? You could be injured you know. You just shortened my life span!”

But all Jimin replied was his soft sobbing. So Jungkook just held the older in his arms tightly and rubbed the older’s back gently to soothe him. Just then Jimin spoke up even though his voice was trembling, “I am sorry… I-I am so sorry for whatever I said. It was not your fault at all and yet you did this. Thank you so much. Tha-”

“Hush now it is okay. It’s no big deal and you already apologized to me yesterday hyung. For now you just have to practice your vocal. I am sorry that you are allowed to perform some songs only. I could not insist them to let you perform more.” Jungkook said as he smiled nervously.

Jimin could only shake his head in reply. He said, “No it’s alright. You did enough.” And with that he was pulled by the maknae tightly in his arms again. Suga who was watching all of this happen cleared his throat to attract some attention and he did as all of them were looking at him. Then he looked at both Jimin and Jungkook and said, “I don’t know if you two are going to do some more lewd things right now. So if you are then just go do it somewhere private. You two are distracting me.”

As Suga finished saying this everyone laughed as Jungkook and Jimin quickly separated. Jungkook gave Jimin his crutch as Jimin stood on one leg covering his face in embarrassment. Everyone started to hoot as Hosoek and Taehyung stole some glances at each other, both blushing a bit. Namjoon and Jin too looked at each other smiling nervously. Everyone had something hidden in their own hearts as they nervously hooted for Jimin and Jungkook.

But everyone failed to notice the pained smile on Jungkook’s face. Jungkook had decided that he would support Jimin on all of his desires so those hoots only pained him as he knew it would not be true since his hyung already had a crush.

If only it had come true.

At last supporting Jimin to sit down Jungkook said, “Ah- also from now on until you are okay I will be taking care of you.”

Jimin just smiled at Jungkook with his usual eye smile enough to make Jungkook’s heart flutter. Jungkook’s heart pained again to realize that those eyes smile won’t be his. Jimin unknown to the pain cheerfully said, “Yes please take care of me!”

So yeah i was able to update this time. Hope you will like it :)

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Chapter 14: SCREAM YASSS
Chapter 14: My god,your opening had me scared for a moment because I thought something bad would happen to JiKook but nawww,it's a sweet happy ending~ <333
Thank you once again for the lovely story author-nim
Chapter 13: AWWWWWWWWW!!!JiKook did got together in the end!Yay!NamJin,VHope & JiKook all got a happy ending!! <333
Great story author-nim ~^^
Chapter 12: MAN!Why is this happening to my JiKook?? T^T
Chapter 11: Nawww,NamJin being cute & cuddly together is what I live for (My hardcore 2nd ship XD) And VHope being subtle cute is killing me too XD Then we have Suga being Suga & leaving JiKook alone *covers eyes* But dang,now that VHope is together,what will happened to JiKook?
Chapter 10: MANNNNNN HOSEOK AND TAETAE ARE SO CUTE I'M LOSING IT!!!And naww,Jungkook still scares about Jimin even though he sorta knew that Hoseok liked Tae :(
Chapter 9: Awwww,Namjoon and Jin confessed to the rest <333 And heol,Hoseokkie like Tae?? :O
Chapter 8: Dang,what is going on between Namjoon and Jin??And omo,Jungkook describing himself as the moon because he doesn't want to reveal his true feelings to Jimin T^T
Chapter 7: OMO!Is Jiminnie falling for Jungkook?? *fangirls* And man,the subtle confession from Jungkook :'(
Chapter 6: Nawww,Jungkook doing that all for Jiminnie,SO CUTEEEEEEEEE