Hurt Again

Bottled Up

“Yah! Jungkook stop! Why are you even running away?” Jimin said between his gasps as he ran after the younger. But the younger ignored Jimin and kept on running until he reached his door. As soon as he got inside his room he tried closing the door behind him but Jimin didn’t give up and inserted his hand between the little gap that remained. He soon regretted his decision when his hand got squeezed between the doors. He retreated his hand in pain and whimpered softly.

Jungkook who noticed that Jimin’s hand was hurt didn’t lose a second as he flung the door open and ran towards the older. He held Jimin’s hand cautiously to see if there was any cut. Luckily there wasn’t any. “Hyung are you okay?” Jungkook asked while he was still observing Jimin’s hand.

Damn why do I keep on hurting Jimin?

Jimin felt his heart beating when the younger was holding his hand softly yet firmly.  He felt himself blushing a bit. What the hell was happening to him? What were those feelings? Why did he felt butterflies in his stomach whenever Jungkook held him or touched him? And mostly why did he like being touched by the other? Why did he want the time to stop whenever Jungkook was close with him? Just why?

Jimin pulled his hand back from Jungkook slowly as he felt his hands becoming sweaty under the younger’s touch and he obviously didn’t want the younger to notice it. “It’s okay Jungkookie. It is not broken, see?” Jimin said moving his hand in front of the younger to assure him that it was okay and it did the job as the younger sighed in relief.

“Its fine if it is okay then.” Jungkook said as he looked at the elder. Really what was wrong with him? Why did he keep on hurting Jimin? All he wanted to do was to protect him from any pain and sadness but instead he keeps on doing the exact opposite. Maybe he didn’t deserve to be by the elder’s side. Maybe Jimin would be okay if he was not by his side anymore. Yes it would be better if he would stay away from the elder.

Yes, I should stay away from him to stop hurting him. I don’t want to stay away but I also don’t want to hurt him. I am ready to do anything for my Jimin.

“So why were you even running away from me?” Jimin said tilting his head a little snapping the younger back from his chain of thoughts. He caught the younger smile with pain in his eyes. Again.

“It was nothing hyung” Jungkook said as he turned to go inside his room again. But Jimin didn’t give up. It was so obvious that younger was lying. “Why are you lying to me? Can’t I be trusted? I can’t be leaned on, is that it? You even look so sad nowadays. Why do you smile so painfully now and then? Can’t I know that? ” Jimin asked as he was sad that the younger wouldn’t open up to him. He was really sad to see Jungkook in pain and he felt miserable when he couldn’t do anything to release the younger from his pain. He didn’t want to only watch the younger in pain, he wanted to help but he dint know how and he hated himself for that.

“Not that’s not it hyung. I trust you. In fact I trust you the most and you are the only one I would like to lean on” Jungkook quickly said as he cupped the elder’s face in his hands when he saw the elder being sad. He is hurt again by me.

Keeping his hands over the younger’s hands which were cupping his face Jimin looked up at the younger’s eyes while desperately trying to find his answer in them and asked, “Then why?”

Why? What should Jungkook answer to that? Because he loved Jimin? Because he knew what the elder’s answer would be? Because all he ever did was hurt his love? No Jungkook couldn’t possibly answer him that right? He breathed out a loud sigh as he went to his bed and sat down all the while Jimin following him from behind. He noticed the elder staring at his eyes while desperately waiting for him to answer.

“Fine I will tell you so please listen to me carefully and don’t question who alright?” Jungkook said finally giving in to those beautiful eyes which were looking at him. Jimin nodded his head desperately as he smiled at the younger to encourage him to go on. Jungkook returned the smile and moved his eyes to look at the floor.

“Um… so this is embarrassing but you see… umm… there is someone I like.” Jungkook said smiling a bit as some images formed in his mind of the person he loved, of Jimin who was the most important to him. But what he didn’t notice was the shocked face beside him.

Jimin was shocked at what the younger had said. He felt a pang in his heart as he began to feel sad. Why was he evevn feeling sad? Wasn’t it a good thing that Jungkook was in love? Jimin shook his head trying to get rid of his thoughts and the uneasy feeling he got in his heart. No it wasn’t the time to be sad. The younger was in more pain and he should support the younger.

Unknown abou the conflict going on inside Jimin’s heart Jungkook continued on his smile slowly disappearing, “But the one I love is in love with someone else so I just want to support him but it seems I can’t seem to be able to do that and hence I am just sad about it that’s it. I am selfish, aren’t I? I can’t seem to let go of my feelings which would only bother the one I love.” Jungkook finished as his pained expression came back again.

Jimin felt guilty for feeling hurt some moment ago. It was obvious that the younger was going through a lot more pain. He realized that the time they were talking under the moon and Jungkook referred an unrequited love with moon, the younger had obviously meant this. Jimin felt sadness that the younger had been keeping all those pain within him from that long ago. He felt guilty for not realizing it. But all he could do now is to keep the younger happy, to soothe him.

 He rubbed the younger’s back to soothe him. “No you are not selfish Jungkookie. Those are your feelings and its okay if you can t let go of it. It is not your fault. Feelings are like that. They are beyond our control and since you thought of letting go of those precious feelings of course it means you are a very kind person. So you are obviously not a selfish person. Besides if you are in love it’s definitely okay to be selfish a little to get love in return. At the end what really matters is you tried your best for that person. That person is really lucky to have you fall in love with them” Jimin smiled at the younger while wishing how he wanted to be loved too. He had never felt the feeling called love and he had no idea how you would feel when you are in love. How you would exactly know that you are in love. He only knew that if you are in love everything around you changes, the way you view it. It makes the whole world beautiful yet it also had the power to destroy it and crumble it into pieces. How he wanted to feel that feeling too.  Jimin wanted to be loved too, loved by Jungkook.

Jimin scrunched his eyes at what he thought. What the hell was he even thinking? Of course Jungkook would love his hyung right?

He felt a lump stucked in his neck when he thought about something. He felt sadness engulfing him and while forcing himself to smile he asked, “So aren’t you going to confess?”

Jungkook looked at him surprised and shook his head desperately. “No, no, of course not. It would only be a bother and besides I know I will be rejected. So I don’t want to.” Jungkook felt sad while saying it and since he had already decided that he would stay away from the elder in order to not hurt him. So of course he wouldn’t confess and ruin the beautiful connection they shared. No he wouldn’t want to ruin it.

Jimin looked at the younger as he saw the maknae bring sad again. “You know the best way to move on? Of course I know I am not an expert in love but I know how to deal with feelings and it’s to sort them out. So if you want to move on you definitely should confess and I am also sure that the other person would be happy about your feeling for them. I know it would hurt to be rejected but you must face it right? Jungkookie you shouldn’t run way from your feelings. But if you don’t want to then I wouldn’t force you but just know this that whenever you need someone you can come to me alright? I will always be here for you.” Jimin said as he smile soothingly at the younger.

Jungkook returned the smile as he nodded his head. He looked at Jimin for a moment enough to engrave that beautiful face in his mind and said, “Thank you hyung. I love you, for you are always supporting me and being able to soothe me like the way you did. I would like to confess then if I can move on.”

Jimin gave bright eye smile and hugged the younger.

See? Jungkook surely loves his hyungs.

Jungkook hugged Jimin back feeling the warmth of the older. He smiled as he smelled the soothing lavender scent of Jimin  he had always loved. He closed his eyes wishing to move on.

I am pathetic aren’t I for confessing in such a way?

So I am back. I know i was really late this time but I had this important exam going on and it finally finished. Also yay!! with the exam finished, my school life has finally ended. Now i will be having 3 months holiday now so I hope i would be writing lots of stories now. I would not be surprised if some of you wondered if i was dead XD i was seriously late this time. I am really sorry for that. Also another announcement is that maybe the next chapter would be the LAST. I may write epilogue but I am not really sure. But the other chapter would be coming around after some minutes. Also I am writing a new story now so please give it a check too.

Again i am really SORRY >n

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Chapter 14: SCREAM YASSS
Chapter 14: My god,your opening had me scared for a moment because I thought something bad would happen to JiKook but nawww,it's a sweet happy ending~ <333
Thank you once again for the lovely story author-nim
Chapter 13: AWWWWWWWWW!!!JiKook did got together in the end!Yay!NamJin,VHope & JiKook all got a happy ending!! <333
Great story author-nim ~^^
Chapter 12: MAN!Why is this happening to my JiKook?? T^T
Chapter 11: Nawww,NamJin being cute & cuddly together is what I live for (My hardcore 2nd ship XD) And VHope being subtle cute is killing me too XD Then we have Suga being Suga & leaving JiKook alone *covers eyes* But dang,now that VHope is together,what will happened to JiKook?
Chapter 10: MANNNNNN HOSEOK AND TAETAE ARE SO CUTE I'M LOSING IT!!!And naww,Jungkook still scares about Jimin even though he sorta knew that Hoseok liked Tae :(
Chapter 9: Awwww,Namjoon and Jin confessed to the rest <333 And heol,Hoseokkie like Tae?? :O
Chapter 8: Dang,what is going on between Namjoon and Jin??And omo,Jungkook describing himself as the moon because he doesn't want to reveal his true feelings to Jimin T^T
Chapter 7: OMO!Is Jiminnie falling for Jungkook?? *fangirls* And man,the subtle confession from Jungkook :'(
Chapter 6: Nawww,Jungkook doing that all for Jiminnie,SO CUTEEEEEEEEE