For Forever

Bottled Up

“Hyung the food’s delicious!! No less expectations from you” Jimin said as he gulped down the food that had been prepared.  The others smiled at Jimin and took their food too and began praising Jin for hiss cooking except Jungkook who was having his meal quietly gaining some looks of concern from other band mates. Something had happened to Jungkook, other could tell it but what, nobody knew. Others wanted to go and talk to him but they guessed that he needed some time and when it is enough he would come and talk by himself. Until then all the others could do was to wait for him to open up to them.

When Jungkook realized that the uproar of the dining table had died out he looked up to check and could see the concerns in his hyungs’ faces. He knew that they were worried but he didn’t feel like talking to them right now. It pained Jungkook to see that he was making other worry about him and he couldn’t take it. He didn’t want his hyungs to feel sad or worried because of him, especially Jimin who was showing an obvious worried look to Jungkook. Jungkook abruptly turned his head to avoid looking at Jimin’s concerned eyes. Jimin felt hurt at the younger’s action but shook his head to avoid thinking in such way.

“Wah this food is hella good. What did you even add in this food? You’re magical hyung. Daebak! Can I have second servings?” Jungkook forced a smile as he said that to ease the mood. To his relief the hyungs seem to have calmed down a bit. But known to his, Jimin could see right through the fake smile the younger had given. But knowing why the younger had done that he decided to keep it down. Maybe he should talk with the other after all.

“Ah Jin-hyung lets have the cookies we bought from the mart yesterday as a dessert.” Taehyung exclaimed as they finished eating the meal. Hoseok nudged at him as he gave an ‘are-you-for-real’ look to Taehyung. Taehyung grinned at him and mouthed “I know but after this for sure” to Hoseok showing a thumbs up to him. Hoseok couldn’t refuse the younger as he just smiled at the other’s silliness.

Jin nodded his head in approval and soon brought the dessert to everyone’s delight. The cookies were checkerboard cookies and everyone enjoyed eating them.

“Wah! I like it so much. Don’t you do too Jungkookie?” Jimin exclaimed looking at the younger. Jungkook was cut off guard when the elder suddenly brought his name. He looked at Jin instead and said “Yes Jin-hyung it is indeed very delicious!”

Jimin was devastated by the younger’s reaction. It had been some days now but he felt as if the other was avoiding him. Ever since they had talked about Jungkook’s crush the distance between them had started to increase a lot. Had it been connected to his crush somehow or was it just him overthinking? Jimin didn’t understand anymore. Jimin was even unsuccessful on understanding his uneasiness to know that the younger had a crush on someone. He decided not to give up and exclaimed again, “Hey I just got an idea. Kookie! I will call you Kookie from now on!”

Everyone laughed at the random announcement done by Jimin. Just then Suga nonchalantly surprised Jimin when he said, “That means you like Jungkook?”

Jimin blushed really hard at that surprising the other members. “Where did you even get that idea from?” Jimin exclaimed trying to hide his embarrassment. Suga cleared his throat nervously when he realized that he just opened someone’s secret. He spoke up carefully as he answered, “Well because you just said that you liked the cookie and when you called Jungkook as Kookie that means you liked him right? Ah honestly I was just teasing you. C’mon don’t make feel bad.”

Namjoon laughed at Suga’s reaction and tried to tease Jimin more, “Yes it was just a joke Jimin. Just a joke.”

Yes. Just a joke.

Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore and stood up surprising everyone. While he was about to leave Taehyung exclaimed, “Yah! Kookie, where do you think you are going?”

But shocking everyone Jungkook turned around just to glare at Taehyung and what he said next broke Jimin’s heart, “Don’t call me that.”

Saying those words Jungkook was about to leave but Hoseok spoke up right away changing his tone to a serious one, “Jungkook! Sit down where you were. We have something to announce.”

Jungkook turned around and sat down quietly as he was told. Everyone stole nervous glances at Jimin. Jimin was heartbroken by the younger’s reaction. Maybe he annoyed the younger a lot. Maybe Jungkook indeed needed some time alone. Jimin could feel his eyes warming up and he knew he was close to tears, but when he saw the other stealing nervous glances at him, he let out a nervous laugh to assure other that he was okay. But honestly he was not. He was hurt by what Jungkook had said. Maybe Jungkook didn’t like him that much. The thought devastated him. The tears threat to from inn his eyes again so he listened to Hoseok in order to distract his mind. But it didn’t help as the words kept coming back to him.

“So we have something to announce”, Hoseok spoke up again pulling Taehyung near to him. Jungkook tensed up a bit as he realized what they were about to say. He looked up at Jimin but the other looked sad already. He could see the elder was in the verge crying at any time. What was it? Did he already know of the announcement? Was it his fault again? Jungkook bit his lower lip to keep himself from bursting out his feelings, his frustrations.

He lowered his gaze as Hoseok and Taehyung announce it at last, “So we want to say that we are dating.”

Everyone’s eyes lit as they announced it except for Jimin and Jungkook, both deep in their thoughts. Jimin looked up at the two of them smiling his best. He was honestly happy for them but he couldn’t smile honestly for them at the moment. But he didn’t want others to worry about him so he tried his best to smile. “Congratulations you two idiots” Jimin spoke up, his voice almost breaking at the end. But luckily others didn’t notice it.

“Good for you two”, Jungkook said and he walked away unable to bear it anymore. He knew that Jimin was sad. How could he not notice Jimin’s voice almost breaking at the end? His heart felt heavy as he cried himself to sleep.

On the other hand Jimin couldn’t sleep at all. He had forced himself to sleep but couldn’t. He walked towards the balcony to look at the moon again remembering the time Jungkook and he looked at the moon. He wished Jungkook to come again like that time and to stand beside him. But to Jimin’s disappointment he knew he wouldn’t and also the moon wasn’t there in the sky. The moon was covered by the clouds that night. It was nothing but a dark night. A soft sniffle left from his mouth as he remembered how Jungkook had been treating him. Maybe the younger didn’t like him after all.

Just them he heard some noise coming from behind him. He went towards them and saw a figure sitting down in the floor. A little hope came to him when he thought of the possibility of it being Jungkook. They could talk like before all alone under the sky even if there was no moon. He called out to the figure hoping it was Jungkook, “J-Jungkook?”

“Jimin? Is that you?” The figure spoke in the dark letting out a loud sigh of relief. It was Jin. Jimin felt disappointed but brushed the feeling away. “Hyung? What are you doing?” Jimin asked pulling Jin to help him stand up. “I was just going to restroom. But what the hell are YOU doing right now? I honestly thought that you were a ghost or robber. I almost had a heart attack by you.” Jin replied calming his heart down.

Jimin let out a laugh at the elder’s answer. He kept on laughing moving back to the balcony again. It was unusual how he kept on laughing continuously all the way worrying Jin as he followed the younger towards the balcony. To his surprise Jimin was now crying as he kept on laughing. He looked at Jin and spoke with a shivering voice, “Really hyung?”

Jin was confused by the other’s reaction. He didn’t understand the situation but instead of asking he pulled Jimin in his arms and patted his head soothing him. Jimin began to sob hardly in his hyung’s arms. He spoke out in the middle of his sobbing, “Hyung… h-hyung it hurts. I-It h-hurts so bad.”

Jin tightened his hug as the younger kept on crying. When he had cried enough Jin finally spoke up to ask wiping the tears off of Jimin’s eyes, “So what hurts Jimin? You can tell me if you want you know.”

Jimin nodded a little as he decided to finally speak it out, “Hyung don’t you think that nowadays Jungkook keeps on avoiding me? Whenever I go to talk with him, he always says he is busy or goes to talk with someone else. Also if I ask something he would answer it looking at others. Also he hated when I gave him a nickname today. Hyung does….d-does he perhaps not like me?”

Jimin’s eyes were full of tears again. Jin wiped up the tears again and spoke softly, “It’s not like that Jimin. He surely likes you. I know I have noticed that he has started to avoid you. But never have I seen dislike in his eyes. To be honest it’s the opposite. I have only seen love in his eyes for you. A sense care is always there whenever he looks at you. Don’t worry Jimin he is only depressed about something. He will soon be okay.”

“Does he really like me?” Jimin said between his sniffles to make sure that he was not hated.

Jin only nodded in response and spoke up nervously, “Jimin can I ask you something?”

Jimin nodded wiping his tears as he tried to calm himself down. “Do you perhaps like Jungkook? I mean it in a romantically.” Jin nervously asked looking at the other.

Jimin’s eyes widened at the question but he couldn’t deny it. He didn’t know anymore if it was just a care as a hyung or it meant more romantically. He didn’t care it anymore as he only wanted Jungkook to not hate him now.

His looks softened as he smiled at Jin painfully and said, “I don’t even know anymore. I have never really fallen in love till now so I don’t know how it feels. But I do know I feel differently towards Jungkook. Especially nowadays, my heart beats furiously whenever we are near, my stomach feels funny whenever he laughs and my eyes always rest on him somehow. Also I feel devastated to see him in pain when I cannot do anything for him and it hurt really badly when I think that he might not like me. I feel so conflicted. I have tried many times but I don’t know what these feelings are. I just can figure it out. I just want Jungkook to not hate me.”

Jin smiled at the younger as he hugged him and whispered in the younger’s ears, “Jimin you are in love. Love is honestly always complicated. It has the power to brighten your day or darken it more. It is beautiful yet it is ugly. All those confusion is what makes love. Jimin love maybe painful but it heals too so don’t worry about your feelings. They are just right. Complication is what makes the feeling called love.”

After some moment Jin finally stood up to walk away. He asked the younger if he wanted to sleep now but the other shook his head saying that he would like to stare the dark sky again. “But the moon is not there tonight Jimin” Jin said concerned about Jimin.

Jimin turned his gaze towards the elder and whispered, “Yes the moon is not there.”

But what he didn’t know was Jin was not going to sleep. Jimin didn’t notice but Jin had not gone to his room. Instead he had gone to the maknae’s room which he shared with Hoseok. He opened the door slowly and entered the room quietly. It was really dark inside the room as he stumbled at some places but at last he finally found the maknae’s bed. Why was he in the room? It was simply because Jin couldn’t stand this anymore. Its true Jungkook was feeling depressed but it was no reason to take it out on Jimin. So they had talk and by talk it should happen right away.

Jin felt the bed surface and searched for the younger’s shoulder to wake him up. But when he felt something wet instead he was totally shocked by it. Then to his concern he realized that it was the younger’s pillow. The younger should have cried a lot for some reason and Jin felt guilty as he decided not to wake the younger after all. But when he was about to leave he was surprised by a voice calling out, “Don’t you think it is creepy when someone walks into your room and just stares at you in dark hyung?”

“Jungkook? You were awake?” Jin whispered not wanting to wake Hoseok up.

“Yes hyung. So why did you even come here?” Jungkook asked and Jin noticed that the younger’s voice was a little hoarse. He must have really cried after all. “Do you really want to know?” Jin asked not sure if he should really disturb the younger’s sleep.

“mmhmm” Jungkook hummed in response.

Jin took along breath as he spoke again, “Umm… so I just wanted to say that you have to really talk about your problem with someone.”

“Ah really hyung just for that-“ Jungkook started but got cut off by Jin, “Try to listen till the end brat. So there is Jimin in the balcony and so I realized something must have been going on between you two so just go and talk alright? That’s it. Now I should probably go.” With that Jin left leaving a confused Jungkook alone. Should he really go but what would he do then? He can’t talk about his problem right? But Jimin was there alone, in the night.

Jungkook reluctantly got up and headed towards the balcony to find a figure looking up at the dark sky without any moon. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at the small figure which could only be of one person. He walked slowly and stood beside the elder, looking up at the sky.

When Jimin felt a presence beside him, he didn’t bother to look at the side as he spoke, “Jin-hyung? I thought you went to sleep.”

Jungkook chuckled softly when Jimin called him Jin as he tried to speak between his chuckling, “He certainly did not. He only went to disturb a sleeping someone.”

Jimin’s eyes widened when he saw the younger beside him, “Ko-Jungkook?”

“You really love watching the night sky right? The moon is not even there idiot”, Jungkook teased the elder while he continued looking at the sky.

But Jimin didn’t mind it, he was too surprised to see the younger beside him. Without realizing thet ears were back in his eyes as he failed to keep back his sniffles. Jungkook was surprised when he realized the elder crying. “Why are you crying?” Jungkook asked nervously confused if he is allowed to hug him or not.

Jimin shook his head desperately trying to wipe his continuous flow of tears from his eyes. “I-I thought you didn’t like me” Jimin said as he desperately tried to control his sniffles.

“What?” Jungkook almost half-shouted in response surprised at what Jimin said. He lowered his voice and said, “That’s the most absurd thought. Where did you even get that thought?”

“Don’t lie to me Jungkook, you kept on avoiding me this whole week didn’t you?” Jimin asked leaving Jungkook speechless. Yes it was indeed true that he avoided Jimin but he didn’t know the elder would react this way. Jungkook felt corner of his eyes getting heavy too as he watched the elder crying. Unable to hold himself back he pulled Jimin in his embrace. “I could never dislike you Jimin. Even if I wish I wouldn’t be able to” Jungkook whispered in Jimin’s ear.

Jimin snuggled more inside the younger’s strong arm and cried out loudly, “Then why Jungkook? You know how much it hurt me to see you avoiding me?”

“I can’t tell you. If I do I am afraid you will not like me. So please I don’t want to say this” Jungkook said he loosened his grip. “Jungkook please…please I need to know” Jimin pleaded in a weak voice but to no effect as Jungkook let go of Jimin, avoiding the elder’s eyes. Jimin went in front of Jungkook again and cupped the younger’s face in his chubby hands and with a pleading look he pleaded again, “please?”

Jungkook grabbed the elder’s hands which were on his cheeks and turned around to avoid any eye contact. “It’s because, i-it is because… it is because I love you dammit!” Jungkook said as he turned to see a shocked Jimin. It hurt Jungkook but he had to go on as he spoke, “Jimin yes it is true that I love you. I love you more than a hyung, it is a romantic love. I can understand if you dislike me now and also I keep on hurting you so it is better if you stay away hyung. That is why I am avoiding you. I don’t want to hurt you. Stay away from me.” Jungkook could feel his tears falling down as he tried to walk away.

Jimin quickly ran after Jungkook hugging him in the back letting his tears fall down, “No Jungkook you are not hurting me. Instead this distance between us is hurting more. I am somehow happy whenever I am with you. My heart beats like crazy whenever I am with you. Even now my heart is trying to come out from it’s place. But I like this feeling, I don’t hate it. Instead I feel devastated when we don’t talk and especially it hurts even more when you don’t talk to me and I felt uneasy when I came to know you had a crush.I don’t know if this is love or not. I am still not sure but isn’t my feelings of always wanting to be with you enough? You haven’t even asked me if I am happy without you around. Jungkook please don’t say me to stay away from you because I think it is already late for that. I can’t stay away from you. Not anymore. Jungkook please don’t leave me. Please.”

Jimin tightened his grip on the younger as his cries became harder. Jungkook tried to free himself from the elder’s grip but instead the elder tightened the grip even more. “No no please Jungkook no! I beg you please don’t go! Please!” Jimin almost wailed as he felt scared to let go of the other. He was afraid that if he let go of the younger now, he would go away and Jimin didn’t want that.

“I won’t go Jimin. I promise. So please? I just want to look at you, please? I won’t go ever now. I promise” Jungkook said as he tried to convince Jimin to let go of him. He felt the grip loosen a bit and he quickly turned back to look at Jimin who was a crying mess by then. “What you said is true right? You didn’t lie right?” Jungkook asked as he wiped the tears away from Jimin’s eyes. Jimin nodded his head in response. Jungkook’s gaze softened at the response and he spoke again, “So let me ask you this.”

Before Jimin could response he could feel warmth rushing through his lips. His eyes widened when he realized the younger’s face close to his face with their lips touching. They were kissing! Jimin was taken aback at the contact as his heart started to beat hardly again. He closed his eyes as the younger was doing feeling the other’s lips on his. But to his disappointment they soon parted their lips as Jungkook spoke up all the while staring deeply at Jimin’s eyes, “So did you hate it?”

Jimin shook his head objecting the statement. Jungkook smiled and asked again, “Then did you like it?” Jimin could feel his cheeks getting heated and he could see himself getting red as responded. He nodded his head slightly as he hid his face inside Jungkook’s shoulder. “Then you should know clearly now right? So Jimin-ssi, do you like Jungkook? More better do you love him?” Jungkook asked pulling the elder in his arms more. He couldn’t say how happy he was at the moment. He wanted the elder to be in his arms in that way for forever. He didn’t want to let go of the other ever again.

“y…I” Jungkook heard Jimin say. Unsatisfied he asked again, “Say it more clearly Jimin-ssi”

“I said I do love you. Don’t let go of me from now on idiot Kookie!” Jimin pouted but soon realized what he just called the younger. Jungkook laughed at the response and said, “I won’t ever baby. Not even in my worst nightmares. Also I like that nickname.”

Jimin was feeling both shy by the nickname he got and surprised by what the younger had said as he spoke in objection, “But you said to not call you by that.”

“What? I told that to Taehyung-hyung only. I never said it to you. I want to be called by that name by you only.” Jungkook said as he teased Jimin by giving a soft peck on Jimin’s neck, loving the response he got when Jimin’s whole body shivered. He let out a small chuckle and he loosened his grip when he realized the moon back on the sky as the cloud had disappeared completely. Turning Jimin to look at the moon he hugged Jimin from bag resting his head on the elder’s shoulders.

“So you chose the moon after all huh?” Jungkook said closing his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Jimin in his hands. “So you were referring to yourself after all huh?” Jimin said as he rested his head on Jungkook’s head. “I just have one question, if you are my moon then who is my sun?” Jimin asked while looking at the moon. “Don’t act dumb baby, you liked Taehyung-hyung right?” Jungkook said still closing his eyes but he abruptly disturbed when Jimin moved and exclaimed, “What?!”  

But they realized that it was not only Jimin who exclaimed that. Then they turned back to see Taehyung behind them as slowly the other members joined him, glaring daggers at Taehyung while the other laughed nervously realizing that they were caught at last. Now it was Jimin and Jungkook’s turn to exclaim, “What?!”

“Well congratulation you two and yes we were hearing you two’s conversations. It was Jin who woke us up.” Namjoon explained immediately to avoid any confusion.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at all the members and exclaimed again, “Even you Suga hyung? Don’t you love your sleep?”

Suga shrugged off a bit at his spot and said nonchalantly, “Of course. I didn’t want to be the only one to not know about this. Also if you need I have recorded you two. It has come really great so tell me if you need it.”

“Hyung!!!” Jimin and Jungkook exclaimed again in disbelief.

Suga shifted in his spot again and asked lazily, “What?”

Hoseok couldn’t take it anymore and reminding them again questioned Jungkook, “So what do you mean by Jimin liked Taehyung?”

Jungkook rubbed his hair in embarrassment knowing what will follow after he will speak up. Yet he spoke up with a nervous laugh, “Well I always saw them whispering to each other and he looked so happy with him being all touchy with him so I assumed it might be the case.”

Soon the room was filled with laughter as Jungkook shouted in embarrassment to protect himself from getting teased, “What? I was really worried by it, alright?”

But everyone kept on laughing at Jungkook’s assumption. Just then everything died and for Jungkook there was only silence in the room when  he felt a hand holding his hands softly and there his love was, Jimin smiling brightly at him showing Jungkook's favorite crescent eye-smile. Jimin gave a soft peck on Jungkook’s cheek as he stood on his toes just to reach Jungkook’s cheeks and returning back Jimin said, “No Kookie, I was just suggesting him things about Hoseok. You see this friend was dumb like me too. Honestly you are the only one I love Kookie.”

Jungkook smiled at his boyfriend as he leaned towards Jimin who was shorter than  him. Jimin was expecting a kiss on his cheek as he closed his eyes waiting for the kiss but when the younger bit his earlobe instead, a soft moan escaped Jimin's mouth. Jimin was so shocked by his own voice that he covered his mouth immediately. Jungkook laughed at the elder’s cute reaction. “You are mine one and only too baby” Jungkook whispered in Jimin’s ears making the elder turn into shades of red color.

And then *STUTTER*

They looked at their side and saw the hyungs clicking their photos without their concern again. “Hyung!!!” Jimin and Jungkook exclaimed again. Jin squealed as response and said, “You two are just so adorable. How can we not?”

Jimin blushed at the statement and hid himself behind Jungkook’s back. Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore as he carried Jimin in a princess style and was about to walk away when he turned back to speak again, “Taehyung-hyung lets exchange roommates. You will be with Hoseok-hyung and me with Jimin alright?”

But Jungkook didn’t wait for any response as he walked away to his room and placed the elder in his bed. He slumped down in his bed as he let out a sigh as he pulled Jimin by his waist and said, “I am seriously so happy right now baby. Thank you so much for loving me.”

Then he landed a soft kiss on the elder’s forehead. Jimin rested his head on the younger’s chest hearing the younger’s heart beat racing. “You have bottled up all your feelings till now right? It is time to open them now. Kookie I want you to shower me with all of your love you have bottled up till now.”

With that Jimin winked at the younger kissing him on his nose chuckling at his own dialogue. Jungkook pulled him in his arms and pushed the elder on his bed as he topped the elder. He started to land random kiss everywhere over Jimin’s body as Jimin laughed feeling ticklish by the entire kiss he got. “I have bottled up a lot. Do you really want me to open them all up?” Jungkook asked smirking a bit. Jimin nodded in response as he gave the younger one of his eye smile.

But before Jungkook could continue again there was creak sound from the door as Hoseok’s head bobbed up. “Um I was wondering if we are shifting today or tomorrow. Umm did I perhaps disturb you two?” Hoseok asked when he saw the position they were in. Jungkook sent glares of daggers at Hoseok making the other shiver in fear. Hoseok closed the door again exclaiming, “I think I did disturbed.”

Jungkook gave a loud sigh as he shifted his gaze back at Jimin who was staring at his eyes. Jungkook leaned a little and kissed Jimin in his lips again letting their tongues to play with each other. They both parted panting for oxygen. They stared at each other again and breaking the tension between them both of them burst into laughter. They couldn’t express how happy they were with each other. Jungkook laid back to Jimin’s side engulfing the elder in his arms.

“I love you and I will always…” Jungkook whispered.

“I love you too and will always…” Jimin whispered back.

Crossing their pinkies they spoke together, “…for forever”.

So it finally ended maybe I will add an epilogue i honestly dont know. But if you want I will try my best too :)

Also i have saterted another story so if you would like to you could go and check it out and maybe give it a try :3

here is the link:

Bye Bye Guys thank you for staying with me even when I was dead xD. Thank you!!

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Chapter 14: SCREAM YASSS
Chapter 14: My god,your opening had me scared for a moment because I thought something bad would happen to JiKook but nawww,it's a sweet happy ending~ <333
Thank you once again for the lovely story author-nim
Chapter 13: AWWWWWWWWW!!!JiKook did got together in the end!Yay!NamJin,VHope & JiKook all got a happy ending!! <333
Great story author-nim ~^^
Chapter 12: MAN!Why is this happening to my JiKook?? T^T
Chapter 11: Nawww,NamJin being cute & cuddly together is what I live for (My hardcore 2nd ship XD) And VHope being subtle cute is killing me too XD Then we have Suga being Suga & leaving JiKook alone *covers eyes* But dang,now that VHope is together,what will happened to JiKook?
Chapter 10: MANNNNNN HOSEOK AND TAETAE ARE SO CUTE I'M LOSING IT!!!And naww,Jungkook still scares about Jimin even though he sorta knew that Hoseok liked Tae :(
Chapter 9: Awwww,Namjoon and Jin confessed to the rest <333 And heol,Hoseokkie like Tae?? :O
Chapter 8: Dang,what is going on between Namjoon and Jin??And omo,Jungkook describing himself as the moon because he doesn't want to reveal his true feelings to Jimin T^T
Chapter 7: OMO!Is Jiminnie falling for Jungkook?? *fangirls* And man,the subtle confession from Jungkook :'(
Chapter 6: Nawww,Jungkook doing that all for Jiminnie,SO CUTEEEEEEEEE