I had no choice

I will always stick with you

Second period just ended and Anna left the classroom to go met up with Kwangmin. She went to the restroom near the locker area and saw Kwangmin waiting for her. He had a smile on his face when he saw her approaching. When she reached Kwangmin he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Oppa please help me...." Anna said. She had the sad face on and it made kwangmin worried.

"What's wrong?" Kwangmin asked. He hugger Anna and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's Jun.....She's being threatened by some of our batch mates." Anna said. She looked up at Kwangmin and he saw how sad she looked. He knew it was because of his Hyung since he is a popular student.

"We have to tell him. Hyung need to know" Kwangmin said determined to make things right. Anna looked at him and gave him a worried smile.

"Jun doesn't want him to know. She doesn't want to let anyone get involved" Anna replied. She had a sad face and looked away from Kwangmin. He didn't want to see her like this especially if it was because of her best friend. He pulled her closer and kissed her.

"We'll find away but I'll keep if from Hyung first. Tell me if it get worst so I'll tell him by then. You better go back now see you later lunch" Kwangmin said with a smile on his face. Anna gave him a nod and a kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Anna finally left Kwangmin let out a big sigh. His hyung told him about this. That if he and Jun go to school together people might start threatening her and insulting her. Youngmin told him to tell him if it started so he can help Jun. But Kwangmin didn't want to tell him yet he will wait till Anna tells him even if it meant breaking his promise to his hyung.

Thanks to everyone who is reading. Please leave a comment below so I know how it really went and if you really enjoyed it please:) 

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Chapter 1: let me kill that who wrote it :-@ ;->
Chapter 20: I'm deadbeat curious to how Jun will re-act!
but dear, I have a suggestion.
Can you please change the color of your font?
It hurts my eyes when I read it and look at the background as well.
DomoKunPlush #3
Chapter 11: Update soon please :)
I love the prom!!! Update soon
Prom <333
Update soon..please!!!
omfg. <333
update soon!!!