This girl..

Forgotten Love

(story written by xen) 

(a/n: sorry for the random image..I didn't know what would fit into this chap without spoiling it)

Jaehwa's POV 
I opened my eyes due to the redness of light behind my eyelids. I rubbed it slightly but the tubes that attached to my hand scratched my face....Wait....tubes? I look down to my toes and wiggled them. I heard a beeping meter beside me and the lights seemed like such a blur. Then i looked to my right, seeing a dark black figure... Aish my head began to hurt as I sat up, then two hands supported my back. I felt the back of mind dying off. What actually happened?
....'s POV
I fought back a fist as I heard a screech of car wheels. I spun around by accident recieving quite a hard blow from behind. I sunk to my knees but my hands supported my weight. I gazed up to see that girl lying on the concrete while the driver that hit her got away with it. I stood up with all my might and ran over over to retrieve the unconsious body. I carfully carried her in my arms bridal style and ran for the nearest hospital. I called for help while I was running rapidly through the streets. I tried to hurry up incase the girl was in the verge of dying. ! This was only the first time I've been to this place.  I decided to go home and treat her there. Home.... Home......what home? I reached carefully for my phone without dropping the girl. Luckily, I found the nearest hospital possible. I felt the drips of blood starting from behind her back. 
"YAH! YAH! YAH! HELP ME! SERIOUSLY HELP ME NOW!" I yelled loudly hoping someone would come already!
"YAH! Put her here!" a young nurse scolded as she brought the gernie (xen: gurnie? gerny? hospital wheel bed) 
I placed her carefully but they took her away so fast that I didn't even get a chance to see what she looked like. I felt faint as I walked towards the waiting area. 
Just like that...I was out like like a light
Jaehwa's POV
I adjusted myself to my seat as this figure began to feed on my spoonfuls of what looked like food. 
"Open up..." he harshly spoke as he held the spoon towards my mouth
"Yah! OPEN UP!" 
"AISH CHINCHA?!" he yelled as he stood up and formed a fist towards me
I cringed but it felt as if he held back. He threw the spoonful of food at me, sending the food to fly all over my patient gown. 
"YAH!" I squealed at him but I noticed a white strip of cloth tied around his head. "what happened...." I non-chalantly touched the oozing red blood that came through the cloth. I watched as he winced. He pushed my hand away agressively. 
"Hajima!" he yelled back "Just eat your food and don't bother me"
I took the spoon from my lap and began to feed myself but I kept keen eye on him. Everytime I would get lost in staring he would always shoot me a death glare. I hate it when he stares at me with those eyes, those eyes could start a fight. I watched him, watch me. The hospital was silent, I'm guessing visiting hours were over. My head thumped. I could've sworn that something....missing...I placed my hand to my head supporting it. He his lips and swallowed hard. I'm pretty sure he was about to say something. But instead, I hear him humming while scrolling down something on his phone. 
"What are you doing?" I asked leaning to have a peek.
"None of your business"
I bit my lip. As expected his reaction would be. My fingers figeted. I REALLY WAS curious. I wanted to know what he was doing behind that phone. Plus, I bored just watching him scroll up and down. I took my chances and snatched his phone away; right out of his hands. It took awhile for my eyes to adjust on the text. It looked like song's about a girl...a lost girl...I glanced up from the phone to meet his death glare once again. He snatched the phone right back. 
"Why are you so annoying?" He told me pressing random buttons on his phone and shoving it into his pants' pocket. 
I mumbled my words. "Mm, I can help yo-"
"I don't need it, don't want it. But thanks anyways" He gave me a slight grin, but it was more of a 'rolling-your-eyes-and-pretend-you-care' type of thing
"Are you in a band?"
Band...My head began to throb again..Band? Band?! Band...what?! Audition? Band...What was my thoughts trying to say right now? I gulped and swallowed hard. Something pained my chest but I'm not sure what is was exactly..The monitors beeped quite quickly as my heart began to pound really fast. I hypervenalated for a short bit. I clenched the metal bars that sided my bed. 
"Yah, gwenchana?" He looked at me with concern
I nodded my head but I knew I wasn't alright at all. Something...just something...what...
Just then the doctor came by, holding a clipboard and a bunch of other folders with him. He gave me a bright smile and glanced at all the monitors that surrounded me. 
"Ah~ you're up? How are you feeling?" he asked "My name is Dr. Jang, and it seems your heart-rate is ok, a few broken bones, we'll patch you up and you'll be good as new in a couple of weeks..." he turned to that death glare figure "Are you her guardian?"
He shook his head 'No' "I am just a bystander that happened to witness her accident"
"What accident?" I asked him
They both ignored me and they talked for a little bit more. Then the doctor turned his attention to me, bending eye level towards me. I backed up a little bit because he was being too close. 
"What is your name?"
"Jung Jaehwa"
"What is the date today?"
"(insert whatever date you are reading this [yesterday's date])"
"Good. Mhm.."
What was the point of that?
"So is she ok or what?" the boy asked
The doctor ignored him and took out a flash light of some sort. It had a blue light instead and he shone it right infront of my eyes and I blinked due to the sudden flash. He clicked it on and off then side to side slowly. 
"It seems as if, you lost some vision in your left eye but it won't harm you or anything. Your scans from earlier also said you broke some bones but just a crack from behind the skull which we'll fix in due time"
I sat there silent. Unable to say anything really..I waited for the doctor to leave and it just remained as me and that death glare guy.
....'s POV
I watched her fidget once more. It really bugged me to see those fingers intertwine, collied, alligned and many more. I sat back down in my chair and began to search through my phone again. This is going to be a long night...I watched her fidget with her hair and watched her glance at all the monitors around her. Her gaze finally fell upon me. I looked down and pretended I'm doing something on my phone. 
"What's your name?" she blurted out
I looked at her and chuckled. "You don't need to know"
She sat there dumbfounded once again. I admit it looked kind of cute for someone who just got hit by a car. I laughed at myself for thinking about the stupid comment.
"Do you have any family members that could pick you up? Let alone stay here? I need to get somewhere."
She sat there silent. It looks as if she was struggling hard to remember. 
"Did you hear me?" I asked her, speaking a little bit clearer than last time
"I don't know.."
"What do you mean you don't know.."
"I don't...know"
"Do you have any friends that can stay here? Boyfriend?"
I watched her twitch when I said the word 'boyfriend'. Hrm.. weird...well I already know she's weird but that's just odd that she remembers her name and the date...but not...I stood up and called the doctor back in her and told him about her situation.
"I think she might have some long term memory loss. Something must've bothered her about that situation and her brain forgot about it when she got hit by the car."
"So what am I suppose to do, I know nothing about her, and she knows nothing other than the regular, her name and date..."
"I'm afraid you are going to have inform or notify the police to see if there is a family out there with this girl in there. Until then, you are responsible for her"
Well no , genious. I turned back around and took a long good look at the girl. 
"You REALLY know nothing?" I asked her, bending down to eye level. She scooted back to her pillow and faced the opposite direction from me. I placed my hands in my pockets and smiled to myself. This girl is really... unusual.

Hiyeom Xen hur~
Short Update
Sorry it took so long, I've been so busy lately T_T
Well I hope you liked this quick update :D
Thank you for reading 
byeyeom, take care guys!
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omg ;A;
syonghwa #2
-singing voice- she kissed his cheeks and she felt all giddy and
he probably liked it. and he touched his cheeks from the kiss and he smiled.
but the she remembered he's a gang member ooohh oohhh.
chiaozz #3
Update! Kikwang :)
Update! n_n
syonghwa #6
waah, who calls a person and says "so yong junhyung, are you ready to
ing die?" tsk, jeez. ppl these days, heh heh.
zeloswife #7
wow! it is very nice ~ update soon! =)
chiaozz #8
You must update... The faster the better! Don't make me wait :))
shineelover2891 #9
this story is really good :)
hehe i agree with xen ....<br />
thanks guys!