
You Make Me Begin
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“You okay?” Jaebum asks Mark as they make dinner, since the latter had suddenly stopped cooking to stare at the infinity. Jaebum voice takes him out of his trance and he turns to look at him.

“Yes, it’s just I felt something weird inside me” Mark said in disbelief. “I felt…so much angry all of a sudden. It’s the second time it happens to me today”.

“It must be Jinyoung” Jaebum says, and he can’t help but feel a bit jealous that Mark can still feel Jinyoung even when they are separated.

“But that’s good. At least I know he’s alive”.

Jaebum smiles at him. He wonders if he can’t feel Youngjae because of what happened the other night. He wants to slap himself for being that stupid; but the cheek Youngjae slapped previously still stings for moments. He thinks is enough with one damaged cheek and an aching heart.

They hear someone opening the door and Jaebum turns to look at who he expects to be his partner.

“Kim Yugyeom” he half growls when he sees the bunch of red hair appearing through the door, “where the hell were you? You didn’t say where you went and you weren’t answering your phone”.

“I’m sorry” Yugyeom apologizes, but before he can add something more Jaebum continues rambling.

“Don’t you know how worried I was? Don’t go out again without telling me or you’re dead meat. Understood?”

Yuygeom nods. Jaebum has become more paranoid with his friends, but he thinks it’s normal given the circumstances.

“I understand. But I wanted to-“

“I don’t care what you wanted. Just don’t do it again”.

Yugyeom is about to answer when Jaebum finally notices a person standing at the doorway, waiting for permission to come in. Shura senses a pair of eyes on her and stares back at Jaebum, but quickly looks at the floor again.

“I wanted to accompany Shura to work just because” Yugyeom finally says, motioning for the girl to come in. “We looked for Youngjae after but we couldn’t find anything. I invited her over to have dinner too”.

Shura closes the door behind her. Jaebum diverts his gaze to the other side, still feeling guilty for what happened with Youngjae. Mark doesn’t say anything; he just continues preparing the food. Yugyeom remains silent too, not knowing what to do.

“It’s fine if you feel uncomfortable with me here” Shura says, noticing the tension in the room, “I can go home and have dinner by myself. It’s no big deal”.

Yugyeom wants to protest. He knows Jungkook and Seokjin are out tonight so the girl is alone, since Mark already made it clear that he’s going to spend all the time besides Jaebum making sure he doesn’t skip meals and helping him with all his paranoias.

“No, please join us” Jaebum says, surprising Yugyeom and Shura. “I would want you to have dinner with us”.

Shura glances at Yugyeom, who nods to her and then she turns to look at Jaebum, who stares back at her.

“Uhm, okay” she mutters. Yugyeom takes her coat and brings it to his room. Meanwhile Jaebum goes back to assist Mark with the dinner.

“I’m almost done” Mark says, “you can start setting the table”.

“I’ll do it” Shura quickly volunteers.

“I’ll help you” Jaebum says to her.

Mark smiles, anticipating the talk his friends are about to have. Yugyeom goes out from his room and quickly catches on the situation, so he excuses himself with going to the bathroom so his friends can talk about their problem.

“Jaebum, listen” Shura starts, but soon is cut by Jaebum.

“Please don’t” Jaebum says, “don’t apologize. I’m the one who should apologize to you. What you said last night was true. I should have listened to Youngjae and have asked him what he wanted to do instead of taking a decision by myself. If something happens to him I’ll gladly let you do whatever you want with me”.

“Don’t say that. I’m still sorry, I also didn’t have in consideration how you were feeling. This is affecting us all, and among anything we should be united. I know your feelings for him are honest, and I can’t think of anyone better than you to be with Youngjae. But you have to understand that you are important for all of us, and we all want to help you. Let us be by your side; you don’t have to do this alone”.

“But this isn’t your battle. I can’t just let you deal with something that doesn’t have to do with you”.

“Excuse me” Mark suddenly says, “even if it doesn’t have to do with us, we still want to do it. Because we care about you, Jaebum. Tell me: if I was in danger wouldn’t you come to save me? Even if it didn’t affect you?”

“Of course, but-“

“It’s the same. We don’t have to do this, that’s true. But we WANT to. Because we love you, Jaebum. You don’t have to fight this alone. I’ve already told you that I’m going to help you overcome this. But you don’t only have me with you”.

“I’ve been all in with this since ever” Yugyeom suddenly says. He came out some time ago but remained quiet, just listening to the conversation between them. “I’ve seen you suffering alone, and I’m sick of it. You always took good care of me, there’s no way I’m letting you down now. And he now has my dad, so I’m directly involved with this”.

Jaebum is speechless. He has always considerate this people as his friends; but now he truly understands the meaning of true friendship. This people care about him and are ready to wage a battle that isn’t theirs because of their love for him. He should have known that all of them would get involved by his own will, because they are loyal and the most amazing friends Jaebum could ever have.

“I’m in this too” Shura adds, “and you know you have the support from the entire pack. You are not alone anymore, so this time I’m sure you’ll win against Jeonghan. If Jinyoung and Youngjae were here they’d say the same thing. We’re all in this together, and now it’s a bit late to push all of us away”.

Jaebum looks at the three of them, all giving wide smiles to him. Jaebum can’t express with words how grateful he is to them, how relieved and happy they are making him feel.

“Thank you guys. It really means a lot to me” Jaebum finally says, his voice shaking a bit.

“You also mean a lot to us” Yugyeom whispers to him while embracing him in a tight hug that Shura quickly joins.

“Don’t worry, Youngjae will be fine. He’ll return to us” Shura assures him.

“Okay guys, dinner is ready” Mark says, breaking the aura around them.

They sit at the table, Yugyeom and Shura placed one next to the other with Mark in front of them. Before Jaebum can sit beside Mark, the latter pulls him onto his lap, provoking the laughs from Shura and Yugyeom.

“Mark what are you doing?” Jaebum mutters while blushing a bit.

“I think we both need some love since our beloved ones are out” he jokes, earning a slap from Jaebum.

“I’m going to tell Jinyoung all of this when he comes back”.

“Tell Youngjae too. I bet that would make them happy”.

“You both are too much” Shura says between laughs.

“Yeah” Yugyeom agrees, “are you sure you’re not dating behind our backs?”

Jaebum and Mark look at each other, as if they were seriously considering it.

“I still prefer Jinyoung” Mark declares.

“Good, because I also prefer Youngjae” Jaebum says, freeing himself from Mark and sitting beside him; both of them smiling.

“I can’t believe that even when Jinyoung and Youngjae aren’t here you still manage to make me jealous” Shura jokes.

“I can’t believe it either” Mark says, “like, I thought Jaebum and I were going to be third wheeling you both so I decided to give part of my love to him; even though once we have Jinyoung back you can forget about it”.

“I’ll survive” Jaebum mutters.

“Good. But still feels like you both are third wheeling us”.

Shura and Yugyeom look at each other and blush. Mark and Jaebum glance at each other and high five under the table.

“We aren’t dating” Yugyeom says, and Shura nods by his side.

“Yet” Jaebum adds.

Yugyeom glares intensely at him.

“Let’s eat okay?” Shura request, still blushing and deep inside thinking how much she wants that ‘yet’ to be true.


The smell of alcohol and sweat hits them as soon as both of them come in. Jungkook makes a disgusted face while Seokjin makes way for them to the center of the club. Jungkook’s hand searches for Seokjin’s, and quickly intertwines their fingers.

“Well, what’s the plan?” Jungkook asks him, raising his voice a little so his boyfriend can hear him among all the noise.

“We look for someone who could have seen Youngjae” Seokjin answers, already setting his gaze on the bartender, who notices him and gives him a small smile.

“What about him? He’s always here” Jungkook says while observing the man.

“Let’s ask him then”.

They both walk hand in hand and sit at the counter. The bartender dismisses his former customer and turns to them.

“How can I help you?” he says, smiling again at them while cleaning a jar.

“We are looking for someone” Seokjin says, taking out his phone to show the man a picture of Youngjae. “Have you seen this boy recently?”

The man narrows his eyes to take a better look at the picture.

“He’s the human friend of that female werewolf, isn’t he?” he asks them.

Both Jungkook and Seokjin look at them with their mouths hanging open, shocked to know that this man remembers him.

“I never forget a face” he says to them, seeing their confused faces.

“Have you seen him around here recently?” Seokjin asks, recovering the seriousness.

“No, I don’t. Why, is he missing?”

Seokjin and Jungkook look at each other for a moment before Seokjin answers him.

“He ran away due to an incident and we don’t know where he is”.

“I see. Well, if you give me your number I’ll call you if I see him”.

The man hands his phone to Seokjin, who takes it still a bit doubtful but saves his number in it nevertheless.

“Great…Seokjin” the man says after taking back his phone and checking the new contact. “I’ll call you if I have any news about him”.

“Thank you, ehm…”

“Call me Yesung” the man says, grinning to him again, “nice to meet you”.

“Nice to meet you too, Yesung. I’m Seokjin and he’s my mate, Jungkook”.

“Nice to meet you sir” Jungkook says while bowing.

“How endearing! Are you staying for a bit here?”

“Most likely. Can we have two beers, please?”


When Yesung goes to get their drinks, Jungkook pulls from Seokjin’s shirt.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“The guy seems reliable” Seokjin answers, taking Jungkook’s hand again on his, “and we’re staying here for a while to watch for possible suspicious activity. Why not enjoy ourselves a bit? I haven’t taken you to a proper date yet, we can take some profit of the situation”.

Jungkook smiles to him, caressing the elder’s hand with his thumb.

“I’m glad we still have time for things like this even with everything that’s happening” he says, giving Seokjin a kiss on the cheek, “you always know how to cheer me up. I love you”.

“You know I’d do anything to make you happy” Seokjin mutters while kissing Jungkook properly on the lips, “I love you too”.

“Oh guys, you’re the sweetest!” Yesung exclaims while putting two beers on the counter. “Forget about paying. It’s really pleasant to see that true love isn’t dead yet. These are on the house”.

“Thank you so much Yesung” Jungkook says while bowing to him again.

“Please enjoy the night. I hope I’ll get to see you soon again” Yesung says with a smile before going to attend a new customer.

Seokjin takes their drinks in one hand and Jungkook with the other. He guides the younger to an empty table far from the hassle and they sit, one in front of the other. They clasp their drinks together before having a sip, and then Jungkook reaches for Seokjin’s hand above the table.

“Have I told you how much I love you?” Jungkook asks him, staring at him with heart eyes.

“Just five minutes ago” Seokjin says, “but you can do it whenever you want. I won’t complain”.

“You can always say it back…or prove it directly”.

Seokjin smirks, and then approaches Jungkook to kiss him full on the lips.


“So you met Kihyun” Minhyuk says. He and Youngjae are having dinner at their cell; Youngjae already feels suffocated for being trapped on this place all day, plus he has just received his dose of suppressive serum. Luckily, today’s tests for the anti-serum have been great.

“He’s really nice” Youngjae comments. “We instantly clicked together. I think we are more similar than we think”.

“Sure thing, you both seem cute but can kill someone within seconds”.

Youngjae grins. He can tell Kihyun is able to do so by how intensely he had glared at anyone that was interrupting their work.

“We’re doing great” he says. As he came back to the cell earlier, he checked for possible cameras or microphones; but he found nothing. Which is good for them. “We’ll have that anti-serum ready in no time”.


They end their meals in silence, and then they throw the rubbish to the trash can. Youngjae invites Minhyuk to sit by his side on his bed and talk for a while.

“Kihyun told me about the guy he likes” Youngjae says, “since I talked to him about Jaebum. It really makes me angry to know that he had planned a perfect date for him and he never could make it real because of this people”.

“I feel like that too. I’m sure Changkyun would have said yes, and both of them would have had the time of their lives. I don’t know what happened with the tickets, but I hope someone found them and gave them to Hyunwoo. I’m sure he would take good care of it”.

“Hyunwoo is your boss, isn’t he?”

Minhyuk nods.

“Yes, but it really doesn’t feel like it. He doesn’t yell at us and isn’t very strict. He gives us orders but he’s gentle when he does it. He wouldn’t force us to do something we wouldn’t want to do. He’s also very friendly and takes good care of us. We’re very lucky to have him as our captain”.

“Kihyun says you’re his favorite”, Youngjae grins upon seeing the blush spreading through Minyuk’s face, “is that true?”

“I don’t know” Minhyuk mutters, “everyone at the office says so, and I know Hyunwoo and I have a deep bond with each other. But I would have noticed like how I’ve noticed the way Changkyun looks at Kihyun when he speaks, or how Wonho is always showing off his muscles for Hyungwon to see. But I don’t see anything special about Hyunwoo and me. He’s kind to everyone, not only me. I think my buddies are mistaking kindness with love”.

“But you like him, don’t you?”

“God, you and Kihyun are really alike” Minhyuk says while laughing a bit, “you don’t seem like it but you’re really snitchers on the inside”.

“Everyone is a bit blabber on the inside” Youngjae says while shrugging his shoulders.

“True. Well, yes I like him. I mean, who doesn’t? He’s a true gentleman. It’s not that unusual to fall for him, so I did. But it doesn’t matter because he won’t ever look at me as something more than a teammate”.

“You won’t know until you try it. Kihyun said

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I'm sorry my lovely people! I disappeared again :( But I'll be back soon (and this time I really mean it when I say that I will update more frequently)!
See you soon :D


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i remember i already read this and i want to re-read this but i forget the title lmao and i already try to find tag 2jae or whatever but still i cant find. but today i suddenly checked my friends list and i was like, eh who is this lmao (bcs as far as i remember i always request friends from author that i llike, youre one of them sjssskskksksksks) then i clicked your profile and taraaaaaa here's the story that i find all these days fuhh....
Chapter 39: :) It was really wonderful! I like your storie so much!!! I personnally prefer markjin together but I also like every other couples there!! I'm sad it's over.....TT
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 39: Aww. At last this is really the end.
I'm sad but at the same time satisfied reading this since the beginning till the end.. Thank u for ur time and imagination making this fic! I love it from chap 1 till epilogue! And the couples here i definitely ship too esp my fav MarkJin!! I hope u can make more fics in the future. Fighting!! And take care <3
Can't wait to read this fanfic ✌?
JinyoungsMark #5
Chapter 38: Miss u soo much..super happy ur update :)
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 37: Awww..jaebum.can be genius at times. Soo happy for mark !! :)
Chapter 37: Awwww... Nomu sweeteu ~ ~^O^~
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 36: Pls continue the story abt markjin in the past..i feel soo sad as jinyoung can't wake up :'(
Chapter 36: I'm glad Mark is awake