Chapter 2

Celebrital Lovers

Chapter 2


“Aaron! Why are you so early today?” Qiaoqiao asked caringly as she strode up to him.

It was only 8am but Aaron was already at the filming site despite only having to be there at 9:30am.

“All thanks to Guigui” Aaron replied nonchantly.

Upon hearing the word ‘GuiGui’, Qiaoqiao perked up.

“Guigui? What did she do?”

Aaron didn’t bother to reply. He simply flashed a quick smile before diverting the topic.

“Oh right, is it ok if Guigui join us for dinner tonight?”

QiaoQiao looked at Aaron for a second, blinked at the second and started nodding her head slightly at the third.

“No problem,but i am afriad rumours bteween the two of you would spread. But if you think it's ok for her to come then i wouldn't mind either.” Qiaoqiao replied before heading towards the make-up studio to prepare herself for the next scene that was to be filmed.

- - -

“YaLUN!!!Happy birthday!!!"The playful GuiGui laughed with delight as she jumped onto Aaron’s back. Instantly, Aaron’s face flushed red and he started to complain,

“ARGH! GUIGUI! You are so heavy!! I don't think my body can take your weight anymore!”
Without hesitation, GuiGui hopped off and with a gleeful smile attached to her face she turned to Qiaoqiao and Calvin.

“Hi, i'm Guigui!”

Calvin raised his hand to shake GuiGui’s as the smile plastered to his face grew.

“You are such a cheerful girl! It's definietly Fahrenheit's Jiro wang's type of girl!”

GuiGui widened her eyes in disbelief

“What?! Jiro likes girls that are cute? I can't tell!”GuiGui giggled as she grabbed Aaron’s left hand and pulled him towards the restaurant where they were planning to celebrate his birthday in.

During the entire meal, the 4 of them chatted and savored the delicious meal. Despite still being rather weary of QiaoQiao, GuiGui started to relax in Qiaoqiao’s presence and both of them even ganged up to tease Aaron.

“Hey Qiaoqiao, do you know that Aaron's is just like a girl's? It's so fleshy!” GuiGui laughed heartily as she saw Aaron shot a glare at her.

“Agreed! I totally agree!”Qiaoqiao nodded in agreement as she burst into a fit of giggles.

Upon seeing himself starting to become the prey of Qiaoqiao and Guigui, Aaron grabbed GuiGui who was sitting beside him and pulled her towards him.

“You better stop saying- -”

“But i;m speaking the truth!”GuiGui protested as she struggled in Aaron’s embrace. Without thinking, Aaron pinched GuiGui’s rosy plump cheeks till she screamed.

“Alrught alright! Your is like a man's!”

Then, Aaron patted her head and smiled cheerfully as GuiGui pulled away sulkily, not forgetting to scold him under her breath.

- - -

"AAAAAAA---LALALA-- Why are you doing this?” Qiaoqiao sang.

“she's really drunk” Calvin commented as he laughed and shook his head.

Through the entire meal, Qiaoqiao had been drinking quite a fair bit of alcohol, totally forgetting about how easily she gets drunk.

“Calvin, i think i will do the job of sending qiaoqiao home.”

“I want to follow! Besides my house is near yours!”GuiGui interrupted.

“So qiaoqiao will be sleeping at your house?”Calvin asked.

“there's no other place she can sleep at” Aaron sighed.

“you sure?” Calvin raised his eyebrow. Aaron nodded and shrugged. There wasn’t anywhere else QiaoQiao could go. He didn’t know where QiaoQiao’s apartment was and with her completely drunk, he had no choice but to bring her home.


At Aaron’s house:

Aaron was carrying QiaoQiao on his back as GuiGui and he entered his house. They were slightly drenched as it was drizzling. Qiaoqiao was fast asleep and Aaron carried her to his room and laid her on his bed. Then, he unraveled his snoopy blanket and covered Qiaoqiao. While he was tucking QiaoQiao into bed, GuiGui silently stood by the door as she screamed silently. She didn’t like how Aaron was so caring towards Qiaoqiao. She didn’t like how QiaoQiao could have the privilege to sleep on Aaron’s bed – and she was probably the first girl to do so. As Aaron untied QiaoQiao hair, he turned around to leave the room, only to see GuiGui sulking.

“Gui, what is it? It's really late, don't you want to go home?”

“oh right. Okay then, i will leave now. Bye.” With that, GuiGui turned around and headed towards the main door. As she was about to twist the door knob open, Aaron grabbed her hand.

“It's so late and i don't think it's safe for a girl to go home alone at this hour.WQhy don't you stay for the night?。” Aaron spoke, his eyes looking deep into Guigui’s.

“But your family members- -”

“Don't worry, they aren't in tonight.”

GuiGui hesitated for a little moment then she nodded happily. “Another extra night with Aaron!” she thought. Aaron smiled warmly.

“With qiaoqiao sleeping on my bed, there's only my little sister's bed left for us to sleep on. So, it's alright if we share the same bed right?”Aaron asked slowly.

“THE SAME BED?!” GuiGui could hear herself scream. However, she maintained her composure and nodded slightly. “Sure.”


HAHA. The story in chapter one is boring so i couldn't help it but post another chapter to psuh the story further. Please comment alrights? ^.^

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