Chapter 11

Celebrital Lovers

Chapter 11


The concert started. The LED lights flashed repeatedly all across the place, creating an atmosphere filled with excitement. The boys appeared in white shimmering suits. All dolled up and handsome as ever. However, only 1 boy managed to capture Guigui’s attention. Her eyes were only for him, and so was her heart.

“I'm standing at my memory's entrance- -” Aaron sang with all his emotions. His legs sway in the beat of the music as he gazed towards the side in which Guigui sat. Worried that Aaron might notice her presence, and not to mention her dressing, Guigui looked away shyly and maybe guiltily. However, his voice, his movements touched her heart. She wanted him to be by her side this very moment, only singing to her, whispering into her ear…

Then, she was knocked out of her thoughts when the rhythm of the music picked up. Guigui shot up to take a better look of Aaron as Fahrenheit was thrown into a series of tiring dance movements. The four members rushed up the stage onto the higher platform, hoping to be in time to start the dance. However, Aaron lagged behind and his hastily jumped into position. Then, an agonizing shriek was heard and Aaron fell to his knees, unable to stand up. At that instance, Guigui’s heart leapt and she wanted to sprint all the way to Aaron to help him up. However, that was impossible and Aaron remained crouching on the ground helplessly. The camera zoomed onto his face and his winced in pain before forcing himself up. The hobbled throughout the song and when it finally ended, all the Fahrenheit members rushed towards him.

“I'm alright!” Aaron laughed through the microphone. “I have always been too active!” He joked.

Guigui squinted and raised her head high in the air, trying to see what happened to Aaron.

“Do you need to rest? You seem to be in great pain!” Jiro asked as he helped Aaron.

“Wait, Today, i plan to apologise to someone.”

Chatters swept across the stadium as the fans discussed the possible reasons for Aaron’s words.

“Yesterday, due to some misunderstandings,i hurt a girl whom i hold close to my heart. And no matter how much effort i put in to try to get her to hear me out, she refused.”

Guigui’s felt her heart skip a beat and a chill ran down her spine. He wasn’t talking about her was he?

“And today, i know she's here. So, i hope to take this opportunity to apologise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you felt neglected. I'm sorry that I'm really busy. I'm sorry.” Aaron bowed in the direction where Guigui sat.

Guigui could feel that she was no longer breathing. She held onto Minpei’s hand nervously.

“My love, i didn't invite her to the rehersal yesterday! She came on her own accord.So will you forgive me?”

Guigui turned away as she felt Aaron’s eyes on her.

“Guigui, Look at me! You are the only person i truly love!”

At the moment her name was being mentioned, Guigui thought she heard herself gasped and her eyes widened. Now, everyone had their eyes on her, including the 4 members of Fahrenheit.

“Sorry- - i- -” Guigui stuttered nervously and stood up. She walked towards the exit of the stadium. At the corner of her eyes, she saw Aaron running towards her on the stage. He hobbled helplessly and bit on his lips to help stop the pain which was due to his injured ankle. Then, an ear-piercing shout was heard and Aaron tumbled on the ground. His grabbed his ankle and shouted. At that moment, Guigui’s heart melted. Her boyfriend was willing to overcome all the pain and chase after her. Now, he was on the ground helplessly. She couldn’t just leave him there alone. At the speed of a cheetah, Guigui sprinted towards the stage and with the help of a ladder, climbed onto it.

“Ah Bu! Why are you so stubborn and silly?!” Guigui ran towards Aaron at breakneck speed and squatted beside him, pulling him into an embrace.

“Guigui,I'm sorry” The entire stadium roared, cheering and wolf-whistling upon realizing that their baby Aaron was in love. Tears trickled down her cheeks as Guigui pulled away from Aaron and wiped his sweat away.

“Look at you, you are sweating all over!” Guigui said, her voice filled with utmost concern. However, Aaron pulled her hands away and started wiping her tears instead. Then, once again, Guigui fell onto Aaron’s chest as the couple hugged once again. By now, some fans were moved to tears, especially the Guilun fanatics. They simply couldn’t contain the joy and the fact that Guilun were actually together!

“Alright, stop being so mushy! Come, let us have Guigui and Aaron sing us a song together alright?” Jiro passed the microphone to Guigui and helped her up. Then, with some help, Aaron walked towards the keyboard and had Guigui sit beside him. He started playing a simple melody which Guigui recognized as ‘Throughout the journey I had you’. During the entire duration, Guigui and Aaron were thrown into their own world and they stared deep into each other’s eyes intently.

Did you know? Loving you wasn't easy
It took a lot of courage
Wasn’t it fate that led me to love you?
And yet, you have now left me

It rained, pouring on this vast place here
Lonely, I tried to avoid and evade
But the moment I turned around
Standing on this familiar street
The person walking behind me turns out to be you

Perhaps its my sad destiny
For me to have to miss you for the rest of my life
A lonely heart wandering admist the harsh winds and strife
All for you

All along, I had you
So even tears were worth it
Even though heartbreak came, since at least I was able to meet you
All along, I had you
So facing the wind was worth it
Even though it was inevitable that one day we would part

Always in the rain
Trying to avoid the past
But yet we meet under the rain like this
Always in the rain
One can't help but miss the past
And we haven't met since
Since those last painful tears - last embrace - last goodbye

Aaron sang with so much emotion that the tears sprang out of Guigui’s eyes. As soon as he ended the song, she jumped into his embrace and held him so tightly. Through this hug, she wanted to tell him she forgave him and she also wanted to tell everyone that she loved him so much.

“This song doesn't suit us at all- -” Guigui said in between her sobs as she continued to lie on Aaron’s chest. “I promise that i won't leave you, so we will surely meet again”

As soon as those words left Guigui’s lips, the entire stadium roared into laughter at her silliness. Aaron smiled and pulled his girl closer to him.

Wu zun, Calvin, Jiro, Minpei clapped loudly and cheered. They were glad that their plan had worked perfectly. On the other hand, at a corner, Qiaoqiao sat quietly, deep in thoughts. So Guigui and Aaron were actually together. How was she going to accept that fact? Qiaoqiao bit her lip as she felt a piercing pain in her heart. Her heart was crying and the tears were blood-red.

“SO i was the obstacle for them? What should I do?! I really cannot forget him---” A tear trickled down Qiaoqiao’s cheek.

- - -

“So it was a deal between the both of you?” Guigui whispered to Minpei as they sat at an elegant table, waiting for Fahrenheit to finish with their victory photoshoot. Minpei smiled and nodded.

"No wonder! I thought you were really weird dressing me up like this!” Guigui chattered. Before Minpei could reply, two warm hands touched Guigui’s shoulders. She turned around, only to see Aaron with his fringe dyed red.

“What are you girls chatting about?"

“So your sister and you--”

“That isn't the imprtant point! The important thing is that you have forgiven me~” Aaron looked at Guigui, casting a smile full of satisfaction. Then, he observed Guigui a while before taking off his green jacket and placing it over her shoulders.

“Why are you dressed in this manner?!--it's a little--Very revealing” Aaron hastily fastened the jacket buttons, in a desperate attempt to ‘cover’ Guigui’s upper body. It wasn’t that he didn’t like seeing his little girlfriend being so y and attractive. It was just that he didn’t want the other guys looking at her in a ert manner upon seeing her wondrous figure. Upon seeing Aaron’s reaction, Guigui immediately used her hands to cover her chest.

“No one asked you to stare!” She accused him shyly, her face turning pink with every second ticking past.

“You were showing it!” Aaron protested and tightened the jacket around Guigui. However, the jacket didn’t do much. It didn’t cover Guigui’s cleavage. As Aaron was still busy adjusting the jacket, Minpei guiltily spoke.

“Aaron- - I really didn't know you were that protective- -That's why i helped Guigui choose this outfit” Minepi scratched her head uneasily. Instantly, Guigui stood up.

“Yes!Look at this skirt! It's way too short!” Guigui pointed to her exposed thighs unhappily and she wiggled uncomfortably while standing up. Aaron stared at his girlfriend. She was gorgeous, enough to make every man walking by drool. Her thighs were…. Suddenly, he shook his head, trying to stop the dirty thoughts from filling his head up. He widened his eyes and motioned Jiro to take off his jacket.

“Can you pass me your jacket?Be quick!” Then, as Jiro reluctantly took his jacket off, Aaron wrapped it around Guigui’s waist, hoping to cover her thighs up. Upon seeing Aaron being over-protective, the entire group broke in a fits of laughter. Even Guigui couldn’t help but laugh at Aaron’s silliness.

“It's so weird! I don't like it~ I prefer being y~” Guigui decided to tease Aaron and she took off the jacket hanging from her waist and then undid the buttons of the jacket she was wearing before passing them to Aaron. Then, Guigui puffed her chest up and stuck her head in the air.

“Come on! I'm hungry~ Let's go grab something to eat, the y ghost will be treating” Guigui then marched out of the room with the rest following suit. Only Aaron was left behind as he quickly picked up all the jackets and raced (in crutches due to his injured ankle) after Guigui in. No, he wasn’t going to let other men see her body, he didn’t care. She needed to wear the jackets.

“Guigu! We still have a photoshoot to do before we leave!” Aaron ran after Guigui.

“A photoshoot?”

“Well, we are now officially a pair to the media. SO obviously we would have to pose and let them take some pictures!” Aaron pulled Guigui to his make-up artist and requested her to doll Guigui up.

“More make-up? I think she very pretty already! She doesn't need more make-up!” Aaron’s make-up artist complimented.

“Really? Thanks!” Guigui happily replied.

“And she has a gorgeous body too~” Aaron’s manager walked in and surveyed Guigui whole.

“Thanks!” Guigui said once again, satisfied with all the compliments.

Aaron placed his arm around Guigui’s shoulders protectively and smiled at her. However, his eyes couldn’t help but linger to observe her figure. After all, she didn’t always dress like this and this was his only chance to get a good look at her body.

“I don't wish to see you wearing such a--a revealing dress in future alright?” Aaron nagged.

“Alright, alright! But you should also stop staring at me and my body~” Guigui teased before walking away.
- - -

“Closer! A more intimate one!” The photographers requested as Aaron wrapped his arm around Guigui neck and held her hand. He leaned in and rested his head against her. Then, he flashed a gentle smile, enough to mesmerize the audience. On the other hand, Guigui held his hands and leaned her body against Aaron’s, hoping that this intimate post was enough to impress the reporters.

“More!Be even more intimate” Another photographer requested. However, Aaron and Guigui didn’t know what else they could do to appear more intimate.

“Why don't you two just kiss for us to see?” A reporter suggested. Guigui eyes widened as she shook her head furiously.

“NO WAY!” Aaron patted her head as he laughed at her silliness.

“She was just teasing us~ You don't have to get so worked up!”

“i thought---she realy meant it.” Guigui pouted and fell into Aaron’s embrace. The cameras flashed repeatedly, with everyone hoping to capture the blissful moment.


OK, maybe it didn't turn out to be as sweet as i expected... But sorry, this is the best i can do! Haha xD Hmm... I will be tyrignt o post all the chapters by the end of dec! So most probably, there will be more than 1 update each week! So remember to comment so i will write and post even more often!

Btw, those who can read chinese, i will encourage you to read the chinese version because it's better in my opinion. The speeches of the characters ahve more emotions than the english version as the english version is directly translated and some emotions may be altered in the process.


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