Chapter 10

Celebrital Lovers

Chapter 10


RHHHHHHHHHHH Guigui’s mobile vibrated constantly. However, every time she took a look at the caller ID, she would ignore the call. Aaron was desperately trying to reach Guigui to try to explain, but Guigui didn’t want to even hear his voice.She sat in a fetal position against the wall in the bedroom.

“Should i still attend Fahrenheit's concert tomorrow?” Guigui asked herself.

- - -

“I'm going crazy! Why isn't she picking up the phone?” Aaron yelled in frustration as he paced back and fore in his living room, his fingers constantly dialing Guigui’s number, hoping that she would give up and talk to him. The other Fahrenheit members were also sitting in his living room, racking their brains and trying to come up with something to help their friend.

“Hmm..Guigui likes to snack! Why don't you get some goodies for her?” Wuzun asked innocently.

“I think in your previous life,you must have starved to death!” Calvin rebuked coldly and shook his head at Wuzun. He was already panicking for his little brother and yet Wu zun was coming up with brainless suggestions.

“So Qiaoqiao insisted and forced her way into the stadium just now?” Jiro asked Aaron again to confirm his doubts. Aaron nodded fervently.

As the boys were about to give up, a girlish voice woke them up.

“I have no idea why you guys are so slow as solving this problem!” Aaron’s sister, Min pei walked towards them and sat down beside her brother.

“At this kind of timing,you are still not planning to announce your relationship with Guigui to the public?” Minpei looked at her brother ridiculously.

“But---HOW?She's ignoring me!” Aaron protested.

“Then you announce it on your own! Tomorrow is your concert isn't it?” Minpei hinted. Then, she got up and smiled at the foursome. “You know what i'm trying to say right? I will be the one in-charge of making sure Guigui goes to the concert!”
And at that very moment a smile appeared on Aaron’s face. He looked at his sister as if she were his guardian angel.

“Sis, Thanks!”

“No problem. Just rememebr to marry her someday~” Then she left the room.

Aaron smiled; sometimes it was really good to have such a brainy sister.

“You must maryr her!” Wuzun teased Aaron as he walked towards the kitchen. Jiro stared at Minpei and nudged Aaron.

“How old is she? Is she older than you?She's smart!”

Aaron ignored Jiro as he started to plan how to apologize to Guigui the next day.
- - -

RHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Guigui’s mobile phone rang once again.

“AHHHH! Aaron yan! Why are you still calling!” Guigui shouted in frustration and she stomped her feet on the ground and picked her phone up.


“Hello??” A female voice replied.

Instantly, Guigui flushed and changed her tone of voice.

“Oh, sorry, i thought---”

“You thought i was my brother?”

“Huh? Your brother?”

“Aaron Yan, am i right?”

“I- -”

“Hello,I'm Minpei.I was wondering if we could go to fahrenheit's concert in Taipei tomorrow together?”

“Together?” Guigui was caught off-guard. She didn’t really know Min pei. In fact, this was the first time she was speaking to her.

“Yup. I know it's a little sudden, but i really couldn't find anyone else who is willing to accompany me.”

“Oh, i see.If that's the case, then ok, we can go together.” Guigui agreed unwillingly. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to attend the concert with Min pei but she didn’t exactly want to watch Aaron especially after she had just quarreled with him.

“That's a deal~ I will see you at your house at 12 tomorrow! Bye!” With that minpei hung up. Guigui scratched her head. She didn’t understand why Minpei had to look for her at 12pm. The concert was only going to start at 6pm! Guigui sighed and stared at her phone once more.

“He has stopped calling.” And this somewhat made her a little disappointed.

- - -

“You should wear this! It suits you perfectly!” Minpei held onto a simple revealing pink strapless dress and chucked it towards Guigui.

“That's not very good---Afterall we are only going to watch a concert. this is too formal for the occassion right?” Guigui explained unsurely. At 12pm sharp, Aaron’s sister had come knocking on her apartment’s door and requesting that Guigui went shopping with her. Now, Minpei had changed her plans and was actually dressing Guigui up for the concert tonight. Guigui was extremely confused. To her, it was only going to be a concert, a concert that she was reluctant to go. Why on earth did she need to dress up? In addition, wearing dresses that exude the lady-like side of her wasn’t her style. Guigui stared at the pink dress that Minpei suggested and uncomfortably shook her head. However, Minpei insisted.

“I don't care! You are wearing this! Here, go and try it on!” Minpei offered generously. Guigui bit her lower lip and was being pushed into the fitting room. She undressed herself and started fitting the pink dress on.

“MY GOD!It's too y for me! It doesn't suit me at all! But Minpei keeps insisting on me trying it-- Guigui muttered before she was being interrupted by a series of knocks.

“Guigui! Hurry! I want to see you wearing it!” Guigui slowly unlocked the door and motioned Minpei to enter. As soon as Minpei’s eyes were laid on Guigui, she gasped and starting clapping her hands.

“GUIGUI! You are REALLY pretty! I'm serious!”

“But i don't like it one bit!” Guigui tugged at the dress, trying to pull her lower to cover her exposed thighs. However, this only made her cleavage more obvious and she hastily used her hands to cover her chest.

“I don't care! You are wearing this to the concert tonight!”

“But it's only a conert--” Guigui protested. She didn’t want to stand out from the crowd. And wearing such a revealing dress in an open-air concert was insane! It seriously didn’t match the occasion. However, in the end, Minpei won. Guigui reluctantly gave in and bought the dress. While dressing herself up again, Guigui murmured and swore that she was never going to wear that dress ever again. She wasn’t ready to show off her figure till her wedding day!

- - -

“Please straighten her hair and apply some light make-up. Make her look feminine.Remember, the theme is feminine!” Minepi spoke to the hair dresser as Guigui’s mouth stayed agape.

“FEMININE?! Is something wrong with you? We are only going to watch a concert! I think all these are unncessary!” However, no matter how much Guigui tried to convince Minpei, Minpei gave her the cold shoulder. Afraid that she might anger Minpei if she continued whining, Guigui allowed the hair dresser and make-up artist to doll her up. Then, when everything was done, Minpei passed Guigui a pair of sneakers. Guigui couldn’t comprehend Minpei’s doings and stared at her.

“You got me all dolled up and you are going giving me a pair of sneakers?”

“Haha! well, when you get touched, i'm sure you want to run comfortably and quickly!” Then, Minpei cheekily winked at Guigui and walked towards the cashier to pay up. Guigui stratched her head, too confused to even think. She didn’t understand what Minpei meant by running when she was touched.

“Touched? Run? I didn't know that watching a concert requires one to run!” Guigui’s forehead creased into a frown.

- - -
“Fahrenheit is gorgeous! Especially Aaron yan! He's so charming!” A fan brushed past Guigui. Guigui rolled her eyes upon hearing the word ‘ Yalun’. Then, she scanned her surroundings. The sight made her heart stop. There was a flower basket that was dedicated to Aaron and her! Heaving her dress higher in an attempt to cover her upper body, Guigui crept towards the flower basket to read the well-wishes on the basket. Min pei followed suit.


“This fan is really crazy! This is Fahrneheit's concert not Guilun's concert! Why a guilun flower basket?!” Guigui complained. “this is so embarrassing- -” Guigui looked away, trying to avoid the gazes of fans who also noticed the flower basket and her.

“Alright, let's go find our seats!” Minpei pulled Guigui.

“Wait! Aren't we going to look for fahrenheit?” Guigui pulled away from Minpei.

“How? We aren't even the VIP guests. Or---Do you miss ym brother badly? HMM???” Minpei asked, teasing Guigui indirectly. Guigui’s face reddened as she hurriedly tried to cover up.

“I didn't say that! Aiyo! Hurry! Lets go find our seats!” She diverted the topic and tugged Minpei along.

- - -

Nvm, just remmeber to comment ok? I know this chapter is un-guilun and boring, but it's quite essential especially for the later part of the story. So please bare with it. BTW, i realised that not many commented on the previous chapter... I think it's because chapter9 was boring and saddening...Uh well, every story has it's own ups and downs so i'm not going to say anything. But i'm hoping this chapter or the next will be recieveing more comments ya? Seeya at the comment page!

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