
Save Me

As morning came around, Jhope woke up and went to the bathroom to take his pills sleeping pills. He then went to the kitchen to make breakfast and heard someone shuffle into the bathroom and turn on the faucet.

V? No.

It was probably Jimin, he thought to himself.

“Taking a cold bath again, as usual.” He sighed.

V woke up to see he was in Jhope and Jimin’s house.

He wondered who carried him here? He didn't quite recall the night before.

V lifted himself off the bed and grimaced, as a headache pounded in his head. He rubbed at it, then caught a glance at his hand.

There was blood caked on it. There was blood on his shirt. Now that he looked closely. There was blood everywhere.

A rush of memories came back.

“Murderer...I'm...a murderer...” He whispered in disbelief.

V swallowed, feeling his mouth go horribly dry. He sat down on the bed, recounting the incident.

The bottle...the stabbing...Dad...Sister...

He held back tears and stood up to look for Jhope. The older boy could comfort him, tell him what exactly was he going to do.

He passed the bathroom and saw water pouring out through the bottom of the door. He yanked open the door in panic and saw Jimin laying on the floor, pressed against the bathtub. His body was pale and his eyes were closed as his whole body trembled. The bathtub was overflowing. Icy cold water was cascading over the rim and splashing to the floor.

V shouted out for Jhope. He was frozen in shock. Jimin's pale body colliding with memories of his own sister, pale and bruised thrown in a corner, dead.

Murderer, murderer, murderer, murderer...

Jhope ran over gently coaxing V away from the door before surveying the scene.

He splashed through the water, to close the faucet, scoop Jimin into his arms and carry him to the room.

Jhope covered him with warm blankets, exchanging worried looks to him and V.

When Jimin and finally fell into a deep slumber, he called the others explaining what had happened while V, stayed attentively at Jimin's side making sure the boy stayed warm.

When Jimin awoke, he felt cold.

He was strangled under a load of blankets, but the coldness filled his body, chilling him to the bones. Giving up on finding warmth, he stumbled out of bed and made his way downstairs.

On his way he overheard voices in the living room.

The others were here and they were talking about him.

“I told him to not do it anymore. I knew he was going to get sick.” Suga said, laying down on the sofa.

“Why does Jimin do this to himself?” Rap Monster asked, looking at Jhope knowing he knew why. “He wasn’t like this when we were kids.”

“Jhope, why does Jimin do this to himself?” Jin asked gently, knowing the boy couldn't lie to him.

Jhope shook his head.“He told me not to talk about it Jin. I'm sorry.”

“Tell me Jhope. We've all shared what happened in our pasts except for Jimin,” said Jin slowly getting impatient. “Now tell us!”

“Fine but, don't bring it up with Jimin okay?” Jhope warned.

“Okay, I won’t tell Jimin anything, now tell me Jhope.” Jin agreed.

Well, it all happened when we were kids. He wouldn’t want to take cold baths, he hated baths, but that’s when our parents were alive...” Jhope looked wistful as memories of his adoptive parents went through his mind. “They loved and protected him from everything that was bad in the world. He moved into this neighborhood and they found me as an orphan and took me in as a part of their family.” Jhope smiled fondly, at the welcoming home he had had with Jimin and his parents. He then sighed and continued. “One day, it was raining and it was so cold. Coldest day I have ever remembered. We were in the car going home then, suddenly everything went black for me and Jimin.” Jin placed a hand comfortingly in Jhope's back as Jhope swallowed hard.

Once we woke up, we saw the car was destroyed, my arm was broken and Jimin was bleeding in his left hand...there was glass stuck in him...” Jhope held back tears. “Jimin was looking at something behind the car...it—it was our parents.”

“Jhope...”Rap Monster mumbled sympathetically. The others gave their condolences.

Jhope smiled weakly in gratitude. His expression darkened. “I don't think I'll ever forget their stream of blood mixing with the cold rain water. Jimin on the other hand just started crying and was pleading them to not leave us alone but, they were really gone.”

“Jimin only has me now to take care of him, and now ever since then he started taking baths. The one thing he hated so much. He sometimes wants to see how they felt so he'll go to these extremes. Cold and wet and on the verge of dying...that's how he remembers them.” Jhope murmured. He then heard a creak and saw Jimin was on the stairs. His face was unreadable, but his white knuckles clutching the rail of the stairs expressed suffering.

“That day I'll never forget it...I still remember what they said to us before they died.” Jimin said as he walked over. “To not hurt ourselves no matter what happens and now I'm doing just that.” He gave a sad smile. “I can’t seem to forget...the cold water that surrounded them as they died.”

“Jimin, I didn’t mean it to talk about our parents without you.” Jhope apologized. “Jin just wanted to know why you are doing this to yourself.”

Jimin's blank expression turned into anger.

I...I just can’t take any more of this that's why!” Jimin cried. “Everyone keeps telling me to stop but I can't just pretend to be fine! I can't!”

He then grabbed a nearby vase and threw it against the wall, before breaking into a sob.

Everyone rushed to corner him, as he reached for more things to throw. They held him until he was calm.

“Look Jimin, we all had hard times just like you. We have pasts that we can’t run away from but, we still have each other right?” Jin soothed Jimin. “You're not alone.”

Jimin softened in Jin's embrace, but his eyes stayed dark. “I'm sorry but, I can't forget them. I…I miss them so much but, I know they didn't want me to suffer.”

Jin nodded as he pet the boy on the head.

Jimin closed his eyestook a deep breath as if to calm down. He then opened them and looked up at Jin. “Thank you.”

They all settled comfortably on the couch exchanging small talk and jokes when suddenly Rap Monster glanced at Jungkook recalling the boy's bruises.

“Anyway, Jungkook how did you get into a fight yesterday?” Rap Monster asked, curious.

Jungkook grimaced. “I was walking home and some guys bumped into me. Then all of a sudden they were telling me that I looked weak and I snapped and started to beat up their leader but there was too many of them.”

“You should have just walked away.” Jhope scolded.

“You guys know that I can’t stay calm, I have to defend myself. It's what I know how to do best.” Jungkook smirked.

The others shook their heads with smiles.

“V, what are you gonna do since you can’t go back home?” Suga spoke up.

“I don’t know I have no one else to turn to.” V frowned.

“Like I said before you have us. V...Jimin.” Jin smiled at the two boys as they sat side by side nodding.

“Let’s talk about what to do later.” V said standing up and stretching. “If I really have you guys, buy me something to eat.” He smiled coyly.

“Little sneak!” Jhope laughed. “Look at this kid.”

“Alright let's go to eat.” Jin nodded.

“Where?” Jimin asked.

“We went yesterday to the diner but, I heard there's a combo special on fridays.” Jungkook replied.

“Let’s go there.” J-Hope said.

Everyone agreed.

As they arrived at the diner, Jungkook walked over to entrance beside Jimin.

He then saw familiar figures from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw that it was them. The guys who he had fought with were here.

A surge of anger filled him but he pushed it away, instead he caught up Jimin and threw an arm around the older boy. The boy looked confused, but Jungkook shot him as smile and he smiled back. Jungkook then, looked behind him. The guys failed to notice him and he sighed with relieved.

As they were done getting their order they went back to the truck to eat their food in the tunnel again. This time it was Rap Monster who insisted on doing it, despite Jin's frown of disapproval.

When Jungkook finished up he took a stroll around the tunnel. He then froze in his tracks as he saw a group of men huddled together and headed his way.

He thought that the guys were gone, how could he meet them here too? Jungkook stayed still letting the come up to him. He wasn't going to keep running or hiding. As the group came into focus the leader caught eye of Jungkook immediately recognizing him.

Had there always been this many people with him? Jungkook thought. No, these were new recruits...

The leader barked an order and the guys ran to Jungkook.

He wasn't one to back down, but there was just too many and it would be unfair. So, he took off running to the truck.

“Jin!” Jungkook yelled. “Jin, let's go!”

Jin catching on quickly saw what Jungkook was running from and gathered everyone in the car starting it up.

The others who were in the trunk encouraged Jungkook as he made his way over. However, just as he was about to reach the trunk, one of the gang members flung a beer bottle at Jungkook’s back and Jungkook fell down to the ground.

Jin thinking Jungkook was on, took off.

“Jin, Jungkook is still there!” Jimin yelled.

“Go back!” Rap Monster smacked the older boy's arm.

“Okay okay!” Jin snapped.

Jin stopped the truck and they rushed over to Jungkook but, it they were late, the leader and his group were beating the boy to a pulp. Jin overheard the leader of the group.

Look at you, you're weak. You can’t even defend yourself, pathetic excuse for a man.” The leader spit he then threw the boy down to the ground and walked away.

Jungkook stood up shakily. He clenched his teeth as pain burst in his skull and sides.

Jin grabbed Jungkook ushering the boy back into the truck.

 He was badly bruised and needed to go to the hospital.

Jungkook pushed Jin aside and ran towards the leader.


The others yelled for the boy too, but Jungkook had his mind set. He then glanced at the sidewalk seeing a half broken beer bottle.

Perfect. He'd give the guys something to remember.

Jungkook grabbed the bottle and raced towards the gang. He was going to give a blow to the gang leader's head but, V intercepted and smacked the bottle out of Jungkook's hand. It fell and shattered on the concrete into a million of unusable pieces.

V dragged a protesting Jungkook to the truck just as the gang disappeared from sight.

“Jungkook don’t do the same thing I did. I don’t want you to become me.”

Let me go! I’m going to kill them!”Jungkook said, struggling to get out of V’s arms but, he was dragged inside the truck, and Jin drove out of the tunnel.

When they arrived to an abandoned parking lot, Jin turned to Jungkook.

“Jungkook, calm down we don’t want you getting into more fights and seeing you get hurt like this. It's too much and you know it, even your parents wouldn’t want you doing this.”

“Jin, you know my parents are dead. It wouldn’t matter if I do whatever I want.” Jungkook said his tone slightly condescending. “I’m still here and I will avenge my parents and myself to keep on fighting no matter what happens to me!”

“Are you sure?” Rap Monster asked raising his eyebrows.

Jungkook's anger died down slightly. Was he sure? He recalled the times he would get into fights at school, and how the kids that would end up apologizing later on. The power of dominating someone. The power of getting revenge and watching those who once made you suffer, suffer themselves. It was rush of adrenaline, but...

He remembered his parents being disappointed, trying to calm him down. Walk away, they said, it's not worth it.

“You’re right.” He concluded sadly. “My parents didn’t want me to suffer, they wanted me to stay strong. I just got carried away with my anger, I’m sorry.”

Jungkook thought how his parents would always find a solution to the problems that he would have but, since his parents were gone, he had to find his own solutions to his own problems.

"How about we go to the forest?” suggested Jin. “The weather is nice. We could go hiking or something?”

 "Yeah, it’s peaceful there let’s go.” Jungkook smiled.

He knew he needed this peace. He glanced at a solemn looking V and Jimin. He knew they probably needed it more.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Please comment!

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eternityexo #1
Chapter 7: Thank you author-nim for this beautiful friendship story :)
Chapter 5: Such a cliffhanger...