Past Memories

Save Me

Jhope, where are you?” Jimin called, as he looked around the white room he was locked in.

He spotted pills the same as before, he and Jhope were always made to take them when they had been trapped in this facility years ago.

Take the pills.” A voice from a speaker phone on the edge of the wall said, Jimin obeyed worried what they would do to him or even Jhope if he didn’t. As he swallowed the pills, he remembered a memory from his past.

It was him and J-Hope after their parents had died. They had been sent to a healing facility to help the through their depression and illness. It was anything but healing.

Jimin, we need to escape!” Jhope whispered and handed Jimin supplies that they had gathered throughout their time there.

Are you sure about this Jhope?” Jimin said worriedly. He then looked through a map of the facility trying to find air vents that lead out of the facility.

Yes, I'm sure I can't last another year trapped here. We need to leave and never come back again.” Jhope insisted. He looked over Jimin’s shoulder, also trying to find a way out by looking at the map coordinates.

Jimin recalled the grueling escape plan that involved attacking a guard and sneaking out through a vent. How happy they had felt when they were finally out.

We're free!” Jimin and Jhope cheered as they ran away from the facility and made it to the city.

But, now what?” Jimin asked.

I don't know, Jimin.” Jhope bit his lip in concern. He and Jimin then wandered the streets attempting to find a place to stay.

And they had.


But now…

Here they were once again, but now Jimin didn’t even have his dear brother to help him through it.

Jhope where are you?!” Jimin screamed out loud

He then fell to ground in desperation and curled into a ball, crying.

Jimin! Where are you Jimin?!” Jhope screamed out of the small window on the door. He then saw the pills by his feet and kicked them away to the other side of the room.

Jimin! Jin! Anyone save me! Please!” Jhope cried. as he pounded the door and walls trying to see if someone could hear him. He then, sat down wiping at his tears. What if he never saw anyone again?

I'll wait for them.” Jhope promised and picked up the pills. He examined one and ate it falling to the ground immediately. Sleep overcame him and he closed his eyes before he said softly.Save me…”

V!” Rap Monster shouted. The boy shook the doorknob of the room he was trapped in, but to no avail. It wouldn’t budge in the slightest.

He sat down in the corner and sighed in defeat.

I hope everyone is okay.” He said to himself.

He glanced at the pills on the ground. Earlier a man had commanded him to eat one from a speaker phone. He had threatened him with grave consequences if he failed to eat one. Knowing it was better to stay alive he ate one.

You are the worst employee I've ever hired in my history of employees!’’ Rap Monster’s old manager yelled at him from his office.

Give me one more chance. This is the only job I've got, sir.” Rap Monster pleaded to his boss. He couldn’t afford to get fired. Not with everyone else also counting on him for money.

I'm sorry but, I've been getting complaints from the clients that you are always slacking off and sleeping on the job. It's about time you take some time off to figure things out, understood?” Rap Monster’s boss said with a grim expression. “Find out if this is what you truly want.”

Understood, sir.” Rap Monster bowed his head and walked away. He remembered heading to a liquor store then, back to Jungkook and Suga’s house. His spirits at an all-time low, that only alcohol could cheer up.

I can't believe my life is starting to fall apart again.” Rap Monster muttered. He stood up and kicked at the door, wishing it would come down.

V woke up to see he was in an asylum sweater, struggling to break free but, it was useless.

Rap Monster! Help me!” V yelled. Where was he? Where was everyone else? He felt a million questions race through his mind and just as he was awoken out of his thoughts, a man came wearing a white scrub outfit.

“What…who are you?” V demanded. The man held him down and with the other hand he held pills. V shook his head, but the strong man held his head and he was force fed the pills. He fell to the side with a grunt and closed his eyes as memories went through his mind. He remembered being at his mother’s funeral with his older sister while, their dad went out drinking. His dad could have cared less.

When is mommy going to wake up?” V cried hanging onto his sister’s hand as his mother’s coffin was lowered. His sister shook her head, and V knew it was going to be never.

I've made dinner.” V recalled another memory of his sister making food for them.

She had set it down and V had never smelled something so good since their mother has passed. His father caught onto the smell and gave his sister a smack when she tried to offer him food.

You can't replace her!” He snapped and took another swig of his beer.

Leave her alone!” V shouted, hugging his sister tight. His dad glared at him and stood to his full height. He slapped his face and gave a smirk. Or what? I’m your father. I work my off so you and your sister can eat like pigs! Show some respect you little bastard!”

He was then shoved away to the ground where he curled up into a ball.

V are you okay?” His sister ran over and held him in her arms.

I'm okay, I just don't want to see you get hurt too” V said. They sat there crying silent tears and holding tightly to each other. Then V had closed his eyes.

Rap Monster! Jin! Anyone can you hear me?!” V called, feeling his voice grow hoarse. He then gave up and laid on the floor feeling the cold against his cheek. What could he do now?

Suga opened his eyes only seeing a bunch of ice packs around and underneath him then, slowly getting up he called. Jungkook?”

He saw through a small window on the door, Jungkook in the other room but, he was sleeping and had burn marks on his arms and legs.

Are you okay?” Suga said, hoping Jungkook wasn’t dead and he was just imagining the boy was sleeping.

He held his head as a headache threatened to come and he looked around seeing pills on the floor behind him. They looked a bit like painkillers, he figured one would be enough to take away the pain. He then figured if it wasn’t a painkiller, one wouldn’t be enough to do much. He took it and swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat. They should have offered water too, he thought annoyed.

Jungkook, what happened here?!” Suga exclaimed, as he remembered the day their parents were murdered.

They came in and killed them!” Jungkook sobbed.

It's okay Jungkook, you still have me here with you.” Suga hugged Jungkook tight and covered his eyes. He then took him out of the room, not bothering to look back either, he didn’t want to see their dead parents on the floor, murdered so coldly, without mercy.

Pack your stuff Jungkook. We're leaving somewhere else.” Suga ordered, going to his own room then, to their parent’s room to find the money they had saved up in case of emergencies.

Where are we going to go, Suga?” Jungkook asked, packing his stuff along with some food and drinks.We can't leave them here.” He added.

They're dead…” Suga said and swallowed hard, his grief making him want to break down and cry. He shook his head. No, he needed to be the strong one now, for Jungkook’s sake. “It won't matter now.”

Jungkook looked at him with wide confused eyes and Suga led the boy out of the house. He then lighted the place in flames, walking away with Jungkook in tow, not letting themselves look back.

No! I can't leave them! I need them Suga!” Jungkook had struggled the whole time, Suga holding him back.

Jungkook listen to me! They're dead, there's no way they can protect us now! They left us!” Suga turned the boy around. He then added. “And you didn't do anything to stop it…”

If I had stopped it, I would've been dead too.” Jungkook told him, his face growing angry at the accusation the boy had made at him. As if it had been his fault! Then, who would you have by your side huh Suga?”

Jungkook pushed Suga away, causing Suga to shove him back. They pushed each other back and forth until Suga lost his temper and smacked Jungkook.

Jungkook fell to the ground, clutching his face and stared at up at Suga, fear in his eyes.

Jungkook...I'm...sorry.” Suga realized what he had done then turned to the burning house, seeing all the memories they cherished together burning down to the ground. Their parents, included.

Let's go Suga.” Jungkook stood up and grabbed Suga’s hand. He pulled them away and they wandered the streets, hoping to find somewhere to stay.

Jungkook wake up! Wake up Jungkook! Please wake up!” After the memory had vanished to the corner of his mind, Suga had continued screaming Jungkook’s name but, he wasn't waking up.

Suga then gave up and sat himself in a corner of the room, head in his hands.

Suga?” Jungkook called as he was slowly getting up. He almost had stood, but fell down landing on the ground with a groan of pain.

Suga, it hurts. Help me please…Help me…” Jungkook glanced at some pills in the corner of the room. Were those for the pain?

Without thinking too much, he dragged himself over.

Ow...I can” Jungkook gritted his teeth and grew closer, until he reached out and grabbed one, eating it. He then slumped down and to his back, staring at the white ceiling.

Suga are you okay?” Jungkook asked. He and Suga were in the middle of a deserted area in the forest. People had come to abandon all kinds of things there, and it was just their luck that they had found a pair of couches to stay on. The street was becoming painful to lay down on.

I'm fine.” Suga muttered. He kept getting annoyed each time Jungkook had asked but Jungkook couldn’t help it, he was worried for him.

Suga set an old chair to flames, eyes narrowed at the sight.

What are we going to do now?” Jungkook asked another question, laying down on an old couch, looking at the stars.

I don't know.” Suga replied. Throwing the chair into the pile of wood they had made into a fireplace.

I miss them so much.” Jungkook whispered, grabbing a drink and a bag of chips.

Me too Jungkook.” Suga said, throwing twigs mindlessly into the fireplace. “Me too.”

We can't live like this forever, Suga.” Jungkook reminded the man as he shivered at a sudden gust of wind. Suga handed him his sweater.

Aren't you cold?”

No, I'm by the fire so, I'm a little warm.”

Jungkook watched Suga stare at the flames crackle. He wondered if the man was remembering the flames that had burned down their house. He hoped he didn’t blame himself, Jungkook knew Suga was only trying to do what he could to keep them both safe.

Let's go to sleep, Suga.” Jungkook said, with a yawn.

Okay goodnight.”

Suga laid down the couch next to Jungkook putting an arm around him.

Goodnight Suga.” Jungkook said, then fell asleep.

Jungkook blinked away his memory then attempted to sit up. He was too weak to get up and too weak to call for anyone. His body started to ache again from the burn marks of the fire incident and he laid back down in frustration. All he could do was punch the ground, until his hands started to ache.

V! Rap Monster! Jimin! J-Hope! Suga! Jungkook! Anyone?!”

Jin screamed for his friends, but after a while he slid down to the ground. He held his head in his hands until he heard a whirling of a machine and a hole in the wall open. He walked over and saw it dispense pills, they landed to the ground in a pile and the hole in the wall closed.

Jin picked a pill up and stared at it. What was this for?

“Take the pill.” A voice in a speaker phone ordered.

“Or what?” Jin demanded.

“Do it or you won’t live to see your precious friends.”

Jin glanced down at the pill and resigned, taking the pill.

He wanted to see the others, desperately. If it meant following their rules, then he would follow.

Jin started to remember the first time he met everyone.

I need to take a picture of this.” Jin told himself and held his camera to his face. He was in the middle of the street, capturing the scenery as usual. Taking photos had been his favorite hobby, and he loved to go out whenever the weather was especially nice, like today.

Come on Jhope, just a few more streets and we’ll take a break.” A boy called in the distance. Jin glanced at the pair of boys then looked away. He tried not make eye contact with anyone since, he was a bit shy when it came to strangers. Years of being alone, had lead him to led a quiet, lonely life where he suffered a slight phobia of people when it finally came down to talking to them.

Who's that kid?” The boy named Jhope yawned, then the other boy looked at Jin. He cocked his head to the side, curious, then dragged Jhope along as they went up to him.

What are you doing?” Jimin asked.

Jin gasped in surprise, nearly dropping his camera. He held it against his chest and cowered at them, despite being taller. Don't hurt me please!”

What do you mean?” Jhope asked, confused.

I'm sorry, it's just that I don't really talk to people and the other kids I would talk to would make fun of me for taking pictures. I would get bullied a lot in school too, so I can’t take chances on strangers.” Jin explained.

“You take pictures of what?” The shorted one of them asked.

“Of scenery, mostly.” Jin replied handing them pictures.

These look beautiful!” Jhope exclaimed, smiling.

Jhope’s right, they are beautiful. You took them by yourself?” The shorter boy asked, handing back the photos.

Yeah, taking pictures is my hobby.” Jin smiled, putting his pictures back in his pocket. I’m glad you liked them.

“Oh, I'm Jimin and this is Jhope, by the way.” Jimin introduced.

Where do you guys live?” Jin asked. He had never really seen the two boys around. They looked out of place with their ragged clothes and dusty faces.

We don't live anywhere.” Jhope replied.


Long story.” Jimin smiled.

Oh, sorry I forget to introduce myself. I'm Jin.” Jin smiled, bowing his head politely.

That's a nice name.” Jhope said, with a smile.

Thanks. My mother was the one who named me.” Jin said.

Is she with you?” Jimin asked looking around.

No, she died when I was a little kid.” Jin said, the memory of his mother making him hold back his tears. His mother had been such a wonderful person, she had always made sure he was fed and comforted. She had been his best friend. Now he was alone, with a camera for solace.

I'm so sorry to hear that.” Jhope reached out and patted Jin on the shoulder in sympathy.

It's only me now so, I have to take care of myself.” Jin added.

Us too.” Jimin said.

Jin looked at the two boys, who looked hungry and feeble. Could they even last another night on the streets? What about when it grew colder and began to snow?

How about you guys can live with me until, you guys find a place of your own?” Jin offered. “What do you say?”

Are you sure?” Jimin asked looking hesitant.

Of course, why not.”

Sure.” Jhope said. “Thank you.”

Jimin nodded with agreement, looking gratefully.

Alright then. Shall we go?"

The boys nodded.

Jin excited to have made two new friends, led the walk back to his home.

As Jin, Jimin, and Jhope were walking, they happened upon Jungkook and Suga walking by.

Hurry up Suga, you slowpoke.” Jungkook called, walking briskly with determination.

Come on Jungkook, you're not even carrying anything only your backpack.” Suga complained. He rested against a pole, making Jungkook stop and turn toward him with a shake of his head.

Who are they?” Jhope asked.

I've seen them before but, I don't know or talk to them.” Jin admitted.

Look Suga, I can close my eyes and walk backwards at the same time.” Jungkook said, walking backwards with his eyes screw shut. Suga shook his head in disapproval as Jungkook managed to walk carefully only to accidentally bump into Jin.

Ouch.” Jin cried, as he was rubbing his forehead.

I'm so sorry. Are you okay, are you hurt?” Jungkook asked, worried.

I told you not to do stuff like that, Jungkook!” Suga scolded, giving him a punch in the arm.

It's okay, he really didn't hurt me that bad.” Jin reassured to Suga. He knew Jungkook didn't do it on purpose, he was kid, just playing around and having fun.

Still, I'm so sorry for my little brother Jungkook.” Suga said, then he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Hey, aren't you that kid who takes pictures, Jin right?”

Yeah, that's me.” Jin laughed, nervously.

Nice to meet you Jin. I'm Suga and this is Jungkook my little brother but, I think you already knew that.” Suga introduced, then patted Jungkook’s back to get him to introduce himself.

Hi, I'm Jungkook.” Jungkook smiled.

Nice to meet you, Suga and Jungkook.” Jin smiled back.Oh, I almost forgot this is Jimin and Jhope.”

Hello,” said Jimin, waving a hesitant hand.

Hi.” Jhope smiled, then yawned.

Which neighborhood are you guys from?” Jin asked.

Uh, right now we live nowhere.” Suga replied.

How come?”

I don't really want to answer that right now.” Suga said, rubbing a hand to back of his neck. He and Jungkook then exchanged looks, as if trading a secret. Jin didn’t push the question and instead nodded with a smile.

Okay then, want to come with us?” Jin suggested. “Both Jimin and Jhope don't have a place to stay either so, you guys can come if you want to.”

The boys looked hesitantly among themselves. As if unsure whether to accept and trust him.

“There’s plenty of space.” Jin added.

Sure, we need to find a way to get back up on our feet.” Jungkook smiled while, Suga nodded after a moment.

Alright then, let's all go.” Jin declared and lead everyone to his house.

"Hey Suga! Heads up!” Rap Monster called at a distance. Suga turned around to see a basketball coming his way. He grabbed it with ease and threw it to a basketball net, scoring.

Wow, I never knew you played basketball Suga!” Jungkook exclaimed, surprised.

He was the best in the neighborhood. Nobody could beat him.” Rap Monster walked up to the group with a grin.

Heh, long time no see Rap Monster!” Suga brightened at the sight of his old friend. It been a long time since he had seen him, much less a basketball.

Me too Suga. Jungkook, nice to see you.” Rap Monster nodded to the younger boy.

Nice to see you too, Rap Monster.” Jungkook replied, he then noticed a kid behind Rap Monster, glancing over a little shyly. “Who's that kid with you?”

His name is V. I met him yesterday, he barely moved to the neighborhood.” Rap Monster said, then whistled V over to come and introduce himself.

Hi, I'm V.” The boy said quietly.

Hi V, I'm Jin and this is Jungkook, Suga, Jimin, and Jhope.” Jin introduced himself and the rest.

Nice to meet you.” V nodded politely.

Nice to meet you Jin, the name’s Rap Monster.” Rap Monster shook Jin’s hand then everyone else’s before pulling out lollipop and on it.

Shoot, I got to go to work!” Rap Monster exclaimed. “See you all later!”

The boy waved goodbye, then started running. He seemed desperate not to be late for work.

See ya!” Suga yelled after him.

I should go too. I have to go back home, dinner’s ready.” V excused him with a nod, then waved goodbye to the group, before also taking off.

When the two boys had disappeared from view, Jin led them to his house again. They finally arrived to a small house. Jin opened the door and announced. We're here!”

Wow, your house is amazing Jin. How do you even pay for all this?” Jungkook asked, looking around the home. He was fascinated by all the things Jin had. It all seemed new and well taken care of.

My relatives send me money every month to take care of myself but, sometimes it's lonely living by myself.” Jin admitted. “Money can’t buy you social interactions.”

He then guided them to the rooms that were available.

Cool bunk beds!” Jimin ran over to the beds and climbed up to the top bunk.

There's another one in this room too, Suga!” Jungkook pointed, excited.

I call bottom.” Suga said, placing his stuff on the ground and laying down on the bed. “It’s comfy.” He commented, then fell asleep.

Jungkook and the others laughed at how quickly the man had gone to bed.

Are you sure you don't mind us staying here with you Jin?” Jhope asked, yawning.

I don't mind at all.” Jin said with a smile.

He then went into the kitchen, busying himself with making lasagna. He always loved making Italian food and he had promised to himself that he would make it when he had company over. It was a great way to show off his good cooking skills too.

Jimin and Jhope approached the kitchen, curious.

Hey Jhope look, Jin is making lasagna your favorite.” Jimin said, pointing at the tray.

What? This is Jhope’s favorite food?” Jin asked, surprised.

Yeah, our parents would sometimes make lasagna for us, especially for Jhope on his birthdays.” Jimin said.

It's true, I love lasagna so much.” Jhope nodded.

I'll see if I can make this just like your parents did.” Jin smiled.

Jhope and Jimin smiled back and offered to help in the kitchen.

Good times.” said Jin to himself as he was woken up from his memory by the sound of doors opening. He got up and headed out to see everyone again.

Jungkook!” Suga ran to Jungkook crying and hugging him tight.” Jungkook cried. He wanted to hold him back just as hard, but he ached.

Oww! Suga, it hurts.”

Don't worry I'm here Jungkook and I'm sorry this happened to you. This time I was the one who was hurting you. It’s my fault, I’m sorry.” Suga said, holding Jungkook close.

It's okay Suga I forgive you. Can you help me up?” Jungkook asked. Suga carried Jungkook up on his feet.

Thanks. Now let's go look for the others!”

Right.” Suga agreed, walking Jungkook out the door.

Jhope!” Jimin said, running to Jhope. He shook Jhope’s shoulders, willing the boy to wake up.

Jimin?” Jhope opened his eyes, then yawned.

I'm glad you're okay, Jhope.” Jimin cried in relief. I thought I lost you!”

I'm okay Jimin and I'm glad you're okay too.” Jhope said.

Let's go find everyone else.”

Jhope nodded and they both ran out the door and to the hallway. They took a right turn and spotted Suga and Jungkook coming out of a door together.

Jungkook, Suga you're okay!” Jimin said, happy to see them. He hugged them both.

Jimin, Jhope it's good to see you again” Suga ruffled Jimin’s hair and shot Jhope a smile.

“Look its Rap Monster!” Jungkook pointed at the boy stumbling towards them, confused.

Good to see you all okay.” Rap Monster smiled in relief as he caught up with them.

Where's Jin and V?”

We don't know.” Jungkook shrugged.

Let's go look for them then.” Jhope suggested. He and the others agreed and walked down the corridor, it opened up to two more hallways and Jungkook rushed into the left side, prompting everyone to follow him.

Found him!” Jimin yelled, pointing at Jin. Jin walked with his head down, crying and looking hopeless.

Jungkook bounded over, pulling Jin’s sleeve.

Jin, are you okay?” Jungkook asked, curious.

Jungkook, is that really you?” Jin said, wiping his tears with his shirt sleeve.

It's me, glad we found you, now we have to find V.” Jungkook said and put out his hand to Jin. Jin grabbed Jungkook’s hand and they walked over to the rest. They all welcomed Jin back with smiles and hugs.

V, where are you?” Rap Monster screamed, out loud as they ran down the corridors.

Rap Monster!” V cried, stumbling out of his door and to the hall.

Everyone saw V was in an asylum sweater, struggling to break free.

V! Are you okay?” Jin asked, untying the sweater.

I'm fine, now let's get out of here!” V said, pulling Jin’s arm in urgency.

Alright then, how do we escape? Does anyone know how?” Jin asked, looking at everyone.

They all shook their heads.

Me and Jhope might know how.” Jimin spoke up raising his hand. He looked at Jhope for support. Right, Jhope just like before?”

Right.” Jhope nodded. “Let's do this.”

Jhope pulled out a blueprint of the facility.

“Where did you get that?” Jin asked.

“It’s from before when we first escaped.” Jhope replied. “I would always carry it in my wallet, I guess I always had a fear I would go back one day.”

He spread the map and everyone crowded around to see.

We’re here and we have to go through the air vents leading to the exit over there.” Jhope pointed.

But, to do that we have to pass the guards.” Jimin said.

That's going to be hard, we need a distraction.” Jungkook spoke up.

Let's see here, anybody brought a coin or something valuable?” Jhope asked.

I got a one-dollar coin.” Jin handed him a coin. “My mother had a collection from her trip to America.”

Perfect, this will distract them since, it's very hard to find one of those.” Jimin said. He then looked at Jin. “Are you okay with losing this?”

It’s okay I have a few more in my house.” Jin smiled.

Now let's see if the distraction works, so we can get out of here.” Jhope said placing the coin in pockets.

Let's go.”

I'm so sorry to interrupt but, I don't think you'll get out of this place.” A voice interrupted as it blared out from the speaker phone.

They all looked up to the ceiling wondering how the doctor was listening to them.

Watch us escape right in front of your eyes!” Jin shouted, angry.

Oh my, how daring and fearless.” The doctor laughed.But, this place can make you remember all the horrible things that had happened in your life and that’s something you can never escape from.”

They all exchanged glances of worry, except for Jin who kept the fury in his eyes.

He was done running away!

“Let's see if you all can escape from here!” The doctor exclaimed.

With an evil laugh he shut down the power leaving them in darkness.

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eternityexo #1
Chapter 7: Thank you author-nim for this beautiful friendship story :)
Chapter 5: Such a cliffhanger...