I Need U

Save Me

 Come on let’s get moving, I’m starving!’’ shouted Jin from the beaten up truck.

“Alright, I’m coming.’’ Jhope called, yawning. He stumbled out his house and to his driveway.

“Where’s Jimin?’’Jin asked, starting up the truck.

“He’ll be down any minute now.’’ Jhope said, going to the back seat of the car.

They waited for Jimin to come out of the house, but when he finally emerged, he looked more pale than ever.

“Taking a cold bath again?’’Jhope asked, shaking his head side to side in disappointment.

“Yeah but, it’s fine,” said Jimin putting on his jacket. “I’m okay.”

He got into the trunk of the truck, despite Jhope's looks of concern and frustration. The cold air felt like a nice sting. Jimin thought. Besides if he was strong enough to withstand cold water, then cold air was nothing.

“Next stop, Rap Monster’s House.’’Jin declared, driving his truck away.

As they drove into Rap Monster’s neighborhood, it appeared to be even more dangerous than before. Multiple police cars sped around the neighborhood looking for runaway criminals. Big dogs barked in the distance of their chain linked fences with barbed wire. The rivalry of gangs, filled the atmosphere with fear and tension. Overall, it was crime ridden area with no hopes or dreams.

They arrived at Rap Monster’s house to see it crumbling down like always. Roof tiles torn off, paint peeling, and a couple of broken windows. On the side of the grey house there was graffiti, obviously Rap Monster's “artistic” doing.

Jin signaled by flashing his headlights wanting Rap Monster to come out and fast since they still had to pick up the others to go eat dinner.

Rap Monster and Suga eventually came out of the house and Jin called to them.

“Come on, we don’t have all night!”

“Yeah, yeah. We hear you Jin.”Rap Monster said, his lollipop.

“Hey Jimin, hey Jhope.”Suga said handshaking both Jimin and Jhope, then going to the back trunk of the truck.

“Hey Suga, long time no see.” J-Hope mumbled, trying not to fall asleep.

“Sleeping well Jhope?’’ Suga asked looking up in the sky.

“Yeah but, I still can’t stay awake for long.” Jhope yawned, falling asleep.

“Just take it easy, okay?’’ Suga said shivering slightly in his jacket. It was a cold night and the truck was picking up speed which sent cold blasts of air, adding to the chilliness.

“What about you Jimin?”

“Still taking cold baths like always.” Jhope said, as he frowned at Jimin.

Jimin shrugged and looked at the other direction of the road.

“Seriously, Jimin why do you do this to yourself man, you’re gonna get sick.” Suga warned rubbing his hands on his arms, trying to keep warm.

“It’s okay, I’m not sick so, stop worrying about me okay?” Jimin snapped, growing upset. “I'm not a little kid anymore so, leave me alone.”

Suga fell quiet, instead deciding to blow on his hands.

“We’re here!’’ Jin announced, as he was signaling Jungkook to come out.

He saw him come out of his and Suga’s house with his head down, not looking the others in the eyes.

Rap Monster called out to him. “Jungkook what’s wrong did something bad happened to you?”

Jung kook looked up and Rap Monster saw there was a bruise on Jungkook’s left eye.

“Really Jung kook, how did you manage to get into a fight again?’’

Jungkook passed the trunk in the back of the truck and said. “I can’t help it. I get in a fight no matter where I go, I just can't control myself!”

The boy was now holding back his tears.

“Look Jungkook, I'm here for you.” Suga said softly to him.“I've known you since we were kids and we have each others backs no matter what happens to us, right?”

“Right, thanks Suga you always know what to say.’’ Jung kook replied smiling.

Suga smiled back, knowing he had to take care of Jungkook no matter what happened to them. He had to ever since their parents had died.

“Now, we have to pick up V.’’ Jin said, driving to V’s neighborhood.

V’s neighborhood was a real mess where people would get shot, commit suicide, and even go to jail.

The common reasons being for drugs and wrecking havoc on private property.

When Jin arrived to V's house there was a lot of commotion, police cars surrounded the area with police officers in swarms

Jin and the others parked nearby where they overheard a police officer reporting.“There has been a murder crime scene in the area but, no sign of the suspect. The victims were a man and what we believe to be his daughter.”

Everyone thought to themselves where V was and if he had something to do with this. They then decided to go look for him.

As they drove down the road, Rap Monster saw something moving in a distance. “What is that?”

Jin squinted, trying to see what was moving. “Let’s go see what it is then.” He suggested.

The truck sped up until it finally caught up to the moving figure. It was V running.

“V, what are you doing all the way out here?”Jin asked and thought to himself why the boy had blood everywhere?

V responded back realizing who the owner of the voice was.“Jin?’’

He stopped running, so did the truck, as everyone came out except J-Hope who was fast asleep.

A few minutes later, Jhope woke up to see that nobody was in the truck.

He got out and wondered, if he was just having a nightmare and closed his eyes until, he felt a cold hand touching his shoulder. It seemed familiar.

“Jimin, is that you?” He opened his eyes to see Jimin smile.

“Of course it’s me, who did you think I was the Abdominal Snowman?” Jimin laughed so did Jhope until he realized the truck was empty except for them.

What was going on?

“Where’s everybody else?” Jhope looked for them on the road.

“Well, the thing is while you were sleeping something happened at V’s house then, we found V running in the street running away from the police.’’Jimin explained then started coughing.

“Jimin are you okay? Are you sick?” Jhope asked, worried.

“I’m fine, it’s just a little cough nothing to worry about,” said Jimin calmly reassuring the older man.“Anyway, we gotta go with the others.’’

“Alright then.” Jhope said, as they both went down the road to find the others crowded around a street lamp.

They were all watching, V crying and shaking with terror.

“I…I killed them!” He sobbed.

He continued to cry and scream, his agony echoing loudly on the dark, empty street.

Jin and Rap Monster were trying to comfort him, telling him to calm down and tell them what happened.

V took a deep breath before he choked. “I was coming home from school and when I arrived I saw my dad was being abusive to my sister again.” He closed his eyes, trembling in his hoodie. “Suddenly I had, had enough and I...I snapped. I-I got his empty beer bottle...” He trailed off before continuing in a whisper. “I broke it and...I stabbed him with it...”

The others stood in stunned silence. Jimin covered his mouth with his hand, in disbelief.

V didn't seem to notice their reactions and kept going. “My sister was preventing me from killing him then I accidentally stabbed her too. Both of their blood was on my hands...on my clothes...” V gasped for air. “...everywhere so I ran away.”

He yanked at his hair with this hands.“I’M A MURDER! I'M A MURDERER! I'M A MURDERER!” He chanted until he broke down crying again

Suga put a hand on his shoulder. “V, calm down and take a deep breath, in and out, okay?”

“Okay.” V murmured.

But as he was calming down he whimpered. “Dad, sister...I’m sorry...”

“Don’t worry V, everything is going to be alright,” cooed Jin pulling V into a hug. “You have us, remember?”

“You guys are the only ones I have left...” V said solemnly. “Don’t leave me alone..’’ V begged.

In tears he was dragged back to the trunk of the truck. He laid down, looking up in the stars and closed his eyes. The horror of what he had done had settled in. It burned in his mind, numbing his emotions and thoughts.

What would he do now?

Everyone piled into the truck silently. Most were in still in shock over the whole ordeal. Jhope had grown afraid of V and pressed against Suga in the backseat. Suga seemed to roll his eyes, but welcomed the warmth. The night seemed to get colder, more sinister and unrelenting.

After a moment of quiet, Jin suggested that they should get something to eat. The others seemed to question his priorities, but Jin knew food would help shake them out of the consternation.

They went to the gas station where Rap Monster worked at, to fill up the gas tank and get burgers and fries.

Rap Monster handed over the money to the cashier as Jin got the burgers, fries, and drinks. When they were done filling up on gas, they drove out to the tunnel they passed frequently on their nightly escapades, to eat.

It wasn't an ideal place, but Rap Monster had started the tradition of parking the car sideways to annoy the incoming traffic when he had gotten dared to.

Now in the quiet night there was no sign of any life forms, besides the seven boys and their warm food, of course. They did their usual side park, Jin keeping an occasional eye out.

As everyone started eating their food the atmosphere lightened.

It seemed as if for a moment they forgot what had happened. It seemed like just another night as they went around telling jokes to each other.

Jhope then noticed V wasn't eating his food. He couldn't blame the boy.

“Not hungry V?”

“No, why?”

The answer was so painfully obvious, Jhope could only muster a grimace before he suggested. “Well, if you don't want the burger give it to Rap Monster, he only had enough money to buy everyone food except for himself.”

“Okay.” V nodded, then gave his burger to Rap Monster.

The man looked taken aback. “You need to eat too.” He insisted.

“I’m already full.” V said and began drinking his soda with both hands so Rap Monster couldn't hand the burger back.

Rap Monster gave in looking thankful, then started devouring the burger. “Thanks man.”

He gave the boy a playful punch on the arm.

Jungkook had finished his meal first and went for a walk around the tunnel. He couldn't help remembering what had happened earlier to him. V's situation was more pressing, yes, but his issues seemed to cloud his mind, harden his realization.

“I'm not weak.” Jungkook said to himself.

He wasn't, he couldn't be. Especially not when they all needed him, V included.

He walked back to the trunk of the truck as the others finished up.

On the ride back home he fell asleep so did Suga, Jimin, and V.

While Jin, Rap Monster, and Jhope still awake helped carry the others into their homes. Jhope was then finally dropped off last taking a groggy Jimin and V along.

V couldn't go back to his home even if he wanted to.

Not tonight, maybe not ever.

Jhope tucked the boy in beside Jimin on their small bed then crashed on the couch, letting sleep wash over him. 

Author's Note: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because the drama is just getting started hehe. Please commment too! 

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eternityexo #1
Chapter 7: Thank you author-nim for this beautiful friendship story :)
Chapter 5: Such a cliffhanger...