Chapter 2

Moonlit Cafe
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“What the are you doing you ert!?” I shrieked as I whacked Lay on the head violently.

“OWWW! The is up with you!? I’m just wearing heels! …….”

Lay paused to think about what he was wearing.

“Take it off!”

“W-wait! Let me explain! Look, I found these beside this pile of clothes and I wanted to try out the Genie dance by So Nyeo Shi Dae and while doing the leg thing, the heel broke and I sprained my ankle!” exclaimed Lay.

I gave him a LOOK. Then I asked nicely because I’m THE nicest person in the world: “Do you need help going home? I can help you up the stairs.”

“Really?! Thank you so much! I’d date you but I already have a girlfriend from highschool.” moaned Lay in pain.

I just rolled my eyes. Lay is pretty good looking, but no. NO. I don’t ing know how his girlfriend handles this pretty drama queen. Whatever. As we went home on the bus, me and Lay spoke about home and what was up and shifted to the café and what new booze we could concoct as it was going to be the cafe’s 5th anniversary soon.

When we reached our building, I helped Lay up the stairs to his apartment. Since we’re neighbors and have been brewing drinks ourselves, we were pretty tight and had a friendly and close relationship. So dragging him up the stairs was nothing.

“You ing . You better not try this again. Don’t make me carry you upstairs. And hell no. I am not joining you for a drink today either! So

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