8 Chapter

Laps of Love

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Upon arriving home, he ate only a few whole grain crackers that pleased him. He didn't want to get more fat, though he wasn't  fat at all. After eating, he went to the bathroom to take a good bath, took off his shirt and stood up looking a bit in the bathroom mirror. He wasn't that bad ... He put his hand in his pockets to take whatever was there so he could take his pants off. He took his key, his wallet, and 50 dollars ... 50 dollars that Youngbae had "given" to him. Put the money in the sink, he took off his underwear and went to the shower. He didn't like cold showers but he was so thoughtful that not realized he was bathing with cold water. He was very thoughtful about Youngbae. Seungri always knew that he would never seek him for his own reasons, and he never did. He found him in the shop for destination ... but something was different ... Youngbae was different. The last time they had met, was a total disaster shaming. Although they talked a lot next to Jiyong at the restaurant table, nothing was good when Youngbae decided to give gothic vibes and then Seungri was worried more than anything. And Seungri remembers really well Youngbae's facial expression  when Ri tried to steal a kiss. He was trying to understand things, of course. But now ... why he was being so nice to the point of giving him 50 dollars? Why he never talk about what happened? And why the hell he wanted to be closer?

Seungri felt a little good to think about it, maybe they might have something. But no, he could not do it ... Youngbae loved so much Jiyong, it was impossible now that he was wanting something with Seungri. Nobody overcomes their feelings so fast. No one much less falls for Seungri so fast. They never fell, to be honest.


But it didn't matter, they had met anyway, and they would meet again the next day. It was weird that he and Youngbae would meet in his home without even being close friends? Yes. But it was good. It was something that Seungri wanted to. He wanted because he couldn't help but feel attracted to that abdomen and those strong arms, those set back and that . He wanted to have them in his hands. He so wanted to prove that skin. It would be a dream if Youngbae wanted the same.


He laughed to himself thinking how much he was erted. But not so much, everyone has such thoughts too. Especially men. Maybe Youngbae also have these thoughts ...

And if both feel the same? Something could happen, right?


But nothing about love. Seungri was tired of love. And of course, he would never fall in love for real with Youngbae. Maybe he was not that kinda of person which to fall in love. He was cool and beautiful ... but something was missing in him. Seungri just wanted to with him. Nothing else.


He finished soaping his belly and turned off the shower. He picked up the objects that were in the sink and went into the bedroom, fully . One of the benefits of living alone.


After putting his pajamas, het looked at the money. Maybe he could make a change in his appearance with that money. Nothing was missing at home anyway. And he felt as if he had to make such a change.


He went to his bed and layed down, the house was already all closed. He turned off the lamp that stood beside him and tried to sleep.

Tried to sleep.

He tried to sleep for a long time, but he couldn't.

He couldn't because of the damn anxiety that was eating his body. He couldn't because the image of Youngbae shirtless didn't leave his head.

He felt his grow a bit, but wasn't going to take care of it. It was late. He did not want to wake up with dark circles ( although he already had ) and a ing bad mood. He tried to think of other things and at some time, went out.



There were only 1 hour left for Youngbae to arrive in Seungri's house. He had already done a housecleaning at home, foods that he would not even know to cook if it wasn't the famous Google and of course, his appearance.

 All he wanted was to look "clean" for Youngbae.

He didn't know what he would think of his new look. Earlier, he went to the hairdresser to dye his hair and make a new cut. Now he had a short and very black hair. It was really well on him and he was feeling really pretty ... but still, he was looking forward to what his new "little friend" would think.


The time didn't seemed to pass. He was sitting on the couch, playing video game to improve his skills before Youngbae could arrive. It might seem a little nerdy, but playing video games was a good idea to do on a date which would be just him and his crush, right? And since Youngbae had not denied, it would be fun.


Seungri was so focused on killing the damn Shao Kahn who had already won him some 5 times that not realized that the time had passed quickly. It had been passed a few minutes more than what Seungri had combined with Youngbae. Great, the bastard would be late.

Well, late or not, he had to arrive.




The bell rang. Finally the brunnete arrived. It had to be him. If it was any neighbor or anything that was not Youngbae he would get too stressed.

He got up, looked at his hair by his phone and then, opened the door.


"I thought you were not coming" - Seungri said, smiling like an angel. In front of him was the brunette, with neat hair, ripped jeans and a blue shirt. He was so stylish.


"Good afternoon, sir Seungri." - Said the brunette kidding, with that smile that... my God, Seungri loved.


"What took you?"


"I forgot that I had to meet you today ..." - said laughing.


Seungri felt that it was a little inconsiderate ... but okay, he was there and that was what mattered.


"I hope you're hungry!" - He said as he led Youngbae to the kitchen, holding his shoulders.


"Well, this is my beautiful, rich and wonderful home! It was always so clean, I've never did housecleaning. Not even employed contract, I am very clean, right?" - He said in the kitchen. Almost slapped himself, what he was talking about? Didn't make any sense.

But at least Youngbae giggled.


"Wow ... this is all for me?" - He asked laughing at how many foods was on the table. It looked like a family of 10 people would have lunch there.


"I made it for myself but I could not eat it all -. Liar. He did everything to Youngbae . All he could to please the brunette. - Eat the Cake!"


"Wow ... you did it?" - asked Youngbae while tasted the cake.


"Yes. What do you think?"


Youngbae chewed a little more and finally answered. "Hm, I didn't like it at all ..."


Seungri made an angry face who made Youngbae laugh. Well, it was true that he was joking, because the cake was already just turning to sharps ...



"... Your new hair ... It's beautiful" - Seungri heard those words and gave that embarrassed smile. He did not know what to say or what to do. He just knew that this "date" was starting well.



They were there on the table for a long time, talking about various things. It was interesting to say Youngbae was not even a bit boring. Seungri was wrong. He always had a subject to pull. Questions. And always with a bad joke at the end. Just like Seungri.


He didn't know if Youngbae knew all about his life now ... He had talked about his family, about his tastes, and his friends. He talked about the times he suffered bullying from people who knew he was gay. And now, he did not feel unsafe in telling all this to Youngbae. He had that little face of a person who you can trust.


And as a curious boy, could not help but wonder Youngbae's  life too. He worked in a large company (which justifies why he has given 50 dollars to Seungri), was a man who liked children ... and he was a "big kid" too. A high-spirited person. And just talking to him already gave impression that he like romantic things. Just like Seungri.



After a good time goofing off, the two decided to go play video games.


 "I want to see if you won me." - Challenged Seungri. No one had ever won over him. He was a good player. And he hated to lose.


"If I win you'll have to give me an award."


What? He had barely arrived and already want an award? He was a little fired up ... and that was a good thing.


"You will end with no award anyway ..."


Youngbae laughed.




He had lost to Youngbae 15 times and it wasn't so funny anymore. The brunette didn't let Seungri win not even a minimum round. And besides, He laughed like a retarded, literally.

But no problems. It wasn't always that Seungri had these "homemade" moments with someone. Where he could have fun with the small and simple things in his home. All he knew were people who loved to go out, kissing and drinking until fall to the ground without any direction in life ...  it was cool to be honest, but it was not enough to Seungri.

And now for sure he was having a good time.



"Seungri ... I have to go." - Said Youngbae with an almost non-existent  sleepy voice.


It was late and Seungri knew it. The two were lying on the living room floor (Seungri had the great idea to put the mattress there) watching one second action film. Already had watched a horror movie which Youngbae laughed because Seungri was so scared. Yes, it was quite a day and Seungri's energies were already running out as far as the Youngbae. But he didn't want to let him go. He already knew himself very well ... when Youngbae was gone, he would be alone and would miss him. And missing , according to him.


"No hyung ... stay little more please ... I do not like to be alone" - said trying to make an aegyo, Jiyong thought it was very cute ... maybe Youngbae also thought.


"It's your problem, I need to go home." - or maybe not.


"Why are you so rude with me? Lie there and relax, besides, you can not go driving around while you're sleepy. It's the same as driving drunk." - Always have an argument on your tongue.



It seemed to work, while Seungri ate popcorn sitting on the mattress watching the movie, Youngbae lay clearly fighting the urge to sleep. But Seungri was not doing anything wrong, quite the contrary ... no one can go around driving and sleeping, right? And it wasn't as if they were two reckless teenagers. They lived alone and have made their own decisions ... sleeping in a friend's house is no big deal.


But it was only excuses.


He did not want to stay away from him. He wanted to be on his side. He wasn't so sticky not even with Jiyong. He wish he could live with him every day so he could wake up seeing that smile that lights the day. He didn't want to let go all this great chance which he was being gifted. Youngbae had said he needed to go early. But Seungri did not let him ... he wanted to try something.

And fate was conspiring to him.



He kept watching the movie and eating his popcorn. But wasn't really paying attention to the movie, he wondered what he could do later ...
Now that Youngbae would sleep there, he would have a great chance over, right? And the breakfast? The breakfast would have to be perfect ... so maybe Youngbae would want to go back there more often.
About trying something ... thought it was best to wait a little longer, at least until the next day ... to create a little courage and take the initiative.
Sometimes it's a little hard to be the "man" of the relationship.
He sees how Youngbae straightened up in the mattress to sit. Maybe he had lost the urge sleep?
He kept eating and eating and staring into nothing.
Suddenly he felt like someone was nearly. Too nearly. Youngbae had moved right next to Seungri. Both looking at the television. That's funny ... for a guy who had kissed without permission another person, Seungri was like a nervous chick with the simple lack of distance.
He felt Youngbae put his arm behind Seungri, resting his hand on his shoulder. From that he could no longer ignore ... he looked to Youngbae and realized how the brunette was looked at him with a smile ... different ...
" Can I ask you a question?" - Asked Youngbae giving two lightly patting on Seungri's shoulder.
"You already did!" - He said, picked up popcorn and ate. Funny.
In response he received a light hanging in his neck.
"Why did you kiss me that day?"
Well ... there is what Seungri wondered every day.
But it was not something he would like to answer to someone else.
He avoided looking at Youngbae, he knew that if he look , he would turn a pepper and he was already sick of looking like a little boy.
He took a while without speaking in hopes that Youngbae says something else or simply sleep suddenly, but the brunette was quiet and patient. What a pity.
" Because... I wanted to." - Was all that was in Seungri's mind. It was not the best answer ... but it was not a bad answer ... it was even true. And besides ... a little provocative.
He felt a suffocating gaze upon him. It was now or never.
He turned his head and met Youngbae with the mouth half-open, deeply looking at his mouth.
They stood staring for a few seconds. The bastard would not take any initiative right?
Seungri ,without delay, ate the mouth of the brunette, literally.
He was waiting so long for this, and now it was finally happening. Good to know that it was not a dream.
Hello people!
I just wanted to say thanks to the comments ❤❤❤❤
New chapter comming later...
Do't let this chapter fool you ^_^
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IHeaven #1
Chapter 9: Likkkkkkkeeeeee
Caschemar #2
Chapter 7: Im loving this fic!!! Author, are you Brazilian?? Some things you say in English looks like it was translated from Portuguese...? Some expressions, you know..
Chapter 5: Oh gosh, I need another chapter I want these two to meet again!!
ekasandy #4
Chapter 5: ahhh so cuteee
sailoru #5
Chapter 5: So they were rebounds???? That's why he wouldn't choose between them, because he already chose another???!!!! Poor baeri.
Chapter 4: Why? He ran away :C he should stayed there hfjajsksj
sailoru #7
Chapter 4: That's so embarrassing.
Chapter 3: Waiting for this to become an ot5 xD OK no, JiYongie and his plans to make friends the enemies, but it looks like he already have is attention in someone 7w7
sailoru #9
Chapter 3: Three, three guys. Now I'm just waiting for Daesung to either love him too or hate him cause Top does.
sueisa #10
Chapter 2: Update more interesting story