10 Chapter

Laps of Love

It was another boring Saturday like another else. Seungri was there, sitting on the couch, eating ice cream. On a boring day like these, all he had to do was eat, lie down and watch TV.

It could be better, but unfortunately it was not what fate wanted.

That feeling of being alone, when he was already used to someone else's presence, was killing him. He hated to miss someone.


It had been a while since he and Youngbae had that intense night, where Seungri discovered his paradise and the desires of his heart.

He missed him ... that cute smile and that pretty voice.

 It was all his boss's fault ... who knows if that man had not called Youngbae to do extra hours, they would be there, making love, touching the sky.

It had been a long time since Seungri had loved the existence of that little one. But he never said it. Seungri knew that the elder also felt something for him, he realized it whenever he looked deep in his eyes, they shone like the moon and the pupil always dilated. It was cute. But Seungri never failed to doubt this feeling.

Was Youngbae really in love with him?


Maybe Youngbae wanted a relationship like in fairy tales ... to conquer Seungri slowly, to open his heart. But there is the problem. Seungri was very rushed, and if there was one thing that had already happened, it was that Youngbae had already conquered him from the first time.


Ironically, one of Seungri's dreams was to have a relationship just like fairy tales. But in a long time Seungri felt so alone ... now that he had found some hope, he could not waste another minute. Not until he messes things up.


Giving him time was something Seungri would refuse to do. If on that simple Saturday he was already dying,  spending several days without hearing an idiotic joking, without seeing a bright smile [without touching a nice body] would be worse.


Now all he had to do was wait the brunette pronounce , because Seungri was already falling apart for him.




On the same day, on the same boring Saturday, Seungri heard his bell ring. He got up from the couch, still in his pajamas, and went to the gate.


Seeing who was, he had a great desire to go back into the house, lock himself up and put on better clothes. But he continued on his way to the gate.


"Hi ..." said the boy with a smile. Guess who it was?


"Hyung ... were not you at work?" He could feel that he was a little nervous from that surprise more than pleasant.


"I was ... and I should go back today yet ... It's just that Jiyong asked me to give you this ..." He handed a pink envelope to Seungri - and I took advantage ... to buy ... this " He saw the older man giving him flowers.

What was he thinking? That Seungri was a young lady?


Seungri loved it.


"What ... is this?" He asked with a smile, he did not know what to do to face situations like this.


"Flowers?" Replied the dark-haired man, laughing timidly. The moment was a bit heavy now, the two were embarassed and no one knew what to do.


"Thank you Hyung ..."


He took advantage of the moment that Youngbae was staring to the ground and watched him closely. He was so beautiful!


Suddenly the older man began to show that he was holding a chuckle. Seungri hated these moments where people saw jokes that only he could not see.


" What?"


"You don't have clothes?"


"If you do not know, this is a pajama suit that cost a lot of money." - that horrible feeling of wanting to hit someone but could not ... but to tell the truth, it was funny.


"You have beatiful legs..." - Even with that compliment that actually sounded like a mason slash, he had that smile in his eyes, Seungri could feel they were glowing. And in addition, they watched every trace of his face, which made him shy and embarrassed, not knowing what to say ... just smiling and accepting the compliment, which was actually somewhat unexpected. - I have to go now ... See you another day ... Take care, okay? - and so he saw the elder leave.




He came back to the house and began to laugh alone. He was happy. No one had ever given him flowers ... to tell the truth he never planned this, always thought that HE would bring flowers to someone. But that act made him happy, he felt valued ... as if for the first time in life someone had remembered him.

And how funny ... Was Youngbae out of his job just to see him?

Because that Jiyong's card could be given later ...


Or it was something serious?


He took the card (which had been ignored and dazzled by the flowers ) and openet it.


"Dear Seungri.

We have heard from early on how one moment can change millions of others that come next.

Life surprised us, and by destiny we decided to flow our relationship.

I hope to have you present in our engagement celebration, because just like it, you are very special. "


He turned the card over and found Jiyong's name and the name of his "fiance": Choi Seunghyun.


For some reason the fact that Jiyong fell in love with a man with the same  name of him was ... annoying.

He knew Jiyong was dating another man but he felt happy... but now he felt something different ... He was not jealous of his hyung, certainly not. Seungri was happy for him.

But he did not feel love by looking at Jiyong ... he did not felt jealous when he saw what had always been the "love of his life" being someone else's husband.



He took the flowers in his hands again.


Maybe he replaced love with another love.




It was night, and from afar he could hear a loud music.

Seungri was practicing some dances. He liked to dance, but unfortunately he had never danced to anyone before. He had that will, since he knew he was dancing very well.

His body was all sweaty, and his skin was rosy, he wore small shorts that looked more like pajamas. He wears a regata and socks on his feet, since it made the passes easier, and it was funny.


As soon as the song was over, Seungri dropped to the floor, his skin sticking to the floor but it was a good thing, because it was a little cold. He felt as if he were going to die of heat, die without breath or faint because he had tried so hard to dance.

But it was something he liked to do, strive for everything he did, so he could get good results in the future.


He gave a erted chuckle when he had the idea of ​​doing a private dance for Youngbae, and maybe this way, awakening his ert's dark side.

He knew that the eldest was a very sweet and affectionate man.


But a little adventure would be fun ...


He got out of his erted thoughts and was a little startled.

He heard strange noises outside his house.

One of the difficulties of living alone was that any noise that Seungri heard ... he would put himself on the alert.

Some people might say he was fearful ... but somehow he was safe, right?

He stood staring at nothing tempted to hear something again.


That's when he saw that his front door was being opened.



Blood rose to his head and he could not help but shouting.

If he knew it was his friend, he would not waste any time getting scared.


" Dae-hyung! You scared me!"


" You didn't listen me! I've been screaming at the gate a decade ago !!!"- He said angrily.


" I'm sorry ... I was dancing." - He remembered  he wearing short shorts. He thanked to heavens that Daesung was not Youngbae.


"Are you going to Jiyong-hyung's engagement?" - He asked.


"I think so...why?"


"I wanted to ask you to let me sleep here ... so we can go together tomorrow ..." he said with a weeping baby expression.


"Go where tomorrow?" Seungri really did not want to know ... he loved Daesung's company. But to continue the conversation, he asked.


"For Jiyong's engagement, brat!"


Seungri looked at Daesung, trying to understand. Jiyong's engagement? Tomorrow?

Was Daesung mistaken or did Seungri not even read the invitation's informations?

Seungri probably lost a lot of time looking at the flowers that Youngbae had given to him.


He missed him so much.


" Oh ... of course you can sleep here hyung ... oh there's ice cream in the refrigerator."- The other wasted no time and went into the kitchen, causing Seungri to laugh.


Daesung was a great friend. Besides being very funny and good in subjects, he always helped Seungri when he needed it. Always giving advice and being a good person. Seungri liked him very much.

The two had known each other for a long time, even Daesung and Jiyong were also friends for quite some time ... but unfortunately he was very absent, he was always in other cities, countries and if he could, planets. He was supposed to be a person full of dreams. Now that he was there, Seungri was very happy and wanted to enjoy every moment with his hyung.


He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower,  because receiving a stunning visit with his whole sweaty body was not pleasant.


The next day would be a day full of events ... at least that was what Seungri was already anticipating.

If Daesung had not shown up there, maybe Seungri would not even remember that he had an engagement to go, which would probably make Jiyong very angry.

But Seungri obviously wanted to go to this engagement. First to see Jiyong being happy, secondarily to show him that he was not a  resentment's guy .


And third to see Youngbae.


- STOP THINKING OF HIM SEUNGRI !!! He struggled with himself, since Youngbae was not out of his mind, and it was already starting to annoy.

If one day soneone say that loving is great ... Seungri would agree and disagree at the same time.


He spent all day thinking about the brunette and knew that he was forgetting to do a lot of things, several things that he should worry about, like his future ... but still he did not want to stop thinking about his little smiling one.


He was really in love.


He opened the shower and felt the cold water glide over his skin.

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IHeaven #1
Chapter 9: Likkkkkkkeeeeee
Caschemar #2
Chapter 7: Im loving this fic!!! Author, are you Brazilian?? Some things you say in English looks like it was translated from Portuguese...? Some expressions, you know..
Chapter 5: Oh gosh, I need another chapter I want these two to meet again!!
ekasandy #4
Chapter 5: ahhh so cuteee
sailoru #5
Chapter 5: So they were rebounds???? That's why he wouldn't choose between them, because he already chose another???!!!! Poor baeri.
Chapter 4: Why? He ran away :C he should stayed there hfjajsksj
sailoru #7
Chapter 4: That's so embarrassing.
Chapter 3: Waiting for this to become an ot5 xD OK no, JiYongie and his plans to make friends the enemies, but it looks like he already have is attention in someone 7w7
sailoru #9
Chapter 3: Three, three guys. Now I'm just waiting for Daesung to either love him too or hate him cause Top does.
sueisa #10
Chapter 2: Update more interesting story