
If Only


“Happy birthday Yoona!” Ga Eul greeted her loudly.


“Ga Eul, it’s early, go back to sleep and greet me later okay?” Yoona said.



“Aniyo, cannot be. You have to get up now, they’ll be here in 15 minutes.” Ga Eul said looking at the window.



“What?? Are you sure?” Yoona got up immediately.


Ga Eul smirked and started packing her stuffs.


“Woo Bin called, he said they’re on their way and that we should pack our stuffs.”



“Where are we going?”



“Who knows? Now move it lazy head.” She said.



Not long ago when Ga Eul heard the doorbell.



“Yoona, you’re dead, hurry up.” She called.



“I’m done, okay?” Yoona smiled.




Woo Bin was the first to enter followed by Yi Jung whose face was covered by the flowers he was bringing.




“Hey gangster, aren’t you too early to stroll?” Yoona said giving him a hug.



“Naah, I miss my girl so I had to get up early just to see her.” Woo Bin smiled.



Yi Jung and Ga Eul both shook their heads.



Yi Jung looked at Ga Eul, actually, he was staring at her. She was wearing white halter top and mini shorts. He could clearly see the visible lining of her sports bra but stopped himself before thinking of anything else.



“Ya, sunbae, are these for me?” Ga Eul said looking at the flowers.



“Huh? Ah yes, of course. How are you?” Yi Jung wondered why he ran out of words to say.



“I’m okay… but you don’t look okay, you look pale.” She said holding his hand, squeezing it.




“It’s just that… I forgot to eat my breakfast. Are you ready?” He smiled instead.



“Where are we going anyway?” Yoona said zipping her bag.



“Paradise.” And Woo Bin smiled.







“Is this what you call paradise? This is the worst place to celebrate a birthday!” Ga Eul said looking around. Yoona and Ga Eul pouted.




Woo Bin and Yi Jung looked at them and gave them a charming smile but >_< it wasn’t effective at all.




“Ya, you made us get up early, I thought we’re going on a trip or something…why are we here in your parking lot??” Ga Eul said to Yi Jung.



Yi Jung neared her and touched her nose…and pinched it.




“Can’t you wait a little more? My dear?” He said. Even though he looked like he was annoyed, deep inside, he was enjoying his time with Ga Eul. He just loves teasing her.



Then about 5 minutes later… a limo came.



“Here it is.” Yi Jung smiled.



When they got in the limo, Yi Jung and Woo Bin smiled at each other.




“Since this is a birthday surprise, why don’t you put these on.” Woo Bin instructed Yoona and Ga Eul.




“But, it’s not my birthday, am I exempted?” Ga Eul asked.




“Not a chance.” Yi Jung smiled as he volunteered to put the blindfold on Ga Eul.





It took them around 3 hours before they reached their destination…



Well…what do you expect? New Caledonia. (because It’s not a new scene to them anymore. T_T)



They all went to their rooms to unpack their stuffs. In Ga Eul’s room…




She was staring at the pot Yi Jung gave her. She then realized to repaint it.




She wanted to achieve something in her own way. She wanted to be a model, an artist or in any way as long as she can attain something worth living for.




Then suddenly, someone took a picture of her and she covered her face directly because of the flash.




“What was that?” She said as Yi Jung rushed to her room.




“Sunbae…what is that for?”




“Something I’ll be keeping for the rest of my life.” He smiled and winked at her.




“Sunbae, I really liked this…it’s just so beautiful. It really looks like the one your father made. Well, just smaller.” She smiled.




Yi Jung smiled and cuddled her. He put his arms around her waist. She blushed.




“I always wanted to do this Ga Eul…ever since I saw you running away after giving me that punch in my face. (Ga Eul laughed) What’s so funny eh? I wondered at that time, if I could hug you.”




“Sunbae, since when did you start liking me?”




“I don’t know. I guess I liked you even before I met you. I had this feeling I loved you even before our eyes and hearts met. “




Ga Eul blushed.



“You sir really know how to turn a girl’s world upside down.”




Yi Jung smiled and kissed her cheeks.



BANG. The door opened.




“Ya! Ga Eul-ah!” (bad timing Yoona. ^^)




“Okay…sorry, I’ll just come back later.” Yoona said staring at Yi Jung who was still hugging Ga Eul. Ga Eul turned red…really red while Yi Jung smirked and let go of his lady love.




“It’s okay Yoona, I’m going anyway, I just dropped by to say good morning.” He smiled and winked at Ga Eul. She covered her face again in embarrassment.



Yi Jung left the room with a very big smile on his face.



“Thanks a lot Yoona.”


“No biggie. So? Are you ready?”



“For what? And please don’t tell me those are our swimsuits.”




“Okay, I won’t. But come on, let’s go.” And they both laughed.



The boys were having chitchat when two French girls neared them.



“See, I told you Ga Eul, who would resist hot studs like them?” She said looking at Woo Bin flirting with the girl.



“Right, but the question is, can those two hot studs you’re talking about resist us? Cause you see, they’re coming this way.” Yoona laughed at Ga Eul’s statement.




“Well, well, well, I can see that you girls are having fun talking behind our backs?” Woo Bin commented.




“Actually, we’re talking about how the of two you we’re having fun talking behind our backs with those frenchies at the bar.” Yoona hissed and Ga Eul snapped at Yi Jung.




“Ya, sunbae, you sure don’t have any taste, don’t you?” Woo Bin looked at her. Yi Jung raised his eyebrow.




“Tsk3…I thought rich lads like you dig S line D cupped type of women. But I can see you’re into disfigured piece of art like me.”




Yi Jung, Woo Bin and Yoona laughed.



“Ya, those are models, we met them when we went to Paris. Can’t you tell?” Woo Bin nodded.



“You country bumpkins sure know how to fool around innocent lads like us don’t you?”



“Innocent?” Yoona made a funny face.



“Let’s eat, I’m hungry.” Ga Eul said.




It was half past 10 when Ga Eul decided to take a walk at the beach. She couldn’t sleep much.



“I don’t think I should wake her up.” She said staring at Yoona’s door.



She went back to her room to get her sweater when someone blocked her way out…



“Sunbae…you scared me.” She said.



“You should wake me up instead of her… I could be a friend, hmmm… willingly...a boyfriend, voluntarily…or a husband…positively.” Then he smiled at her. He got her sweater and put it on her.



“Sunbae…” she gave him a quick light thump on his arm.



“Hey, I was just trying to make you smile…”






“Nothing, I just love seeing you blushing… just like what happened this morning. It makes me want to kiss those cheeks.” He looked at her.



“Kiss what?”



“Like this.” Then he kissed her cheeks.






His heart began thumping loudly as this will be the first time his lady love will say those three words in front of him.



“Ga Eul-ah..”



“I missed you sunbae…”



He thought for a moment, disappointed a little. Then he smirked.




“Pabo.” He played with Ga Eul’s hair and pinched her cheek.




“Muo? Who? Me? Ya, stop that.” Ga Eul said making a funny face.



“Yes you are.” And he hugged her.






“Ya, I don’t think this will be a good idea.” Yoona said pouting.



“Why? I’m here, there’s nothing to be worried about.” Woo Bin said.



“Oppa, I can’t do this…”



“I won’t leave you, I promise…” Woo Bin smiled.



Yoona finally nodded.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Kim Bum
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
LoveYou12345678 #3
colorfule *^*
likatulay #4
Chapter 21: aww... so beautiful.. poor Yoona
So sad :( Poor Yoona
Chapter 21: Awh poor Yoona :(
Chapter 21: :( Yoona!!!!
Sooo sad.. :( Goodbye Yoona :(!! wish that she didn't die..
happy sad ending..
thanks for the nice story ^_^ please update the rest of your stories
woah, great<br />
happy ending for soeul, but sad ending for woo bin<br />
yoona's died T.T
it so sad ;(<br />
but happy at the same time<br />
please update this fantastic story please?<br />
great job!!!