[change of heart]

If Only

It’s been 4 months since Yoona’s successful eye operation. She and Ga Eul decided to look for a job given that Yoona can already see and wanted to study next semester. They decided to look for a flexible schedule so they can go to school at day and work at night.


“Ga Eul, I really am very bored.”


“You can watch T…I mean listen to the radio..i mean…yeah you can WATCH TV…” Ga Eul stopped in the middle of her sentence.


“You ain’t use to it yet right? Even me… I still can’t belive I can see now… I can see you, I can see the bed…I can see the table… Ahhh Ga Eul I really am very happy… but I feel bad leaving Woo Bin… I wanted to thank him for everything. It’s been 4 months…2 weeks…5 days since I last talked to him.




“Yoona, how long do you think we’ll stay here?”


“Aniyo…I mean we can’t stay here forever, we have to work to survive.”


“I know, I still have to pay Jing Er for the money I borrowed. I might stop schooling next semester. I don’t think I can afford anymore.”


“Ga Eul…”


“It’s okay Yoona, it’s nobody’s fault, I’ll just have to work hard.”


“Sorry if I’m a burden to you Ga Eul..”


“No…not at all Yoona, I’d rather starve to death than live alone. Thanks for being with me.”


There was a knock on the door.


“Who could that be?” Yoona.


Ga Eul opened the door.


“Ji Won-Unnie?”


“So how was your first night? No time to talk. Let’s go.”


“But where are we going?” Yoona asked.


“And why are you always in a hurry?” Ga Eul seconded.


“I told you, I am a very busy person and I’m just doing this because that troublesome “so-called-brother” of mine won’t stop nagging me to get you to the eye specialist sweetie, you’re scheduled for operation next week.”


“Next week?!!” Ga Eul and Yoona chorused.


“Is this Woo Bin’s plan? I mean did he plan this?” Yoona.


“He is my brother, of course, who else? I found a perfect donor just for you.”



They left.






“Ya, Yi Jung-ah, will you hurry up? We’ll miss the plane.”


Yi Jung just finished taking a bath and was quite surprised to see Woo Bin all set to go. Their hotel rooms are adjacent and they are going home today.


“I heard Yoona’s operation will be next week, I hope Ji Won did a good job in persuading her. Yoona and Ga Eul are both hard to please…”


“I agree with you, I was wondering if Yoona really believed that she’s my sister. Well, well… Hurry up you reptile.”




“Uh-huh, well, I guess you’re exempted for that name now, I don’t think you’re still the COLD-BLOODED Casanova you were before. Thanks to Ga Eul.”


“I missed her.”


Woo Bin showed a smile at the corner of his lips and grabbed his suitcase.


Before Yi Jung could leave his room, his phone buzzed. He got a call from someone he didn’t expect.


His father.


“What do you want?”


“Sometimes love is like a bird, you have to let them go, be free. But sometimes you have to keep them… to prevent others from taking them away from you. Either way, it’s your choice whether to keep her or let her go. Fatherly advice…take care of her son, don’t be like me. Follow, what your heart tells you to, don’t be afraid, don’t hide from what you really feel, because one day, that person might grow tired looking for you. You’ll regret it all your life, I won’t let you commit the same mistake again. Always remember, I’m watching you.


(Yi Jung not answering)


“I guess that’s all I need to say. Goodbye.”








And he ended the call, somehow, that call made him happy that day despite his heartbreak. He felt a little smile in his heart and that was enough to motivate him.




“Ga Eul, are you sure about this?”


“You want to help me too right?”


“Of course…I’d love to.”


“Then do this not only for yourself, but also for me…”


Ga Eul hugged her before she entered the operating room.





Yoona and Ga Eul finally have their jobs. They are working at BonJuk Porridge Shop.


(A/N: I know. From SoEul CF ^^).


Yoona decided to enroll medicine while Ga Eul still pursued her career in Fine Arts. It was a not-so-busy day and they just finished cleaning so they decided to take a rest…


“Ga Eul…you still going to that pottery class even if that Eun Jae is the one teaching you?”


“Of course…I won’t stop learning until I meet him again.”


“Him? Why do you even like pottery? Is it because of Yi…”


“Don’t even think about it. I told you not to bring his name here, there and everywhere, in short… never.
Besides, I took the class even before I met Yi Ju…him…”


“That’s why I’m asking you…”


“I don’t know, I was strolling around looking for a subject to paint for my homework and I saw an old man well he wasn’t that old…molding clay in the studio at school, I asked him if I could paint his masterpiece.”


“What did he say?”


“At first he refused…but then he let me...I asked him where he gets such inspiration to make such work of art. He said…it was for his wife. He said that that pot was made of regrets and sorrows. Everything he felt inside, he let it out making that.”


“Did he give it to his wife?”


“No, although it was for his wife, he never had the chance to give it. She passed away, that’s why he had so many regrets at that time. Words left unspoken, mistakes left uncorrected… he said he felt the whole world crashing down on him.”


“I guess he learned a lot from it.” Yoona said.


“He even shared an advice… he said follow, what your heart tells you to, don’t be afraid, don’t hide from what you really feel, because one day, that person might grow tired looking for you. He regret it until now, he never had the courage to tell her he loved her. Now she’s gone…not knowing he really loved her. I think he took her for granted.”


“ Yes…he’s right Ga Eul, you should tell him you love him before it’s too late.”


“Ya! What did you say? How did I get involved with this? Who are you talking about?”


“The potter…you know. The great potter who’s in Macau right now.”




“You think they’re still in Macau?”


“I don’t know… and I think it’s better this way.”




Monday… Time for school.


Yi Jung and Woo Bin are back to school to finish what they had started. Yi Jung on the other hand, had a serious talk with his EX-Friend, Eun Jae at the studio.


“I took the place because your father asked me to. He has lots of things to do and he is a very busy person, you’re his son, you know that. I know your father taught you well, it’s in your blood, you’re even better than me, I just want to help him, that’s all so I took the position in place of him.” Eun Jae said.


“And now I’m back, I shall take his place, I will handle the class from now on.”


“Whatever you say, I’m leaving anyway. I’m going back to where I belong. I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. I know I shouldn’t have…”


“Don’t start Eun Jae. It’s over.”


Eun Jae looked at him but he was showing no sign of acceptance in his face. He wasn’t ready to forgive yet so she fixed herself, grabbed her things and left. Still, Yi Jung was impassive.


“Yo bro, let’s go.” Woo Bin appeared at the door of the studio holding his phone, texting.


“Where are we heading?” Yi Jung asked coldly.


“Meeting girls man, why? Hey hey, what’s wrong with our Casanova? Are you not into hot ladies anymore and starting to dig country bumpkins?” Woo Bin teased.


“Don’t say that!” His tone suddenly changed.


“Okay…okay I was just joking man, chill. I thought we need some drink.”


Before they could exit, someone very familiar met Yi Jung’s eyes and that someone made his heart freeze and that someone sent chills down his spine. He could feel his heart tearing to pieces again.




That sweet and warm tone of her again. She’s starting to melt his heart…again.


“Yoona…” Woo Bin said straight-faced.


“And you are?” Yoona said. Ga Eul caught her attention by grabbing her hand.


“Yoona…this…is…Woo Bin-sunbae.”


Yoona stood dumbfounded. She looked at him from head to toe…then from head to toe again…and again. Blinking her eyes twice, thrice, looking at Ga Eul, to Yi Jung to Woo Bin…and to Ga Eul again. Finally, she found the right words to say.


“I…nice to meet you, Im Yoona-imnida.” Yoona bowed and Ga Eul looked at her and raised her eyebrow at the sudden weirdness of her friend.


“Yoona…you can see…me…already.” Woo Bin said still being speechless for it was his first time seeing Yoona well-dressed.


(The make-up thing and the hairstyle. She can’t doll up her look when she was blind obviously.)


“Ya...you already know each other, why the sudden formality?” Ga Eul said. She then, looked at Yi Jung.


Yi Jung on the other hand, set aside his emotions, glanced at Yoona for a second then looked at her sternly. Without a word, he walked out of the room.


“Ya, Yi Jung-ah! Wait!” Woo Bin said but his eyes not leaving Yoona’s.


“I’ll call you, okay? Ya, Ga Eul-yang, Yi Jung’s in a state-of-emergency-crisis kind of situation right now so hope you understand his cold attitude today. Ayt? I’ll see you.”


He then, undoubtedly, kissed Yoona on her cheeks and ran after Yi Jung who was walking away without looking back at the girl whom he really loves.


“He kissed me Ga Eul.. he kissed me and my… he’s so cute!!!!” Yoona acting girlishly squealed.


Ga Eul was there, standing, looking at the silhouette of the man she learned to love.


“Ga Eul…are you listening? He didn’t forget me! He was….” Yoona stopped when she saw her friend teary eyed.


“Sunbae…” Ga Eul said.



“Yi Jung-ah, what’s wrong with you? She was there, looking at you, waiting for your…”


“I don’t have time for this…okay? Leave me alone!” Yi Jung said. He got in his car and left his friend wordless.


Yi Jung’s POV

Ga Eul…what is it again this time? Are we okay now? I can’t… I can’t commit the same mistake again… I won’t let myself hurt you once again… I’m sorry…



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Kim Bum
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
LoveYou12345678 #3
colorfule *^*
likatulay #4
Chapter 21: aww... so beautiful.. poor Yoona
So sad :( Poor Yoona
Chapter 21: Awh poor Yoona :(
Chapter 21: :( Yoona!!!!
Sooo sad.. :( Goodbye Yoona :(!! wish that she didn't die..
happy sad ending..
thanks for the nice story ^_^ please update the rest of your stories
woah, great<br />
happy ending for soeul, but sad ending for woo bin<br />
yoona's died T.T
it so sad ;(<br />
but happy at the same time<br />
please update this fantastic story please?<br />
great job!!!