[untouched part 1]

If Only

Eun Jae came to visit Yi Jung’s father, who was having a meeting with Jae Kyung’s parents as well.

“I’m hoping that your son will held his exhibit here, it’s been a long time, I’ve seen some of his works when I was in Seoul, but that was 2 years ago, I think. I would be happy to extend some help.” Jae Kyung’s mom gladly anticipated.

“Eun Jae, you’re here?” Jae Kyung’s mom greeted when she saw her entering the door.

Annyong hassaeyo, may I speak to Mr. So for a moment?”

“Eun Jae, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Jae Kyung’s mom said.

Yi Jung’s father went out for a while to talk with Eun Jae.

“Yi Jung and I share a very special relationship since we were young, don’t you think it’s time to bring it to the next level?”

“What do you mean?” Yi Jung’s father asked.

“I want him to be mine.”

“And what does this got to do with me?”

“You’re his father. If you want, I can help you with your business with JK group, Jae Kyung is a very good friend of mine. She has many girl friends, if you want I can introduce you.”

“My dear Eun Jae, my business has nothing to do with my son’s personal desires in life. Don’t you think you’re going too low? And…don’t you think you’re insulting me that much? Whatever my business is with JK group is between me and JK group, you and Jae Kyung are not part of it. I know kids like you have lots of friends, but business is business and family is family. Even if you’re that close to Yi Jung and me, the decision is still up to Yi Jung.” And he left.

Eun Jae left disappointed.


Yi Jung’s orange car arrived at the hotel, he ran and rode on the elevator to the 19th floor. He searched every door for room 1908, there he saw… the door to the room open.

“Ga Eul-ah…” he said, his eyes flickering in anxiousness and rage.

He saw Ga Eul’s cellphone and hanky on the floor. He dialed his phone and called Woo Bin.

“Yo, did you see her?”

“I’m here at the hotel where she checked in, she’s not here. When I arrived I saw the door open and her phone on the floor, I have a bad feeling about this. Did you find Yoona?”

“I got the location, I’m on my way there. I’ll see you.”


Yoona was left in the warehouse, alone. She was tied to the chair with taped (but Jae Kyung removed the blindfold o_o), unconscious.

“Make sure nobody knows about this, even Woo Bin, secure the place. His men could be everywhere..” Jae Kyung instructed.

“When you wake up, all that’s left to do is congratulate me.” She laughed violently.

Jae Kyung was about to leave when a black car arrived.

“Are you leaving?” a tall man wearing a leather jacket said.

“Where is she?” Jae Kyung.

“In the car.”

“Bring her here, I have a plan.” And she smirked.


Ga Eul woke up and realized her head hurts, she tried to get up but she can’t move her feet, she was trembling. When she tried to fix herself, she realized she was already bare and her clothes were torn and was scattered on the floor. She was trembling more and more and she screamed and cried.

Yoona woke up hearing Ga Eul’s loud screams.

She tried to talk but was taped, she made some noise and yelled.

“Yoona…” she was crying. She kept on crying, Yoona tried to untie herself but failed. She cant move her hands.

“What happened to me…Yoona, help me.”

As much as Yoona wanted to help her, she can’t. She can’t even help herself.

Meanwhile, the two men guarding the warehouse heard Ga Eul’s screams.

“Ha! I knew it, poor girl…” the man said.

“Ya, there’s also a blind one on the other room, want to share? Our boss isn’t coming back till tomorrow.” The other man said.

They went inside.

(I will name them M1 and M2, so no confusion okay?)

M1 saw Ga Eul covering herself with her torn clothes. M2 on the other hand, removed Yoona’s tape.

“Ga Eul-ah, is that you?!” Yoona

“Yoona, help me!”

M2 untied Yoona and she wandered her hands trying to find Ga Eul but the man got her hands instead.

“Do you mind playing for a while?” M2 said.


Woo Bin and Yi Jung arrived at the warehouse. They didn’t bring any back up with them. The warehouse was big and they don’t know where the entrance is. They searched the whole building going in circles. Woo Bin got out of his car and so as Yi Jung. They sighed when Woo Bin heard someone screaming.

He was certain it was Yoona.

He followed Yoona’s voice to where it came from and found a door. He kicked it and it flung open.

They saw the two men trying to harass THEIR girls. M2 was trying to kiss Yoona while M1 was forcing Ga Eul to go with him.

Woo Bin went to Yoona and punched the guy’s face and kicked him leaving him unconscious on the floor. Yi Jung hit the guy several times in his face and kicked his abdomen and Woo Bin finished them both with a back side kick.

Yi Jung saw her lying helplessly , still crying trying to wrap herself. Yi Jung tried to embrace her but Ga Eul hesitated.

“Don’t touch me…what I am now is not the Ga Eul you once knew before. I’m filthy… I feel like I’ve been taken by a monster. My purity and pride as a woman had left me. So there’s no need to act like you still care…are you happy now?”

Yi Jung felt his tears falling from his eyes. He stood up and went to the two beaten guys lying on the floor.

“Tell me, who did this! Did you do this?!” he was angry. He was mad. He was more than angry. His eyes are sparkling with fury and rage. He could feel his heart thumping loudly and wildly on his chest.

The two men denied and said that they didn’t do anything and was just instructed to guard the warehouse.

“Who ordered you?!”

“I’m sorry sir, we can’t tell you, she’ll kill us!”


The two shut their mouths. It all made sense now. Yi Jung knew his place.

“Ga Eul-ah, where’s Ga Eul?” Yoona was sobbing too.

“Ssh, she’s here, she’s fine now, it’s okay. There’s nothing to worry about now, don’t cry.” Woo Bin comforted her.

Yoona collapsed. Yi Jung went back to Ga Eul and forcefully locked her in his arms. He closed his eyes and kissed her on her forehead. He was crying too. Ga Eul just felt like warmed up and even cried more in Yi Jung’s arms.

Yi Jung’s POV

Why? Why did this happen… to YOU?! Of all the people, YOU!? It’s all because of me! I swear, Cha Eun Jae, I won’t let go of this! Ga Eul-ah…I’m so so sorry… You don’t have any idea what I’m feeling right now. I feel my heart being twice.

(Ga Eul’s words kept on repeating over and over again)

“Don’t touch me…what I am now is not the Ga Eul you once knew before. I’m filthy… I feel like I’ve been taken by a monster. My purity and pride as a woman had left me. So there’s no need to act like you still care…are you happy now?”

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Kim Bum
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
LoveYou12345678 #3
colorfule *^*
likatulay #4
Chapter 21: aww... so beautiful.. poor Yoona
So sad :( Poor Yoona
Chapter 21: Awh poor Yoona :(
Chapter 21: :( Yoona!!!!
Sooo sad.. :( Goodbye Yoona :(!! wish that she didn't die..
happy sad ending..
thanks for the nice story ^_^ please update the rest of your stories
woah, great<br />
happy ending for soeul, but sad ending for woo bin<br />
yoona's died T.T
it so sad ;(<br />
but happy at the same time<br />
please update this fantastic story please?<br />
great job!!!