Chapter 9

We Can't be More Than Friends

“Jimin, can I come inside?” Jimin heard a soft knock before turning his body to the door seeing Hoseok head was peeking through the small opening of the door.

“Yeah, sure.” He invited him inside while giving Hoseok some space on his bed. Hoseok took his seat beside Jimin who had laptop on his lap, probably was completing his assignment. Then jimin put down his laptop to give Hoseok his attention since by the look on Hoseok face, Jimin he had some trouble in his head. Yes, Hoseok was sunshine, a very bright person but sometimes when he thought too much, that frown, that very disturbing look on his face was too noticeable.

“What is it hyung? I know you have something to ask me now. Just spill it out and I’ll answer it.”

“Jimin-ah, why did you throw your favourite shoe away?”

“Which shoe?”

“The one that was limited edition?”

Jimin was stuttering to answer it because it was too sudden. He thought for a second, no he need more than one second to think for a right answer. Why was Hoseok questioning him about his shoe?

“Because I don’t like it anymore.”


“I’ve made a very bad thing while wearing it. So to hide the guilty feeling, I threw it away. Just don’t ask me what I have done because I’m not ready to tell about it.”


Then they turned to silent and Hoseok was drowning in his own thought while Jimin was staring the wall too deep in his thought too. Jimin looked to Hoseok but that look, that disturbing look was still on his face. The silent was to unbearable to Jimin at least and he decided to break the silence with some bedtime story except it was not bedtime yet because right now Jin was preparing their dinner alone in the kitchen.

“Hyung, do you want to hear a story? I really love this story and I hope you’ll like it too.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”


==========The Story==========


In a very small town, that everyone was so friendly and kind, there lived a very pretty and sweet girl, with a very long straight hair and the beautiful shiny eyes that every single man had drown into that eyes. She was so innocent that she even thought to give her first to her true love. Her kiss, her touch and her love to the right man who would love her more than everything.

She was a ballet dancer, her parents were so proud of her since she had won every dance competition she in. The smooth and graceful movement in every step she took mesmerized everyone and she was born to be love by everyone. But every night, she was wondering when was the time that she got to love someone.

And one day, she was dancing when she met a man. It was a young business man, 7 years older than her that had compliment her dancing. It was not like that she never received one but the way her heart was reacting to that compliment made her to realise that she had found her man, her love. Then they became closer in just three days enough for them to love each other, completely engulfed in each other embrace.

But sadly, after one week staying at that town, the man had to go back since he needed to continue working. Reluctantly, she waved her hand when the man board the train while promised that he would be back again to see her. She lived her day believing that promise.

One month passed without any news about that man. She was sad but still patiently waiting. Then the second month, strange things started to happen to that girl. She gained weight and her belly was no longer slim like before. Food was her favourite at the time and she couldn’t stop thinking about food.

But her condition gone bad when she had a very heavy headache and nausea every morning. And one day, she agreed when her mother wanted to bring her to hospital. After the body check-up, doctor said that she was okay but the next news shocked her. She was 2 months pregnant and she was only 18 years old that time.

What would she do? She wanted to call her lover but she knew nothing about him. He never left her contact information, all she knew was his name and his age. Her parents were mad at her but later soften because her condition was getting worse day by day. She even tried to kill her baby and her life but fate won’t allow her.

People in her town who loved her started to ignore her and were throwing bad words at her. She only has her family that was never leaving her side. But when she was 5 months pregnant, her family left her alone forever. Her family was involved in a very tragic accident and no one survived. It was good thing that she came from a very wealthy family because she didn’t have to work to support her yet-unborn baby.

4 months later, she gave birth to a very healthy boy that everyone started to love him the moment he made his appearance to the world. Seeing how healthy his son was, she smiled and was really thankful to God for not allowing her to kill herself before. The people were no longer ignored her but they was treating her especially her son better than before.

When her son was turning one, that man, the one she loved came back and he was shocked to see a boy standing beside her. He knew that boy was his when he looked at that boy eyes. He had the same eyes as him. He couldn’t hold his own son because he was too scared to take the responsibility.

She smiled when that man told her that he already had a family when he first came to the town. He had a very loving wife and cute two sons. The entire thing that happened before was a mistake. She smiled again because she had promised to never shed a tear for her son fake. Then, she told him to go to his own family and never came back. But this time she did asked for his contact information. He left her again without even looking back and she just still her hand beside her body.

One day, her son went home while crying because everyone was making fun of him since he didn’t have a father. He was only five at that time and was so jealous when every kid in his class won’t stop talking about their father, boasting about their father to be exact. Yesterday, I went to fishing with my father, Last month, my father brought me this toy, My father promised me to go to the park if grew taller by 1 centimetre were all he had heard when he could only cry with head low and balled fist. But he stopped asking about his father when he saw her mother cried for the first time while saying his father was dead.

That boy was ten years old when he met two boys that had the same story with him. But the only difference was the two boys both didn’t have a parent to start with. At least he had a mother, all he could think while taking the two boys hand who had reached their hand out to him. And they became friend, a really close and best friend. Her mother was so happy seeing that her son had friends.

It was not a happy ending story since later that boy found out that her mother was being diagnosis with the last stage of ovarian cancer. He was not ready to live without his mother but he knew nothing could be done about it. So, he stayed beside her mother every day seeing her smile everyday eventhough she was losing her beauty day by day but to him, her mother was still beautiful and pretty.

One day, he was walking to her mother hospital room when he saw her mother was talking to a man. He stood closer to hear their conversation and then he knew about the truth. He heard clearly when her mother asked him to take care of him after she had gone from this world. And he also didn’t miss it when that man rejected his mother wish because he couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth to his family. When her mother yelled at him telling that man to take his responsibility as a father, then he realised, that man was his father, his father that he though had died.

He stood at the door frozen and when that man walked passed him, the man stopped to look at him for a second before started to walk again. He hid it from his mother because he knew that would make her to be sad again. The only place he could be was in his friends embrace. There was only one thing those 15 years old boy could think at that time was revenge. He forced himself to remember every single part of that man face and his friends vowed to help him.

Before his mother passed away, she told him everything that he needed to know. His father was still alive and lived in Seoul with his real family. Everything that happened between his mother and that man was a mistake that cannot be reversed back. His mother told him that he had two brothers and that man had left lots of money for Jimin.



“So Hoseok-hyung, what would be the ending to the story? Do you think that boy would meet the man? What would happen if he met him? Can that boy find his own happiness?”

Jimin asked Hoseok after stopping the story half way. Hoseok was thinking hard to answer that.

“I-I don’t know. Please tell me the ending.”

“Well, it’s up to you on how to end it. Because I also don’t know the end of it.”

“What do you mean?”

Jimin didn’t answer him when Jungkook entered his room telling them dinner was ready. Hoseok was frustrated and curious as what had happened and the continuous of the story. He had this weird feeling tried to make him believe that Jimin had a connection with that story.

Hoseok was too quiet during dinner because he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Sometimes, he would glance at Jimin and when his brain told him that it could be Jimin story, he shook his head refused to accept it. No. no someone as cheerful as Jimin would ever be in that kind of situation. The next thing he knew, dinner was done and Jin told them to wait for him at the living room since he had a very important thing to discuss.

“Hoseok, do you have something to tell me?” Jin started when everyone was at the living room including Jimin.


“Okay listen. Today I went to the police office because I was confused since I haven’t heard any news about our flower shop for a month. To surprise me, the police officer said that someone had cancelled it and Hoseok mind to tell me about it?”

“I-err-yeah, well I do cancel it.”

“And why is that? Ah one more thing, I’ve heard something that is bull, at least to me. I really don’t understand a single thing when the police officer said that it was your boyfriend doing. Okay, now tell me truth or I ing force it out from you.”

Hoseok knew he had to tell him the truth when Jin started to use those harsh words. Jin, someone who liked to cook and liked pink a lot, was someone you wouldn’t want to mess when his eyes turned to a very intense stare.

“Hyung, why did you do it? I can’t believe it. And I know you never had boyfriend before and even now.”

“Okay, first I’m sorry. At first I don’t know who did it but when the police officer showed us the CCTV video, I noticed something and by that I knew who did it.”

“Who did it? Why did you lie about it?”

“Hyung, trust me. I never want to lie about it but I have to. I just want this thing to settle without anyone to get hurt. That’s why I said that I wanted it to settle outside the police officer. I want to ask him by myself why he did it. I don’t want to jump into a conclusion without hearing his excuse. I don’t want to punish him without even knowing his solid reason behind it.”

“Then, have you ask him about it yet?”

“No, I’m still can’t bring myself to ask. Can you please trust me and give me more time?”

“Okay, I will wait for it but when that time comes, I want a very detail explaination.”

“Thank you, hyung.”

Then they stood up and walked to their room because it was getting late. Jimin and Jungkook were talking about random thing on their way to their own room. Hoseok followed them while staring at Jimin back all the time. Sometimes, he would sigh heavily and sometimes he shook his head, rejecting every idea plotted in his brain. He didn’t hear when Jungkook wished him good night when he passed his room. When he turned the knob to open his room, Jimin called him.

“Hyung. Nothing can be fix now. The story might have a really bad ending and maybe that boy will never find his own happiness because he had fallen too deep.”

And Jimin left him after smiling at him. There was something in Jimin eyes that he couldn’t predict. It was sad but there was more than that. Jimin was like a mysterious box that hid 1001 story in it. And Hoseok had to find the right key to open it.







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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter