Chapter 4

We Can't be More Than Friends


Jimin turned his body to look at his back. It was a familiar voice calling his name when he was ordering a coffee at the counter. Jungkook was standing behind him with a smile on his face like always and Jimin smiled back like he used to do.

“Hi, Jungkook.”

He turned back to the barista at the counter to tell his order before turned back to ask Jungkook what he wanted. Jungkook settled with an iced white coffee with lots of creamer. Jimin and Jungkook moved aside to wait for their order.

“What are you doing here? It’s so late.”

“I was on my way back home when I decided to treat myself a coffee.  Are you on your way home too, hyung?”

“Yeah, my dance class ended a little bit late because the kids in my class are practicing for their school performance after the dance lesson. Did your school finish late?”

“Oh, I see. I have dance practice after school too. My team has a dance competition coming in two months. Our team leader sort of forced us to practice more so that we don’t do any mistake during that competition.”

Jungkook joined a dance team when he was 15 years old. He first joined a dance club on his middle school and met one of his senior that recognised his talent in dancing. The senior persuaded Jungkook to join their dance crew and after getting permission from Jin, he joined the dance crew. Jungkook had learnt different kinds of dance like hip-hop, popping and modern but the only dance he couldn’t master was freestyle. He was kind of too shy to show his freestyle dance.

When he turned 17, the dance leader asked him to join their performing line together with them to participate in any competition held in town. Starting that moment, Jungkook rarely back at home because he was too busy practicing and joining the dancing competition. Jin and Hoseok were okay with it because Jungkook was doing something he liked.

“Owh, yeah of course you need to start practicing harder if you want to win. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you about one thing for a long time already. Can I ask you about it?”

Jimin scratched his back of the head while taking the coffee he had ordered in his hand.

“Yeah, sure, you can.”

“You know I was into dancing because my mom used to be a ballet dancer and performer. But you are not from a performer or dancer background. So how come you are so in love in dancing?”

“Actually, it was all because of Hoseok-hyung. Hyung likes to dance a lot and he really has talent in it but he chose to bury his talent deep down in himself.”

Jimin knew it Hoseok could dance. He had this intuition that he couldn’t explain telling him that Hoseok could dance the moment he saw him walking. The smooth walking and how graceful his body moving everytime he swung his feet left Jimin in wow. One morning Jimin waked up to see Hoseok was dancing to a song called Baepsae and yeah Hoseok did dance in wild but the dance itself had a meaning in it. It was like very professional and orderly in step.

“Hoseok-hyung loves dancing but our mom had opposed because he was really into it resulting his pointer to drop. Hoseok-hyung kept on practicing and neglecting his school. Before our mom died, he promised her to stop dancing to focus on his study.”

“Wow, I sort of knew it Hoseok-hyung can dance. His body movement is so smooth and I really hope to see his dancing one day.”

“Yeah me too. I missed seeing him dancing.”

Jimin kept on walking straight passing the bus station. Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s arm to stop him from going straight making Jimin to face him with a shocked one.

“Is something wrong?”

“Hyung, the bus station is on our back.”

“Err I know.”


“Can we just walk to home?”

“No, it takes about 40 minutes to walk home and it takes only 20 minutes by bus.”

“I know but I-I want to spend more time with you. I like talking with you.”

Jimin was facing the other side avoiding Jungkook. Maybe he did that to cover his blush or just because he afraid of rejection. Seeing how red Jimin face was and how small he looked now made Jungkook to form a very big smile before saying okay and I like to walk with you too to Jimin making him to blush more. Jimin hit Jungkook shoulder when he laughed at his cute embarrassed face. Jungkook thought that Jimin was really cute and this was the first time in his life someone had made his heart flutter and there were butterflies in his stomach.

“Stop it. Stop laughing at me. This is new for me you know.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”                    

“This is my first time having someone younger than me that I have to react like a hyung to him. Nanjoon and Taehyung always treat me like I was their dongsaeng and I really hate it. I am a grown up man not a little boy anymore.”

That word from Jimin stopped Jungkook from smiling and that happy smile was replaced by a sad smile. All Jungkook want was for Jimin to not consider him as a dongsaeng. Jimin did acted like an adult in front of him but acting as cute as 5 years old kid in front of Jin or Hoseok. He was not jealous or did he? Yes, he was jealous. He was really jealous when Jin could pinch Jimin chubby cheek when Jimin was puffing his cheek just because Jin refused to cook his favourite meal. Or when Jimin rested his head on Hoseok lap when they were watching midnight movie at home. Jungkook wanted that head to rest on his lap instead and he was more that glad if Jimin was sitting on his lap with his back on his chest while his hand hugging him resting head at Jimin shoulder or maybe leaving one or more kiss to Jimin neck. Jungkook dirty thought was stopped abruptly when Jimin shoke his body.

“Jungkook, are you here?”

“Uh-uh-yeah, I’m still here.”

“Oh God, I thought you are dead or sometime when you keep on staring at me without blinking.”

“I’m fine.”

Jimin started to walk again and Jungkook followed behind him sighing harder in every step he took.

“Hyung, Jimin-hyung.”


“The other day, you’ve said that you have half-brother. Have you met them?”

Jimin kept on silent leaving Jungkook question in hanging. Jungkook started to panic thinking that maybe Jimin was uncomfortable with it. He wanted to apologised when Jimin started talking again making him to close his mouth.

“I’ve found them but not meeting them yet.”


“I don’t know. I’m afraid I guess. I have two brothers that I’ve never met and what I’m going to say to them when I meet them.  Hey, I’m Jimin. I’m your brother from other mom. You dad married my mom and I was glad to finally meet you two. And then they will chase me out from their house for being crazy. They are from rich family. Everything on them is from gold and who am I to meddling with their life.”

“Can I ask you one more thing?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Why are troubling yourself in finding them if you are afraid to see them?”

Jungkook was never meant to be rude but it was true. Jimin could just live his life without finding them. They were related by blood but none of them had met each other and Jimin had lived more than 20 years alone without them so fine by himself. Why did he bother himself to find them?

“Because I –“


Suddenly Jimin phone rang making them to jolt in shocked. Jimin reached his phone to see Taehyung name on his screen. Jimin answered it to be yelled by Taehyung. His voice was so loud that Jimin had to distance his phone away before he could reply.

“Yeah, I on my way home. Don’t worry. I’m not alone. I’m with Jungkook.”

(“Okay, don’t go anywhere. Me and Namjoon-hyung are waiting in your room.”)

“Okay, okay. See you later.”

Jimin ended the call and put his phone back to his bag.

“You three are so close to each other eventhough you are not related in any way.”

“Yeah because we share one common thing and only us know how it feels.”

“What is it?”


 Jimin grinned while Jungkook rolled his eyes because Jimin decided to hide it from him.

“Have you err you know dated one of them before?”

“No. I love them as a brother not like that. Besides, I already have someone I like back in my hometown.”

Okay, Jungkook had stopped breathing and ready to die because Jimin, the boy he loved already had someone he loved and that person was not him because Jungkook didn’t live in Busan. Tonight there was so much information that had hurt his little heart. First, Jimin only saw him as a dongsaeng, well he could still accept it. Second, Jimin didn’t like to act cute in front of him. And now Jimin already had someone he liked, no nope Jungkook would never admitted it as boyfriend because Jimin didn’t used that word to quote someone he liked.

“Your boyfriend?”

“No, not yet but maybe in future.”


I want to be your boyfriend, hyung, Jungkook whispered that only to his heart. Jimin was talking about random thing like how he liked living in Busan and so on but Jungkook could only smiled sadly at him because seeing now he didn’t have any chance with Jimin. Their walked home filled with Jimin story about Busan and never once Jungkook interrupted him because he liked hearing Jimin voice or maybe if he opened his mouth, the only thing that came out was him asking about that someone and he as his heart was not ready to know that someone who had managed to keep Jimin’s heart with him.

Finally they arrived and everyone was already sleeping. So they went in silently to go to their room. They climbed the stair one by one and the first room was Jungkook. Jungkook stopped in front of his room and turned to face Jimin before saying his goodnight. Jimin replied back with goodnight too. Jungkook grabbed the knob to open his door when a tiny hand grabbed his hand. Jimin avoid his eyes by looking at his feet before saying something to him.

“You know the other day when you comfort me because I missed my mom, I’m so happy and it was so comfortable when you are holding me until I sleep that night. Thank you Jungkook-ah for being there for me. I really appreciate it. You are my best and my most favourite dongsaeng in the world.”

Jimin stand on his toe to kiss Jungkook cheek before turning and walking to his room really fast leaving a frozen Jungkook alone. Jungkook brought his hand to where Jimin had kissed him while blinking his eyes rapidly.

“Did-did he kissed me?”

He asked no one in particular but more to himself still disbelief on what had happened. Jungkook was smiling while making his was to his bed. He plopped himself on his bed smiling crazily but then he turned sad when Jimin words hit him. Dongsaeng. Once again Jimin used that word to him. He was a dongsaeng, just a dongsaeng to Jimin. How he wished he could change that tittle to something more appropriate like boyfriend. Yeah, he liked that word more than dongsaeng.

“Jimin-hyung, I really like you.”




“Jungkook-ah, I like you too but I'm sorry we can't be more than friends.”


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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter