Chapter 5

We Can't be More Than Friends

“Jungkook, we have to go to our flower shop now.”

Jin scurried into Jungkook’s room without knocking it first and went straight to wake Jungkook up. He had received a call from Hoseok who had gone to their mother’s flower shop earlier in the morning.

“Ahh, hyung. I’m sleepy.”

“JUNGKOOK! RIGHT NOW! Someone had broken into our shop last night. Hoseok is there now.”

“WHAT?!. Okay give me a minute.”

Jin left the room and went back to the kitchen to prepare some simple breakfast for them and for still sleeping Jimin. He wrote a note saying that Jimin had to eat alone because they had an emergency. Jin was in the middle of preparing breakfast when Hoseok called him with a very panic voice saying that their flower shop was badly damaged.

Jungkook came to the living room fully in cloth after 5 minutes and then they were ready to go. Hosoek was waiting for them in front of their shop when they arrived. It was looking fine on the outside but when they stepped inside, every single thing in the shop scattered around. Most of the vase broken in pieces and their beautiful flowers were sadly witted down on the floor. Someone had smashed their flower pot and stepped onto their flower without any mercy.

“Hyung, have you made a report to the police.”

“Yeah, I already did it. They will call me after they had gathered enough information.”

“Hoseok-ah, do you know someone who did this?”

“I don’t know. Ah my poor baby.”

Hoseok kneeled down to take the flower and put it in a basket. Jin and Jungkook helped him to gather all the flowers into the basket. Everything was destroyed. The beautiful and glowing flowers were no longer shining and the shop looked so gloomy and shady. Three of them cleaned their shop with a very sad feeling thinking about who had the nerve to destroy their shop.  Even if that person had grudge against one of them but still destroying the beautiful thing in the world was not worth it.

After 3 hours, Hoseok received a call from the police to come to the station. Jin and Jungkook followed him and now they were sitting in front of one policeman looking at a CCTV video on the screen. There were two guys walking with a basketball towards their shop.

“I’m sorry but we couldn’t get to see their face as they are wearing hoodie and a mask but for sure it was 2 guys who had broken into your shop. Do you maybe recognise that men by looking at their figure?”

“It’s hard to recognise them while they are covering that much. I had no idea who they are. Does one of you know them?”

Jin asked his brothers and the two shook their head. The video was not clear because it was night time and no one had witnessed it as it was 3.00 AM that time. Their flower shop situated at a street in which it would get busy during peak hour only and would go to silent after that.  

But something was odd when Hoseok frown while looking at the video. Everyone was too immersed in looking that they missed the frown on his face. Hoseok knew who it was. He knew exactly who by looking at the shoe wore by one of the guys. Hoseok was known as someone who had sharp eyes of course would recognise the shoe. That guy loved that shoe too much for him to always wear it. And plus it was a limited edition shoe that was being sold for thousands pairs only, in the world.

“I’m sorry officer. We don’t know them.”

 “It’s okay. We’ll call you when there is new information.”

“Okay. Thank you officer.”




They got back home during dinner and Jimin was there with Namjoon and Taehyung. It’s been one month and 2 weeks when Jimin started to live there paying his rent exactly on the first day every month without fail. Jin knew Namjoon and Taehyung were precious to Jimin so he didn’t stop them from coming or spent their day there. He was more than glad because his house was merrier than before with more laughter and he could smile happily.

“Hyung, where are you from. You three disappeared from morning. Is something happen?”

“Ah sorry Jiminie, it’s just that someone had broken into our shop and had destroyed everything inside. We spent our time to clear and clean everything.”

“Oh my god. I’m sorry I don’t know. Do you know who did it? You should have called me. I can help too. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay Jimin.”

“Shop? What shop?” Taehyung asked because he couldn’t understand what they were talking about.

“Our family flower shop” Hoseok answered him with a very sad tone.

“You have a flower shop? I don’t know that and I’m sorry about it. Yeah Jimin is right. You should have called us and we can help you.”

“It’s okay Taehyung-ah. In facts, we don’t want to bother you with this kind of thing.”

“Don’t worry Jin-hyung. We are more than willing to help you all because to us you are like our own family.” Namjoon words made Jin and Jungkook to smile genuinely while Hoseok ran to hug him making Namjoon to back up but Hoseok was fast to grab him into a hug.

“Really? You think of us as your family?” Hoseok asked him while shaking their body together.

“Err, yeah.”

“Good, so you are my brother. I’m older than you and you need to hear to everything I said.”

“No, we were born in the same year and besides I rather have Jin-hyung as my brother. He can cook whereas you nagged a lot. And you’re noisy.”

“It’s okay. I love you too.” Hoseok said while trying to kiss Namjoon cheek but he managed to push Hoseok face away from him making everyone in the house to laugh at them. Jungkook the one who kept silent from the start was glad when he chose to stay back at home. He liked to be home again where he could feel the family love again. After their parents died, Jin and Hoseok were too busy with their own duty. Jin was busied chasing his dream to be an actor while Hoseok was too immersed in taking care of their flower shop. Jungkook hated when no one was home when he came to home after school. He hated to see how rushing his brothers were during morning to go to work. He hated to see how tired Jin looked during night and how hard Hoseok tied to smile like everything was not tiring him down. So he chose to leave home.

But now he liked to stay home because Jimin was there to greet him eventhough Jin or Hoseok couldn’t do it everytime. He liked it when Namjoon and Taehyung knocked their door when they were in the middle of breakfast claiming that they were hungry. He liked it when Jin went home earlier with lots of ingredients in his hand just because Namjoon had passed his test or just simply because he was in the mood in making a fiesta, a food fiesta. He liked it when Hoseok was laughing crazily to whatever joke Taehyung had told him. Jungkook even liked it when Hoseok and Namjoon bickering about every little thing. He liked his family a lot.

“Yah, Jungkook. Why are you smiling to yourself?” Jin whispered to him when he was smiling while everyone was laughing.

“Oh nothing. I’m happy. I’m really happy.”

“Yeah, I’m happy too.”

“Me too.” Hoseok spoke to them after listening to their conversation.




“Officer-nim, I-I want to take back my report.”

“And why is that Hoseok-sshi?”

The next morning Hoseok went to the police station to meet back the same police officer who was in charge of the case of his broken flower shop. He went there without telling anyone because he didn’t want anyone to stop him from taking back the police report.

“I know who did it and I’m thinking that maybe we can solve this case outside the police station.”

“You do realise this is crime right? And I can’t let it pass because it is my duty to catch whoever has done crime.”

“I know that. I’m very thankful to you but I know who did it and making him go to jail really not worth it.”

The police officer looked at Hoseok frowning because this was the first case ever that someone had requested to take back his file report. Hoseok cut the police officer down by telling him the reason behind it.

“One of the two guys is my boyfriend. Well my ex actually. He did that just to annoy me and I intend to have a discussion with him later.”

“And how can you be so sure it was your ex-boyfriend doing. They don’t show their face.”

“I’ve called him last night and he confessed to me that he did it because he was mad at me for breaking up with me. Do you need more information on that?”

Well, Hoseok did lie about it. He doubted that the police officer would believe him if he said that he knew that guy by looking at his shoe.

“No, but-“

“Please officer-nim. I don’t want him to go to jail just because of this kind of thing. It’s embarrassing you know.”

It was hard to convince the police officer but he kept on trying. They sat on silent for a while. Hoseok gave the police officer some time to think about his request. That police officer stood up to go to other police officer to have another discussion before came back to Hoseok.

“Okay, Hoseok-sshi, we’ll close this case as you have requested it. But if it happen again, we will not having second though to arrest him.”

“Okay, thank you so much officer-nim.”



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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter