Chapter 7

We Can't be More Than Friends

I feel so guilty for making Jimin the bad one in this but nevermind, what have been done cannot be undone. Because sometimes I do believe that Jimin is not that innocent and angellic style ( trust me, I do not feel like that all the time but just sometimes, there is a moment that made me to think like that) but he is more than that. I'm not saying it in a bad way but there must be a time that he is being mischievous that only the members know about it. 

And to all readers, may I know who is your 2nd favourite otp in BTS. Well I'll assumed that Jikook is your no. 1 otp since you read my Jikook story but it's okay if Jikook is not your no. 1 . Honestly, my very first pairing that I like is Jihope starting from Boy in Luv era. I shipped them because I really like how J-hope treated Jimin like a brother who was too happy to have a little brother. Then Vmin, a very closed bestfriend, a twin I could say. Then Jikook (my top pairing), actually I liked seeing how Jungkook pushed Jimin away (I know he did it as a joke) but at the end it was Jimin that he wanted. 

I want to write more but it was getting longer so I'll stop here and maybe I'll continue it in another chapter (HAHAHA). Don't take it too serious of what I had writen. This is just my opinion and you too can share your thought or opinion with me. Lastly, this chapter is little bit boring at the beginning up until the middle part. I've warned you. ^.^



“Hyu—ng” Opening the door to see a very dark room with no source of light and unopened curtain definitely not what Jungkook could imagine. Not caring to close the door, he walked straight to the bed who lied a man on top of it with a blanket fully covered his body. 

“Jimin-hyung. Wake up.” He tried again, this time with the help of his hand to shake the sleeping beauty only to be faced with his back still covered with blanket. It’s past 10 now and just waited one more second before shaking Jimin too vigorous and maybe soft was not even in his dictionary.

“Go away, I want to sleep.” Jungkook narrowed his eyes unbelieved that Jimin still not opening his eyes even after that shake that was more tense than 5.5 magnitude of earthquake.

“Hyung, get up. We need to go somewhere today.” Jungkook tried again.

“No, I don’t have any appointment today.” Jimin was fully awake when he could provide a sentence with more than words correctly without making an alien word.

“Ah, come on. I’ll treat you a very luxury lunch if you wake up now.” Bribing him with food would always bring victory as Jimin raised from his lying position in flash, eyes opened widely.

“Okay. I’m up. Where’s my lunch?”

“Hyung, it’s 10 now and lunch is on 1 PM. So, up to shower now. I’ll wait for you outside. You only have 30 minutes before the offer expired.” Then Jimin waked from his bed while grabbing his towel on the way to the toilet.

“Okay, okay. Demanding.” The last word was more like a whisper that Jungkook failed to catch it when he already left the room before Jimin could say it.

28 minutes 35 seconds later (so Jungkook did count the time) Jimin came to living room smelled all good, as sweet as an apple. Jungkook barely could breathe in that sweet scent but he somehow survived. Jimin was looking at his phone while making his way to Jungkook, nearly to make a direct skinship with the coffee table when he stopped on his track when a loud shout was yelling his name.

If not because of Jungkook loud calling of his name, Jimin face would fall first on that all-glassy coffee table by right now. The worst could happen to him was nose bleeding or the glass would break and he stopped thinking about it.

“Hyung, be careful.”

“Thanks. So, where do you want to go today?” Jimin took his sit on the arm of the couch even if there was lots of empty space on the couch. Jungkook stood up before answering him to go in front of him and grabbed Jimin hand forcing him to sit up again.

“We’ll go shopping today. I have something to buy. Since Jin-hyung and Hoseok-hyung were too busy with their life leaving only you as an option to help me with it, so yeah, shopping we go now.”

By the time Jungkook finished his words, they were already in front of their house door, closing it before locking the door. Jimin hand was still in Jungkook hand and both were too comfortable to notice. Jimin only pulled his hand away when he needed to take out his money to pay for the bus ticket. That’s only time he realised that Jungkook was holding him all the way down. Jimin mentally noted that he had to buy a book on Ways to not developing a blush later.

The ride was quitter than any other days when Jungkook kept on writing something on his phone without sparing even one look. Usually Jungkook would talk to him non-stop everytime they rode bus together. Jungkook was typing again when he decided to sneaky look at Jungkook’s phone. The sudden action from Jimin made Jungkook quickly closed his phone and shoved it in his pocket.

“Ah, hyung, what are you doing?”

“I was just curious. You seem too preoccupied with your phone. I thought that maybe there was something interesting with it.”

Jimin defended himself but the sound of his voice was sounding more into disappointed one or jealous if he could interject it. Jealous of what?  Well Jimin was not jealous at the text message on Jungkook phone that clearly written as Jungkook-oppa, do you like a red dress or a white dress better? The red one had a y vibe on it while… and Jimin couldn’t finish reading as Jungkook noticed him.

“I-I was taking with one of my friend. Nothing serious.”

“Sure, so tell me what are you going to shopping for?”

“Hmm, a suit. Well, a very manly-look-like suit.”

Oh, a suit. Now it made sense, a suit for a dress. The kind of disappointed face now was more prominent than before. Okay now Jimin had another type of book he needed to buy, How to stop from being disappointed when your little brother has a girlfriend. He as the only son in his family was longing to have a little brother, so he kind of treating every boy younger than him as his little brother when Jungkook was the only boy happened to be younger than him in the meantime.

Jimin never knew the manly-look-like suit was another word for black and white since that was the only thing he could saw the moment he stepped his feet into the shop. A very prestigious shop that only an elite people could step inside. 

“Hyung, can you choose for me. I’m kind of confused right now.”

“Huh, I-I don’t know.” Jimin sincerely couldn’t choose now when all he could see was the same shape and type of suit hanging on every corner of the room. The only difference was the colour of the suit.

“This one makes me look matured but this one is more comfortable.”

“Why are you choosing a suit anyway? Has a date with your girlfriend?”

“My school has dinner night this week for our dance club as a treat for winning the first place at national dance competition and one of our members suggested to come to dinner with a partner. And I partnered with one of the most choosey girl in the school. Arghh, damn my life”


Jimin was no longer feeling drained as he knew that girl was not Jungkook girlfriend.

“Hyung, hurry up. Which one?”

Jimin switched to look at his right then to his left and repeated the same movement for more than one minute but still, both suit looked the same to him. He moved closer to inspect it more to find any difference in it. And finally he found it, the comfortable suit sleeve without any doubt was shorter that the mature one.

“I think the one that was more comfortable is better.”

“Okay. I want this suit with red wine colour. Thank you.”

“Wait, it has another colour? Not black and white only?” Jimin whispered loudly to Jungkook. Not loud enough for the shop owner to hear but audible enough for Jungkook to make him look at Jimin with that not-that-amuse-but-still-found-it-amusing look.

“Yeah, of course it has. Hyung, do you think that it’s only----”

“Nevermind. Just nevermind.” Jimin was too embarrassed to admit he was being stupid to think that the shop only had black and white suit only. Well, for someone who never wore a suit in his life did had this kind of struggle.




“Jungkook, you can go home first. I’ll be meeting Taehyung and Namjoon-hyung after this.”

“They won’t come to our house today?”

“Yeah, I’ll meet them at Taehyung dorm.”

At the bus stop, they separated into their respective direction. Jungkook took the bus to his home while Jimin waited for a while for the bus that stopped in front of their college hostel. Sat beside him was a pair of a mother and a 5 years old son.  The son turned to Jimin the same time Jimin turned to him. Both gave to each other a smile. Jimin missed his mother a lot.

“Mommy, I’m sleepy.” Said the 5 years old son with a pouty lip and eyes barely opened.

“Come, sit here.” The mother opened his hand after patting her thigh signalling his son to sleep on her lap. Jimin liked that scene and prayed that unlucky thing wouldn’t happen to that kid.

The bus came and he board it after smiling once again to the boy who already fallen asleep on her mother lap. The smile never once leaved his face even after he reached his destination. He knocked the door and waiting for someone to open it. Taehyung was wearing only his boxer came to open the door. Jimin just shook his head.

“Not you too hyung.” Well, Namjoon was topless too. Taehyung and Namjoon weren’t roommate as Taehyung managed to get a single room since he joined lots of activities and by lots meant that almost every activity in their college.

“Don’t tell me you two each other. Oh My God!”

“Well, we did—“ Taehyung answered him making Jimin to give the dirty look at him.


“NOT! Stupid.” Taehyung finished his sentences and this time it was Namjoon turned to shake his head and knew he had to stop them from drifting away from their meeting up main point.

“Jimin, just tell us your progression.”

“Okay, okay. Who am I?” The smirk oh his face confused both Taehyung and Namjoon as they didn’t understand what that smirk meant. Taehyung did think that Jimin had lost his mind.

“Well Jimin of course. Is there something wrong with your head now?” Namjoon had finished putting his cloth back on. It was good to be topless but being in the same room with Jimin, topless seemed too rated to someone as innocent as Jimin who probably never watch in his twenty two years of living.

“Arghh Hyung. Look! I’m Jimin and I’m y and have the prettiest in the world.”

“Wow, just a second ago I really thought of you as an innocent boy but now---“ Taehyung giggled at him, merely at Namjoon stupidest for thinking like that. Everyone, Jimin was not your innocent boy but the most cunning boy ever if Taehyung could shout about it.

“The point this man is already surrender himself to me and we can start doing our mission soon.” Jimin gave out a card from his pant pocket and shoved it to Namjoon face.

“No way. It’s only three days yet you succeed already.” Taehyung couldn’t hide his shock face and Jimin couldn’t stop smirking evilly by now. Namjoon nodded his head knowing what he had to do next.

“Jimin, remember to be careful. Don’t let your guard down. He is a dangerous tiger and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Don’t worry hyung. He maybe a tiger but I’m a fox. As sly as a fox can be.”




To: Tiger-nim

Hi, can we meet tomorrow?


From: Tiger-nim

Sure, where and when? Are we discussing on something important?


To: Tiger-nim

My house, lunch. Well I do have some important thing with you.


From: Tiger-nim

And what is it?


To: Tiger-nim

A reply to your previous question…^.^


From: Tiger-nim

A good or bad one?


To: Tiger-nim

A good one maybe but only if you still interested with it.


From: Tiger-nim

Well I guessed I can’t say no to that. Just be prepared because I’m a big eater.


To: Tiger-nim

It does come with appetizer. And maybe dinner too.


From: Tiger-nim

Wow, sounds good. See you tomorrow and make sure that no one can interrupt me while I’m taking my meal.


To: Tiger-nim

I’ll make sure to lock my door.


From: Tiger-nim

Good boy..


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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter