Chapter 8

We Can't be More Than Friends

“YAH Namjoon! What is happening to you? You look so off right now.”

“I don’t know. I have this weird feeling and my heart is beating so fast now.”

“Hyung! Are you okay?”

Namjoon was chilling with Hoseok at their college café since they didn’t have class after 10 AM and Taehyung joined them when he spotted them. Taehyung was walking to the library with his classmate to spend some time before their next class. Library meant he got to feel the cool air from the library air-conditioner but upon seeing Namjoon, he changed his direction because Taehyung lived every moment in his life to invade Namjoon privacy.

“Hoseok-ah, can we go to your house now. I have to see Jimin. I’m worry about him.”

Jimin was sleeping when Hoseok came into his room this morning. He waked Jimin up to realise that Jimin was having fever. Hoseok wanted to stay home to take care of him but Jimin kicked him off to his class. Jin got the same fate too and was pouting on his way to college.


“Jungkook, just go to your school now. I’m okay. I can take care of myself.”

“But hyung—“

“Please, just don’t skip school because of me. I’ll be okay alone.”

Jungkook stood there wanting for Jimin to change his mind but walked away when Jimin repeated his word of I’m okay and he smiled at him. Before Jungkook went to his school, he entered Jimin room to give him a kiss on his forehead only after confirmed that Jimin had fallen asleep.


When Namjoon was in front of Hoseok apartment building, he opened his phone and typing something on his phone. The three of them walked a little bit faster than usual worried about Jimin. Hoseok prayed to god that nothing was happening to Jimin since he was alone at home now.  When they were in front of Hoseok house, Namjoon was typing on his phone again. Hoseok never opened his door this fast before. They entered the house to hear a scream. It was Jimin voice.


“Wait! It’s Jimin’s voice.”


They ran to the upstairs and when Hoseok opened the door to Jimin room, he saw that Jimin was being trapped under someone on his bed. And he knew who was that someone. It was Jung-Gyu, Jin boyfriend. Jung-Gyu was on his knees while his hand was trapping Jimin’s hand on top of his head. The worst part was Jung-Gyu was shirtless and thankfully Jimin was still in his cloth. Jung-Gyu had this shocked face when suddenly the door was being opened.

“Hyung, help me. “ Jimin pleaded them to help him.

Hoseok was not a fighter but when he ran to Jung-Gyu to punch him straight on his face that could leave a very dark mark there ignoring the slight pain on his hand when his hand made a contact with Jung-Gyu face made Hoseok to approve that he could be a fighter if he wanted. Taehyung blinked repeatedly too shocked to see the brutal scene in front of him while Namjoon went to hug crying Jimin.

Hoseok brought his hand to punch Jung-Gyu again not before Jin voiced stopped him. Apparently Jin made his time to go home because he was worried about Jimin. First he was shocked to see that his house front door was unlocked. The only thought he had was Jimin.

“Hoseok, what are you doing?”

“Hyung! I-i---“

“Let him go.”

“No, not when he nearly Jimin. Thanks god, we are fast enough to stop it.”


Hoseok stood up leaving Jung-Gyu who still lying on the floor. Jin made his way to squat in front of his boyfriend. Too disgusting to form even one word. Jung-Gyu still had the shocked look on him.


“Jin, look, I don’t him. He invited me here and when I arrived he brought me to his room and started to my shirt.”

“No-no, he came here during lunch telling me that Jin-hyung asked him to buy me lunch because Jin-hyung was busy. But when I opened the door, he pushed me inside before dragged me to my room and tried to do bad thing to me. He-he touched my face, my---“

Jimin was crying again and this time Hoseok came to hug him too. Jin told his boyfriend to walk out from his house and to never appear in front of him again starting from this day. Jung-Gyu made his way out and his anger boiled up when he saw the smirk on Jimin face, mocking his situation now.

“Jin, just be careful. He is not as innocent as you think.”

 Jung-Gyu managed to tell him that before walking out from the room after picking up his own cloth. Jin just shrugged it off because he knew Jung-Gyu was a playboy that loved to play with people heart. He thought that maybe he could change Jung-Gyu but now Jin knew it could never happened.

“Jimin, I’m sorry.” Jin kept his head low, too disappointed of what had happened and he felt that everything was his fault. Jimin walked to Jin and hugged him.

“Hyung, it’s okay. Nothing is happening to me.”

“I know but you almost---“

“Hyung, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.” Jin was too immersed in burying his face on Jimin neck when Jimin and Taehyung who stood behind Jin exchanged an unknowing look. They both were smirking to each other and Taehyung raised his thumb towards Jimin. No one noticed that.

They leaved Jimin to sleep again and everyone was resting on living room. Jungkook went back from his school to see the gloomy face on every face in his house. No one wanted to tell him the truth as everyone kept on avoiding his eyes. Jungkook had lost his patience during dinner when the gloomy face on everyone face was suffocating him.

“Now, tell me what is happening. I have enough of this . Just tell me, damn it.”

“Jungkook, relax. You have to calm down before I can tell you the real deal.”

Jungkook took a breath to cool his anger down and when he was calmed enough, he told them to continue. No one was having enough strength to deal with a bad mood Jungkook because who knew maybe one of them would be thrown away or maybe not possible that Jungkook would punch anyone who sat close enough to him. Hoseok took a deep breathing and gathered as much strength as he can because first, it was Jungkook who loved Jimin too much that he could punch anyone who laid even one finger on Jimin and two the guilty look on Jin was killing his courage slowly.

“Jung-Gyu-hyung almost Jimin during dinner but-but don’t worry I’ve stopped him before he can do bad thing. JUST GOD, JUNGKOOK SIT DOWN, will you? Where are you going?”


Namjoon managed to stop Jungkook from leaving the room and no one was brave enough to try to calm Jungkook down. Too afraid to be near him as they could get maybe one or two punches looking at hard Jungkook balled his fist that made his knuckles to turn pale. Finally, sensing the tensed atmosphere had turned bad, Jimin walked to Jungkook and he put his hands on Jungkook knuckles. The only thing he did to calm Jungkook was as simple as smiling.

“Jungkook-ah. It’s okay. I’m fine and Hoseok-hyung had punched him for you. Don’t worry too much.”

“Are you sure that you are okay, hyung?” Jungkook brought his hand to Jimin cheek and the strong and fierce eyes now turned to soft and caring. Jimin nodded and the smile never leaved him. Then someone rang the door. Jin opened the door to see an unfamiliar face who told him that he was Jimin friend. Jin invited hin to come in and brought him to the kitchen.


“Hi, Jimin—“ Taehyung ran to his boyfriend and kiss his cheek. Yoongi smiled to Taehyung praising him for his well-behaved. Before Taehyung used to kiss him in front public that left people around them to feel uncomfortable and after doing some talking with him, Taehyung learnt to control his urge to kiss his boyfriend.

“Guys, this is my boyfriend and he is one of our friends too.”




The four best friends excused themselves to go to Jimin room after dinner. This is the first time Yoongi stepped inside the house and introduced himself as one of Jimin friend. Taehyung had asked him to many times to hang out together with them at Jimin new house but he rejected the invitation as he was busy producing a new beat for their college theatre performance. But the odd thing was never once he met Jin because Jin was one of the supervisors for the performance. But it was possible since Yoongi only met with the director only when he had finished the beat.

“So, Jimin tell me, good news or bad news?”

“Ah hyung, that one is so obvious. Of course it is good news.”

Yoongi nodded at him. The three of them knew Yoongi even before he dated Taehyung. Two years ago, Yoongi had worked with Namjoon once in order to complete a song for their college band and they became best friends because of their bonded well chemistry. Being best friend with Namjoon meant that Yoongi had to befriend with Jimin and Taehyung too.

The too much noise from both Jimin and Taehyung annoyed Yoongi making him to avoid them as much as he could but God, later did he knew that the two were the most evil person he ever met. No matter how fast he ran away from them, at some point they still managed to chase him. Later, he learnt to accept them and fell in love with one of them.

“After doing a whole hell of spy thing, I managed to gather some information about Jung-Gyu. He is playboy and a gold digger, well actually that term is meant for woman but nevermind, he dated a very rich innocent chaebol kid and Jin is one of his victims. He then tricked his victim to give him money before dumped them.”

“Wow, he is so bad. Really bad. I think we had taught him one valuable lesson to not mess with people heart.” Namjoon who had listened carefully to Yoongi information commented at last.

“I don’t really care about him. What I care is Jin-hyung had known how it’s feel like to lose someone he really loved.” Jimin, the mastermind behind of all this remarked his words that made everyone to nod at him. “Two down, one more to go and then we’re done.” He added.

“Jimin, can I ask you something?” Yoongi the one who liked to observe people didn’t hundreds per cent agreed to this revenge thing. He just followed the flow and mentally noted himself to watch them from the corner without involving in their dirty work.


“Are you happy?”

“Yes, I am” Jimin knew he was lying when his voice sounded too resonant. “To be honest, no I’m not. But this is something I want. Something that I had promised myself.”

“And hyung, we’re just taking something precious in their life. It’s not that we will take their life like killing them or what so ever. We are not that mean.” Namjoon added more when Jimin stopped talking.

Yoongi knew everything about Jimin, about his past life but hearing it again made his heart to hurt and he was terrified as he had made Jimin to cry. Jimin was a good boy, he knew that but his dark past life forced him be like how he was now.

“I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you all.”

“It’s okay hyung. And I promise after everything is settled and done, we will move to your hometown and open our own restaurant there. No more pain and no more hard life.”

“Do we have enough money to open a restaurant?”

Taehyung asked no one in particular but with a serious tone making everyone to laugh. Opening a restaurant was actually Yoongi dream but one day when he told them about it, Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon agreed to help him by becoming his business partner. At first, he couldn’t picture himself living with the three but after becoming their friend, he started to think how it felt like to have them in his life. Would he be happy? Yes, he was happy. Could he share his problem with them? Yes, he could. Did he love them? Yes, he love them so much especially his boyfriend, Taehyung.

“Well, we can be a farmer if we can’t open a restaurant.” Jimin answered him after stopped laughing but still giggled at Taehyung.

“I like that. We can grow and harvest strawberry.” Everyone was laughing at Taehyung who couldn’t stop talking about the way to harvest strawberry.



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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter