Chapter 1

We Can't be More Than Friends

“God, please, please help me. I need a cheap room to rent.”

Jimin, a second year college student majoring in contemporary dance had an issue on finding a cheap room because his now landlord had decided to raise the rent by 10% because of the changing neighbourhood. The new big supermarket was being built so that the community will become more attractive.  As a result he needed to find a new place to stay as a new renter will start living next month. As if next month will mean that only a couple days left. Jimin had been busied with college and his part time job, teaching 5-7 years old kids dancing to make him forgot about finding a new place. If his landlord doesn’t remind him yesterday, he will be kicked out without any place to go.

The first estate agent he went offered a good place that near a subway station and his college but the problem was the rent was more expensive that his previous place. The second one was cheaper but far from his college. It’s three stations away from his college. Jimin was not a morning person, so living a slightly far from college was not encouraged. Now he started to regret his lack of participating in college activities like his other friends. The only activity he had joined was dancing competition and he did won the first place the point was only 15 out of 100. Jimin needed to join like more than 5 activities in a year to gain the minimum point, which were 60 out of 100 to be able to stay in the dorm.

“Tae, what should I do? I don’t want to live alone at the street.”

“Jimin-ah, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do too. Just wait for Namjoon-hyung, okay. I’m sure he has some idea to help you.”

“You should have forced me to join all the stupid activities you had done. Arghhh, stupid Jimin.”

Taehyung and Namjoon lived in the college dorm because they had collected enough point for them to stay there. They also had a part time job like Jimin but the only difference was their part time job was only on weekend while Jimin was on weekday and weekend.

“Well I did and you always rejected it because you were busy with your dancing class. Wait, you are doing your part time job, then how come you can’t pay for your rent? Of course ajhumma had raised the rent but only about 30 to 40 bucks and your job salary is more than enough to pay for it.”

“hmm, yeah you’re right but my technical training class had restricted my teaching lesson to only 3 days per week instead of 5 days per week. They cut my payment.”

“Oh, I see.”

Ring Ring

Taehyung phone rang and it was from Namjoon asking about Jimin situation. He told him everything like they have gone to more than 5 estate agents looking for cheapest place but none of it offered a good deal. Too expensive or too far was the only Taehyung can concluded about it and Namjoon told them to meet him at a café near their college because he might has a solution to Jimin problem.

“Jimin, Namjoon-hyung said that he want to meet us now and you don’t have to worry because he had a found a place for you I think.”

“Really? Let’s meet him now.” Jimin eyes shined upon hearing that Namjoon had found a place for him. He knew Namjoon had a genius brain that he can relied on.

Jimin walked with excitement and nervous beside Taehyung who was talking about random stuff that Jimin can barely heard. The only thing caught his ear was how lovely the couple was intertwined their hand together while enjoying eating their ice-cream like they were on their own world. Jimin knew Taehyung had fantasied his perfect date like that and maybe if Taehyung stopped blabbering about weird stuff like how he believed that rabbit lived at moon too during his blind date, undeniably his blind date will fall for him. He walked closer to him and gently took his hand because Jimin knew Taehyung loved it when he did that. I feel being loved when someone hold my hand was what Taehyung had told Jimin when Taehyung was depressed for not having any boyfriend.

“Jimin-ah, when we graduated and have a stable job, let stay together in one house with Namjoon-hyung.”

“Okay. Hmm next year Namjoon-hyung will graduate and then he will have a job. How about we two crushing at his place and if he want to chase us out, we- we---“ Jimin stopped for a second to think about it but Taehyung cut him up by telling his idea.

“I know, I know, we threated to burn his house.” Jimin laughed at Taehyung idea but soon Taehyung followed him by laughing too.

But suddenly Jimin stopped laughing and turned to serious. “What if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend? What if they hate us and won’t let us stay there?”

“Nevermind that, Namjoon-hyung loves us and I’m sure he won’t let that happen.”

“Yeah, it’s true. Oh we’re here.”

Both of them were too focused on talking about their future to not realised they had arrived in front of the café until Jimin heard a bell ringing when someone opened the door. They entered while their eyes were scanning for Namjoon and it’s took only 30 seconds to spot a tall guy with green hair sat alone at the right corner of the café with a phone in his hand. It’s his habit to play with his phone whenever he was alone.

“Hyung! Good evening.”

“Evening, Taehyung, Jimin.”

“I’ll think that you two are dating if I’m a stranger, not your friend. You two should try dating, I’m serious, and you’re cute together.”

“Should we? Nah, no, nope I’m happy this way.”

“Ah Jimin, don’t reject me openly like that. It’s hurt.”

“Stop it Tae. Not working.”

Every sane people will think Jimin was dating Taehyung. Sometimes even Namjoon doubted that both do have feeling to each other but then when they two started to fight, Namjoon was so sure Jimin and Taehyung were meant to be friend only. Jimin liked to pinpoint Taehyung mistake while Taehyung loved to tease Jimin everytime. Namjoon stopped thinking about them when Jimin called his name.

“Hyung, did you find a place for me?”

“Uh, yes, I did but I don’t know if you want it or not.”

“Are you crazy? Of course I want it.”

“Err, my friend offered it with very affordable rent. Half of your previous rent.”

“Half? Oh my god! Tae-ah, I don’t have to sleep on street now. Hyung, I want it. Can you tell your friend that I agree with it?”

“I will but the problem is-err- actually the house belong to Mr. Kim, our college tutor.”

“Wait? What? Mr. Kim that is tutoring student about acting?”

“Err, yes. Well, he’s my friend. So, are you okay living with him?”

“Err, I guess so. If he is your friend, I’m sure he is not a bad guy.”

Mr. Kim or Kim Seokjin was their college tutor helping student in acting after graduated one year ago. Tutoring was his part time job because he was a full time theatre actor. Jimin never got to know him or using his service as tutor because acting was not in his study material but he does know him, a very handsome tutor that every girl wanted him to be their boyfriend and every boy admired his broad shoulder that looked very good in suit.

“Okay, I’ll tell him that you have agreed. When can you move?”

“This weekend.”




“Hoseok-ah, I have something to tell you.”

It’s dinner, when Jin decided to tell Hoseok, his brother about Jimin. Earlier Namjoon had come to his cubicle and sighed hardly. He was thinking about Jimin, his cute friend that never once in his day, Namjoon doesn’t talk about him plus his other friend, Taehyung, which was labelled as alien by Namjoon. Jin pitied Jimin and offered him to live at his house with lower rent because somehow he understood the struggle to work to pay for rent.

“What hyung? Don’t tell me you are going to die. No, no, please don’t leave me yet.”

“Yah, what are you talking about. Don’t be so dramatic.”

“Oh thank god, you’re not dying. So, what is it?”

“Actually, I’ve offered a room in our house to someone. Not free but he will rent it. His name is Jimin, a second year student majoring in contemporary dance.”

“Jimin, wait you mean the cutest guy in our college will stay with us?”

“Emm yeah?!”

“Oh my. The cutest and adorable guy which everyone wants to get close to will live here, in my house, MY HOUSE. Hyung, I bet my friend will be jealous of me. When will he move here?”

“This weekend.”

“Have you told Jungkook about this?”

“No, but don’t worry about him. He literally never at home. I bet he doesn’t even care about it.”

Jin was the oldest in Kim family while Hosoek was the second son and the youngest was Jungkook. It’s true Jungkook never at home because he liked to hang out with his friends only to back home once in a month. Hoseok can’t stop muttering how happy he was to get to live with the cutest guy under the same roof. Jimin was not the most popular guy in his college but his overload cuteness was the hot topic. It’s happened when one day Jimin opted to go to college wearing an oversized sweater, tight ripped jean and orange-coloured hair that made everyone gasped in their place. Starting that day, lots of student wanted to approach him but he rejected them with a good manner. The hot topic cooled down a bit when Jimin coloured his hair back to black and swear that to never wear an oversized sweater ever in public.


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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter