Chapter 13

We Can't be More Than Friends

“Jimin, it’s too dangerous.”

“No it’s not. I just want him to have a broken arm or leg so that he can’t participate in his dancing competition.”

Yoongi was the first person to disagree about his next plan. One week after they had successfully tricked Jin boyfriend, Jimin came with a new plan. This time it was for Jungkook. He knew Jungkook would participate in dancing competition next month and the only thing he wanted was for Jungkook to not get to participate. Jungkook loved dancing so much that Jimin wanted to take that from him.

When he told them that he had hired someone to help him, Yoongi really didn’t agree while Taehyung and Namjoon just kept silent. They knew it was wrong but couldn’t bring themselves to stop Jimin.



“Taehyung-ah, we still have time to stop Jimin.”

“But hyung, I-i—“

“Oh my god, I can’t believe this. Jimin is turning himself to a bad person. Please Taehyung-ah, this revenge thing had him to be carried away. I don’t want to lose him. Taehyung-ah, Namjoon-ah, we still can fix this all. Just stop him from doing it. We can just forget everything and then we all can move to my hometown doing all things that we have dreamt on.”

“Hyung, I don’t know what to do. I too want Jimin back. The innocent and pure Jimin.”

“Namjoon-ah, call Hoseok and Jin now. We need to tell them everything.”

Namjoon had called Jin telling him that he wanted to meet both Jin and Hoseok to discuss about a very important matter. While waiting for them to arrive, Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi discussed on who had to tell them the truth. They needed to be fast because they only had two hours to stop Jimin from continuing his next plan.

After 30 minutes of waiting, Jin and Hoseok arrived at the café. Everyone was kept on being silent. They were too afraid to tell the truth. Jin and Hoseok were confused at their silence. Yoongi being the oldest among the three decided that he had to be brave.

“W-we have something to tell you.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“We need to save Jungkook now. He is in danger.”

“What do you mean by that? Jungkook was out with Jimin now.”

“Jin-hyung, arghh I can’t do this.”

“Hyung, jimin is trying to hurt your brother. Please we need to save him now.”

“What do you mean by that Namjoon-ah?”

“Jimin had hired someone to broke Jungkook arm or leg so that he can’t participate in his dancing competition. He hired someone to hit Jungkook by a motorcycle. He didn’t mean to kill him but just wanted Jungkook to get minor injury like a broken arm so that he can’t dance for a month or two. But-but it is dangerous to do it. So we need to stop him now.”

“What? Why did he do that?”

“You have to ask him by yourself. We are not in the right position to tell you the truth.”

After hearing that, Jin called Jungkook to ask where he was. Jungkook said that he was shopping with Jimin at the shopping mall. He said with a very happy voice that Jimin had bought him the sweater that he loved so much. Then Jin told Jungkook to stay there because he and Hoseok would come there to meet them.

Jin told Hoseok and the rest about Jungkook. Everyone was sitting in his car to go to where Jungkook was. Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon were kept on shutting their mouth down because they were too afraid and regretful. They were so regretful as they had betrayed their own friend.

Hoseok called Jungkook when they were nearing the shopping mall but Jungkook told him that he and Jimin was out from the shopping mall and now was walking to a café nearby. Hosoek knew the place. He told Jungkook to stop walking and wait for them to come.

When Jin stopped his car across the road, he saw lots of people were circling something on the middle of the road. His heart was beating so fast. He and Hoseok ran to the crowd afraid to see that maybe their brother was lying on the road unconscious. But when they arrived at the crowd, what they saw in front of them was not what they had imagined.

“Hyung, Jimin-hyung, please wake up.”


“Jin-Hyung, p-please help me. Ji-jimin hyung is bleeding and-and he doesn’t answer me now. Hyung, what should I do? Hyung?”

Jungkook was crying while hugging the bleeding Jimin. It took some time for Jin and Hoseok to process what had happened and when they realised of what had happened, Jin called for an ambulance while Hoseok went to take Jimin from Jungkook and started to cry too.

“No, no Jimin no. You-you can’t die yet. I’ve lots of thing to do with you. Please open your eyes and I want you to finish your story. This-this is not the ending that I want for the story, you idiot. Yah Jimin-ah, open your eyes.”


Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi arrived 5 minutes late because they were too afraid to go near to see what had happened. They thought something had happened to Jungkook looking at how shocked Jin and Hoseok. But when they reached there, the only thing they could see was the unconscious Jimin bleeding on Hoseok lap.

When the ambulance arrived there, they took Jimin to the hospital and everyone followed behind while riding Jin car. Jimin was immediately gone to the emergency room because his condition was getting worse. Yoongi went to Jungkook to ask him what had happened.

“We-we were just walking and I got really excited because Jimin-hyung brought a sweater for me that I didn’t realised that I had cross the road without looking to my right and my left. And-and the next thing I knew Jimin-Jimin-hyung was lying on the road. But-but Hyung, before that, I heard he said that he was sorry to me. Hyung, he said he was sorry but-but why? He-he didn’t do anything bad to me. Hyung, I-I need him. I love him.”

“Oh god.”

Yoongi couldn’t support his feet anymore as he slid down to the floor and the tear that he had held for too long started to flow out. Taehyung was crying harder when heard it and Namjoon hugged him to calm him down. Jin and Hoseok were crying too and praying that Jimin would be okay. After 3 hours waiting, the doctor came out from the room and telling them they had saved Jimin but right now he was in coma. They had to monitor his condition daily and Jimin needed his family support to fight for his life.




It’s been two months but Jimin didn’t open his eyes yet. Everyone looked so sad and exhausted waiting for the day that they could meet with the waking Jimin. It was Yoongi turn to stay at the hospital looking after Jimin. As usual, he would sit near Jimin bed and talked to him telling him their activities for that day.

Yoongi thought he was dreaming when Jimin called his name.


“Ji-jimin, are you awake? Oh my god.” Yoongi ran to the counter and told one of the nurses that Jimin had awake. Doctor and two nurses came to check Jimin while Yoongi eyed them with worried. Then, the doctor ensured him that Jimin was okay but still needed to undergo one or two therapy after this.

“Jimin, how are you feeling?”

“Emm,good I guess.”

“Jimin, I miss you so much. We miss you so much.”

“How long have I been in coma?”

“Two months. Oh wait let me call others.” Yoongi reached his pocket to take his phone out but Jimin stopped him from doing so.

“H-hyung, just Taehyung and Namjoon-hyung. I-I don’t want Jin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung and Jungkook to know about me waking up.”

“But Jimin---“

“Please, Hyung.”


After 1 hour, Taehyung and Namjoon arrived and immediately hugged Jimin making him to yelp in pain. Realising what they had done, Taehyung and Namjoon released him from the tight hug. The four talked non-stop updating the story that Jimin had missed. Jungkook and his team had won the dancing competition

Nothing was changing in Jin life except he was more relaxed by now since his theatre performance had ended. But it was different to Hoseok since he was busy taking care of his flower shop, going every corner of Korea to find a new type of flower.

“They always visit you, like everyday. You can meet them tomorrow.”

“Can-can you please stop them from coming here? Starting tomorrow.”


“I don’t want to see them. I’ve done lots of bad thing to them.”

“But-but Jimin—“

“Please, Tae. And don’t tell them that I’ve waked up. Just don’t.”

Then the next day, Taehyung lied to them by telling them that doctor had restricted everyone from visiting Jimin because he needed an intensive treatment since he was in coma for long time. Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook went home with disappointed feeling.

Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon had told them everything. It was just coincidence for Jimin to meet Jin for the first time since he was looking for a new place to rent but he got to know about his father by accident and after that everything started to go wrong.

To say that Jin was not getting mad at Jimin could be a false statement. After everything he had done to Jimin, he couldn’t believe that Jimin had the nerve to do all sort of bad things to him, to his family. But Jin couldn’t bring himself to hate Jimin because he love him too much that the love itself had healed his broken heart.

Hoseok the one who had listened to Jimin story and was positive that Jimin was indeed the boy in that story somehow had forgave him. The only boy who had hard time to accept that Jimin was his brother was Jungkook. He couldn’t accept the fact that he had loved his own brother and now the puzzle seemed to be complete. Jimin didn’t accept his love because he knew Jungkook was his brother and finally the question he always has everytime Jimin had called him dongsaeng had been answered completely.




“Namjoon-ah! Taehyung-ah” Jin shouted Namjoon name when he saw them coming out from the counsellor office. Jin was going to ask why they were at the counsellor office but he chose to ask about Jimin instead since it’s been two weeks that the doctor had stopped them from visiting Jimin.

“Owh Hyung.”

“Have you seen Jimin? Have you talk to his doctor about allowing us to visit him. I miss him, you know.”

“I’m sorry Jin-hyung but his doctor said that now is not a good time to visit him yet.” Namjoon had to lie again since Jimin still didn’t want to see them. They had used all kind of method to persuade Jimin to meet them but he was just so stubborn.

“Yeah, I know. I just miss him. Hey how about you two come to have a dinner at my house tonight. We haven’t seen each other for days. And Taehyung-ah, you can bring Yoongi too if you want. Hoseok and Jungkook miss you all too.”

Jin had made his mind to meet Jimin doctor tomorrow morning to discuss about this matter. Maybe he could beg for the doctor to let him met Jimin because it’s been two weeks since he last saw Jimin. And now he was starting to miss him so much.

“We’re sorry Hyung but we’ve got something to do tonight. Maybe another day.”

“Okay, just tell me when and then I’ll cook for you. Well I’ve got to go now. See you again.”

“Hyung, we-we are sorry for everything and please have a very happy life after this. Thank you for everything that you, Hoseok and Jungkook had done to Jimin, to us. We don’t know how to repay it but meeting you and your brother was the most beautiful moment in our life.”

“Yah Namjoon-ah, you’re being so melancholic now. Stop it---“

“Jin-hyung, although I got to know you only for a short period but I know you are very kind and warm-hearted person. Thank you so much for taking care of Jimin and us.” Now it was Taehyung turn to let out his real feeling that had Jin to become confused as if they were telling him their farewell speech. But Jin shrugged his thought off by convincing him that they were only being like that because of their guilty.

“Okay, okay. Stop it. We already forgive you. I really got to go now. Bye.”

“Goodbye, hyung.” That words that coming out from Namjoon and Taehyung sounded like a normal thing people could say when people parted with their friends and would meet them again the next day but to Jin the words sounded like very distant.

But the next day when Jin went to meet Jimin’s doctor, he now knew the real reason why his heart was hurting the moment he heard that goodbye from Namjoon and Taehyung.  Jimin was gone from the hospital and no one knew where he was. He disappeared that morning together with Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi. The only thing left was a letter to Jin and his brother that nurse had found it when she cleaned Jimin’s bed that morning.  



When I read back what I've written, I've skipped lots of thing like the accident scene because it's difficult to write an accident scene if you never been in one before. But I hope this is still okay and we're nearing the end. :-)

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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter