Chapter 6

We Can't be More Than Friends

I'm really sorry for making this story complicated and confusing. Actually I've finished writing this story up until second last chapter by the time I posted it. I just posted the chapter that I've already written it and I do make one or two changes but nor major changes. the only thing left is to write the ending because I don't know how to end this story yet. Or maybe you can suggest some idea to me?????




“Hyung, how about you come with me to my dance studio?”

 Jimin who was playing with his phone asked Hoseok who sat beside him on the couch. They had finished lunch and Jimin had to go to dance class in one hour. Usually Jimin didn’t teach dance class on weekend but one of his co-workers had a fever and he had to replace him.

“Really? Yes, yes I’m in. Ah I’m so excited.”

“What are you two talking about?”

Jungkook happened to pass by them when Hoseok answered to Jimin invitation. Being the curious maknae, he asked them. Jimin told him that he had invited Hoseok to his dance class and of cource Jungkook, the one who was jealous of Jimin and Hoseok interaction decided to tag along. At first Jimin was hesitated to allow him but after shooting his best puppy eyes, Jimin groaned at him while saying yes.

After one hour, they left together to the dance studio. The dance studio was filled with 30 students aged from 8 to 12 years old.  Every boy and girl greeted Jimin while bowing to him and Jimin gave them his greeting like usual.

“Kids, today I’ve brought my friends to show you all their best dance ever.”

Both Hoseok and Jungkook turned to look at Jimin with wide eyes. Jungkook was quick to recover from shock but Hoseok was ready to run out of the class before Jimin grabbed his wrist to stop him.

“I thought you’re inviting me to watch you dance but not me dancing.”

“Ah hyung, you’re good and I’m sure my students will learn new thing from you.”

“What am I supposed to show them? I don’t dance, you know.”

Jimin paused to think for a second before grinning at Hoseok.

“I know. Baepsae.”

“No, that’s too—“

“It’s okay. That’s part of learning.”

Then, Jimin started his class with stretching exercise followed by his student. Jungkook was looking at Jimin all the time, scanning the every part of his body and maybe he did skipped Jimin middle part or maybe not. That one movement from Jimin left him in shock, not to forget Hoseok too. Jimin had bend forward into half until his finger touch the floor. They knew Jimin was flexible but not this kind of flexible.

“Wow, do you even have bone in your body?”

“What? it’s the simplest thing ever. And it was the basic out of all.”

“That was basic?” Jungkook pointed his index finger to Jimin who had stood straight. Jimin nodded at him with that smug face on him. The class continue with Jimin showing his student some dance movement and his student followed the step. Some of them were struggling in doing so and some were able to follow after several times practicing. Jungkook and Hoseok were helping the student together with Jimin.

After 4 hours, the class ended but before officially ending the class, Jimin announced that Hoseok and Jungkook would show their dance. Hoseok heart felt like it would burst out any moment. The student clapped at them giving them their best support. Jungkook was the first to show one of his dances to the kids. It was one of his team choreography for the national dance competition called Dope.

“Wow, hyung, that was the fastest dance I ever seen.” One of the kids shouted after Jungkook finished dancing.

“I want to learn it.” The youngest student voiced out his thought.

“Oppa, can you come again?” Jungkook already had a fangirl. Jungkook was smiling or was he smirking? Jimin pinched Jungkook waist a bit while whispered to him.

“Don’t flirt in my class.”

“I’m not. Are you jealous?”

“No, am not.”

Jimin pushed Jungkook to the side to make a way for Hoseok. Hoseok was nervous and he couldn’t stop playing with his finger. Jimin patted his back to calm him down. Jimin played the song and Hoseok danced. The nervousness was no longer there but the passion started to make its appearance. That sinful hip made the entire crowd to cheer out loud. Hoseok gained his confident the moment his body made the first move. He ended the dance with a shy smile and everyone clapped at him.

“Hoseok oppa, you’re so y.”

“Yah, Yeu-En, you’re still kid and don’t say that kind of thing.” Jimin scolded her but she rolled her tongue to Jimin.

“That’s not what you told me before. It’s just part of learning Jimin-ah.”

“Ah hyung.”

The class had ended and all of the kids had went home leaving the three of them. Jimin was going to stay for another 2 hours to practice a new dance. He told them to go back first but Jungkook and Hoseok chose to stay with him.

“Hyung, what is the name of the dance that you had taught to your student.”

“Ah that is butterfly.”

“Can you teach me?”

“Sure, why not.”

“Hey, I want to join too.”

And Jimin taught them. His smooth and delicate movement awed everyone who was looking. Jungkook followed his step but not as graceful as Jimin but he would after 2 or 3 of practice. Hoseok was not having any difficulty too.

“Jimin, thank you for inviting me here. I feel like I can breathe again.”

“No problem and Hyung you can come anytime you want.”

“How about me?”

“Yeah, you too, Jungkook-ah.”

“Jimin hyung, do you want to try something with me?”


Then Jungkook walked to his bag and took his phone out. He was typing something on his phone and after 5 seconds or more, he showed a video to Jimin. Jimin watched in focus the 3 minutes video.

“Okay, let’s try it. What position do you want?”

“I’ll be the one who lift you up.”


Jimin stand in front of Jungkook before bend to 90 degree so that his head was in front of Jungkook middle part. Jimin spread his leg and stretched his hand in between his thighs to the back and Jungkook grabbed it. After counting to three, Jungkook pulled Jimin up and Jimin jump off the ground a bit. Their first attempt was a fail and they tried for the second time.

“Wait, wait. I need to record this. Hold on.” Hoseok went to get his phone and came back while clicking the record button. Jimin and Jungkook were in ready position.

“Okay, one, two, three.”

Jungkook put all of his strength and energy to pull Jimin up while Jimin gave his best to jump. Jimin flied up and Jungkook hand never let him go. When Jimin was fully on the air, Jungkook released Jimin hand before brought his own hand to hold Jimin hips tightly. Reflexly, Jimin hooked his leg at Jungkook waist. Jungkook looked up to Jimin the same time Jimin linked his leg at Jungkook waist and Hoseok was gasping at them.

Jimin lip was at Jungkook lip. They both stared to each other with their lips were still attached. Jimin pulled away first and jumped off from Jungkook. Neither Jimin nor Jungkook knew the right word to break the awkward between them. But Jimin the first who had broken the silent.

“Dongsaeng-ah, did Hyung stole your first kiss?” Jimin was teasing him. Jungkook wanted to slam that body against the wall and kissed him again but the teasing voice from Jimin made him angry.


“Ah, don’t be mad. Hyung is sorry and come let me wipe it away from your lip.” Jimin reached his hand to Jungkook lip but his hand stopped in the air.

“No need. I can do it by myself.”

“Owh, okay.”

“Let’s go home.” Hoseok said at last.

They went home after taking a shower. Jimin talked to Jungkook on their way home like the kissing part never happen. Hoseok being in the middle between the two felt the tension grew bigger yet he couldn’t do anything to ease it. Jimin kept on showing his usual self while Jungkook was spacing out more often and sometimes raise his voice when the teasing from Jimin boiled him in the inside. And Jimin, he just smile and ruffled Jungkook hair. Next he talked again and again and Jungkook really wished to kiss that lip to shut it down.

They arrived home during dinner time. Jungkook opened the door to see a familiar man sitting on their couch with Jin.

“Owh, you’re back. Great. Dinner is ready. I’ve invited Jung-Gyu to have dinner with us.”

“I’m not hungry. I’ll be in my room.”

Jungkook went straight to his room. Hoseok covered him by telling Jin that he was tired from the intense dancing. Jung-Gyu was Jin boyfriend and sometimes Jin would invite him for dinner.

They all had dinner. Jimin get to know a brief introduction about Jung-Gyu at the dinner. Jung_Gyu was working at one of the famous newspaper company. He’s 28, three years older than Jin. He had known Jin for more than 3 years and they had been dating for one year.

Jung-Gyu excused himself since he had work to do after the dinner. Jimin was on his way to his room when Jung-Gyu walked passed when he whispered something to his ear.

“Call me.”

Then, a namecard was in his hand. No one noticed that Jimin had flirted with Jung-Gyu during dinner. During dinner, while Jin was taking with Hoseok, Jimin would smile seductively to Jung-Gyu and no one in the room had noticed what had happened under the kitchen table. Jimin was sitting in front of Jung-Gyu and sometimes Jimin would bring his feet to slightly brush Jung-Gyu leg. Or when he stealthily touched Jung-Gyu hand before taking the plate from Jung-Gyu to wash it.

 And Jung-Gyu left. No one saw that and Jimin kept it as secret.




“Baby, what are you doing now are wrong. Please, can you stop?”

“No, hyung. We can’t stop. This is what we longing to do.”

“Tae-ah, Jimin will hurt in the end.”



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Chapter 15: This is damn good omg
Chapter 3: so confusing.
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 15: omg happy ending, I really like this story. thanks for writing this masterpiece, the plot is really amazing and it's one of a kind, the ending is really cute and 'gross' said hobi-hobi. I'm sad it had to come to an end but I was really looking forward for the ending #bipolar anyways thanks again for writing this beautiful fic, looking for more *much love*
Chapter 15: Yeahhhh... Jikook is together and happy ending \m/
I love your story author-nim ♥♥♥
Maybe you'll make new story, I cannot wait >.<
Chapter 14: Ah ha ha ha I hope that jungkook doesn't have same blood with jimin, jin and jhope. He just adopted child. So jikook can be together at the end. Yeay!!!
I cannot wait to the last chapter. I wish its a happy ending ^^
armybbc #6
Chapter 13: They will meet again right??? Gosh...this is soooo sad :(
iazzhang93 #7
Chapter 13: Authornimmmmmmmmmmmmm its so heartbreaking omg im crying.
mxv0109 #8
Chapter 13: I have tears my eyes, this is so heartbreaking and beautiful I can't wait for the next chapter