
Just One Day

A voice echo through my ears,"Dahyun-ssi,Dahyun-ssi,"I feel my body shaken by someone.I blink ,notice I'm in a different place and the person in front of me isn't JungKook instead the madamme who teach etiquette.

"Dahyun-ssi,do you know how much I was worry of you just now.You just drop to the ground when practicing the walking steps in hanbok.Luckily you come back to your sense now,"the madamme said,there's none of the line that I understand .But,I do feel my head hurt and sight quite blurry.

"Why am I here?"I rub my head.I remember that I'm with Jungkook in the Ferris wheel and then he whispered to me thank you.Wait,what is it really happening?

"Please don’t scare me,lady,”the madamme in serious tone.I scan around the place I’m currently in isn’t the same as what I recall.

But I really remember that I’m actually sneak out from the mansion and go to an amusement park with a pretty flower boy,wait,why is it my mind suddenly gone blank?The guy ,who is he again?

“Dahyun-ssi,”a voice echo in my ears before I fallen to the ground.It’s like a cutting off film,my mind became all blank.

“Thank you for everything even though just one day,”someone whisper,a familiar voice echo in my mind when I pass out.I know this voice.I heard it in somewhere but I just can’t remember the name.

I come back to conscious as the voice fade away,”Dahyun-ssi,you are awake finally,”one of the maid lilt in relief when I become conscious.I scan around the room,I’m actually in my bed and my room.What is it really happening?My memories seem like to fade away from earlier.

“What is happening?”I ask to one of the maid who accompany me after I become unconscious.

“Dahyun-ssi,you just faint away after the tea ceremony lesson,Madam Kim had call for a doctor earlier.Under a check up by the doctor of your sudden faint,he had confirm that the reason you faint was because of the tea leaf that had not clearly process in which with the effects of hallucinate,plus Dahyun-ssi,you have allergic of tea,which is why you had become unconscious for hours now,”the maid explain the whole situation.

I remember that I was in the middle of lesson then afterwards,everything seems like being cut off from my mind.I just blankly don’t know anything.

However,one thing that remain in my mind in which I remember someone bring me out from this mansion and to an amusement park.Yet,the name of the person,I really don’t remember.

“I will inform Madam Kim that you had come to conscious,”the maid leave the room.

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serraadie #1
Jungkook + dahyun will be my 1st choice ♡♡♡
Jungkook <3