
Just You & Me


by Kiro



"Jerk! You stupid, heartless jerk!" She screamed, throwing many of her random and small objects at me.

"It wasn't my fault! She came up to me first!" I yelled as I moved around, avoiding the flying objects coming towards my direction.

"Liar! I knew it, I should have listened to them, I should have believed them when they said you were nothing but a player!"

"You know what, fine. Whatever. Believe what you want. We're over," I stated coldly and slammed the front door of her house.

"Ehhhh? Already? She didn't even last two weeks. That's too bad," I averted my gaze to the woman standing by the gate, wearing a white sleeveless dress in the middle of winter as she welcomed me with her comforting presence.

"RiIn," I breathed. "What, came to spy?"

She smiled and gazed back at the dark sky, "Just wanted to see the result of your actions last night."

"At least I'm with freedom again. She's so annoying," I complained and walked closer to her, attempting to place my jacket around her shoulders.

"Every girl after me became annoying for you," she laughed. "That's not good, Junsu yah."

"Who cares. And stop going out without a jacket," I said, my voice coming out huskily, as if I had a lump stuck in my throat.

"But it's not even cold! And don't say 'who cares,' because I do. You're never going to get anywhere with that attitude," she scolded, trying to take my jacket off her shoulders.

"Don't...take it off," I paused, trying to get rid of sick feeling in my stomach. "This thing I'm doing, RiIn ah, I hate it. You're right, every girl after you became annoying and hard to deal with because they're not you...they're not my RiIn."

"I know, I'm sorry. I really am, Junsu. But we can't turn back time. I'm...I'm not here anymore--physically," she whispers softly, placing her cold hand on my cheek. "I can't do the things I used to do with you anymore. I'm so sorry."

I managed to laugh bitterly, "You don't have to remind me. Remembering reality only hurts more. I must be crazy, huh?"

Still, even if she was seeing me in such a weak state, she smiled and shook her head 'no.' It was only a matter of time before she disappears from me completely. 

"You know, we'll see each other again, but not like right now. Up in the sky, where we'll be happy and together for a long time," she looks back to the sky again. "I'll wait for you."

"That'll be a long, long time," I half-laughed as I choked back the tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Yeah. But it'll be worth it, right?"

I smiled and nodded, "Will you come pick me up?"

"I haven't seen you cry in a long time," she chuckles and wipes the tears that had unknowingly started flowing down my cheeks. "Definitely. I will."

I sniffed as I laughed, embarrassed that I was shedding tears in front of her. 

"Ah, I'm such bad luck. Twenty four years old and I'm a widower!" I joked.

"Hey, not funny! We weren't married!"


So like, Junsu can see the ~dead~
LOL. Kiro gave this "drabble" to me for Christmas xD
I love the somewhat happy ending -though it seems cut off, lol-
hope you guys like it too!

Thanks for reading!

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JasmineLee #1
I've read it in LJ
It was so sweet...
And yes, SM covers her too much, i wanna see more than legs and arms *y mode: ON*
Please update soon...
I would ogle her too if she wears bikini >u<
pls update again :]

That's so sweet. XD
kpoints #3
The Suyin couple never fails to make my happy.
Thanks for this!
@nomadictrail OMGGGGG. WHAT KIND OF IS THIS, LOL. Not even close lolol. I forgot to mention this chapter is dedicated to you ^^" Thanks bb <3
MuChicken #6
Hehe Toddsu ~

Keep them updates coming keke

celestineblue #7
i love this chapter...so sweet :)
love this, danidani~ write more. haha
yay ! You updated ! i love this new chapter , it's really cute , Ri In and Junsu are super cute together =)