
If It Was Easy
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Sehun was collecting some of his stuffs that he might be needing for his temporary separation from Yejin when the front door opened and Yejin walked through with a huge garment bag in her hand.

She was surprised to see the other in the apartment and she let out a huge shriek before she ran into the room to put away the garment bag which contained her wedding dress before she walked back out with a glare on her face.

‘What are you doing here, Sehun?’

Sehun looked at her amusedly and shrugged his shoulders as he picked a couple dvds out of the shelves to put into his bag. ‘Just getting some stuff.’

‘I thought I told you to get out already?’ Yejin crossed her arms over her chest and the other chuckled at her.

‘Relax. I’m just picking up some stuffs. I’ll be out of here in a few minutes.’ Sehun tutted and turned back to face the shelves. ‘Can’t believe you’re kicking your husband out like this.’

‘Future husband,’ Yejin corrected him.

‘What’s the difference?’ Sehun replied and walked towards the bedroom only to be stopped by Yejin in the doorway.

‘You can’t go in there!’ Yejin shouted.

Sehun raised his eyebrows at her. ‘Then how am I supposed to grab my shirts?’

‘I thought you said you’re just grabbing some stuffs.’ Yejin narrowed her eyes at him. ‘But, seems like you’re just starting to pack now.’

Sehun grinned sheepishly at her. ‘Okay, you caught me there. You can’t blame me for not wanting to leave you.’ He winked but Yejin had only rolled her eyes at his words. ‘Now, if you’d let me, can I please go grab my clothes?’


‘Why not?’

‘My dress is in there! You can’t see it. It’s bad luck!’

Sehun sighed and leaned his side onto the wall next to him as he stared at Yejin and pouted, ‘Then, what am I supposed to wear?’

Yejin grabbed the bag out of his hands and shook her head. ‘I’ll grab it for you.’ She said and went inside the room to only reappear a second later to glare at Sehun. ‘You. Stay. Here. Got that?’

‘Yes, ma’am!’ he saluted. ‘Pick some good shirts, will you?’ he shouted after her.

‘I’ll pick whatever I want!’ she answered. ‘Wouldn’t want any girls to crowd around my future husband, you know.’

Sehun's eyebrows furrowed as he thought of the horrendous combination of clothes Yejin would pick and was about to step into the room when she appeared with his bag in her hands, and handed it to him.

‘Here you go.’ She said sweetly and walked past him towards the kitchen.

He looked inside and sighed in relief when he saw some of his favourite shirts in there. He turned and set his bag on the couch before he followed Yejin and crossed his arms over his chest with an unamused look on his face.

Yejin giggled and set her glass down on the counter before approaching Sehun.

‘You have a lot of stuff in that bag. How long are you planning to leave me, honestly?’

Sehun shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m just stocking up stuff back in my old apartment. Who knows maybe I’ll get bored of you in just a day.’ He shrugged and picked Yejin’s glass up to take a sip of water.

Yejin scoffed and smacked his chest rather hardly making Sehun spit some water out of his mouth onto her face and she stood there in shocked, before her face crumpled in disgust and Sehun couldn’t stop laughing at her.

‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry,’ he laughed as he wiped the water off of her face. ‘You did that to yourself, though.’

‘Shut up.’ Yejin pouted. ‘I hate you so much.’

‘I hate you too.’ Sehun smiled and playfully flicked her forehead. ‘I should go. I’m meeting up with Chanyeol later to go and pick up my tux.’ He said as he pulled away and grabbed his bag.

Yejin held the door open for him and leaned onto it with a pout on her face and Sehun sighed when he saw it.

‘You’re not helping me with this, you know,’ he said as he grabbed her face with both of his hands. ‘Stop pouting.’ But his words had only made her pout even more making him chuckle. ‘You wanted this.’

She nodded but then shrugged her shoulders. ‘I want you to go but I don’t want you to go.’

Sehun smiled and leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips. ‘Just five days, baby.’ He said and then kissed her forehead before pulling away. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

Yejin watched as he walked down the hallway and just before he disappeared around the corner, Sehun turned and waved at her and Yejin waved back with a smile on her face.



The wedding was drawing closer and Yejin can feel the jitters all the way to her toes, absolutely nervous about the big day.  She wants everything to be perfect. Nothing less than that would be accepted and the thought of that was stressing her out even more.

Her dress was perfect, she had tried it on again the other day and the fit was just perfection on her and she was extremely satisfied with it. She can only hope the same would go for Sehun’s tux. Her bridemaids’ dresses were all ready to go as well.

The only thing left is the venue.

She rushed down the street with her phone pressed to her ear. She had been trying to get through to Sehun for the past half an hour but her calls weren’t answered.

‘Oh my god, Sehun, answer your phone, please.’ She sighed to herself before hitting call again.

The line beeped continuously and she was just about to give up on calling him when he finally answered.

‘Sehun, where are you?’ she said as soon as he picked up.

Sehun sighed, sounding so tired and Yejin could imagine him leaning back onto his chair as he pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘I’m sorry, baby. I’m swamped with work since this morning. My boss was in my office earlier so I couldn’t answer.’

‘How are you holding up? You okay?’ Yejin asked worriedly as she crossed the road.

‘I’m okay,’ Sehun answered even though Yejin could tell from his voice that he was anything but that. ‘Why are you calling anyway? Did something happen?’ He asked, his voice turning worried and Yejin couldn’t help but smile.

‘Everything’s fine.’ Yejin replied as she stopped walking for a while and she heard him sigh in relief. ‘It’s just that… the hotel finally called.’

‘… And?’

‘We got the place. And they’re letting us take a look at the place today. So, I’m on my way right now.’ She explained. ‘Do you think you can meet me there?’

Sehun was silent for a while before he sighed. ‘Right now? I don’t know if I can…’

‘Not even for a little while? Half an hour tops!’ Yejin bit on her lip as she waited for his answer. ‘I know you’re busy but, you should be t

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Chapter 15: it's been years lmao but i'm rereading even those it's not finished because i like hurting myself apparently hahaha its like 6am and i haven't slept yet XD but yeah sorry sehun i'm team jongin even though i know it's probably not gonna go in his favor RIP it's okay jongin you have me T_T
Chapter 15: Welcome back author nim. He's going to talk with sehunnie omo omo ... Sehun had his own reason. He might feel insecure ..... Take your time to update author nim. Don't rush :)))fighting
Chapter 15: Don't be pressured with the updates and omfg yes joing beat up sehun till he get his mind straightened out. On the side note, I know I am am team sehun but after what sehun has done and jongin always being by her side lately makes me which sides omfgiamsosorrysehun
Chapter 15: I love how Jongin is trying to make her happy ;w; awww but ah!!! He gonna talk to Sehun. I have a feeling he's going to try to get them back together but I'm afraid Sehun is going to say no because he hurt her or tell Sehun to talk to her. But no worries! Update when you can :)
JungSeol #5
Chapter 14: Im still in sehun's team. Eventhough sehun left but now he's back right? Jongin is nice too but still my heart lean over to sehun.
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: Forever in team sehun, I'm sorry jongin. And that shoutout, I should be the one thanking you for creating this fic
UknowAde #9
Chapter 14: I'm still in Sehunnie's Team... I believe that Sehun left becoz he felt that he does not have enough confident to hold on Yejin by his side... Somehow he feel that Yejin's love to him is lesser than Yejin's love to Jongin.. I hope that Yejin realise how insecure Sehun had felt.... pls update soonnnnnnnn....
Chapter 14: Oh gosh /)><(\ Pkay I'm sorry but I say neither of them should get her but then again I feel like the only reason Sehunnie left was because he pbviously knew she loved Jongin & Jongin still loved him too. Like hello, if I was in Sehun's position I would've did the same even tho it was bad..... Sorry but I'd like to put the blame on Yejin because it was hurt fault for still loving Jongin & being so FREAKN obvious about it. Like honestly. She should be single and not have either of them :) But my thoughts tho! Sorry xDD That tear that fell wen I was reading the ending of this chapter. I could feel the hurt T^T