
If It Was Easy
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All the way home, Yejin gathered her thoughts on everything she was told. Jongin didn’t end things because he stopped loving her, he left because his dad wanted him too.

She did nothing wrong like how she had always thought, it was all Jongin.

And Jongin didn’t hate her like what she had believed, instead he could actually still love her.

She felt her heart stutter in her chest and Yejin stopped walking. She was at the end of the hallway reaching to her apartment and she stayed there, leaning on the wall as she stared at the door where Sehun is waiting for her on the other side.

She felt a rush of guilt flooding through her bones as she thought of Sehun. What would he think of her if he knew she went to meet with Jongin? If he knew all the things Jongin had said to make her feel this confused over everything? If he knew how her heart hurts whenever the thought of Jongin leaving again occurred in her mind?

Yejin closed her eyes and shook her head.

This is not fair to Sehun. She can’t be feeling this way.

Yejin loves Sehun.

And she doesn’t want to lose Sehun like how she lost Jongin back then.

And because of that, Yejin made up her mind to toughened up and not let everything that happened the past hour bother her. She had gotten her answers, so that’s it. Push everything aside.

She’s not going to let Sehun see how much it bothered her deep down inside because she doesn’t want him to suffer and hurt anymore.

What happened last night when she broke down was enough.

She took a deep breath as she straightened up and made her way towards her apartment.

Sehun had just exited their bedroom when Yejin stepped through the door with a bright smile on her face and he looked at her questioningly.

‘Why do you have that smile on your face?’ Sehun asked.

‘Why? Can’t a girl smile when she comes home only to be greeted by her handsome fiancé?’ Yejin retorted and Sehun raised an eyebrow at her.

‘Because you’re creeping me out.’

Yejin giggled and put her bag on the couch before walking towards Sehun and wrapping her arm around his waist as she stared up at him. ‘I’m just happy. All our wedding plans are almost done.’

‘Oh, right. You met up with Hani earlier.’ Sehun said and Yejin nodded. ‘I take it everything went well?’

‘Mhmm,’ she nodded. ‘The only thing left to do is for me to pick up my dress, and you to pick up your tux and then for us to actually get married.’

Sehun smiled at her as he loosened her arms around his waist only to place it around his neck instead so that he’ll be able to circle his arms around her waist. ‘I like the sound of that.’ He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss on her lips. ‘Us getting married.’

Yejin giggled and returned the kiss.

‘Me too.’ She replied when she pulled away. ‘But, you need to get your out of here soon, Hunnie.’

‘No…’ Sehun groaned and rested his forehead on her shoulders. ‘I don’t want to go.’

‘You have to. It’s tradition.’ Yejin said as her hands ran through his hair, with her fingers lightly scratching his scalp making Sehun hum at how good it felt. ‘It’s just until the wedding. And then you’ll get to stay here forever.’

Sehun lifted his head and brought his head close to hers as he grinned mischievously at her. ‘Forever?’

Yejin nodded. ‘And ever, and ever, and ever.’ Sehun chuckled. ‘You might want to enjoy the freedom you still get now before you’re stuck with me.’

Sehun tightened his hold on her and hummed as he thought for a second. ‘Freedom doesn’t sound that bad,’ he wondered out loud before he smirked at her. ‘But, being stuck with you sounds a thousand times better.’

Yejin smacked his arm and made a face at him. ‘How many times have I told you to stop with the cheese? Sheesh.’ She said and wriggled out of his arms.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Sehun called after her.

‘Shower!’ Yejin answered.

Sehun stared at her back as she entered their bedroom and he wondered to himself if what just happened was not an imagination of his. Because she’s supposed to know about the truth now since he knew Jongin had met up with her.

She must’ve known about everything but this reaction from her was the last thing he was expecting. He stood there staring at a blank space before he shrugged his shoulders and decided that if she’s okay with everything, then he has no problem with it either and went to sit back down in front of the tv.

As he watched the tv, Yejin was inside the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror with the water running in the shower convincing herself that she was okay.



Yejin had cooked dinner for them both, a tradition she’d always done whenever Sunday comes forth, and were enjoying the food when Sehun remembered something that he’s been meaning to ask Yejin about.

‘You’re fine now right, with having Jongin at the wedding?’

Yejin stopped mid-chew and lifted her head to look at him. ‘… Yes, why?’

‘I was just thinking, since he’s here now and he is my best friend, that maybe…’ Sehun paused and Yejin grew worried. ‘What do you think if I ask him to be my best man?’ he continued.

Yejin nearly choked on the food she had in and she took a couple gulps of water to relieve . She stared at Sehun as if he was crazy.

How can he be so relaxed with Jongin’s presence at their wedding? Inviting him to the wedding itself was already a huge deal and now he wants him to be the best man?

She knows he means well but isn’t he pushing things a little too far with this?

‘Why?’ Yejin asked.

Sehun shrugged. ‘He’s my best friend. I’ve always thought that he’d be my best man at my wedding. You know?’

‘I know that but are you really sure you want him there as the best man? At our wedding?’ Yejin questioned. ‘Standing right next to you as you say your vows to me?’

Sehun knew what she was implying and he knew that it was a huge risk for him to even consider it but, he’s always wanted Jongin to play a big part in his wedding. He had never once not imagined having Jongin there right next to him as they watch his bride walk down the aisle.

‘And besides,’ Yejin continued. ‘You already asked Chanyeol to do it. How do you think he’d feel when he found out you replaced him at the last second after all the work he’s done?’

Right, Chanyeol.

Sehun completely forgot about him after Jongin had shown up. Chanyeol had been so excited when he told him that he was going to be the best man and had helped a lot preparing for the big day so he guessed it really is unfair if he ripped him off of the title this close to the wedding.

‘You’re right.’ Sehun sighed. ‘I didn’t know what I was thinking. Maybe got a little too excited.’ He chuckled and continued shoving food into his mouth.

Yejin watched Sehun for a while and she wasn’t blind to not see the disappointed look on his face and she let out a huge breath, not believing what she was about to say.

‘Maybe if you still want Jongin to be a part of the wedding, he could be one of your groomsmen?’ Yejin suggested and she saw how he perked up at her words.

‘That’s true,’ He grinned. ‘I can make a spot for him there. You’re okay with this, right?’

Yejin hesitated as she wondered if she really wanted to see Jongin standing behind Sehun as she marries him but then she realized it should not make any difference at all. And besides, having Jongin there makes Sehun happy, and she really wants him to be happy.

Yejin smiled and nodded her head. ‘Of course, I am.’

Sehun leaned forward and kissed her cheek. ‘Thank you.’

She returned his smiled before looking down at her food and continued eating, albeit a little worried at what she had just agreed on.



‘Are you crazy, Yejin?’

Yejin sighed, having expected that kind of reaction from her friends when she told them about what had happened over the weekend. She had prepared herself for all kinds of reaction from them and she was certainly not disappointed with the one she’s receiving now.

‘Having Jongin there is already a mistake you let happen in the first place, now you’re letting him be Sehun’s groomsmen?’ Jiyoung shouted. ‘Have you lost your mind?’

‘Jiyoung, calm down.’ Jieun spoke up from next to her before turning to look at Yejin with a worried look on her face. ‘Yejin, have you really given a thought about all this?’

‘He wanted him there. Why shouldn’t I let him?’ Yejin replied.

‘Uhh, because he’s your ex-boyfriend that you still-might-or-might-not-have feelings for?’ Jiyoung said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Maybe it is for the people who can obviously see the dilemma she’s in.

‘I was fine when you said Jongin’s coming to the wedding. But this,’ Jiyoung scoffed. ‘This is playing with fire, Yejin.’

Yejin groaned and leaned her head back onto the seat behind her as she rubbed her temples. She knew she made a mistake but having Jiyoung spell it out to her like this is making her feel idiotic.

She felt someone sat next to her and she opened her eyes to see Jieun looking down at her worriedly. ‘Tell us what you feel, Yejin. Not what you’re supposed to feel but what you really feel in there about everything.’

Yejin stared at her and then at Jiyoung who despite had gotten mad at her decision earlier, was also looking at her worriedly and en

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Chapter 15: it's been years lmao but i'm rereading even those it's not finished because i like hurting myself apparently hahaha its like 6am and i haven't slept yet XD but yeah sorry sehun i'm team jongin even though i know it's probably not gonna go in his favor RIP it's okay jongin you have me T_T
Chapter 15: Welcome back author nim. He's going to talk with sehunnie omo omo ... Sehun had his own reason. He might feel insecure ..... Take your time to update author nim. Don't rush :)))fighting
Chapter 15: Don't be pressured with the updates and omfg yes joing beat up sehun till he get his mind straightened out. On the side note, I know I am am team sehun but after what sehun has done and jongin always being by her side lately makes me which sides omfgiamsosorrysehun
Chapter 15: I love how Jongin is trying to make her happy ;w; awww but ah!!! He gonna talk to Sehun. I have a feeling he's going to try to get them back together but I'm afraid Sehun is going to say no because he hurt her or tell Sehun to talk to her. But no worries! Update when you can :)
JungSeol #5
Chapter 14: Im still in sehun's team. Eventhough sehun left but now he's back right? Jongin is nice too but still my heart lean over to sehun.
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: I'm still at sehun team sorry jong in if he didn't come back nothing will happen and sehun and yejin will be happy now
Chapter 14: Forever in team sehun, I'm sorry jongin. And that shoutout, I should be the one thanking you for creating this fic
UknowAde #9
Chapter 14: I'm still in Sehunnie's Team... I believe that Sehun left becoz he felt that he does not have enough confident to hold on Yejin by his side... Somehow he feel that Yejin's love to him is lesser than Yejin's love to Jongin.. I hope that Yejin realise how insecure Sehun had felt.... pls update soonnnnnnnn....
Chapter 14: Oh gosh /)><(\ Pkay I'm sorry but I say neither of them should get her but then again I feel like the only reason Sehunnie left was because he pbviously knew she loved Jongin & Jongin still loved him too. Like hello, if I was in Sehun's position I would've did the same even tho it was bad..... Sorry but I'd like to put the blame on Yejin because it was hurt fault for still loving Jongin & being so FREAKN obvious about it. Like honestly. She should be single and not have either of them :) But my thoughts tho! Sorry xDD That tear that fell wen I was reading the ending of this chapter. I could feel the hurt T^T