Jonghyun's Min Ji Was Long Gone

I Changed Mr. Gangster to Mr. Innocent

*Jonghyun's POV*

I woke up and went to school. I actually wanted to skip school to visit Jin Hee but I know she well yell at me so I just went to school so she can't yell at me. After school I went to visit Jin Hee. "Hey" I said as I entered the room. 

"Hi, Jonghyun" Jin Hee said

"Do you know when you're going to discharge?"

"Not yet, why?"

"nothing, are you bored"

"so so" 

"I'll tell you about my past then." 

"okay, but isn't it private since it's your life"

"it's okay" I told her about what happened two years ago about Min Ji. She didn't really want to believe me at first, she thought that I was just making up a story. We were talking perfectly when suddenly somebody entered.


"hi" Jin Hee said weakly

"do you remember me, I'm the guy that likes you"

"I remember"

"I heard you got into an accident, are you feeling better, oh and here are some flowers." he said handing Jin Hee roses. 

"thanks" she got the flowers and set it aside.

"so are you bored anyhow" 

"not much"

*why am I looked as if I'm not even here* I cleared my throat. 

"Is there something wrong?" He asked me 


"Sweety, your mom brought food for you, are you hungry" Jin Hee's mom ask as she enters the room. Her dad also enters from behind.

"Hi mom, Of course I'm hungry" She replied.

"oh, your friends"

"yeah" she replied. her mom looked at me as if she couldn't believe something. 

"umm...I'll get going now" I told them.

"okay, bye then Jonghyun" Jin Hee told me 

"bye" I said and left the room. I closed the door behind me and began to walk when someone stopped me.

"Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun, right?" I heard Jin Hee's mom.

I turned. "yes, Kim Jonghyun." I replied

"Are you the same Jonghyun two years ago" Her dad asked me

"I never knew Jin Hee two years ago?"

"no not Jin Hee, but MIn Ji?" her dad asked me 

"Min Ji?" I repeated her name

"yes Min Ji" her mom said

"Yeah, the same Kim Jonghyun from two years ago, and how do you know about Min Ji"

"we-" her mom was cut off by her dad.

"we are relatives of her" her dad spoke

"do you know what happened to her two years ago?" her mom asked me 

"she died" I said 

"Min Ji never died Jin Hee is Min Ji" her mom yelled out

"We we're looking for you for such a long time" her dad said

"Jin Hee is not Min Ji, Jin Hee is too different from Min Ji. they can never be the same person, because they don't have the same feelings." 

"Believe us" her mom said

"My Min Ji was long gone, the Min Ji we know today is just an imagination which is Jin Hee only, there is no way Jin Hee and Min Ji can be the same person. Even if you we're to tell me that Min Ji is not dead, it's just your imagination, she is dead and Jin Hee is just a replacement of Min Ji in your hearts, I know her better than anyone else knows her" I walked into the elavator as it opens and left. 


sorry this chapter was boring >.<

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awwww so cute love the story awesome story love the ending:)
Saemiy #2
Chapter 30: I think i get a little of this story. So everything that happen is in jonghyun's dream?
So in his dream, minji is dead because she never visit him in real life?
Why his real lover never visit him? Hmmmmm.
And jonghyun is beaten by hongki because he wanted jinhee?

Im confuseeddddd
Chapter 30: OMO~ Awesome! :)
I'm done reading now!
ShuHui #4
Getting started!!!
Aww, that was a cute ending!
So sad it's already over x(
loved it, I almost forgot about your story to be honest, since it did take a very long time, however I loved it!!
sweet-suzy #6
oh wow! this was a really good, a bit confusing at points bu its really good! keep up the good work! :D
Kpop596 #7
at first i was confused but now i get everything, well except for the hong ji part
ftshinebang #8
woah woah wait. Did Min Ji and Hong Ki get together or what and who liked who in the past? I am so confused right now....
Okay so what happened to minji and hongki did they got married and have kids too or what?