chapter 9

V: The Washington Crisis

In George town, Edward Kennedy shook hands with Commander Gerald whom had arrived in a shuttle that had touched town onto the street, outside the mansion grounds.

"nice of you to drop by Gerald - my wife is particularly fond of your visits", laughed Edward.

The Visitor strolled along side him up the gravel driveway towards the house, "and I look forward to stopping by - you both make me feel very welcome"

Rosemary was already waiting for them at the front entrance, "Gerald!", she beamed excitedly and stepping out to greet him, "can I fix you up some refreshments?"

Gerald entered the grand hall and waved his hand at her, "no thank you - I can't stay long - I've actually stopped by with some very good news..."

Rosemary and Edward glanced at one another, "Ohhh?"

" seems that Cole Landsbury no longer fits the bill and has been removed from office - his position at the White House with the President's staff is vacant...", Gerald informed, trailing off deliberately, so they both could take in the news...

Rosemary was wide-eyed, "Really? Oh...", she grabbed her husbands arm, "...Edward this means..."

Gerald shook his head, "John has had a word with the President himself and has asked me who I could think of for a suitable replacement...I suggested that you would be perfect for the role...", he seduced.

Rosemary put her hands together in glee as Edward was quite overwhelmed with the offer, "Of...of course I am honoured...what an amazing opportunity for's a great shame...", he looked at Gerald questioningly, "...what did Cole do that was so wrong?"

Gerald kept up his smile, even though this was tiresome, "Look...I know you two were friends - but far from agreeing on human-Visitor relations - he was found to be plotting to sabotage that agreement...the President was under a lot of pressure to act upon it...", he lied.

Edward was bewildered - but he finally smiled, "I am honoured of course...I will take up th e post...thank you"

Gerald tilted his head and looked very pleased with himself as he took Rosemary's hand into his and caressed it, whilst looking at Edward, "good...I knew I could count on you..."


Cole Landsbury was a bumbling wreck inside the shuttle as Commander Gerald climbed back aboard the craft.

Michele monitored him as his jerks and spasms started to weaken from where he was sprawled out on the back bunk. She looked up to her superior officer, "his mind is completely gone...", she informed.

Gerald nodded as he signalled for the pilot to lift off, "I have sorted out his replacement - we just have to make sure that the story I have wovern sticks..."

He sat down and crossed his leg over his knee, "...we better visit Rosa when we get seems that this conversion has gone dangerously wrong...and nearly jeopardized our mission..."

Michele nodded and they both watched the human cease fitting as the shuttle carried them over George town and up towards the looming mothership beyond...


It was the next morning when Edward Kennedy made himself at home in his office at the White House.

Rachel Spencer, Cole Landsbury's former secretary turned her head, "I hope you are settling in Mr Kennedy..."

Edward gazed about the swish office and turned - he took Rachel's hand, "a nice coffee would be good and...", he sat her down in a chair, "...I am sorry about Cole, I knew you and him were rather close...", he said sympathetically.

Rachel looked up at him and removed her specs, "but I don't understand it Mr Kennedy, Cole's not answering his calls - where has he gone? It's as if he's just disappeared off the face of the Earth..."

Edward thought that was odd too, but dismissed the thought with a wave of the hand, "maybe he was under a lot of pressure...I understand that he was against the human- Visitor relations policy, and in today's climate - that's not advisable...we can't be seen as being ungrateful to the Visitors - they have given us so much..."

Rachel nodded, "Yes... I know all that...Cole was never a fan of the Visitors and wasn't quiet about it either, but something strange is going on...", her voice became hushed, "...only last week he was looking into several disappearances of..."

Edward's gaze overted to the doorway because Commander Gerald was standing there. Edward straightened up and greeted him, "Gerald...this is a surprize..."

"Are you settling in? I hope everything is to your liking..."

Edward nodded, "yes...I am thank you"

Gerald's eyes glanced towards Rachel coldly, "I would like to have a word with Mr Kennedy in private...if you would kindly excuse us..."

Rachel stood up from the chair quickly brushing herself down, "of course..."and with a parting smile at Edward, she hurried off. The Flagship commander watched her go, then shut the office door.


Rachel Spencer saw the first lady, Gillian Armstrong as she hurried up the swish corridor.

"Rachel!", Gillian called out in concern, "...I just heard about Cole - I am so sorry"

Rachel looked at her, "So why did the president fire him just because he has his own opinions of the Visitors?"

The First lady was taken aback, "Rachel...I don't understand...I hade no idea..."

"I bet!", and red faced, Rachel stormed off up the corridor leaving Gillian rather confused about her behaviour - both of them not noticing the shadowery Visitor officer lurking nearby...


"More effective...?", asked Alex Fisher in his office at the Baltimore Plant.

Lead Visitor Techncian Adam nodded, glancing down to the plant layout plans that were spread out over the cluttered office desk - he pointed a finger to a section off to the left of the layout.

" is clearly known now that parts of this plant haven't been re-tooled fully enough to carry out it's new purpose...causing problems to occur that we have already experienced when the storage tank exploded"

Alex looked up to the alien, "What do you suggest? I am all ears - and respect your greater expertise Adam..."

"I have instructed my techncians - and yours of course - to begin a re-model of the structure...particular these areas C and D...", he said confidently tapping the plans.

Alex could only agree with the alien - afterall, the Visitors technological know-how was far more advanced than his own.

"Well...if you feel it will speed up the process making this chemical compound you need..."

Adam could see the human was where he wanted him, "Mr Fisher - I would like to make a recommendation that water would be a far better agent to the steam in this particular plant...a simple method can be utilized from the part of the harbour the plant sits will increase the output of this facility ten-fold...but it is only a suggestion..."

Alex had been drawn to the idea instantly - Adam was so convincing, " go right want the water - you take it"

Adam broke into a triamphant smile and placed a hand gently onto the humans shoulder, "I am so glad that you agree...after's just a natural upstep in our mission - to save our world..."


As night fell, Rachel Spencer drove her car into the underground car lot of her washington appartment block.

She reached over to collect some papers and her purse from the back seat and got out, locking the door of her Chevvie.

She then hurried over to the elevator, her foorsteps echoed about the empty lot as she stopped to press the call button next to the elevator doors.

As she waited, Cole Landsbury came to mind. She had called around to his house before coming home, there had been nobody in - and the house had been in complete darkness.

The elevator pinged it's arrival and she entered, and rode the few floors to her appartment.

She pulled the iron gate across and entered her swish appartment. She removed her heels and went over to the lamp to switch it on. Nothing happened. The bulb was gone.

She stepped back and turned around and gasped at the shadow that moved out of the closet. before she could even react there was a sudden bolt of blue, like an energy charge - and she found herself falling to the laminated flooring.

Rachel tried to roll over...she was in pain...she turned aside from where she laid and saw the black boot step over her, and then there was another flash of blue, and she knew nothing more...


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