Chapter 14

V: The Washington Crisis

In Gerald's office deep within the Washington flagship, the commander looked over at John who was sitting with Diana at the side table ,"So phase two will go out tomorrow?", he asked.

John nodded, "yes...I have had meetings with various fleet commanders and have been in conference with that idiot United States President, he didn't like what I was putting forward, but I got him to see things our way in the end"

Gerald was impressed, he looked forward to him, "So...we might not need to convert him?"

Before John could even open his mouth to answer, Diana jumped in, "not YET, anyway...but I am sure there will have to be a time when things get more differcult"

Gerald breathed out a sigh from where he stood next to a shelf where there was small compartments housing a variety of small furred animals, "At last! Our mission is being pressed forward, the leader will be pleased..."

Diana stood from her seat and strode over to the shelf, Gerald couldn't keep his eyes off her as the red dress she was adorning was showing off the curves of her shapely body, "As soon as we are in full control the better and phase two will only fast-track the situation...", she opened a compartment and reached in for one of the fluffy guinua pigs that froze to the spot as she grabbed it, she looked at Gerald, "...there will be much choas for the humans...and it will be us who will take charge and put things right..."

Gerald watched her eye up the guinea pig in a predatory way. He looked across to John who remained silent and listening to them intently.

"To FULL CONTROL then..."


"The world was shocked today when serious accusations were made against members of the worlds elite scientific community -

-nobel prize winner Morris Jancowki of the Brussels biomedical institute in Belgium held a press conference and said that he had been approached to join an international conspiracy against the Vistiors..."

President Neil Armstrong watched the TV in his personal quarters with his wife Gillian, the report went on as they continued to watch.

Images flashed up on screen showing evidence of many scientists with claims of being involved in the conspiracy, from siezing control of Visitors Motherships for their own agendas to holding back medical break throughs for financial gain.

Neil reached out and linked his hand into Gillians.

Kristine Walsh was now on screen. She stood at a podium that was shrouded with a red Visitor emblem.

"The Visitors were shocked to learn of this conspiracy and the chaos that will result - not only will THEIR plans be thwarted - but also the benefits that were promised to us..."

Images flased on screen of terrorist attacks in several Visitor installations around the world by members of the conspiracy of scientists.

John was next on screen informing that his security forces were working together with police departments to try and calm the situation - but it was recommened that a state of martial law would be helpful at this time.

Gillian turned to her husband, she really couldn't believe what she was seeing or what she was hearing, "You have gone along with this? Is it really this bad?"

Neil shook his head, "the evidence was all couldn't be denied...but it will pass...Myself and the Supreme Commander will reach a peaceful conclusion on the matter...just try not to worry yourself..."


Later, the sun shone weakly as the shuttle glided over the roof of the White House and touched down onto the neat lawn.

Neil and John came out of a side door of the White House and strolled towards the waiting shuttle.

"I must say...I still not happy about all of this...but i can see the need of the measures that we have put in place..."

John smiled at him, "Can I tell you that I appreciate your upmost support in this matter...I know the registration process for all scientists and their close familys may cause offense, but those good scientists that are not apart of this conspiracy have no need to worry...they have nothing to I have said, this will all pass I'm sure"

Neil shook the aliens hand, "lets hope so...I hate to think that we are bombing your facilities in such a barbaric way that we have already seen...I can only apologise..."

John shook his head, "Please there is no need...everything will turn out just the way it should do...believe me..."

Neil watched as the Supreme Commander disappeared into the shuttle and as the ramp was pulled up it was soon on it's way up into the cold blue sky and heading across to the Mothership above.

With the marine guards lined up behind him on the lawn, the President felt extremely uneasy about the whole thing...what had become of the world in a few short weeks.

Not wanting to acknowledge it, he slowly felt his power of control was waining to something even bigger...

Or was he just being paranoid.


Aboard the shuttle in flight, Commander Gerald stepped out from the flight deck and saw John sitting arms crossed on the leather bunk.

"Well, that went as well as could be expected...the humans are convinced that a conspiracy of their scienists is all going how we discussed...martial law will help to keep fear intact and in the meantime our security officers can press forward with taken control from the Earth authorites..."

"And Supreme Commander - I am glad to inform you that I have heard communication from the squadron leader of phase three - the rest of our fleet have just entered the Earths Solar System..."

John looked up and nodded, "good...that is a pointer to press forward with other matters..."

Gerald folded his arms, "and they are...?"

John met his gaze, "I want you to have a word with all the commanders in the fleet about instructing their lead techncians to upstep the water is not going as fast as I would have liked it's time to go out to a 24 hour cycle"

Gerald was glad with the thought of moving on with their mission, "I will gladly inform Adam here in Washington to start proceedings...he was only saying the other day that he and his men are tired of making this trouble-some chemical that wastes so much of their time a chemical that is ment to be saving our world...but hense is choking theres, as it's poured out into their atmosphere..."

"A step forward in our mission should lift their spirits then?"

Gerald matched his smile, "Considerably..."


Ralph Harrison was led up the corridor of the Washington mothership towards his newly assigned private quarters. Visitor relations officer Deborah put the key in the code lock and the door side aside for them.

"Please enter...", she said gesturing her arm into the room.

Ralph cautiously peered into his private quarters, "Wow...this is awesome...I believe Kristine Walsh has her own quarters aboard the L.A ship"

Deborah folded her arms, "then all the more for you to share in her good fortune Ralph - you deserve it - and it will cut down your journeying time aboard the shuttle"

Ralph walked around the chamber. It was all geared up for a human being to be comfortable in. He sat down on a soft bunk and looked up to Deborah.

"Great...but...I don't intend to be up here all the time...", he chose his words carefully, he didn't want to cause offense.

Deborah smiled at him, "of course not - but it will be more convienant for you, isn't it? It must be so exhausting for you with all the travelling around you do for us...and of course all the chaos at the moment with the conspiracy..."

Ralph stood and went over to the window, there was a massive map like view of washington and the surrounding areas miles below them, he turned, "thank you"

Deborah nodded her head and left him to it. He didn't know whay he felt so nervous and uneasy up here, but whatever the reason it was, what he did know was - the first chance he got, he was on the first shuttle out of here and back home...


Alex Fisher looked up to Adam at the Baltimore chemical plant, "a 24 hour cycle...", he gasped open mouthed, "...but we haven't nearly enough men to even accommodate such hours!"

The Visitor smiled at him reasuringly from where he stood in the office, "we could increase the hours of the plant - workers getting paid extra of course"

Alex sunk into his chair rubbing his temples, "but...but some of them may not want to...", he remarked.

Adam tried a different approach, he really wanted to get shot of this tiresome fat creature, "it's understandable...and expected...but my people are prepared to take on the extra hours - afterall, we are doing this to save our dying planet...they need NO other ascentive...that is ascentive enough"

Alex looked up feeling a wash of quilt flushing through him, "No, no...I will talk it over with my foreman and the rest of the men...I'm sure we can come to somekind of arrangement"

Adam broke into a grin, making the human feel bad had played him right where he wanted him, "thank you, as always I can count on you loyality to us Alex, you really are a true saviour of lives"

Alex breathed out, "Well...with all what's going on in the world at the moment, why not? We are not all out to commandeer your motherships and exploit your good nature like some of our meddlesome scientists"

Adam met his eyes, "exactly...with the likes of you Alex...we still do have faith in the human race..."

" are doing so much for us in return...I just don't understand how they could do this...I hope this facility won't be targeted by their terrorist groups like i've seen on the TV"

Adam followed him outside and they stood on one of the plants many catwalk, Adam pointed to the upper walk ways, then to the ground and then towards the plant entrances.

There was nothing but Visitor soldiers with protective helmets and what looked like laser rifles.

"Don't worry...everything has been covered...there will not be an attack here...I can assure you..."


Randy Revell chucked his laser to the ground in bad temper and stormed off across the grass towards the campus. Zac and his friends looked at one another as Angela turned, "just look at him! Acting like some spoilt brat just because he was one of the last ranked at target practice!"

Ben watched him go and turned as Greg came forward and put an arm around his shoulders tightly and looked at him, "Well done Ben...I am really impressed with your progress are fast becoming my star pupil"

Ben met his eyes and smiled, he was made up, "really! Thank you! Firing the laser just felt natural to me"

Greg stood back and straighened his cap, "We should celebrate sometime..."

Ben hoisted his laser and held Greg's amazing gaze, "Yeah...I'd like that..."

eye contact and smiles were broken off as Angela walked in between then, " did I do!"

"Not as good as me!", cried her friend Beth.

Ben laughed and turned to leave finding it amusing, he wasn't sure what was going on between him and the handsome Visitor but there was something there.

As he walked across the grass towards the campus building of the college he could see Randy with his friends and they were talking and looking across at him...narrowing their eyes.


Aboard the mothership, Ralph Harrison had packed up his stuff and was heading across the busy hangar with his personal Visitor pilot Jason.

Ralph looked up and stopped dead in his tracks - nearby, a group of frightened people were being led out of a shuttle. The Visitor shock troopers acted menacingly towards them beneath their dark shielded helmets.

He made eye conact with one of the male humans who had the sheer look of fear on his face.

Jason grabbed Ralph's arm tightly and moved him along, "Shall we get going - your 10 O'Clock appointment at the senate office is just an hour away..."

Ralph shook his head, he was in a bit of a daze, "Yes...thanks - yes we better get going..."

Jason stood aside and watched Ralph hurry up the shuttles ramp, he glanced at the group of humans being led away and then jumped aboard the shuttle himself.

Rosa met the group Captain, Kyle, and looked at the line of frightened people, " have done well them all to the final area"

The line of humans were ushered along by the Visitor troopers waving their laser rifles at them. Rosa then came forward and stopped one of the humans.

"Ahhhh Dr Lee...we met again I see...I think what we have in mind for you will be quite up your want to know what we are about...well, don't worry, you will soon we involved in one of my medical a personal way"

She stood back and waved them on, Vincent Lee turned and went for her, Rosa stepped back further and watched as the earthman was downed by an array of blue laser bolts.

Ralph was watching from the shuttle window with a questioning look on his face. Jason closed up the ramp and turned, "your appointment", he reminded him.

Ralph wanted to question what all this was about...he didn't know...maybe they were conspirators or something? He tried to wrack his brains for a logical answer for why a human being was gunned down by a Visitor...shouldn't the police be doing that? Conspiracy or not?

He sat back as he felt the shuttle manouver across the bay, the next time he saw Gerald he was going to bring this up...or not.


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