Practice makes perfect

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They set up a routine of studying physics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and practicing basketball on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday after school. Sunday was Yoongi’s me-day and he wasn’t giving that up no matter the situation.

Today was Saturday which meant Yoongi had to actually go out instead of staying in his den the whole weekend doing nothing. He loved basketball but he had been seeing way too much of Hoseok lately for it to be healthy. He might be catching feelings. Probably not, though. If their last practice was any indicator, they had a lot of work to do.

He reluctantly ran a hand through his bed styled hair and realized it wasn’t worth the effort of trying to comb it because he was going to be playing ball. He put on some shorts and an old jersey companied by some well-worn sneakers. No sense in trying to look good, he told himself as he checked himself out in the mirror. He was totally not trying to achieve the perfect ‘I-don’t-give-a--what-I-look-like’ look.  He was lucky he always managed to look effortlessly perfect. He wasn’t vain, okay.

He picked up his bag and checked the time; he was already 10 minutes late. He shrugged, ‘the queen is never late and all that’ he thought.           

“You’re late,” Hoseok greeted him once he had arrived at the school’s court.

“Maybe you’re early.” Yoongi shrugged.

“Do you own a clock? It’s 25 minutes past the appointed time.” Hoseok huffed out, annoyed.

Yoongi noticed movement behind Hoseok and tilted his body sideways to peer behind him. One of Hoseok’s child friends was sitting at the bleachers and looking back at him with an intense gaze.

Yoongi frowned, “What’s emo boy doing here?” He nodded his head towards the kid. The younger boy hissed at him and he flinched back.

“Yoongi, Jeongguk be nice to each other.” Hoseok warned, trying to cut through the rising tension.

“Whatever,” Jeongguk answered and put his earphones in, ready to ignore the world.

“I promised him we’d hang out this weekend but I forgot we had the practice thing so I told him he could come,” Hoseok sighed. “Should have seen that was a mistake. You two are too hot-headed to get along.”

“Whatever,” Yoongi gave the same reply the kid had given not a minute prior, he wasn’t really paying attention to Hoseok anyway- anxious to get the practice over with as soon as possible.

Hoseok heaved another sigh and passed Yoongi the ball.

Eventually they had to employ Jeongguk as well. He acted as an oncoming player from the opposing team. He was also frighteningly good and Yoongi saw the future of their team in his hands. One day, maybe.

Hoseok shied away from the scary look on the kid’s face more times than Yoongi cared to count. Eventually they made some improvements and Hoseok seemed to be able to duck left and right. Out of the way. Without the ball. Baby steps, Yoongi kept telling himself, baby steps.

“Congratulations, now you only have to remember to take the ball with you the next time you duck.” Yoongi wiped off the sweat that had gathered on his forehead.

Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck and ran a hand through his wet hair, “Thanks for helping me out, I really appreciate it.”

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s the least I can do since you’re already helping me with the physics and all.” Yoongi answered sheepishly, putting his burning hate for the younger boy aside for the moment. They looked at each other con

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Chapter 10: I speed read through this! So much fluff, loved your writing style
Jdazngal #2
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwww that was so fluffy and cute, i loved it~!!! <3
Jdazngal #3
Chapter 5: How cute would Yoongi be in Captain America underwear??? XD hahahaha TOO CUTE~ ^^ I'm really loving this Yoonseok love/hate relationship they've got going on in this <33333
elusiv #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for making such a beautiful story! The plot was unbelievably simple but it's too adorable for my yoonseok heart. ㅠㅠ Fighting!!!
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 10: That was amazing and tbh so cute and funny.
I loved it
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 10: This was a great read! Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 10: Owwww :)
I like, how simple they got together! It makes it a lot more closer to reality and I don't like tooo much drama :)
I really really liked this story! And I hope I get to read one of your storys again :)
Thank you for this and I wish all the best for you ~
Chapter 9: Why do I love this so much? :D They are just lovely and funny in your story and reading it is really enjoyable!
I'm looking fooward to the next chapter ~
Chapter 4: This is the best thing ever! I can't wait for the next chapter ;-;
CandyPsycho89 #10
Chapter 4: Oh my! It's so good. I can't stop laughing. ^^
Fighting! ♥