It's getting physical

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“And that is why you will be spending your studying time being monitored by Hoseok.” The coach explained calmly, clearly confident in Hoseok’s ability to keep Yoongi in line. He patted said boy on the back causing him to stumble. Yoongi rubbed at his shoulder and glared at the smiling idiot in front of him.

“This makes no sense,” He complained loudly.

“Life makes no sense, get used to it.” With another slap to the back the coach left them in the gym alone.

“That was a reality check,” Hoseok laughed obnoxiously at Yoongi’s obvious misery.

“Whatever, when do we start?” The older teen asked, feeling like all of his ships sank.

“I’ve seen your grades, the sooner the better.” Hoseok smiled with glee.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Yoongi stepped forward; he was fed up with the other’s smiling face when his basketball career was on the line. The other boy had no right to be this cocky about a serious matter like that.

“Hey, why wouldn’t I be? How the mighty fall, eh?” Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest, -eating grin in place.

“Don’t make me knock you down a size,” Yoongi launched forward and gripped his shirt.

Hoseok’s arms fell to his side, smile still in place, “Maybe then we’d finally be at eye-level.”

“Oh, you son of a-” Yoongi swung back and Hoseok braced for the punch he had deserved.

A shrill scream cut through the air, Yoongi felt himself hit the ground and felt a solid weight settle over him. He grunted in pain as he tried to move.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” A familiar and annoying voice screamed at him from above.

“Jimin get the off me I need to kick this brat’s !” Yoongi struggled to get away from the iron grip the orange-haired boy had on him.

“You are not fighting anybody!” Jimin shook him by the shoulders.

“Watch me!” Yoongi bucked up and dislodged Jimin. He quickly got up and made a run for Hoseok. Hoseok, sensing his imminent demise, started running away. He was in no mood to get his teeth knocked out.

“Get back here you son of a ,” For a short person Yoongi could run. He managed to catch up to the younger boy just as he was exiting the school’s yard. Yoongi reached out and latched onto what was closest. He managed to grasp Hoseok’s bag and he pulled back with all his might. The taller boy’s steps faltered and he ended up toppling backwards with Yoongi standing over him- cheeks red, chest expanding and contracting rapidly from the sprint.

“Don’t kill me! You need to pass physics!” Hoseok put his hands up to protect his face as he shouted out. Instead of being punched in the face he was yanked up and shoved against a wall.

“Listen here er, you and your shiny teeth are safe for now- but just because you can’t play with a broken limb and you need to be able to speak if you’re going to tutor me. But bear in mind, another remark from you and I will not hesitate to leave bruises.” Yoongi growled out.

Hoseok let out a s

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Chapter 10: I speed read through this! So much fluff, loved your writing style
Jdazngal #2
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwww that was so fluffy and cute, i loved it~!!! <3
Jdazngal #3
Chapter 5: How cute would Yoongi be in Captain America underwear??? XD hahahaha TOO CUTE~ ^^ I'm really loving this Yoonseok love/hate relationship they've got going on in this <33333
elusiv #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for making such a beautiful story! The plot was unbelievably simple but it's too adorable for my yoonseok heart. ㅠㅠ Fighting!!!
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 10: That was amazing and tbh so cute and funny.
I loved it
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 10: This was a great read! Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 10: Owwww :)
I like, how simple they got together! It makes it a lot more closer to reality and I don't like tooo much drama :)
I really really liked this story! And I hope I get to read one of your storys again :)
Thank you for this and I wish all the best for you ~
Chapter 9: Why do I love this so much? :D They are just lovely and funny in your story and reading it is really enjoyable!
I'm looking fooward to the next chapter ~
Chapter 4: This is the best thing ever! I can't wait for the next chapter ;-;
CandyPsycho89 #10
Chapter 4: Oh my! It's so good. I can't stop laughing. ^^
Fighting! ♥