Team Cap

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“Your mum loves me,” Hoseok sing-songed as they entered Yoongi’s room.

“Traitor,” Yoongi hissed out. In reality, he knew his mum wouldn’t have anything against the younger boy; especially if said boy was helping Yoongi out. However, that didn’t stop him from feeling betrayed by his own flesh and blood. He might have been overdoing it.

“Oh come on, I’m a hoot.” Hoseok stopped abruptly. “Bro, you say you don’t like books but that’s an impressive collection.” He looked at the floor-to-ceiling length bookcase filled to the brim with books of all shapes and sizes.

“…those aren’t mine.” Yoongi gulped, being caught in the lie.

“Oh man, Kafka’s life work, dude you’re such a nerd.” Hoseok crouched down to examine the well-worn leather-bound literature. “And four different editions of Crime and Punishment.” He whistled. “I'm impressed.”

Yoongi growled as the younger reached for his favorite book and pulled him back. Hoseok landed on his with a yelp.

“What gives, Lord Commander Grumpy Pants?!” He complained from the floor.

“Are we here to talk literature or physics?” Yoongi put a hand on his hip and tapped his foot impatiently.

“So now you want to do physics,” Hoseok smirked, “Thought I was wasting my time. There is hope for you yet!” He exclaimed happily.

Yoongi wanted nothing more than to throttle him where he stood. Arrogant, ing annoying and oh so pretty. , cross that last one out. Yoongi squinted against the sun that illuminated Hoseok’s form. er.

“Whatever, the sooner we start the sooner we’ll be done.” Yoongi pulled out some of the books he needed and prayed to all the Gods that it doesn’t take him too long to learn what he needs to.

“You’re so salty the Dead Sea is jealous.” Hoseok side-eyed him.

“I am not that salty.” Yoongi settled on his bed and spread his study sheets around himself.

“Bet you’re still salty about Ukraine winning the Eurovision.” Hoseok smirked as Yoongi grunted loudly and flailed around.

“That song did not deserve it! Those were pity points and you know it!” Yoongi waged a finger in his direction.

“You’re even saltier than Russia was,” Hoseok laughed. “We’re not even in Europe!”

“Whatever, I still know a biased win when I see one. Australia was way better anyway.” Yoongi started highlighting sentences and formulas on his papers angrily.

“You’re such a Tumblr person,” Hoseok snorted ungracefully.  

“So what if I do own an account, that means nothing.” Yoongi blushed and avoided meeting the other’s eyes across the room.

“I knew it! You do seem like the person that would rather learn to eat with his left hand than stop scrolling through pages of god knows what.” Hoseok’s eyes twinkled with amusement, he was enjoying this too much for Yoongi’s liking.

“Hey, I happen to know how to eat with my left hand but not because I can’t stop scrolling; it’s useful when I have to study things.” Yoongi said in an offended tone.

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Chapter 10: I speed read through this! So much fluff, loved your writing style
Jdazngal #2
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwww that was so fluffy and cute, i loved it~!!! <3
Jdazngal #3
Chapter 5: How cute would Yoongi be in Captain America underwear??? XD hahahaha TOO CUTE~ ^^ I'm really loving this Yoonseok love/hate relationship they've got going on in this <33333
elusiv #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for making such a beautiful story! The plot was unbelievably simple but it's too adorable for my yoonseok heart. ㅠㅠ Fighting!!!
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 10: That was amazing and tbh so cute and funny.
I loved it
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 10: This was a great read! Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 10: Owwww :)
I like, how simple they got together! It makes it a lot more closer to reality and I don't like tooo much drama :)
I really really liked this story! And I hope I get to read one of your storys again :)
Thank you for this and I wish all the best for you ~
Chapter 9: Why do I love this so much? :D They are just lovely and funny in your story and reading it is really enjoyable!
I'm looking fooward to the next chapter ~
Chapter 4: This is the best thing ever! I can't wait for the next chapter ;-;
CandyPsycho89 #10
Chapter 4: Oh my! It's so good. I can't stop laughing. ^^
Fighting! ♥