Chapter Two.

Need a Girlfriend? Call 1-800-KRY-STAL!

- f a t e - s h m a t e !

Krystal sighed as she flopped on her bed in exhaustion.

These fake dates were tiring!

Who knew being a call-up girlfriend could be so hard?

“What did Amber say about this? It will be easy? What a liar!” Krystal muttered, adorably angry.

Her first “client” was someone she lucked out with. It was an easy, simple date that required almost no effort.

Lee Minhyuk just needed a date to show his friends he could get one.

(Although he didn’t tell his friends that he got one through a hotline number.)

That one date set Krystal’s expectations. She really did think every date would be easy. “If only every date could be like Minhyuk’s…”

Almost every date after that though, made Krystal want to pull her hair out.

That fake date with Lee Joon? That ended up in a disaster! His stupid psycho stalker almost punched her in the face!

And then there was that date with Choi Minhwan...Oh goodness, his fans weren’t fooled at all! They looked just about ready to skin her alive!

And then there was that one time with Kevin Woo…

She still had nightmares from how that turned out.

“I can just feel that whatever “date” Amber has set up for me next will be even more troublesome for me…” mumbled Krystal.

Soojung intuition at its finest.

Because how right she was.


“Are you sure this is going to work out, Amber?” The soft voice talking sounded worried, and kind of hesitant.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it work out~?” Amber Liu was lying on her bed contently as she talked into her phone, reassuring the voice.

“But, I mean, won’t it be dangerous for her? And he’s not exactly Mr. Friendly to people he meets first off…”

“He needs this, right? And she won’t mind, it’s her job!” Amber nodded to herself, as if thinking that the voice could see the encouraging action.

“If you’re sure, Amber…be sure to bring her tomorrow.” The voice sighed in resignation and continued with, “He’ll be ready to meet her then.”

“We’ll be there~” There was an audible click as Amber sighed happily. “Krystal is getting so much business! I’m so proud of her!”

If only Amber knew what tomorrow would bring for the future.


“And you’re sure that this is the best move to make?” The speaker looked doubtful, as he talked to the ever so important looking man in front of him.

“I’m positive.” The aforesaid important looking man yawned lightly and stared at the other man pointedly.

“Wouldn’t it damage him?” The doubtful look remained as the talk continued.

“In the end, it will just raise his popularity.” This was said with an almost careless shrug and a twirl in the ever so important chair that he was sitting in.

“What kind of president are you?” The man pouted as he stated his claim.

“What kind of manager are you?” And this man just pouted in return.

“I’m just saying that-”

“Save it. L needs some excitement in his life anyway. A scandal is just the thing~”


Next Day

COEX Mall, 3:00 PM

"This is a big day for you, Princess!" announced Amber, as the tomboy sat down at the table that had four other occupants, with a flourish fit for, well, Amber.

It held, in Amber's completely honest (and probably biased but at the same time not really) opinion, four of the most amazing girls that ever lived. She couldn't help the dorky smile that graced her lips as she looked at her friends.

"And with the presence of Amber, f(x) is complete~" cheered Luna, bright smile in place.

It was an f(x) day out at the mall.

Park Sunyoung. AKA Luna. When she smiled, you smiled. It was like an unwritten law that had to be followed.

Amber faked a bow, while Krystal quirked a brow and found herself asking, "And why is today a big day for me?"

"You, my dear, are meeting your biggest client yet at five o'clock today!"

"Client? What client? Soojung doesn't work." Victoria stated this, head cocked in adorable confusion.

"Actually, Victoria unnie..." started Krystal, minor guilty smile in place. "I knew I was forgetting something! I forgot to tell unnie!" she thought, irritated with her very own forgetfulness.

Song Qian. Otherwise known as Victoria. The umma of f(x) who charms with her beauty and undeniable personality.

"What's with the guilty smile, Jjung~?" questioned Sulli, confused. And then she gasped and Amber almost died. "Did you get my Jjung a shady job, hyung? How could you!" she wailed, voice loud and hands around Amber's neck.

"It's okay, Ssul." said Krystal, looking perfectly calm at the sudden change in events. Sulli pouted a little, but did, to her own credit, let go of Amber.

All’s well that ends well!

Especially since these types of things happened to Ambro a lot anyway.

Choi Jinri. "Sulli". She’s the girl with the to die for eye smile and Krystal's "Ssul" to her "Jjung".

Luna could be heard snickering in the background with Victoria, going, "Poor Amber."

“Calm down, Sulli~ Don’t be so mean to your hyung!” Amber whined, holding her harassed neck tenderly.

Sulli pouted cutely before addressing the matter at hand. “What kind of job do you have, Krystal?”

Before Krystal could even open to reply, Amber cut in with a proud smile and exclaimed, “Krys helps poor, unfortunate souls that are in need of guidance through a hotline!”

Sulli, Luna, and Victoria did a consensual noise of approval at the job description, while the Princess herself did a face-palm.

“Ah, Soojungie really is the best~” cheered Luna, bright smile in place. Victoria seconded her statement by nodding and praising her in Chinese (which Krystal couldn’t comprehend), while Sulli pulled the girl into a hug.

“Jjung, I never knew you cared so much about the poor, unfortunate souls that belong to society!” Sulli patted Krystal on the back, still hugging her.

Krystal managed to make eye contact with Amber while Sulli was hugging her and replied through gritted teeth and with a pointed stare, “I didn’t know either.”

Amber gulped as soon as she saw Krystal’s stare. She knew that stare. It was the one that said, “You’re dead, Amber.”

Eventually, the girls of f(x) got over Krystal’s newfound job info, and normal conversation picked up naturally.

All the way until 4:30.

Amber chocked on her soda as she saw her watch and immediately stood up, pulling Krystal on the arm as well. “Oh crap, it’s already this late? We need to go now, if we don’t wanna be late, Krys!”

Krystal rolled her eyes and muttered, “Yeah, yeah~” She got up without another word, and waved to her friends, pout on her face.

“Bye Soojung~ do a good job with helping the less fortunate~” said Luna, giving the maknae a thumbs up sign, to which she weakly returned. Amber chucked sheepishly and proceeded to place her hands on Krystal’s back, urging her to go faster while waving bye to their friends at the same time.

Krystal was not amused. As soon as she walked of the mall and into Amber’s car, she looked to her best friend scathingly.

“What the crap was that, Amber?” asked Krystal, immediately after her face became acquainted with her palm.

“What was what, Princess~?” asked Amber, innocent smile in place. She started the car with carefree ease and Krystal was on her way to her doom next job.

Krystal rolled her eyes, and asked, “So, when did I work for a hotline that helps poor, misguided souls?”

“You know, Krys, technically you are helping misguided souls. They’re, you know, the souls of misguided teenage boys that need a fake date to help them in life.” Amber supplied this piece of bull information cheerfully.

“And how come you didn’t say that~?” Krystal found herself looking through the window as she felt a strange sense of anticipation as they got closer to their destination.

“You went along with it!” remarked Amber, her tone almost accusatory.

Krystal blinked in shock at the tone and retorted with, “Only because you sounded like you knew what you were talking about!”

Amber shifted uncomfortably for a moment before confessing, “I didn’t think they would like your job so much, so I made a cover up.”

Krystal could just hear her own conscious stating, “Stupid Amber” and found herself saying, “When they find out and try to kill you for lying to them, I won’t save you.”

“Don’t worry, it will all work out!” The tomboy beamed, while her princess called her a “Stupid Llama.”

“At least I don’t look like a cat.”

“Looking like a llama is much worse, Amber.”

“Oh sh- Oh hey, we’re here.” Between Kryber’s bickering and whatnot, they had reached their destination, and Krystal wasn’t so sure on what to think about it.

In big, bold letters near the front of the entrance, a sign read: TOP Entertainment, home to the elite and the talented.

“Well, if that’s not conceited~” mused Krystal, staring at the sign blankly.

“C’mon, Krys! It’s 4:50! We have to hurry up!” whined Amber, ushering her to the door and showing what seemed like a special pass to the security guards.

“Since when could servants push princesses around, servant?”


The Kryber duo walked around, following corridor after hall after corridor, and they still weren’t at their destination. The both toyed with the idea of giving up and ditching.

Who would want to work at a place that looked like a maze anyway?

Oh wait, Amber would. ._.

“AMBER!” A soft, almost feminine voice shrieked out the llama’s name from a distance, and the girl almost ducked behind Krystal as a means of protection.

And then the figure got closer, and Amber would have jumped into said figure’s arms if not for Krystal holding onto the back of Amber’s shirt, saying, “Down girl.”

Amber pouted, and whined, “But Krys~ it’s my friend~” while waving ecstatically at the person. Krystal looked on in curiosity.

She had never seen this person in her life. But that was okay, since he was here now, and was quite content with introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Lee Sungjong~ nice to meet you~” He greeted her with a beaming smile and a cute wave, and then extended his hand out to Krystal, while she stood there, shocked.

“Oh my god, he’s the most adorable boy I’ve ever seen!” Krystal’s eyes were blinking madly in sheer surprise.

The newly introduced Sungjong smiled shyly and said a cute, “Thank you~”

“Oh, so that wasn’t in my thoughts, like I thought it was.” mused Krystal, scratching at her head sheepishly.

She gave her own version of a winning smile, to play it off, which just made Sungjong smile even more brightly (if possible).

“You have such a charming smile!” Sungjong gushed, taking Krystal’s hands in his.

“Erhm, thank you~?” Krystal hoped she didn’t sound as awkward as she felt.

Sungjong wasn’t done. “And you’re so pretty! And from what I hear from Amber, you have a good personality too! You and Myungsoo hyung will look and go great together! This must be fate!” Sungjong turned to Amber and beamed, “I’m so happy I called you!”

“Who’s Myungsoo?” asked Krystal, clueless.

“He’s your client.” Amber supplied helpfully. Sungjong shook Krystal’s shoulders while asking, “You don’t know Kim Myungsoo?”

Krystal cocked her head and shook her head in the negative. “C’mon~ Kim Myungsoo~? L~? The top model of TOP Entertainment?” Krystal stared blankly.

For all that Krystal loved shopping and was involved with fashion, she never really cared much for models. Amber thought that was a little weird, but she didn’t push it, since Krystal kind of did what she wanted anyway.

“Alright then.” pouted Sungjong.

The three shared an awkward moment of silence, which was then broken with a quick statement from Sungjong. “Lets just go meet the President now.”

And so, with a proper , they arrived in front of the President’s office in record time. In front of them stood an immaculately designed set of double doors that screamed of money.

“Is it me, or are these double doors intimidating?” asked Amber, tone both joking and sheepish.

Sungjong rolled his eyes and pushed open the heavy doors with strength Krystal could not believe the feminine boy had.

“Do you work out?” she found herself asking stupidly.

“You should be hitting on Myungsoo hyung, not me~” It was Krystal’s turn to roll her eyes.

The President was sitting at his immaculate desk in a plush, immense leather chair.

He didn’t even bother to look up, until Sungjong cleared his throat. “Ahem, President? I brought her.” His head snapped up immediately and he stood up with such an intensity, it shocked Krystal into looking anywhere but at the man, and Amber into taking a step back. He looked at the two newcomers intensely, stalking over to them with fascination written on his face.

He was scrutinizing her, looking at every single detail of her face and body.

Krystal felt a little creeped out. Amber contemplated pushing away the President and running for it with Krystal in tow.

And then the man smiled amicably, like Sungjong had done, and introduced himself (also like Sungjong had done). “Hi, my name is Park Taejun. And yours~?”

“Krystal Jung.” she muttered, feeling a bit in awe for the second time in ten minutes.

“Amber Liu!” Because Ambro felt like she must insert herself.

The smile on the president’s face never faltered as he continued to speak to her. “You know what’s being asked of you, right? I’ll bring a full contract to you soon with all the details and that jazz~ But you know the gist, right?”

Krystal gave a self-conscious smile and quipped, “To be your top model’s fake girlfriend?”

Park Taejun clapped his hands twice and beamed down at Krystal. “Good, good, very good~ And you know why we need you, right? You have a pretty smile, by the way~”

Krystal flushed lightly and chirped an unintentionally cute, “Thank you~” Before she could talk further, there was a knock on the already open doors of the President’s office.

And in walked L’s manager, and the model himself (who looked to be disregarding everything in plain sight). “Hi, president. You called us for an emergency meeting?” the manager stated quizically. 

The president of TOP Entertainment looked like he could almost sparkle in joy and strode towards the one know as Kim Myungsoo, who at the moment, didn’t look like he gave a damn to anyone except Sungjong.

He and Sungjong were exchanging quiet, pleasant greetings before Park Taejun decided to intervene.

“So, what do you think about her, L? She's the one that Sungjong called~"

Krystal felt her breathing hitch as the male model turned to scan the room as he looked for her, and she made eye contact with a pair of the most strikingly cold eyes she has ever seen.

The moment was mesmerizing.

"She's kind of okay."

And then L ruined it.

Krystal felt herself twitch and Amber laid a hand on Krystal's shoulder in an attempt to appease the Princess.

"Yah. Who do you think you are?"

It was the start of a beautiful...well, maybe it wasn't a beautiful start, but it was a start.

For icy model L and his newly acquired fake girlfriend Krystal Jung.

And Krystal Jung did not like this start at all.

--e n d . 

Mwuaha, entrance of Myungsoo, Sungjong, and the rest of f(x)! xD And the president of Myungsoo’s entertainment. :D Hehe, I couldn’t help but use ulzzang Park Taejun as the president, since he is the CEO of his own company~ He fits the image enough, right? Now I need to find a way to sneak Park Jiho and Lee Chihoon in here, and we’ll have the original big three in the world of male ulzzangs! xD With the appearance of all these new characters, I updated the character list too~ hehe. I hope you guys liked it~

the majority of you guys voted for myung…or said something about myungstal…poor minho and taemin~ xD

And to all the people who have subscribed, commented, or just gave this a chance. I need to tell you guys something.

My name is Jessica.

And I love you all. <3

and to candynyan: oh yes. kryber. <3 xD

to Miss_aRt: i’ll make the font larger~ :D

to xQueenHanniex: Jung sisters and Black Friday? Their presence would just make shopping that much crazier LOL. 

...this whole thing turned out longer than i thought it would be. hmm. ._. 

Anyway, enjoy~ <3 

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Need a Girlfriend? Call 1-800-KRY-STAL!] 08.03.13 Started working on the next chapter! I apologize for the lack of updates ;(


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jeansuntang #1
Chapter 19: I go for MyungStal or TaeStal.
Minho can go with Yuri who wakes up from her coma
Citraysm #2
Chapter 19: Minstal please. I think soojung gonna fallen in love with minho and then yuri wake up so the real trouble is begin . Update soon
blankqyomi #3
Chapter 19: Team myungstal here!! Update authornim
justadreamer21 #4
Chapter 19: finishfinishfinishfinishfinish...please?
Chapter 19: Please just finish it author nim.... ^_^ cuz the story is too good to be left abandon
Chapter 19: Heyy!!who is the heros here????i'm confuse now hehe
magnusdecat #7
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaah when will you update? Please don't abandon this fic! >:((( sorry but really you shouldn't
And i don't know who to root for anymore! Why are you doing this to me?
Chapter 18: I'm excited for taestal too! Please update sooonnn!taestal for the win!
Chapter 2: Minstal please ^^ Update soon...
I'm sorry for Myungstal fan but I Like Minstal