Chapter Ten.

Need a Girlfriend? Call 1-800-KRY-STAL!

- of emotional systems and evening soccer -

In the midst of all the confusion caused by Krystal’s sudden announcement, the fake couple managed to escape. This time around, it was Krystal dragging L around by the hand, pushing and shoving and running towards safety. L found that he could do nothing but let her lead him, as his brain had momentarily short-circuited due to his recent epiphany.

I like Krystal? I can’t like Krystal. She’s…Krystal.

The duo continued to run from what was most definitely an L induced fan-crazed mob of chaos.

L stared intently at the back of Krystal’s head, running almost mindlessly. She’s “dating” me for money, she’s cheeky with me, and she glares all the time. I can’t like her.

Within minutes of quick and hard sprinting, TOP Entertainment had come into view. Krystal, with the last of her energy, ran inside, pulling L with her. After making it into the entertainment company, Krystal promptly let go of L’s hand, instead choosing to drop to the floor in pure fatigue. She laid on the ground, huffing and puffing in what most would consider an unattractive fashion.

(A/N: Except she’s Krystal. Can she even look unattractive? o.O)

The model looked at her with at the tired, sweaty heap that was Krystal with a critical eye. Even though he ran the same distance and was winded as well, he restrained himself from falling to the floor gracelessly and breathed in a contained, even fashion even though his lungs so desperately wanted more air. He cared for his image, no matter the time or place. She, obviously, did not. L noted this in a bemused manner.

Yup, I definitely cannot like Krystal. We’re too different. I must be dreaming. Thinking this almost made L happy; he knew he had to test this though. And what better way to test this than pinching himself? That would make him wake up, right?

But wait. Hurting himself would be silly. He realized that just before going to pinch himself. So he bent down and pinched Krystal’s arm instead.  

“Hey, what was that for?” she complained, sitting up and making an angry face. “I just saved your !”

“She’s kind of vulgar too.” mumbled L, scowling in disdain. This isn’t a dream, but I definitely cannot like Krystal.

Myungsoo would deny this newly recognized emotional attachment towards his fake girlfriend to the bitter end (or at least until he could deny it no longer).


Sungjong hummed happily as he walked around the company as a means of killing time. He only had another half an hour until his next shoot. (A/N: I realized that I never stated why Sungjong was in the company. .____. Whelp, Jongie is a model too! ;D) Those 30 minutes weren’t enough time to actually go anywhere he wanted, so he decided on exploring the company for old times sake.

He neared the entrance, contemplating whether or not he should go outside and wave to his fans, but that thought died very quickly at the sight of his hyung and his fake girlfriend.

“Krystal! Hyung!” He called out to them happily, running over to the duo. Once he got closer and realized that Krystal was sitting unhappily on the ground, he looked at his hyung with his signature “judging you” face. “What did you do to Krystal now, Myung hyung?”

Krystal, still sitting on the ground, pointed accusingly at L and “He pinched me!”

“Rule number three of the contract, hyung! Rule number three!” scolded Sungjong. “You guys aren’t allowed to hurt each other!”

(See Chapter 4 for the contract~)

L almost pouted as he justified his response to hurting Krystal. “She deserved it.”

“I did not!” Krystal retorted to his statement almost immediately, pouting at Sungjong. He patted her head sympathetically.

“And how did she deserve it, L hyung~?” asked Sungjong, looking at his hyung curiously. He knew that his Myung hyung was kind of childish with his fake girlfriend, but he didn’t think the top model would ever resort to something like pinching.

“For tricking my emotional system.” said Myungsoo, face and voice solemn as he said this.

A look of surprise flashed onto Sungjong’s features before he fully absorbed what was said. His…emotional system?

“I’m going home.” huffed Krystal, standing up and dusting herself off. She waved to Sungjong, stuck out her tongue at L, and then moved to leave through the back entrance of the company.

“Good riddance.” muttered L, not even bothering to watch her leave.

As soon as she was out of sight, Sungjong turned his full attention towards his hyung. “Okay, hyung. What’s up with your emotional system?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Myungsoo looked at his dongsaeng in practiced confusion.

Sungjong pursed his lips and crossed his arms for the full effect. “I have twenty-five minutes until I have to go to my next shoot. I’m waiting.” He stared at his hyung impatiently, almost glaring.

Myungsoo groaned internally and hoped that he could out-stare his dongsaeng. Unfortunately, Myungsoo has, to this day, never been able to win out against Sungjong. He didn’t know what it was about Sungjong staring at him like that, but he could never withstand it.

“Stop looking at me like that.” This time Myungsoo voiced his displeasure with an outward groan and a sigh. He hated when Sungjong got like this. “I should have never said anything about my emotional system.” mumbled Myungsoo.

“Well?” asked Sungjong, arms still crossed and staring intently.



Krystal went to school the next day feeling refreshed and cheerful. While most of her classmates were unhappy that it was once again Monday, she was happy that it was the beginning of the week; it meant that she wouldn’t have to meet up with any of her clients for a couple days since they mostly scheduled weekend dates with her.

In other words, she was happy to have a little break.

She didn’t exactly mind the dates (except for when she had to meet up with Mr. Model, of course) but she still liked to have time to just do what she wanted.

She should have known that she could never have an uninterrupted and free week though.

The following day after that, she was rudely awakened from her afternoon nap when the obnoxious ringtone of “My First Kiss” started playing. Krystal groaned and blearily rubbed her eyes; this ringtone only went off when Key called her.

Krystal was not happy anymore. She picked up with an annoyed huff. “Key oppa, what do you want?”

“Let’s hang out, Krys!” Kim “Key” Kibum cheerfully trilled at her the moment she finished her question.

Krystal looked at her clock. 5:05 p.m. She groaned again. “Right now, oppa?”  

“Yes, right now~ I’ll see you in twenty at that new café near your house.” And then there was an audible click. Krystal looked offended as she realized that he hung up on her, but slowly dragged her still sleepy self out of bed. “I hate Key oppa.” she mumbled. She got ready nonetheless to go out.

Half an hour later, Krystal had reached her destination. The new café was super popular and Key’s type of place. Immediately after opening the door, she heard a very sharp, “Krystal! You’re late!”

She turned and saw her childhood friend with someone she met very, very recently. It was hard to forget a face like that, after all. There was that, and also the fact that he called her to be his fake girlfriend. She walked over slowly, almost to aggravate Key further. “Hi Key oppa, Choi Minho.” she greeted, waving slightly. “And what do you expect, oppa? You only gave me twenty minutes!”

“That’s shorter than the amount of time you take.” quipped the guy next to Key. Krystal broke out into a smile, while Key swiftly attacked the man with a punch.

“Shut your mouth, Choi.” said Key.

“You wound me, Bummie~” said Minho, holding a hand to the place that Key punched. He had a contorted face of pain on and everything. It was obvious, though, that Minho was just playing around.

“Bummie?” questioned Krystal, smiling widely. Who knew someone could call Key something ridiculous like “Bummie” and not be sentenced to death on the spot. Who also knew that Minho was not the boring and un-fun stick in the mud that Krystal thought he was? She found that she rather liked his playful side that showed when next to Key.

 “Shut your face, Soojung. This meeting isn’t about me.” scowled Key, frown marring his features.

“Then what is this about?” asked Krystal, curious.

Key cleared his throat by coughing and then smiled brightly, gesturing at Krystal and Minho. “I believe you two have already met.” They both nodded, unsure of where this was going.

Kibum smiled mischievously as he winked none too subtly at both Minho and Krystal. “I’ll leave you two to get better acquainted~”

“You called us both here just to leave us by ourselves?” asked Minho in disbelief.

Key shrugged happily before stating his reasons. “I figure you two need all the time you guys can get to know each other better.” He smiled cheekily before adding, “I’m just helping things along~”

“Key oppa!” complained Krystal, pouting as she watched her fashionable diva of an oppa walk away while blowing her kisses and winking obscenely.

“…so what now?” asked Minho, blinking in confusion at the sudden turn of events.

Really, Minho should have expected something like this when he agreed to go out with Kibum. When thinking about it later, he realized that he was in no way surprised that his best friend did this to him.

Krystal stared blankly at him. He stared back just as blankly before suggesting the one thing that never failed him.

"...want to play soccer?"


15 awkward minutes later, Krystal and Minho found themselves in a deserted soccer field. He had brought her to his school’s soccer field. “No one is here because we don’t have practice today.” he explained after seeing her confusion at the fact that no one else was around.

She nodded in understanding and waited for him to continue talking. He coughed awkwardly and asked, “Do you know how to play?”

Krystal almost rolled her eyes at him and smirked slightly. “Of course I know how to play~”

He smiled at seeing her so confident she was about the game.

Minho was pleasantly surprised to find that Krystal was in no way delicate, demure, or frail like her image would suggest. She looked like she was afraid to work hard or sweat; she looked like one of the types that were afraid to break a nail or some bull like that.

That, clearly, was not the case with Krystal Jung.

She played hard, wasn’t afraid to get dirty, and was just about one of the most athletic and competitive girls in the entirety of all the girls he had played soccer with.

Krystal knew how to chase after the ball, how to block, and how to kick the ball into that net like she was damn meant to.

And Minho liked that. It actually reminded him of another girl he knew. Or well, knows.

In that one instance of Minho’s mind wandering to thoughts of a girl not around him, Krystal took the chance to fake a turn and get past his defense. She kicked her leg out and smirked victoriously as the ball went –swish- into the goal. “Goooaaal~” she dramatically shouted, laughing all the while.

He smiled good-naturedly because competitive as he was, he knew that he was at fault for not keeping his head in the game. “So what? I’m still leading by two goals!”

She pouted at him and stuck her tongue out. “I still have time to kick your- whoa, when did it get this late?” She looked up at the sky that was quickly darkening.

They both looked at the sky as if confused at the darkness. Minho took out his phone and was surprised to see the numbers flashing back at him. “It’s close to 8 o’clock now.”

Time had gotten away from them.

“Would you like me to walk you home?” asked Minho awkwardly. He and Krystal weren’t exactly the best of friends, or even friends yet, but he was a gentleman enough to know that he should walk her home. It was, after all, late. And he begrudgingly admitted that his little fake girlfriend was pretty and should never be walking anywhere alone.

She smiled her thanks and began her trek home, with Minho trailing behind her. They spent the walk back in silence, unsure of what to say to each other. When they were both playing soccer, everything was fun and no real conversation was needed. Little taunts and playful bantering were all that took place during the game. Taking away the sport, they both realized that they were still awkward with each other.

Krystal vaguely wondered where his playful side from earlier at the cafe went, and what she had to do to find it again. She entertained the thought of it only appearing when near Key.

After playing soccer like children for the past two hours, Minho realized that the last two hours had been fun. He came to the sudden realization that yes, he could get along with this Krystal girl. If just with playing soccer alone.

The duo had quickly reached the Jung residence, and Krystal was waving goodbye to him nicely. “Thank you for walking me home.” He nodded at her, smiling slightly. “We should play soccer again soon.” she said, smiling up at him.

And then, before he fully understood what he was saying, words that could never be taken back left his mouth. “Do you want to come to my soccer match on Friday?”

--chapter end.

I love Kibum. Seriously. ;D And after the major (well, I consider it major because slow progression is my thing xD) MyungStal progression last chapter with Myung falling for Stal, here is some MinStal! ;D Their images and preconceived notions of each other are changing! ;D MinStal is here for the next chapter too! Deciding on whether or not there should be TaeStal or MyungStal next chapter o.O or maybe all three? ;o might be a little too hard for all three though. Haha. Myung always manages to find some way to worm his way into each chapter though o.O

Sorry for ignoring this story for….a while…hehe. I remembered that I needed to update and all, but…I just…didn’t. xD No motivation, I guess? I’m kind of lazy unless poked and or prodded into being productive >< If I ever stop updating for a while, feel free to PM me about it. ;D It would probably make me get my into gear and write the next chapter >< haha.

BY THE WAY, LOVELIES. OVER 100 SUBSCRIBERS? ;----; i love you all <3 I’ll try to update this within the week to celebrate~ <3 ;D (no promises over the week thing, but it at least won’t be over a month like this update >< haha. ALREADY STARTED ON THE NEXT CHAPTER.) Seriously, though. You guys. I love you. <3

If you guys ever have any complaints or constructive criticisms about this story, I would love to hear it. ;D I want to improve after all, and I love you guys, so I want to know if any of you dislike anything I do/did with Need a Girlfriend. ;D Hehe, it makes the acronym NAG xD

And on another note that has nothing to do with this story…

ZE:A came back <3 I’ve been spazzing over them for hours ;D I actually wrote this chapter while listening to the Spectacular album :3 Shameless ZE:A promotion! ;D

Check them out and spaz with me! ;D


Oh, and y, Free, and Single? Blonde Sungmin? Not good for my heart >///<


pandagirl84: DID YOU LIKE THE MINSTAL? haha. I’ve actually never read any pinkfinite o.O what story were you talking about~? I would love to read it :3 thanks for commenting, by the way! <3

Dee_wingless: sorry I kept you waiting for so long! >< no taestal this chapter, but myungstal is here for you! ;D omg, krystal is super duper shippable >< she makes me have conflicted emotions sometimes LOL anyway thanks for commenting, sweetheart!

xQueenHanniex: I love your long comments so much, unnie ;D and L needs to be well loved xD the story doesn’t work if he’s not. haha. omg, I didn’t want the crowd to strip him or anything >< lol. but I loved the TaeStal ;D and taem does have guts. I probably would have not been as valiant about the whole thing. haha. did minho step it up enough~? and do you love jongie even more now? xD thank you for commenting, unnie! ;D

susanisgorjess: I am actually torn between which pairing to use >< Jessica, like her sister, is so shippable lol. sorry if you don’t like minstal, but at least there was myungstal too! ;D thanks for commenting! <3

kcharlenek: lol omg I laughed when I read your comment xD calling him face was pretty funny. haha. omg, taestal ;---; every moment they have is adorable <3 thanks for commenting, dear!

KaiserKawaii: tae didn’t show up in this chapter ;---; but he’s always cute! ;D hehe. thanks for commenting!

kakatiny: here’s minstal! did you like it? haha. thanks for commenting ;D

Dorkazoid: myungstal was there for the beginning half of the chapter~ did you like it? ;D thanks for commenting, sweetie!

queenpi: here’s minstal and an update for you! ;D thank you for commenting! <3

THANK YOU LOVELIES. ;D <3 Hope you liked the update! 

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Need a Girlfriend? Call 1-800-KRY-STAL!] 08.03.13 Started working on the next chapter! I apologize for the lack of updates ;(


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jeansuntang #1
Chapter 19: I go for MyungStal or TaeStal.
Minho can go with Yuri who wakes up from her coma
Citraysm #2
Chapter 19: Minstal please. I think soojung gonna fallen in love with minho and then yuri wake up so the real trouble is begin . Update soon
blankqyomi #3
Chapter 19: Team myungstal here!! Update authornim
justadreamer21 #4
Chapter 19: finishfinishfinishfinishfinish...please?
Chapter 19: Please just finish it author nim.... ^_^ cuz the story is too good to be left abandon
Chapter 19: Heyy!!who is the heros here????i'm confuse now hehe
magnusdecat #7
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaah when will you update? Please don't abandon this fic! >:((( sorry but really you shouldn't
And i don't know who to root for anymore! Why are you doing this to me?
Chapter 18: I'm excited for taestal too! Please update sooonnn!taestal for the win!
Chapter 2: Minstal please ^^ Update soon...
I'm sorry for Myungstal fan but I Like Minstal