Chapter 9: 070816


November 11, 2019, Monday

Jungkook grabs Bora's arm and her bookbag and walks away from the drama. They walk together and enter their classroom. They sit down and Bora takes a deep breath.


Bora pouts, "Why'd you do that? Jieun was treating my friends wrong and---"

Jungkook smiles and pats Bora's head, "And you were defending them. Did I say you did something wrong? I just wanted to get you out of there because I didn't want you to be a ."

"You what?"

"I saved you from turning into the everyone says you are. That would not have been pretty because you know.."

"You believe the people that call me a ?"

"I mean there has been so many people--- Oh, come on, Bora. Are you seriously offended because of that? Alright, Bora, you're not a . It's alright. You're a good person."

"You can't just move on from something like this, Jungkook. You know how I feel every time someone calls me a ."

"Alright, whatever, I'm sorry. You don't have to be so sensitive over something like this."


Jungkook rolls his eyes and sighs. He looks at Bora and tries to kiss her on the cheek, but Bora pulls away.


Bora scoffs, "So because you've gotten closer with the EXO kids, you think it's okay to just insult me whenever you want and just ignore what I say?"

Jungkook sighs, "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not ignoring or insulting you. Why are you being so dumb? I could do that to any other girl, but you, Bora."

"Every word that's been coming out of your mouth has been an insult, Jungkook."

Bora takes a deep breath and stands up, "I'm going to walk around for a bit."

Bora walks out of the classroom and Jungkook groans. Then someone taps Jungkook on the shoulder and sits in Bora's seat. It was Chorong.


Chorong smiles, "You okay, Jungkook?"

Jungkook nods, "Just small couple fights."

"That might've been a small couple fight, but that was a really big groan."

Chorong pets Jungkook's head and sighs, "I heard it's your three months today... Have you slept with her yet?"

Jungkook takes Chorong's hand off of his head and looks at Chorong, "I've talked to the EXO kids about that and they gave me tips about convincing her. I think it'll be really easy, considering the reputation."


School was over and Bora was waiting at 'The Rock,' until an arm grabs her and pulls her in for a hug.


Jungkook lets go and smiles down at Bora, "Let's go over to my house. I have a surprise for you."

Bora giggles, "What about the kids? They're going to be wondering where we went."

Jungkook shakes his head, "I already told the EXO kids that we weren't going to go. Come on."

Jungkook drags her to his car and starts driving.


They arrived at Jungkook's house. They walk in together and Jungkook walks into the kitchen while Bora sits in the living room. 

Jungkook walks in with a tray filled with banana milk and triangle kimbap. He sits down next to Bora.


Bora smiles and kisses Jungkook on the cheek, "Did you buy all of this just for me?"

Jungkook scoffs, "No, I like banana milk and triangle kimbap, too."

Bora rolls her eyes and hugs Jungkook, "Let's watch a movie!"

Jungkook nods and turns on the tv. He turns to Netflix and looks for a movie.


Bora jumps slightly, "Let's watch Criminal Minds! I love that show and I never got to watch all of it."

Jungkook chuckles and searches for Criminal Minds. He finds it and turns it on.

He sits back while Bora gets ready to eat.


Several hours pass by and it was already passed 9PM so it was dark outside. 


Bora stretches and looks up at Jungkook, "I think I should leave now... It's past 9."

Jungkook pulls Bora close, "Don't leave... Stay with me..."

Bora giggles, "I can't.. We have school tomorrow and it takes me forever to wake up."

"We can go to school together..."

"I can't sleep here..."

Jungkook pulls away and lifts up Bora's chin. He leans in until Bora pulls away.


Jungkook scoffs, "What's the problem?"

Bora gulps, "Were you trying to kiss me just now, Jungkook?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong with that?"

"Jungkook, I.. I'm not ready to kiss you just yet."

"How are you not ready yet? We've been dating for three months now. What do you mean you're not ready?"

"I want to go home, Jungkook, take me home."

Bora gets up and walks out of the house. Jungkook groans and leaves the house as well.

The car ride back was silent. 


November 12, 2019, Tuesday


Bora walks into the school, even more tired than usual. She kept quiet about the night before and sits at the table.

She immediately puts her head down and takes a deep breath.


Minah asks with a confused look on her face, "Down so soon? Come on, we just started to have fun. What's up now?"

Bora sighs, "Nothing. Just really tired from last night."

Yura giggles, "Oh~ Of course you'd be tired from last night. Since you were with Jungkook!"

It was silent.


Hyeri asks Yura, "Why would she be tired because she was with Jungkook last night?"

Minah answers the question, "It's obvious, Hyeri!"

Bora puts her head up, "Nothing happened last night. Stop being childish. Who the hell do you think I am? I wouldn't do like that. Or do you guys believe every rumor that comes up about me, too?"

Yura gulps, "Sorry, Bora... We didn't know..."

Bora takes a deep breath, "Then don't say anything if you don't know anything. That's the best advice I can give to a person like you."

Bora gets up, grabs her bag, and walks away first. 


School for Bora that day was silent and dreadful. She quickly tries to leave, but someone beeps at her.

Bora turns around and sees V sitting in the car.


Bora walks up to the car, "You can go ahead. I won't be going to the cafe today."

V gets out of the car and pushes her in the car, "I won't be going either. But we are going to go somewhere."

V gets back in his seat and reaches over to put Bora's seatbelt on. 


V parks next to a park and looks over at Bora. She was sleeping. He slightly smiles and waits.


After 30 minutes, Bora wakes up and looks around. V wasn't in the car, but there were flowers in his seat, a note, and his keys.

Bora picks the note up. It said, "Good morning. I went out for a little bit because I didn't want to wake you up. I picked up flowers while you were sleeping. If you're awake, come find me and lock the door when you leave!"

Bora slightly smiles and takes the keys and flowers. She gets out of the car, locks it, and starts walking towards the park.

After a few minutes, Bora finds V sitting at the bench. She sits next to him.


V takes a deep breath, "It's been a while since we came here, hasn't it?"

Bora smiles, "It has."

"Why were you so tired today?"

"I had a long night last night."

"Doing what?"

"Just thinking."


"Am I , Taehyung oppa?"

"Are you a ? Just because you say what you think isn't right doesn't make you a unless the other person didn't do anything wrong."

"Is it weird to not want to kiss someone after 3 months of dating?"

"If you're not ready then it's alright, but if you're doing it to just tease the other person, it's not funny after a while."

"Yesterday was really hectic for Jungkook and I."

"What happened?"

"He called me a yesterday and sensitive because Jieun was being mean to my friends and I backed them up. And he dragged me out because he didn'twant me to turn into a so I asked him if he thought I was a and he said I needed to stop being sensitive over stuff like this. And when we hung out yesterday because we didn't go to the cafe, I stayed until it was dark and he tried to kiss me, but I stopped him and told him I wasn't ready... and he got mad."

"Why's he being like that all of a sudden?"

"I don't know... before yesterday, he's never got mad at me because I didn't want something."


Bora was on her bed, doing nothing. then she got a phone call; it was Jungkook.


Bora sits up and asnwers, "Hi, Jungkook."

Jungkookg was yelling, "Where were you today? We waited at the Rock today for like 15 minutes because we thought you were gone. Were you with V today? He didn't come today either."

"I was with V somewhere else today. Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"What the hell? Why didn't you tell me? And why would you go with just him?"



"I want to break up..."

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?"

"You've changed, Jungkook. You're being too much, Jungkook."

"I haven't changed. I'll change back if I did change. Don't break up with me."

"Your friends don't even like me. I know that they tell you to break up with me when I'm not around."

"Don't do this."

"I'm sorry."

Bora hangs up.


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kaifa96 #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
kaifa96 #2
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
Chapter 15: Aww i was hoping for a longer chapter hahaha, like... nothing about Jungkook or V? But it's okay~ i hope someone will really save bora from this negativity that she's probably drowning in while putting up a mask to show everyone that she's doing okay;;
Sisfinitearmy #4
Chapter 14: Were still waiting for your update miss Author~nim. This was the best FANFIC story for me haha
Sisfinitearmy #5
Please update every characters' personality are really interesting same goes with the plot. I was like WHAT? WHY?
Chapter 14: A lot happened in this chapter but damn, the news came to Bora without any warning.. poor Bora.. ;;
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa.. what is happening now?? Jungkook!!! How can you do this?!