Chapter 3: 041916


August 9, 2019, Friday


Jungkook hesitated and asked, "Why not?"

There was a silence. Sehun, Hyeri, Chorong, and Bomi all exchanged worried looks.


Sehun sighs and tells the group, "I'm just going to tell him. If we don't tell him then he might actually go near her and hurt Bora."

The girls all nod with no words. Sehun turns to Jungkook and slightly smiles.


He takes a deep breath and starts talking, "In the eighth grade, SISTAR came to be: Bora, Hyorin, Soyou, and Dasom. If you don't know them, they're the number one group of our school. IU transferred to our school in the eighth grade and immediately became popular because she was really outgoing and cute. At least, that's what a lot of people thought. IU became super close with one of the members of SISTAR: Soyou. Soyou started hanging out with IU more because IU hung out with a lot of the high school guys. Soyou wanted to hang out with those guys."

Bomi in, "Soyou was thirsty for all the high school guys and basically just used IU to get them, which she didn't, by the way. IU still doesn't believe that though. SISTAR had a huge argument and eventually Soyou left the group for a brief time. Then in ninth grade, IU became closer with the older girls in high school. Soyou felt left out and again, went back to SISTAR. For some reason, they let her back and went back to old times., as if nothing happened. As of now, they are still together and IU got jealous."

Then Chorong continued, "IU wants Soyou back. She wants Soyou out of that group. IU has been trying to bother all of the members of SISTAR: Dasom, Hyorin, but mostly Bora. No one knows why she keeps on bothering Bora the most. IU tries to take away anyone that comes near Bora. She doesn't want anyone to be friends with her, which is probably why she appraoched you. That's why nowadays Bora seems pretty down and tries really hard to take care of all of her friends. She's become the mom of a lot of us. Mama Yoon is what some of us call her. Some of the theories that people have made up for IU bothering her are like.."

"Hyeri cuts Chorong off, "Bora doesn't really show any reaction to any of the things that IU does. That probably really pisses IU off and so she tries even harder to bother her. Bora is really good at hiding her feelings so IU tries to trigger Bora's breakdowns. The other two members have reacted to IU before so she's probably bored of their reactions. But she hasn't gotten any from Bora. There's one that sounds really stupid: that IU is Bora's crazy stalker. She wants to be just like Bora. And the last one is that IU just has a huge crush on Soyou and since Bora takes care of Soyou, IU gets jealous."

Jungkook just looks at everyone that spoke and blinks several times.


After a couple of seconds, Jungkook finally responds, "Then does Bora not show affection either? When she likes a guy... does she show anything?"

Chorong smiles and answers, "There's this guy that she's liked for a while now, but he attends another school. But sometimes he skips class at his school to come and visit her. Hey, if you come to the cafe after school today then you'll be able to meet him. You should see for yourself how she acts around him. They're so cute."

Jungkook pouts and asks another question, "She has a boyfriend?"

Hyeri shakes her head, "Nope, she hasn't confessed yet. I don't know why. Everyone's pretty sure that he likes her back."

Bomi giggles and asks Jungkook a question, "Omo~ Does Jungkookie like Bora?"

Jungkook turns red and reacts immediately, "Jungkookie?! Who are you to call me that?!"

Everyone laughs and while laughing Hyeri makes a joke, "Kookie! Let's call him Kookie!"

The girls laugh and Sehun just scoffs.

Third period ends and the group starts going to lunch. Everyone brought their own lunch and sat at their original seats. Jungkook sat next to Sehun and waited for everyone else that sat with them to join them.


After a few minutes of eating, everyone was finally alll together and Chorong grabs their attention, "Hey guys, listen up. We have a new kid that's sitting with us. His names Jungkook Jeon. And he can't really speak English so use Korean when you talk to him."

The girls are the table were murmuring while the guys just continued to eat.


Chanyeol spoke first to Jungkook, ' You seem to have become a lot closer to Sehun. Hi, I'm Chanyeol Park. That's Xiumin and that's Chen."

Sehun responded, "We were even wearing the same shirt during gym today."

Xiumin giggled and responded, "That's cute, Sehun. Chen, maybe we should get matching shirts, too."

Chen just scoffed and flicked Xiumin in the head. Xiumin glares at Chen and Sehun just shakes his head.

Chanyeol asks Jungkook a question, "Did you get invited to the cafe today?"

Sehun answers for Chanyeol, "We invited him."

Chanyeol sighs and looks at Sehun, "I'm asking Jungkook, not you Sehun."

Sehun just rolls his eyes and continues eating, while Jungkook defeds Sehun, "No, it's fine, Chanyeol. But yeah, Bora asked me to come along, too."

There was no reaction until Xiumin reacts, "Don't get too hyped up about a member asking you to go somewhere with them. It's not that special."

Jungkook asks Xiumin, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Chanyeol answeres for Xiumin, "Even though SISTAR is pretty, they're not all that. Dating them isn't a big deal. Hooking up with them isn't a big deal. Having with them isn't a big deal. Everyone's been there, done that."

Jungkook puts down his chopsticks, "And on what evidence did you make that thought on?"

Everyone at the table looks up and waits for the guys to answer.

Then Sehun answers, "You know guys. They tell each other everything. Then the guys make labels on the girls as they try out the girls."

Jungkook takes a deep breath, "Labels? Try out the girls? It seems to be like dating, hooking up, and having with you guys would be the 'no big deal.' When you're describing SISTAR, you guys are basically describing yourselves. So guys can go and sleep around, but girls can't? Way to be hypocritical, you dumb s. What kind of person even came up with that kind of theory?"

It was dead silent for the first time at that part of the table. The girls started murmuring again.


'He's not wrong.'

'EXO ed up today against the new kid.'

'Yeah, why do we only have that restriction? That doesn't make any sense.'

'Jungkook's so manly and cool when he has that expression on his face. He's so hot when he's defending Bora.'


Chanyeol puts down his chopsticks and smiles at Jungkook, "You seem to have gotten all the girls' attention. Does that make you happy?"

Jungkook leans in and whispers back, "The only girl's attention I want to get is Bora's. Don't with me, Chanyeol Park."

Jungkook smirks and gets back to eating his food. Then Hyeri takes a deep breath and leaves. Sehun notices and gets up.


Jungkook shakes his head, "Were you not just trying Hyeri out, too?"

Sehun glares at Jungkook and chases after Hyeri. Hyeri was walking in the hallway, going to the restroom, but Sehun stops her. He stops in front of her and Hyeri doesn't look up at him.


Sehun gulps and starts the conversation, "Why did you run off like that?"

Hyeri responds without looking at Sehun, "I just needed to get to the restroom. Get out of my way, Sehun."

"Is it because of what I said?"

Hyeri takes a deep breath and looks up at Sehun, "Maybe what everyone has been saying is true. Maybe I do like you, Sehun. But I don't think the part about you liking me is true. What you said earlier, how can I trust you after that? Aren't you trying to just try me out and label me? Were you going to label me and then after trying out all the girls, pick the best girl and stay with her? This isn't some type of game, Sehun. If SISTAR is bad, then you guys are the worst."

Hyeri tries to walk away, but Sehun grabs her arm and takes a deep breath, "You're my final choice, Hyeri Lee."

Sehun pulls Hyeri to face him again, "I'm sorry. I don't want to be left behind by another girl again... That's why I said I tried out every girl, which I didn't mean literally. I guess what you're saying is true, but I made my decision. You're my decision."

Hyeri pulls her arm away and glares at Sehun, "Was that supposed to woo me into accepting and trusting you again? Is that what you said to girls that didn't trust you? Jungkook's right, Sehun. If what you guys think about Bora is true, then you're being a hypocrite. You're not any better. What do you guys know about Bora? She's liked the same guy for a year now, but you've basically been changing girls for like every 2 months. She's stuck with the same guy, but you..? Let's say I really am your final choice. You took three years of trying out other girls to make that choice."




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kaifa96 #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
kaifa96 #2
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
Chapter 15: Aww i was hoping for a longer chapter hahaha, like... nothing about Jungkook or V? But it's okay~ i hope someone will really save bora from this negativity that she's probably drowning in while putting up a mask to show everyone that she's doing okay;;
Sisfinitearmy #4
Chapter 14: Were still waiting for your update miss Author~nim. This was the best FANFIC story for me haha
Sisfinitearmy #5
Please update every characters' personality are really interesting same goes with the plot. I was like WHAT? WHY?
Chapter 14: A lot happened in this chapter but damn, the news came to Bora without any warning.. poor Bora.. ;;
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa.. what is happening now?? Jungkook!!! How can you do this?!