Chapter 14: 102116


January 9, 2019, Thursday



Bora was at the 'Rock' waiting for everyone else to come then Hyorin came in and linked arms with Hyorin.


Hyorin smiles, "Sehun and Hyeri are finally dating! They started dating on New Year's but they told everyone today."

Bora nods, "I know."

"You know?"

"I mean.. I had a feeling. I talked to him a bit before the party at school."

"You never tell me stuff like this!"

"It was just a feeling. Come on. Nowadays all your 'feelings' have come true so you have to tell me everything that you 'feel.'"

Bora scoffs and rolls her eyes then Hyorin unlinks her arm quickly, "Oh my gosh. I forgot my book back in my last class. I'll be right back, okay?"

Bora nods and Hyorin runs off. Bora leans against the 'Rock' and waits for everyone. Then someone taps on her back and when Bora turns around, no one was there.


"Up here, gorgeous."

Bora looks up and sees Jungkook, "Jungkook!"

Jungkook winks and jumps down from the 'Rock,' "Don't even think about waiting for anyone. I told everyone to come later because I wanted to walk with you only.  I felt like we needed some time to be together."

"Jungkook.. you didn't have to do that."

Jungkook pushes Bora against the 'Rock' and smirks, "I missed you."

Bora smiles and Jungkook kisses her cheek then takes her hand, "Let's go."

They start walking together, hand-in-hand, with no one watching but V.



Bora and Jungkook arrive at the cafe. 


Jungkook sits Bora down at the swing, "Wait right here. I'm going to bring something out, alright?"

Bora nods and Jungkook walks into the cafe.

He looks around then sees the person he was looking for: Chorong. He smiles and Chorong waves at him.


Jungkook sits down in front of Chorong, "I'm sorry, Chorong~ You know I want to be with you, but after next month we'll have so much time to be together. I'll end things with Bora for you. You can wait for me, right?"

Chorong sighs, "As long as if you can promise me that... we'll be together."

Jungkook holds Chorong's hand, "I promise."

Jungkook gets up and goes to the cashier. He orders something then sits back down with Chorong.


Jungkook takes a deep breath, "What if Bora doesn't want to be friends with you anymore?"

"I'm willing to not be friends with her so that I can be with you. I want to be happy, too."

Jungkook was about to reply but his order came out, "I'll see you soon."

Jungkook grabs his order then walks back out to the swings with Bora.


Jungkook sits down and hands her a hot caramel macchiato, her favorite, "I hope you didn't wait for too long."

Bora shakes her head and takes a sip of the coffee, "It's fine."

Bora giggles and Jungkook takes a deep breath.


Bora slightly coughs, "Is something wrong?"

Jungkook clears his throat, "I just feel bad..."

"Why? Did something happen? Jungkook..."

"You'll find out soon. I just.. I want to say sorry advance."


February 13, 2019, Friday



It was the day before Valentine's Day., a beautiful day where couples reunite and where new couples begin. But this day was about to be... the complete opposite for Bora.

Bora had a box of chocolates shaped like a heart ready just for Jungkook.

Bora was walking to her next classs then dropped the box of chocolates on his desk then left.


School was over and Bora was having a good day. Although Jungkook hadn't mentioned anything else about the chocolate... everything so far was good... during school at least.


Everyone was at the cafe and Sehun and Hyeri were sitting next to each other. Sehun steps out for a second and a girl follows him out but no one notices.


Everyone continues to talk and enjoy their coffee/tea until Hyeri gets up, "Has anyone seen Sehun?"

No one responds so Hyeri steps out of the cafe as well and sees a girl backhugging Sehun in front of the cafe entrance.


Hyeri was on the verge of tears, "S-S-Sehun..."

Sehun turns around and the unknown girl immediately lets go and runs off without showing her face.

Sehun was shocked, "Hyeri, it's not what it looks like.  Hyeri, you have to believe me. Don't assume things. Please."

"What.. what am I supposed to say about what I just? She was hugging you, Sehun!"

"I can explain!"

"Explain what?! What excuse could you possibly make up for that? Sehun, I trusted you! And it's only been a month since we started! You said you loved me! I said I loved you! What is this?"

Bora hurries out, "What's going on? Why are you guys yelling?"

Sehun takes a deep breath, "Hyeri.. Hyeri saw some girl hugging me."

Bora was confused, "Why the hell was another girl hugging you?"

Hyeri's tears start falling, "Exactly! Why was she hugging you? Why did she run off if she doesn't mean anything?! What possibly could be your excuse this time, Sehun?! Honestly, when can I stop hearing your dumb excuses every time you do something?! Why can't you just tell me the truth?!"

Bora lays her hand on Hyeri's shoulder, "Hey, hey... Hyeri, let's go talk. Let's take a deep breath."

Hyeri runs away and Sehun watches her, "Hyeri, wait!"

Sehun runs after Hyeri as Bora sighs. Bora walks back in and sits back in her seat.


Hyorin asks, "Hey, what was going on outside?"

Bora rubs her eyes, "Hyeri caught some girl hugging Sehun and they were fighting about it."

Soyou pouts, "What are they doing now?"

Bora shrugs, "I have no idea... She ran off and he went after him. Apparently, the girl that was hugging him ran away as soon as Hyeri came out. I didn't feel like it was my place to budge in so I didn't follow."


Bora was back at home so she gets onto her computer and opens Facebook. She had a message from Chorong.


Bora slightly smiles and opens the message, "Hey, Bora... can I tell you something?"

Bora responds, "Of course. What's up?"

"I'm dating someone!"

"Oh, wow! Congratulations! Do the other Apink members know, too?"

"No... I wanted you to be the first to know..."

"Haha, how come?"

"It's Jungkook."

Bora hesitiates and reads the words 'It's Jungkook' over and over again. Bora's heart was beating faster and faster.

Bora slowly types back, "What about Jungkook?"

There was an immediate response, "I'm dating Jungkook."

"You're dating Jungkook...?"

"Yes. I'm really sorry."

"Oh... do you really like him?"

"Uh... not really. It's just.. I want to feel happy, too, you know. So I'm just.. doing it."

"Since when?"


"Okay, well... congratulations."

"Thanks, Bora. I'm glad you understand."

Bora takes her hands off the keyboard and looks down at her hands. She was shaking. There were tears forming in her eyes and her breath was becoming shorter. 

After a couple of seconds, Bora puts herself under control and looks back at her laptop. She had messages coming in from the Apink members: Namjoo and Hayoung. They must've heard that Chorong was dating Jungkook.

She opened Namjoo's first, "Hey, Bora."

She responded, "Hey."

Hayoung's said, "Ohmygosh, Bora... are you okay?"

Bora responds, "Yeah, I am."

Hayoung responded back, "I'm ing pissed. What the hell is this? I'm talking to her right now and she's mad because I told her she was wrong about this. She can't call herself your friend when you like him, too! Did she know that you liked him?"

"Yeah... I told her at karaoke."

Hayoung was angry, "Oh, hell no. What the is going on? Ohmy ing god."

Bora answers, "Hayoung, it's okay. You don't have to get mad at her."

"HA! She blocked me anyways. Oh man... Bora, it's okay. I have your back. You'll be fine. You can do so much better than Jungkook."


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kaifa96 #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
kaifa96 #2
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
Chapter 15: Aww i was hoping for a longer chapter hahaha, like... nothing about Jungkook or V? But it's okay~ i hope someone will really save bora from this negativity that she's probably drowning in while putting up a mask to show everyone that she's doing okay;;
Sisfinitearmy #4
Chapter 14: Were still waiting for your update miss Author~nim. This was the best FANFIC story for me haha
Sisfinitearmy #5
Please update every characters' personality are really interesting same goes with the plot. I was like WHAT? WHY?
Chapter 14: A lot happened in this chapter but damn, the news came to Bora without any warning.. poor Bora.. ;;
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa.. what is happening now?? Jungkook!!! How can you do this?!